Get Real! wrote:Yes, I seem to have missed the part that he's an exiled Cuban.
This guy is a good friend to Cyprus. There are few others just like him in the US Congress and Senate.
What the Cyprus Government should be doing right now is going to the US to meet with people like that, and meet with Trump.
Trumo is a maverick. He will do things his way or the its the highway. He is the most likely US President to take a very harsh stance against Turkey.
Trump makes up the rules as he goes along. For instance, he puts a 25% tariff on steele in one breath and then turns around and exempts Australia because Australia is a great friend.
Also, don't forget that Saudi Arabia dismembered a Washington Post Journalist and then dissolved the body parts in acid in Turkey. How hideous can you get?
Trump is anti establishment Get Real. He is America's answer to pootin.