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Tablets, laptops from amazon

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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby Maximus » Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:33 am

It is because they got fined for shipping lithium-ion batteries by air.

This breaks civil aviation rules. ... y-air-caa/

They should find an alternative, like sending such items by cargo or by boat.

I didn't know about this until now.
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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:37 am

Maximus wrote:It is because they got fined for shipping lithium-ion batteries by air.

This breaks civil aviation rules. ... y-air-caa/

They should find an alternative, like sending such items by cargo or by boat.

I didn't know about this until now.

Well done!

It’s the ICAO Dangerous Goods legislation which has a minimum penalty of $250,000 fine and 7 years imprisonment.

If you get caught in a Western European country, USA, Canada, or Australia you are literally stuffed. It’s a serious violation against the Dangerous Goods Act which all UN member states of ICAO have ratified and governs and regulates the postage and air freight of all Dangerous Goods (not just batteries) within 8 Dangerous Goods Groups. Only qualified shippers with the relevant training can consign Dangerous Goods on aircraft, and these Dangerous Goods need to be packed a certain way, clearly labelled and a NOTOC must be issued or a Notice to the Captain with an Emergency Response Code issued which basically outlines the emergency repoonse procedure related to that consignment. Yes, there is an ERG code which informs emergency services how to react if these items catch fire because some substances can react adversely with water or fire suppressant foam and need dry chemical powder suppressants whilst others might be the opposite. Also a reason why different dangerous goods can’t be mixed in the same cargo compartment as this poses a fire fighting issue.

Also, some dangerous goods can be explosive (certain fertilisers) when they chemically react with other substances. LiPo batteries chemically react when lithoium is exposed to Oxygen. They will ignite. Might as well put a bomb on a plane.

People have been killed because of numbskulls with teeny weeny brains posting teeny weeny batteries! :roll:
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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby Get Real! » Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:52 am

Maximus wrote:It is because they got fined for shipping lithium-ion batteries by air.

Good investigative work Max...
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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:55 am

When an aircraft declares an emergency, the Captain will always disclose Dangerous Goods, Emergency Response Codes which go to Emergency Services, souls or pax numbers, and amount of fuel on board (because it is explosive and dangerous too).
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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:59 am

Get Real! wrote:
Maximus wrote:It is because they got fined for shipping lithium-ion batteries by air.

Good investigative work Max...

Amazon got off very lightly too.

Because the law actually stipulates a minumum penalty of $250,000 plus 7 years imprisonment.

They would have been forced to put in controls to prevent the consignment of Dangerous Goods for that. ... index.aspx
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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby Maximus » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:30 am

I don't get this though,

Nearly every passenger on a plane has a li-ion battery in their phone, laptop or tablet. Maybe spare batteries in their suitcase too.

They are allowed to carry them on.
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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:41 am

Maximus wrote:I don't get this though,

Nearly every passenger on a plane has a li-ion battery in their phone, laptop or tablet. Maybe spare batteries in their suitcase too.

They are allowed to carry them on.

Some Dangerous goods are permitted in “limited quantities” as long as they are carried on your person.

For example, things like these permitted items:

A packet of matches,
A cigarette lighter
Mobile Phone
A Camera - including SLR equipment and accessories.
Toiletries - including after shave lotions and perfumes (inflammable items)

These items are suppose to be carried on and not checked in. Always tell the person at check in if you have any dangerous items in your luggage. Failure to disclose opens you up to prosecution.

News crews and other professionals have their equipment consigned by a Shipping Professional with all the relevant paperwork submitted to comply with Dangerous Goods Shipping legislation.
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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby Maximus » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:50 am

Paphitis wrote:
Maximus wrote:I don't get this though,

Nearly every passenger on a plane has a li-ion battery in their phone, laptop or tablet. Maybe spare batteries in their suitcase too.

They are allowed to carry them on.

Some Danger our goods are permitted in “limited quantities” as long as they are carried on your person.

For example, things like these permitted items:

A packet of matches,
A cigarette lighter
Mobile Phone
A Camera - including SLR equipment and accessories.
Toiletries - including after shave lotions and perfumes (inflammable items)

News crews and other professionals have their equipment consigned by a Shipping Professional with all the relevant paperwork submitted to comply with Dangerous Goods Shipping legislation.

Ok, makes sense but there are how many passengers on a plane sitting next to each other, all carrying possibly two or maybe three items with batteries in them.

Whats the difference here, compared to the same number of items containing batteries sitting next to each other in cardboard boxes.
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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:03 am

Maximus wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Maximus wrote:I don't get this though,

Nearly every passenger on a plane has a li-ion battery in their phone, laptop or tablet. Maybe spare batteries in their suitcase too.

They are allowed to carry them on.

Some Danger our goods are permitted in “limited quantities” as long as they are carried on your person.

For example, things like these permitted items:

A packet of matches,
A cigarette lighter
Mobile Phone
A Camera - including SLR equipment and accessories.
Toiletries - including after shave lotions and perfumes (inflammable items)

News crews and other professionals have their equipment consigned by a Shipping Professional with all the relevant paperwork submitted to comply with Dangerous Goods Shipping legislation.

Ok, makes sense but there are how many passengers on a plane sitting next to each other, all carrying possibly two or maybe three items with batteries in them.

Whats the difference here, compared to the same number of items containing batteries sitting next to each other in cardboard boxes.

The idea is that if a laptop or tablet battery reacts in the cabin and ignites into flames, there is equipment on board to deal with it such as extinguishers, tongs to pick the items up and there are disposal bins they can put them into which suffocates the fire of oxygen.

In the cargo compartment the emergency extinguishing system will go off, cockpit alarms will be set off and there would be a requirement for an emergency descent and landing at the nearest suitable Aerodrome with full activation of all emergency services - fire, paramedics, police
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Re: Tablets, laptops from amazon

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:16 am

Paphitis wrote:Right up to the point one of them is charged and receives a fine of 250000 and 7 years imprisonment! :D

You wanna post your teeny weeny batteries now sucker?

Can your teeny weeny numbskull brain work it out as to why, or are you just a bit simple? :lol:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Pyrpolizer summed you up perfectly in the Investments thread... :lol:

Pyrpolizer wrote:The level of communication with you is zero to non existent.
It’s clear you read one thing and understand another.

In this case, I made it completely clear that the problem is the battery in these devices.

The question is, how can some stuff get here and others not. Did all the battery-containing equipment in Cyprus shops come by sea? Clearly not.

So how do we get around it and how can we help each other with the problem posted by the OP?

It doesn't really call for somebody who claims to be a pilot to lecture us with ICAO regulations which doesn't really help at all. :roll:
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