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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:11 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Maximus wrote:OK,

Still a potentially good one. 82 euro's would then be the equivalent price area to watch.

I was looking at the US depository shares priced in dollars.

I didn't know the stock markets accept discount coupons :wink:

Well, you know NOTHING about stock markets, its all ....pokerize to you !!

I know much much more about gambling than what you think.
Trust me you have no idea what gambling at professional level is.
Especially POKER!
I may post a video of great Magriel who died a couple of months ago.

Come on now mate, you are making a fool of your self. Not to know is no disgrace, not to want to know it's a pity, but to want to know and not to listen to Miltiades is ....fucking tragedy. Do your self a favour, but just remind us how low Ripple will go to. Did you say 0.28 ??
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:20 pm

Oh yes here it is: Watch and laugh

Yet Magriel was a great Professional Poker Player. Could tear Milti apart.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:34 pm

Mate, I do NOT play Poker, Conga, Pokerize or other forms of gambling. I play the markets. I trade successfully but above all in a well disciplined fashion. STOP making a fool of your self. Investments are NOT gambling.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:42 pm

miltiades wrote:Mate, I do NOT play Poker, Conga, Pokerize or other forms of gambling. I play the markets. I trade successfully but above all in a well disciplined fashion. STOP making a fool of your self. Investments are NOT gambling.

Calling your gambling habits "investments" reminds me of a whore who calls herself an escort. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:50 pm

Re malaka.
When you gamble on cards ot casino you LOSE all your your stake

Trading you DO NOT.
Get it in your thick scull.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 28, 2018 6:38 pm

Tomtom closed up 0.41€ at 8.09
Who said it was a
...pile of shit ?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Nov 28, 2018 7:25 pm

miltiades wrote:Re malaka.
When you gamble on cards ot casino you LOSE all your your stake

Trading you DO NOT.
Get it in your thick scull.

Idiot you are confused.

If you gamble in the stock markets having bought at a price of 100 units setting your out points to 90 and 110 your stake is actually 10 and you will either win or lose ALL that stake 50% of the times.
Similarly if you take 10 units out of the 100 you have in your pocket and you bet those in a Poker game Vs an equal player your stake is again 10 and you will either win or lose ALL of it 50% of the times.

This is the form of gambling on a 50-50 basis. Professional gamblers though don't gamble on a 50-50% because they are simply professionals.
The odds of a professional Vs an Intermediate are about 70-30%. That's how they become millionaires. They have no problem been called gamblers, because that's what they are, however they are winners most of the times because of SKILL.
No doubt there are professionals dealing with the stock markets as well.

You are NOT A PROFESSIONAL. You are an AMATEUR. You never got any lesson from professionals you never read a book. You never used any program to study any stock including variables such as it's volume. You know absolutely nothing in how to estimate volatility and do buy-sells at specific values that have higher odds of winning. Basically you know nothing and your skill is near zero as much as anyone's. Amateur players in the stock markets fail 92-94% of the times. You will fail too. End of December is not far away. Patience :P :P :P
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Postby Maximus » Wed Nov 28, 2018 7:47 pm

Actually, there are similarities to poker and some other card games and the financial markets.

With some card games, like poker and black jack, you can get an edge over the other players and the house by counting cards and improving your skill. Poker is a game of skill because you are playing against others.

Games like roulette are random for the players. You win sometimes, you lose sometimes because it is 50:50. but if you play long enough, you will end up a loser because the game is statistically rigged in the casinos favor. the casino has about a 5% edge, meaning they make 5 cents for every $1 in wagered bets in the long run. Their edge comes from that green zero. Their objective is to keep you playing or get as many people playing as possible so their edge plays out..

In the stock market, that is also one big casino for the financial industry. Most people lose, just like the players at a casino and few win, because they have learnt to play the game like they are the casino.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Nov 28, 2018 9:31 pm

Maximus wrote:Actually, there are similarities to poker and some other card games and the financial markets.

With some card games, like poker and black jack, you can get an edge over the other players and the house by counting cards and improving your skill. Poker is a game of skill because you are playing against others.

Games like roulette are random for the players. You win sometimes, you lose sometimes because it is 50:50. but if you play long enough, you will end up a loser because the game is statistically rigged in the casinos favor. the casino has about a 5% edge, meaning they make 5 cents for every $1 in wagered bets in the long run. Their edge comes from that green zero. Their objective is to keep you playing or get as many people playing as possible so their edge plays out..

In the stock market, that is also one big casino for the financial industry. Most people lose, just like the players at a casino and few win, because they have learnt to play the game like they are the casino.

Terms like market losers, market gainers, volatility of position, equity just to name a few were all borrowed from the stock markets.

btw do you think there's any way for anyone to improve, i mean jump from the amateur level to intermediate in the stock markets without using some computer program?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Nov 28, 2018 10:09 pm

...most people fail at their investments because they get bored; seven years into it (whatever it is; stocks, real estate, insurance, mutuals, etc.) you get to see, are you an investor or not?

...risk and gambling are not the same; in gambling the odds never change, with risk, and more intelligence, the odds do.
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