Paphitis wrote:
No its not!
I have been in the stock market non stop since 1992 till this very day. I have seen it all. And I have seen my investments generally grow and outperform other sectors.
In 1992, the Australian Government introduced the Super Annuation Pension Scheme and every Australian has a Super Account. This pool of money rolls over continuously and even brings money into Australia through the profits of the big corporates.
It is a system that is heralded by many countries, including the ECB, IMF and many EU countries as well as the USA to be arguably the best in the world. There may be other countries that also do well, like Japan, Norway and Denmark perhaps, but the Aussie Super System is heralded to be the international benchmark.
It was bought in to ensure Australia's economy remains competitive and to free the Government from a crippling deficit from an unsustainable welfare system due to a rapidly ageing population.
In other words, this is what you will need to get use to, if your Government doesn't come up with something similar before there are more pensioners than taxpayers.
You have seen nothing. Your super funds is a classic example of thriving stocks because of what goes in is much higher than what goes out.
From 1992 when they were fully implemented, to date it's only 26 years. They are currently sucking money from the entire working population from the age of 20 to 67 which is a 47 years span. Wait until 2039 when the time comes when what goes in starts getting equal to what goes out.
Yes by that time you will all be looking around like fools. Sure the Queen will be sending you cans of cat food.
The Cypriots are survivors my dear.We passed through a million hardships and we never yielded. Contrary to you down there in Australia who only know of committing suicides.That's what you will be doing en mass in 2039 if not earlier.