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Postby boomerang » Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:59 am

miltiades wrote:Wht don't you go on google and simply ask. Will Tesla go bankrupt in 2019.
Read what various analysts are saying. This is how expetienced traders such as I reach a well balanced research results. None of us would be in a position to draw, as you do, a favourable concussion. Just read and read. You may then learn what makes a succesful trader.

you are not by any chance caling yourself a successfull trader by any chance whan you quote an article from april are you?...the question here begs, do you know the stock market is dynamic and not static well do you?...
do you know that and i am repeatng my self once again, in april tesla was investing in assembly lines to accomodate and service more than 400,000 model 3 orders?...guess what, today they are delivering more than 80,000 per quarter and this is going higher with every quarter, try using either of the 2 brain cells you old is any one going bankrupt while holding a ridiculous amount of fucking orders...use your common sence you old selnile fool...telsa problem while solved is far cry from where they were in april, you are comparing chalk and cheese...

let me give you some advice, for any negative comment, you will find a positive comment, you need to read behind the lines to see some truth, but with telsa case is unique because today
1...they are sitting od a ridiculous amount of orders
2...they have increased their quarterly production x a factor of 4
3...they actually made money this quarter
4... they are sitting on pile of patents
5...they own all the chargers and nozzles where other companies will need to pay them royalties to use them...
6...not only expanding but building a factory to service the most populous country in the world where the government is pushing green technology with incentives
7...they locked up lithium supplies from the rest of the world
8...there are a lot more reasons...

so how are they going to go bankrupt...only in your tiny brain a bankruptcy case exists...please do not call yourself a are nothing but a fucking moron...

you claim to be an accountant which I highly dispute this, since not only you cannot think for yourself but cannot fathom how share market works, as DT mentioned to you the debt is already discounted, he let the bunny out of the bag, and even after he told you, you insist on making a fool of yourself...

a serious trader would have known what DT told you, but you pissing in the wind calling your self a trader is absolutely fucking laughable, unless of course you were pushing me to see if worth trading or only had to ask my opinion rather than making a fool of your self...anyway I highly doubt you where fishing are too stupid for that because you are still fucking rumbling... some of the idiotic statements you read, for all to see, we can do with another laugh...I did a quick search and all are old statements prior to the last quarter...but please do show us a current statement in the current quarter, do not constantly just serve us not only incoherent ramblings coupled with verbal diarrhea...because its fucking priceless...
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Postby miltiades » Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:10 pm

I gather you invested all of your wealth, 500 euros on Tesla!!
Boy, I RESEARCH I do not dismiss unfavourable reports on any company especially one from the Wall Street Journal.
Now, this thread is about investements, so just fuck off now, enough stupidity for today. If you have a problem pienne je ivre kanena mavro na sou ton katsi
Malaka ! Apentare !!
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:50 pm

miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:
miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:
miltiades wrote:Eight of 22 top executives at auto suppliers surveyed by an industry association said they were worried about Tesla filing for bankruptcy, the Wall Street Journal reported.Additionally, 18 of the 22 respondents reportedly said that they now believe that Tesla is a financial risk to their companies

miltiades wrote:How the fuck can you come on a publuc forum and recommend a company that most financial experts are concerned it might go bankrupt
Now, grow up will you and stop pretending you know shit about trading.
I bet you are. ...mullah !!

i can and here it is...

you quote 8 out of 22 and then you twist it to, most financial experts...well moron 8 out of 22 is not most...see your ability to comprehend is fucking abysmal...

this is why I come to a public forum and expose you as nothing but a flake...

You have always been a fucking idiot pn this forum, in your daily life Im certain you are a far more idiot . My tolerance of morons is exceedingly low, in your case non existent. What exactly is " fake" about me ? Is it the fact that I consider you as a fucking idiot? I suggest you now go and find your self a cangaroo, it may just relieve you of your frustrations. By the way, are you gay ?

since you did not dispute your own idiotic words you felt the need to divert huh?...well who is the fucking idiot huh?.. :lol:

I told you a dozen times, your luck of comprehension and from your own ramblings is fucking priceless...

