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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 23, 2018 4:15 am

" Stupid activity "
Here was I thinking that you had a brain !!
Well, nobody can get right ...all the time.
The proof is in the ...pudding.
Each time I bought I posted it here, and same when I sold

Right now Ripple, my only investment is 0.415, I bought at 0.44. As I said many times this not one for a quick profit, maybe by the end of this year, or at least when it doubles. Tomtom I tipped and first bought on 31st October at 7.22 €. I sold at 7.85
Bought again at 7.43 and sold 24 hours later at 7.58.
Gambling ? Well you have just told us that you have never played the game therefore you know fuck all about the markets.
Lets see Galapagos today, I have a feeling it may well dip below 80£.
As for Tomtom, the pile of ...shit, all I can say is it has provided me with at least 100 bottles of my red medicine. !!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:06 pm

miltiades wrote:" Stupid activity "
Here was I thinking that you had a brain !!
Well, nobody can get right ...all the time.
The proof is in the ...pudding.
Each time I bought I posted it here, and same when I sold

Right now Ripple, my only investment is 0.415, I bought at 0.44. As I said many times this not one for a quick profit, maybe by the end of this year, or at least when it doubles. Tomtom I tipped and first bought on 31st October at 7.22 €. I sold at 7.85
Bought again at 7.43 and sold 24 hours later at 7.58.
Gambling ? Well you have just told us that you have never played the game therefore you know fuck all about the markets.
Lets see Galapagos today, I have a feeling it may well dip below 80£.
As for Tomtom, the pile of ...shit, all I can say is it has provided me with at least 100 bottles of my red medicine. !!

Sure you told us when you bought. However we have no way of knowing it was true, neither do we have any way of knowing that you really sold with a profit. I could as well have told you I bought Ripple in Peace yesterday when it hit the minimum low, then after a few days come back telling you I sold at the day's maximum.

If you are going to make a show in this forum, pretending you are a "know how gambler" then you have to stick to your terms proving your credibility.
Your initial term was that you would sell TomTom at 12.You then changed the goal posts to "we will see how it goes".
What eventually trashed your credibility down to zero was your re- buying because using your own words "this Stock would strike a bid sooner or later". What's sooner or later dear? 1 week??

The only thing left to ever prove you had any credibility is to sell sell Ripple by the end of December.I feel you are already shit scared of that and you will run out the soonest possible most probably with a loss. Your credibility started counting it's days Oldboy. You have 30 days left.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:37 pm

I think you are asking me to post my statement, maybe even my number !! Look mate you know fuck all about the markets, you said it your self, you have never traded. There is no point on further interaction with someone who admittedly knows sweet FA.
When I say " I bought" the price is there to be seen, likewise when " I sold".
Let someone who is or has been involved to give his or her opinion
You know. BA.
Now lets see what we .....gamble our money on next.
Galapagos, on phase 3 right one on 7 brand new miracle cures, not least the one dealing with rheumatism. Final stage before obtaining clearance to launch on the market. I was planning to go in when price dropped to 75€, right now on new revelations will jump at 80€.
Wait and see, the markets are extrememy volatile, never on a straight line. One has to consider fundamentals .
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Nov 23, 2018 4:21 pm

miltiades wrote:I think you are asking me to post my statement, maybe even my number !!

Do you understand the difference between a)having no way to know if you are telling the truth or not and b) actually asking you to provide hard evidence? Where did I ask you for hard evidence?? That was simply your own conclusion thinking that I care. I don't!

Look mate you know fuck all about the markets, you said it your self, you have never traded. There is no point on further interaction with someone who admittedly knows sweet FA.

So in your opinion one has to do stupid things to learn first hand how stupid they are?
I scrapped what you are doing long time ago.
I dealt with more in depth analysis only to learn there's NOTHING worthy. That's all.
Sold some, bought some, eventually sold everything before getting burned.
You think you are doing "wise" speculative trading based on hearsay information.
You are so naive, you can't even suspect that these information is ALWAYS spread deliberately to catch stupid fish like you.

When I say " I bought" the price is there to be seen, likewise when " I sold".

We've gone through this before. I don't beleive you.

Let someone who is or has been involved to give his or her opinion
You know. BA.

You mean something like this? No thank you.


Now lets see what we .....gamble our money on next.
Galapagos, on phase 3 right one on 7 brand new miracle cures, not least the one dealing with rheumatism. Final stage before obtaining clearance to launch on the market. I was planning to go in when price dropped to 75€, right now on new revelations will jump at 80€.
Wait and see, the markets are extrememy volatile, never on a straight line. One has to consider fundamentals .

Look who is talking!! The bullshitter of the bullshitters!
Next time you need a lesson in how to measure market volatility give me a call.. i 'd bet you never knew it's a measurable quantity.
Prerequisite: University Graduate with high involvement in Maths and Statistics.

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Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 23, 2018 4:31 pm

miltiades wrote:Sold Tomtom at 7.58 making me a profit of 150 €.
This ....pile of shit has made me thus far $767, not bad !!

Well done again!

Nothing wrong with that.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 23, 2018 4:43 pm

The Dow Jones is the market cap of all US companies listed on that indices.

Now, you say the the market increase on the Dow Jones is only 4.13%. That may be correct.

But the Dow Jones includes all companies.

Managed Funds do not invest in all companies and usually they don't invest in little small caps either or penny dread-fulls. They don't expose themselves to big risks where they can lose a lot of money in a bear market.

