When trading the most fundamental factor is not the quality of the product made by a " company" but the market capitalization of the stock. Tesla , now with a MC of almost 34 billion $ is still considered over valued, bearing in mind that 2 years ago it had a MC of 53.5 billion, some 3 billion more than GM !!
The markets always correct in the end.
Tesla, $60.28 billion, 76,230 salesBMW, $54.77 billion, 2.4 million salesGM, $51.45 billion, 9.6 million salesFord, $44.65 billion, 6.7 million sales.
It is highly valued even at today's capitalization. A reason I stayed away from it but still continue to follow. Options are rather high right now and of course the " unlikely" but speculative reports that it may well go bankrupt.