What exactly is your problem.? It is not my fault that you are stupid and penniless, make sure when you reach my age you havw a few quid for food at least. Incompetence and envy is not a virtue stupid. Now grow up and admitt you know fuck all about trading. Fancy tipping a company that MOST financial sources consider a potential bankrupt. So you think the market cap of 65 b $ is viable coupled with the fact that many component suppliers have withdrawn credit facilities. The company has 10 billion $ debts, over 15% of market cap. Do you think that a serious commentator will unreservedly recommend for investement ? Yes, it has a huge potential but has run out of money.

Mate Tesla isn't going down.

Even if it were in trouble, the sharks like Apple and perhaps Microsoft will circle it and take it over. No one is gonna let this icon fall, because hey are at the forefront of innovation. Probably the most innovative company on the planet.

Tesla is doing to cars what Apple did to the Mobile Phone. :wink:

Tesla is gonna be a gold mine and is gonna make a lot of people rich.

They are fucking killing the pig with the Model-3 and their Lithium battery cells. They got this market stitched up. Even other electric car manufacturers need to buy their battery packs from the Tesla Lithium Plant. They are on top of it. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:53 pm

miltiades wrote:Wht don't you go on google and simply ask. Will Tesla go bankrupt in 2019.
Read what various analysts are saying. This is how expetienced traders such as I reach a well balanced research results. None of us would be in a position to draw, as you do, a favourable concussion. Just read and read. You may then learn what makes a succesful trader.

It won't go bankrupt!

Elon Musk is having a wild time. You just can't wipe the grin of the guys face. He basically was prepared to donate the world's biggest battery to the South Australian Government as a trial for electricity storage. A Battery worth $100 million.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:36 pm

For fuck’s sake re Boomers… the man is a pensioner who put a little money aside to play on the market as a pastime, and you expect him to be some kind of stock market analyst? :roll: :lol:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Dec 15, 2018 5:57 pm

Sorry Milti, I know it hurts, but I can't help it.
Did you say you were gaining $100 for every cent over and above 0.44 that you bought ?

Miltiades wrote: As for my last one Ripple XRP, this one seems to have suffered along with all other coins. Still confident that come the end of December it would climb to 1 dollar.

Pyrpolizer wrote: And here's another prediction: Ripple will end up at about 0.28 by the end of December. You have been warned!

Maximus wrote: The 0.2850 to 0.28 price area is the next area of support for ripple, which will probably be taken out soon. The recent price action / patterns that I have seen play out over and over again over many years do suggest this.

And today at 15 DEC 2018 BOOM !!

Ripple 15 DEC.JPG
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Postby boomerang » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:37 am

miltiades wrote:I gather you invested all of your wealth, 500 euros on Tesla!!
Boy, I RESEARCH I do not dismiss unfavourable reports on any company especially one from the Wall Street Journal.
Now, this thread is about investements, so just fuck off now, enough stupidity for today. If you have a problem pienne je ivre kanena mavro na sou ton katsi
Malaka ! Apentare !!

you are a fucking drop can't even back what you say, you lost all credibility since you were unwilling to provide links to prove your wion't provide links because yo will be shred to fucking pieces you piece of shit...

by the way I own more that 1000 shares of tesla stock bought as soon as they went on the other hand can only afford 20-30 shares because your ass tighten up as soon as you found the price...dickbrain...hence why I said from outset you cannot afford shit...your words not mine...

keep on reading the short sellers and see where this is going to get you...just wait for the 4th quarter results and I will be spray paint your ass walls continuously...dickhead...
do not worry...but keep on reading the most, 8 out of 22 experts, idiot you cannot string 2 words together without going into retard mode...

BTW have your kids and grandkids been reading about your fetishes?... your love for blondes with big tits, you fucking despicable degenerate?...from now on you will be known as the despicable degenerate....
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Postby boomerang » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:24 am

Get Real! wrote:For fuck’s sake re Boomers… the man is a pensioner who put a little money aside to play on the market as a pastime, and you expect him to be some kind of stock market analyst? :roll: :lol:

:lol: he is just a disgusting degenerate fucking moron that knows shit from clay....the old fart can't comprehend shit not alone give fucking advice... :lol:

he just throws a couple dimes to some dumb tart thinking she is an easy root...he also thinks he is god gift to mankind...o malakas..I am sure you figured out the disgusting miserable degenerate bastard...

ok he claims to be an importer...the only thing he imports is some chinese coming to his office selling him Chinese pots and pans...he is never been to a supplier in the hell can you classify yourself as an importer is fucking beyond me...i produced a mobile, does not make me a manufacturer, simply i used my contacts at mediatek to get out of paying US1 million contract by contracting to one of their customers...worked well...

today i own the glass manufacturing with my own line of machines where i actually buy the raw materials and produce the tempered glass in should have banked with me in the early days GR when I sent you samples...I employ 15 people in china, where we sell to the US, dubai, lybia and Egypt as well as having a descent market share in Australia where I compete directly with china...I also do short runs for remax in china...figure this one huh?...a Cypriot born competing with china on china soil...

