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driving to cyprus

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driving to cyprus

Postby nardoux » Tue Jan 17, 2006 6:37 pm

Ted and Jeannie living here in the Dordogne France and looking at the possibilities of a permanant move to Cyprus. It would be our intention to sell our house here and rent a property before choosing a small country property to buy
Our problem is logistical we have three small dogs and a lot of personel items
but would dispose of our furniture.So how do we arrive in Cyprus without breaking the bank. Options are by boat,by car or by air. It would be great to drive do you know anybody who has done
Any one who can give us any advice at [email protected] would be welcome
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Postby Sotos » Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:30 pm

The only way you can drive to Cyprus is with one of those 007 cars ;) The best alternative is to rent a container and ship your belongings to Cyprus.
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Postby pumpernickle » Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:47 pm

looked into it myself and its strictly a no-can-do im afraid.

theyve stopped car ferries since around 2 -3 years ago due to terror threats and the fact that haifa is the last stop on any such trip

so you'll have to use a container

sorry. shame tho
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Postby twinkle » Thu Jan 19, 2006 2:53 pm

My sister and her husband drove from London to Cyprus last year. They set off in a small Renault Cleo and camped along the way taking in all the sights. They drove from the UK, ferry to France, through Europe to the southern tip of Italy then ferry across to Greece and the ferry from Piraeus to Limassol. This was during June/July last year and took them 6 weeks because they wanted to stop so often. You could possibly do it in a week. Trouble is the ferry from Greece to Cyprus. They came with Louis (Salamis also offer a service) but the ferries are few and far between and from what I understand only operate during the summer months when they have their cruises to the Greek islands.That cost approx Euros1,000 for that ferry. Their website say they don't offer the service due to the risk of terrorism, but they do!

As for the dogs, you would need to check with each country whether their "passports" vaccination books are acceptable and up to date. The alternative is fly over with the dogs which would be easier in the long run. Hope that helps. :D
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Postby devil » Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:09 pm


Is this your car? :D
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Postby nardoux » Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:42 pm

Thanks for the replies and the great picture of our car.Actually the color is a little darker!!! Was last in cyprus 5 years ago in the winter and before that 25 years ago in the north.Reading all your letters etc it seems the place could be going the way of Spain with more villas!!!! being consructed to satisfy the demands of the new generations to get a
new life.I have looked at most of the islands in the med and have have found that because of modern day trends prices have to some extent gone out of control. So it looks like i shall have to stay here in the lovely Dordogne in my nice little house and swimming pool and my acre of garden but it is at our age getting to much to handle.Maybe we should come for a short visit to see for ouselves. Would be glad to pass on any info of life here in SW FRANCE
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Postby little sugar » Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:42 pm

Cyprus still has lots to offer, whatever your age, and as to comparing it to Spain, well I cannot believe the picture of the car could of upset you that much!!!, maybe you better stay in France because theres one thing we do have over here, and its a sense of humour.

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Driving to Cyprus

Postby annecollings » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:07 am

I drove to Cyprus some 9 yrs ago and although quite an adventure, I would not want to go through it again! I would ship my belongings - much easier, fly my dogs over - much easier and fly myself - much easier!

Although I did my drive pre cyprus joining the EU which probably didn't help. A few years ago I returned with my two cyprus rescue dogs to the UK and returned back with them a couple of years later and have to say that even pre-EU it was the easier option.

I do know of people who have driven over from UK and made an extended trip of it, probably the only way to do it, but what would you do with your poochies in the meantime?

Good Luck whatever you decide. Cyprus really is a lovely place to live but be careful for your dogs if you come to live here.

I also know of someone who is intent on leaving Cyprus for France. They are ardant animal lovers and came here originally with one dog and now they have 8 dogs and about 15 cats...... They prefer to go and live in France.....
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Postby nardoux » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:18 am

Thank you anne collings for your informative reply.Firstly i think your advice about flying every thing into Cyprus including the poochies is the best way.
You say to be careful with dogs in Cyprus, why is this? We are only looking into the ins and outs at the moment and hopefully this forum will answer a lot of our questions.
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Postby Svetlana » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:31 am

Poisoning of dogs and other animals is not uncommon - and those not used to the Cypriot way of life will find the treatment of animals here not to their liking - putting it mildly.

Sadly, the Dog of the Show, at last year's Paphos 'Hot Dog' event, was recently found poisoned, I believe.

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