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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:56 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Yes you will need to reserve a donkey for Pyro the Kolokasi grower.

Now, what's the price of Kolokasi on the market. Can I invest please Pyro?

You are already investing on your kolokasi brains

Yes I will invest in my brain any day. I use it as a very powerful tool everyday.

I am still waiting for you to show me that Tom Tom had 119 million shares at 60 Euros when there were only 26 million.

Problem is your powerful tool did not manage so far to find the most elementary information using Google. It contains so much Kolokasi to dare present me data from the initiation date of 2005 and on top of everything claiming they sold their shares at the nominal value of 0.20 instead of what the report says with bold characters on the very first page of 17.50

Here are the keywords: Net profit in 2007: 317 million Euros. EPS 2.66 Euros. Can you work it out from there Kolokasi_Brain?
Giving you one more day to find the link and prove me your brain is not 100% Cypriot kolokasi of the 50s.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:03 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Pyrpokolokasi
If you are involved in finance its time to own up to your boss that you know fuck all about speculative or otherwise.
Trading boy is up and down by the minute, stocks can be driven up or down by speculators , put and call options play a major part in trading. Im not going to reveal my method of dealing in options, perhaps later. In the meantime the two stocks I highlighted are doing ok. I bought Tomtom at 7.22 sold at 7.85. Im back in now at 7.43. Why dont you recommend a stock or two, let us see how much you know. In my opinion your knowledge is as high as your driving skills, fucking owfull, like 99.9% of my fellow Cypriots. By the way, I m investing a load of dosh in a project to reintroduce donkeys as the main transport mode, no indicating will be required, no fucking red lights to cross and unlimited speed. Shall I reserve one for you ? !!

Stop pleading me to recommend you a stock or two.
Quite honestly you come across like a typical gambler seeking information from "reliable" sources.
My barber is one of those. Someone came by and told him Voukefalas would win the horse races this weekend.
The idiot just went nuts.... He has already lost over a million in gambling. Gambling is a disease and I really feel sorry for you.

Speculative trading is pure gambling. At least the last time you purchased TomTom you had some expectation in hand. What's your expectation now???

CharlieMilti or is it YianniStroumbi we already know your flamboyant nut, there's no need to make us seek by complaining about driving like a typical British dotard. Forget it, you are not British. You are a Charlie.

The stock market isn't gambling and can't be compared to horse racing.

Stock markets are a very serious financial trading and investment stream.

You are just showing your ignorance. It is you that we need to feel sorry for because you are literally going backwards by relying on bank Interest. Therefore, you cat food will await.

Speculative trading like he does IS GAMBLING. Google it Kolokasi_brains.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:12 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I do not all that share ever trading at 60 euros.

Stats do recall :P

One more thing, market cap is determined by the number of shares on issue multiplied by their value. They could be 60 Euros but with like 1 tenth of the volume of shares resulting in the same market cap. So you need to find out how many shares are on issue.

They were the same both before the 60 Euros boom and after

I use to work for Cobham and was issued with some shares that are worth 300 British pounds each.

Companies issue and buy back shares all the time.

Where does it say that?

Show me that the number of shares in 2006 were exactly the same as today.

Where is your evidence?

here is a hint for you. The amount of issued shares always vary. There is no way in hell that their were the same amount of shares issued in 2006 as 2018. Tom Tom issues and buys back shares continuously and it has a 50 million Euro share buy back under way right now. ... re-buyback

I didn't say they were the same from 2006 until today.
I said they were he same before the boom and after (meaning + or - 1 year) around the boom.
In fact if you do your own homework you will find the number of shares was then about 120 million.
Do you need to be a rocket scientist to realize that your statement that the traded value of a share "should translate to the approximate real value of the entire company" was utterly wrong?

I know about the buyback. The reason they did it is very well shadowed in their report, but nevertheless ii was only about 5 million shares out of the circulating 300 million.
In fact if you do your own homework you will find that from Dec 2013 to date the number of shares is about constant to 300 million.


