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Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:44 am

Since arriving in Cyprus April last year, I have been having the best time of my life. No work !! No driving in heavy traffic to and from work, no pressures from the daily routine, just gorgeous weather and fishing every day. The grandchildren keep me on my toes, reminding me that Im not so young now, not allowing me to ride their bicycles telling me Im too old to do ....wheelies.

Had a few offers for investments with on going companies, rejected them all since I do not wish to commit my self to any venture that would inevitably require my presence, albeit sporadic, but never the less time consuming. Enough of that, did 56 years.

I begun studying , in my own time and rather leasurably, the stock markets, shares, around the world. Had extensive experience whilst in the UK made some lost some.
I started a few months ago studying and researching a number of stocks and gingerly invested, only what I could afford to lose, and made a few euros, above all it keeps the brain away from stagnation.
I ought to stress at this time that the markets are extremely volatile and highly risky, one should NEVER invest what one can not afford to lose. Patience is really a virtue here as well as " nerves" of steel.

Yesterday on another thread I " recommend " Tom tom which had closed the day before at 7.22 euros having reached at one stage 7.64. It closed yesterday at 7.40, around 3% up. My feeling is, based on my own research is that this company is currently eyed by a number of " predators" since the company is valued at 1.6 billion euros where as it's true value is 4.5 billion euros.
Should a bid be made I can see the share price moving up higher than 10 euros might even reach 15.
Today it will open at 7.40, keep an eye out .
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Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 01, 2018 10:56 am

An hour into trading and Tomtom up to 7.55. Early morning yet but it does appear that there is a continued interest.
Of course the price will fluctuate , but for me at least thus far very satisfactory.
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Postby DrCyprus » Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:49 pm

Milti, here is something you can look into.

P2p lending

This is my own twitter where I post my progress across different platforms
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Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:01 pm

Thanks mate. Will check it out.
I tend to concentrate on a maximum of 2 stocks. Right now Im also on Ripple. Great prospects since it represents a challenge to swift.
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Postby Maximus » Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:05 pm

DrCyprus wrote:Milti, here is something you can look into.

P2p lending

This is my own twitter where I post my progress across different platforms

This was something I have been meaning to get invovled with. Back when P2P lending first came on to the scene with websites like ZOPA but I never got round to it. Instead, I chose to focus more on the stock and currency markets.

I think the time is right now to diversify and will look in tot his more. Thanks for the post.

What is your experience with P2P lending?

Have you had any defaults and do you trust the websites?
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:11 pm

Anyone here get any BitCoin when it first came out? :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:24 pm

Stay away from bitcoin. In January this year it reached 10,000 € , right now just over 5000.
Ripple is the one to look out for.
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Postby Maximus » Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:39 pm

Cryptos are intrinsically worthless.

There is no way they will replace fiat currencies because they are too volatile, and no one controls them so governments can not implement any kind of fiscal policy to manage their economy's.

They are the biggest bubble in history and they are not worth their price so some nerds can send money to each other anonymously.

Less than 1% of participants are driving around in Lambos, while everyone else is left holding a bag of shit as they tank.
Last edited by Maximus on Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Maximus » Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:Anyone here get any BitCoin when it first came out? :lol:

I was introduced to it by a friend when they started trading at about 11 cents per bit coin.

I thought then that the idea was too risky and we didn't go for it.

Hindsight is an amazing thing but then who could have predicted that a coin would be trading at $20,000 about a decade later!

Its worth 20K for per coin, because of the technology it is built on. How ridiculous does that sound? :roll:
Last edited by Maximus on Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DrCyprus » Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:52 pm

Maximus wrote:
DrCyprus wrote:Milti, here is something you can look into.

P2p lending

This is my own twitter where I post my progress across different platforms

This was something I have been meaning to get invovled with. Back when P2P lending first came on to the scene with websites like ZOPA but I never got round to it. Instead, I chose to focus more on the stock and currency markets.

I think the time is right now to diversify and will look in tot his more. Thanks for the post.

What is your experience with P2P lending?

Have you had any defaults and do you trust the websites?

I first read about p2p lending when Lending club was all the rage in the USA. I also read about the first UK p2p lending sites like Zopa and Ratesetter among others. However, there was always a huge risk of default and I was simply not convinced.

Then, back in 2015, in order to raise capital to make more loans, a bank group in Lithuania that ran payday loan companies across the baltics, in Spain and all the way to Kazakhstan decided to take loans they had already given to consumers and make them available for investment offering 10% p.a. with a feature called buyback guarantee. This meant, that if the person failed to pay the loan back, after 60 days the bank would buy the loan back and give you the money + the interest you would have normally earned. The platform's name is Twino, it still exists and I still maintain an account there.

Twino became the standard, and the rest followed. Nowadays, the most trustworthy platform to invest in is called Mintos. What made Twino stay small and Mintos come ahead was that Mintos envisioned itself bigger and took up different loan originators from all accross the world. Right now, there are tons of investment opportunities in Euro, but also in a bunch of other currencies including USD, Russian Ruble e.t.c

Personally, I have allocated a very small sum in Mintos, but I keep adding to it or other platforms monthly. Right now, I am spread across 5 platforms and looking to add 2 more to my portfolio.

I never experienced defaults because I always invested in loans with buyback guarantee. Please note that buyback guarantee means that if the borrower defaults I will get my money back. If the loan company defaults, or if the platform disappears it would be a different story. However, for the time being billions of Euros are invested in these platforms and everything is looking great.

I made a post with some stats from my account: ... 0829963264

If you sign up using this link we both get a bonus

I am also investing in, Grupeer, Envestio and others. I will make posts about them when I get home.
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