I still dabble in VGA card, I shipped 20,000 AMD RX580D58GMB to china and the schedule finished last month...because they couldn't get them.... :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:31 am

boomerang wrote:
Get Real! wrote:For fuck’s sake re Boomers… the man is a pensioner who put a little money aside to play on the market as a pastime, and you expect him to be some kind of stock market analyst? :roll: :lol:

:lol: he is just a disgusting degenerate fucking moron that knows shit from clay....the old fart can't comprehend shit not alone give fucking advice... :lol:

he just throws a couple dimes to some dumb tart thinking she is an easy root...he also thinks he is god gift to mankind...o malakas..I am sure you figured out the disgusting miserable degenerate bastard...

ok he claims to be an importer...the only thing he imports is some chinese coming to his office selling him Chinese pots and pans...he is never been to a supplier in the hell can you classify yourself as an importer is fucking beyond me...i produced a mobile, does not make me a manufacturer, simply i used my contacts at mediatek to get out of paying US1 million contract by contracting to one of their customers...worked well...

today i own the glass manufacturing with my own line of machines where i actually buy the raw materials and produce the tempered glass in should have banked with me in the early days GR when I sent you samples...I employ 15 people in china, where we sell to the US, dubai, lybia and Egypt as well as having a descent market share in Australia where I compete directly with china...I also do short runs for remax in china...figure this one huh?...a Cypriot born competing with china on china soil...

I still dabble in VGA card, I shipped 20,000 AMD RX580D58GMB to china and the schedule finished last month...because they couldn't get them.... :lol:

Little shits such as as you I have met a few but none as fucking stupid as you. Now clear off you frustrated pauper. Remember what I said, invest only what you can afford to lose. Stocks can gi up as well as down more so in a bear market. My investments are a small part of what I can afford to lose.
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Postby boomerang » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:37 am

miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Get Real! wrote:For fuck’s sake re Boomers… the man is a pensioner who put a little money aside to play on the market as a pastime, and you expect him to be some kind of stock market analyst? :roll: :lol:

:lol: he is just a disgusting degenerate fucking moron that knows shit from clay....the old fart can't comprehend shit not alone give fucking advice... :lol:

he just throws a couple dimes to some dumb tart thinking she is an easy root...he also thinks he is god gift to mankind...o malakas..I am sure you figured out the disgusting miserable degenerate bastard...

ok he claims to be an importer...the only thing he imports is some chinese coming to his office selling him Chinese pots and pans...he is never been to a supplier in the hell can you classify yourself as an importer is fucking beyond me...i produced a mobile, does not make me a manufacturer, simply i used my contacts at mediatek to get out of paying US1 million contract by contracting to one of their customers...worked well...

today i own the glass manufacturing with my own line of machines where i actually buy the raw materials and produce the tempered glass in should have banked with me in the early days GR when I sent you samples...I employ 15 people in china, where we sell to the US, dubai, lybia and Egypt as well as having a descent market share in Australia where I compete directly with china...I also do short runs for remax in china...figure this one huh?...a Cypriot born competing with china on china soil...

I still dabble in VGA card, I shipped 20,000 AMD RX580D58GMB to china and the schedule finished last month...because they couldn't get them.... :lol:

Little shits such as as you I have met a few but none as fucking stupid as you. Now clear off you frustrated pauper. Remember what I said, invest only what you can afford to lose. Stocks can gi up as well as down more so in a bear market. My investments are a small part of what I can afford to lose.

yeah you met a few and i bet they torn your ass apart, stepped inside and spray painted your ass walls everytime you disgusting degenerate moron..
this time it was me, boomerang was here?...mind you I had to prime your inside ass walls to cover all the other spray jobs, and there were so many... :lol:

i hope your kids and grandkids have read your fetishes and i hope they are proud... :lol:
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