There were only 26,785,714 shares on offer in 2005 at 0.20 Euros. This was never an indication of their net worth.

Then when they went to about 60 Euros - the market set their market value at about 1.6 Billion. The market always sets the value just like in property.

Therefore, the company was never really ever over priced at all.

Later, Tom Tom issued more shares.

Here, it is in their 2005 prospectus which they had to issue with their IPO in 2005. ... o_2005.pdf

Now what is so hard to understand about the IPO?

I retrieved the IPO prospectus to find out the number of shares in circulation. Now whether they were offered at 17.50 Euros or 0.20 is not a big deal, but the ammount of shares are because from that we can determine the market capitalization.

Yopu claimed that there were 120 million shares at 60 Euros, but in actual fact there were only 26 million shares.

I accept on looking at it further that Tom Tom listed at about $17 per share as per the IPO. They only issued 26 million shares though. So I want you to tell me how this equates to the stock being over valued when it was worth less at 60 Euros (1.6 Billion) than it it is today (2.114 Billion)

The information is right here: ... o_2005.pdf ... ck-prices/ ... trycode=nl
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:21 pm

Paphitis wrote:I retrieved the IPO prospectus to find out the number of shares in circulation. Now whether they were offered at 17.50 Euros or 0.20 is not a big deal, but the ammount of shares are because from that we can determine the market capitalization.

Yopu claimed that there were 120 million shares at 60 Euros, but in actual fact there were only 26 million shares.

I accept on looking at it further that Tom Tom listed at about $17 per share as per the IPO. They only issued 26 million shares though.

The information is right here: ... o_2005.pdf ... ck-prices/ ... trycode=nl

No thanks I am not interested for a Kolokasi brain's soup.
ALL your links are irrelevant.The traded volume has nothing to do with the outstanding shares.
You have 24 hours left.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:25 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I retrieved the IPO prospectus to find out the number of shares in circulation. Now whether they were offered at 17.50 Euros or 0.20 is not a big deal, but the ammount of shares are because from that we can determine the market capitalization.

Yopu claimed that there were 120 million shares at 60 Euros, but in actual fact there were only 26 million shares.

I accept on looking at it further that Tom Tom listed at about $17 per share as per the IPO. They only issued 26 million shares though.

The information is right here: ... o_2005.pdf ... ck-prices/ ... trycode=nl

No thanks I am not interested for a Kolokasi brain's soup.
ALL your links are irrelevant.The traded volume has nothing to do with the outstanding shares.
You have 24 hours left.

Oh right, so what you are saying is this:

Tom Tom was not worth 120 million x 60 euros = 7.2 Billion Euros (Tom Tom has never been a mid cap)

It was worth 26 million x 60 Euros = 1.6 Billion (Tom Tom has always been a small cap)

Yes I get it because what you said wads wrong. the market NEVER over prices a stock by a factor of 10 (those were your words kolokasi brains)

The market has the ability of actually appraising stocks in accordance with the fundamental values that the market is willing to pay.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:28 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Pyrpokolokasi
If you are involved in finance its time to own up to your boss that you know fuck all about speculative or otherwise.
Trading boy is up and down by the minute, stocks can be driven up or down by speculators , put and call options play a major part in trading. Im not going to reveal my method of dealing in options, perhaps later. In the meantime the two stocks I highlighted are doing ok. I bought Tomtom at 7.22 sold at 7.85. Im back in now at 7.43. Why dont you recommend a stock or two, let us see how much you know. In my opinion your knowledge is as high as your driving skills, fucking owfull, like 99.9% of my fellow Cypriots. By the way, I m investing a load of dosh in a project to reintroduce donkeys as the main transport mode, no indicating will be required, no fucking red lights to cross and unlimited speed. Shall I reserve one for you ? !!

Stop pleading me to recommend you a stock or two.
Quite honestly you come across like a typical gambler seeking information from "reliable" sources.
My barber is one of those. Someone came by and told him Voukefalas would win the horse races this weekend.
The idiot just went nuts.... He has already lost over a million in gambling. Gambling is a disease and I really feel sorry for you.