They usually spank to death the top corporates, like Google, Citibank, Tesla, Apple, Microsoft, Shell, BP, Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, National Australia Bank, News Corp, Boeing, General Dynamics, Ford, Daimler Benz, Barclays, Deutch bank, and so on. These are the so called blue chips. They don't speculate to make huge gains, to avoid the huge losses. They are chasing the long term growth and the dividend yields. Hence WHY they achieve 12%

During the reporting season, they jump from one to the other, just to cherry pick the dividend. That is why high dividend yield stock go up by a lot. and then drop when they go x dividend. They go for the yield and take a small loss on the trade, and they can do that 20 times in a week. They wire the money electronically within a nano second. And they are trading on volume.

A lot of these stocks are also safe havens in times like these.

For instance, right now, the smart money is going into the Australian ASX because that is where you will find the biggest GOLD producers and GOLD is the safe haven during times of war and uncertainty. Also the big global Banks that control the money.

This is where managed funds, institutional investors and the so called conservative and smart money goes.

Likewise, if the market drops 10%, they only drop 2%. Why? Because they know what to do and when to do it. Some of these funds are nearly worth a Trillion Dollars. They make a shit load of money too and they are rewarded on their performance too. And the better they perform, the more money they attract.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 23, 2018 6:09 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:I think you are asking me to post my statement, maybe even my number !!

Do you understand the difference between a)having no way to know if you are telling the truth or not and b) actually asking you to provide hard evidence? Where did I ask you for hard evidence?? That was simply your own conclusion thinking that I care. I don't!

Look mate you know fuck all about the markets, you said it your self, you have never traded. There is no point on further interaction with someone who admittedly knows sweet FA.

So in your opinion one has to do stupid things to learn first hand how stupid they are?
I scrapped what you are doing long time ago.
I dealt with more in depth analysis only to learn there's NOTHING worthy. That's all.
Sold some, bought some, eventually sold everything before getting burned.
You think you are doing "wise" speculative trading based on hearsay information.
You are so naive, you can't even suspect that these information is ALWAYS spread deliberately to catch stupid fish like you.

When I say " I bought" the price is there to be seen, likewise when " I sold".

We've gone through this before. I don't beleive you.

Let someone who is or has been involved to give his or her opinion
You know. BA.

You mean something like this? No thank you.


Now lets see what we .....gamble our money on next.
Galapagos, on phase 3 right one on 7 brand new miracle cures, not least the one dealing with rheumatism. Final stage before obtaining clearance to launch on the market. I was planning to go in when price dropped to 75€, right now on new revelations will jump at 80€.
Wait and see, the markets are extrememy volatile, never on a straight line. One has to consider fundamentals .

Look who is talking!! The bullshitter of the bullshitters!
Next time you need a lesson in how to measure market volatility give me a call.. i 'd bet you never knew it's a measurable quantity.
Prerequisite: University Graduate with high involvement in Maths and Statistics.

Wasted education !! Mate as I said previously you know fuck all about trading. You obviously traded on the Cyprus market where everyone knew nothing and lost everything. Stick to ....kolokasi !!
Galapagos I tipped some days back. Did not want to invest, should have done with hindsight.
Im now only on Ripple , biting my time, who knows where Galapagos will be next week.
Over the weekend will decide on my next move. In the meantime you just concentrate on .....kolo. klasi !!!
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Postby RichardB » Fri Nov 23, 2018 7:07 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:Sold Tomtom at 7.58 making me a profit of 150 €.
This ....pile of shit has made me thus far $767, not bad !!

Well done again!

Nothing wrong with that.

Nice little Christmas bonus
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Nov 23, 2018 7:15 pm

miltiades wrote:Wasted education !! Mate as I said previously you know fuck all about trading. You obviously traded on the Cyprus market where everyone knew nothing and lost everything. Stick to ....kolokasi !!
Galapagos I tipped some days back. Did not want to invest, should have done with hindsight.
Im now only on Ripple , biting my time, who knows where Galapagos will be next week.
Over the weekend will decide on my next move. In the meantime you just concentrate on .....kolo. klasi !!!

I set up my own business a long time ago and I am proud about it.
It provided me enough money to live comfortably for long years to come.
You didn't set up ANYTHING!
That's why at this age of 72 you still have the urge to prove you can make money the easy way by gambling in the stock markets.
Unfortunately there's no cure. You will carry this disease until the day you will kick the bucket.
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Postby Londonrake » Fri Nov 23, 2018 7:22 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Wasted education !! Mate as I said previously you know fuck all about trading. You obviously traded on the Cyprus market where everyone knew nothing and lost everything. Stick to ....kolokasi !!
Galapagos I tipped some days back. Did not want to invest, should have done with hindsight.
Im now only on Ripple , biting my time, who knows where Galapagos will be next week.
Over the weekend will decide on my next move. In the meantime you just concentrate on .....kolo. klasi !!!

I set up my own business a long time ago and I am proud about it.
It provided me enough money to live comfortably for long years to come.
You didn't set up ANYTHING!
That's why at this age of 72 you still have the urge to prove you can make money the easy way by gambling in the stock markets.
Unfortunately there's no cure. You will carry this disease until the day you will kick the bucket.

Although - despite following this thread since inception - I had not planned to intervene in a riveting discussion about economics, I got the distinct impression from much earlier posts that MR M ran a business successfully in London for many years. Not only that but he managed to walk away with a considerable 7 figure sum. :D

Excuse the impression of sycophancy. I was hoping to get a mention in the will. An annual bottle of superb red in the corner table of the beach-side taverna patio would do very nicely. TVM :wink: 8)
Last edited by Londonrake on Fri Nov 23, 2018 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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