That is a good way of putting it.
Plus their profit/loss isn't important right now. The profits will come soon...
Honestly, the Tesla is just one huge computer on wheels. usually technology like this was the realm of Aviation. That is the level of the technology we are dealing with here. And it is much more affordable now to the average consumer.
Soon, Tesla is going to have their own Tesla Store, where you can download movies and music to listen to whilst the vehicle drives you from A to B.
I still love that ludicrous mode. That shows that they have a great sense of humour.

It's got Apple written all over.
My imagination is running wild with it. One day, you will hit a button on your Apple Phone, and the Tesla Car will drive itself to the door where you are waiting and when it get's there it will use facial recognition to open the door so you can get in. Or it will detect you from your phones radio wave.
Watch this space.