Speculative trading is pure gambling. At least the last time you purchased TomTom you had some expectation in hand. What's your expectation now???

CharlieMilti or is it YianniStroumbi we already know your flamboyant nut, there's no need to make us seek by complaining about driving like a typical British dotard. Forget it, you are not British. You are a Charlie.

The stock market isn't gambling and can't be compared to horse racing.

Stock markets are a very serious financial trading and investment stream.

You are just showing your ignorance. It is you that we need to feel sorry for because you are literally going backwards by relying on bank Interest. Therefore, you cat food will await.

Speculative trading like he does IS GAMBLING. Google it Kolokasi_brains.

No Kolokasi Brains.

You can speculatively buy real estate. All Stock market trades are speculative just like real estate.

But they are not gambling Kolokasi brains. There is a science behind the stock markets which is why the smart money always wins in the long run and comes out in front.

Gambling is when you play at the Casino or back some hrses at the races.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:08 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I retrieved the IPO prospectus to find out the number of shares in circulation. Now whether they were offered at 17.50 Euros or 0.20 is not a big deal, but the ammount of shares are because from that we can determine the market capitalization.

Yopu claimed that there were 120 million shares at 60 Euros, but in actual fact there were only 26 million shares.

I accept on looking at it further that Tom Tom listed at about $17 per share as per the IPO. They only issued 26 million shares though.

The information is right here: ... o_2005.pdf ... ck-prices/ ... trycode=nl

No thanks I am not interested for a Kolokasi brain's soup.
ALL your links are irrelevant.The traded volume has nothing to do with the outstanding shares.
You have 24 hours left.

Oh right, so what you are saying is this:

Tom Tom was not worth 120 million x 60 euros = 7.2 Billion Euros (Tom Tom has never been a mid cap)

It was worth 26 million x 60 Euros = 1.6 Billion (Tom Tom has always been a small cap)

Yes I get it because what you said wads wrong. the market NEVER over prices a stock by a factor of 10 (those were your words kolokasi brains)

The market has the ability of actually appraising stocks in accordance with the fundamental values that the market is willing to pay.

Paphitis you are jumping and twisting as usual. What's your point trying to present me irrelevant or fallacious data ??
The issue is very simple and you already wasted me more than 20 pages trying to save face:
For the last time, this is what you said

Paphitis wrote: The traded value of a share "should translate to the approximate real value of the entire company"

I never gave you any number of what this company's worth.
What I told you is your statement is utterly wrong because if it were true then at boom time it should have worth 7.2 Billion Euros (yes you got that multiplication right) whereas with today's 30B shares it would be about 2.1. The first number is impossible to be true for various reasons including the fact that it should increase over the years considering the various acquisitions.
Your second number of 1.6B is totally fallacious so no comments about that.
Please make sure you understood that I am not claiming any specific value for this company. (I feel the need to stress this otherwise after a few days you may once again put words in my mouth that I never said.)

And since we are here show me where did I say that "the market over prices a stock by a factor of 10" Kolokasi_brain of the 50s. I gave you my exact words together with a link but you are such a bonehead you missed it.
The ball's on you now. Show me!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:
No Kolokasi Brains.

You can speculatively buy real estate. All Stock market trades are speculative just like real estate.

But they are not gambling Kolokasi brains. There is a science behind the stock markets which is why the smart money always wins in the long run and comes out in front.

Gambling is when you play at the Casino or back some hrses at the races.

Here's Investing 101 for you. You'll get your answer in 5 seconds
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:22 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis you are jumping and twisting as usual. What's your point trying to present me irrelevant or fallacious data ??
The issue is very simple and you already wasted me more than 20 pages trying to save face:
For the last time, this is what you said

It is what he does all the time... he will literally argue black is white ad infinitum.... :roll:

Meanwhile he posts...

Paphitis wrote:I'm not that vain but I made some life style changes some time ago as follows:

He is the most vain, self-centred person I have ever encountered on the Internet! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:31 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain,
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you?
Don't you?
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