Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis wrote:If only Cyprus had a politician like Paul Keating where it would have made it compulsory for people like you to invest 10% of their money into a Managed Fund (Shares).
Your only problem in Cyprus is that you have the CySec, but if it was compulsory, then the CySec would have a lot more liquidity.
But instead, Cyprus is looking at inevitable bankruptcy due to your ageing population and people living longer.
Countries that are going to survive are the Nordic Scandinavian Countries, and Australia which actually had forward thinking people with the foresight to make their people self fund their retirement.
You won't have a pension Pyro because you can't expect 2 workers to be paying for 5 old farts.
Cat Food out of the tin can for you mate.

Thank God we live in Europe where such fascism coming from some Paul Keatings cannot be enforced on us.
Enjoy your dictatorship all you like, but keep it all for yourselves, we don't need it.
I personally don't rely on whatever pension I will ever get from the Social Security, but I can assure you that the combined pension we will be getting as a couple will be more than yours as a couple in Australia. Simply because here our pension depends on what we were contributing. Unlike your super democratic system where you the great Paphitis will be getting equal pension to that of a garbage collector. Isn't that true Paphitis?
As for the aging population yours is no better in fact it happens everywhere in the world except in 3rd world countries.
Gone are the days each woman was delivering more than 2 children. Today all over Europe including the Scandinavians as well as in Australia and the US is below 2.
Therefore when you will be an old fart you will need more than 1 young person to pay for your pension.
Imo the system worldwide has to change to punish those who don't deliver more than 2 children during their lifetime and reward those who do. I have my views as tho why Governments all over the world want their populations to shrink but that's another story
Oh and btw congrats to your Government. In 2 years time your will not be eligible for a pension unless you are 67 years old.

It isn't fascism. It is helping the people save a nest egg for retirement. This process has been happening for 30 odd years now, and it has lifted the living conditions of Australians in retirement.
I am also pretty sure that Australia isn't the only country to introduce such a system. I believe there are many EU countries that have done similar things, like some Scandinavian Countries, France and Germany. We hear many times that Australia's system is a discussion point in the Euro parliament, and even in America's Congress. Other countries are in awe of the Australian System and extremely envious.
They have done so because they recognize that their countries will not be able to provide pensions for an increasing ageing population. There will be too few workers paying tax and unless you tax them to obliteration (which is unfair on the worker), they will not be able to pay the necessary tax for the elderly population. This is going to be the reality in Western Countries. So if these countries recognize this, what on earth is going to happen to Cyprus with your brain drain to places like Canada, Australia, USA and UK? You will go tits up again, and sadly you never had a politician yet that has the vision to look 50 years down the track to see what may eventuate with this ageing population, and get people to save.
Paul Keating was a visionary. We all know that. And a great economist.
Only 1 country in the world has a better pension system than Australia and that is Denmark. ... the-world/So I wouldn't be so sure about your pension. And no, you will not be getting anywhere near the average Australian pension + Super. The Australian Super System and Pension System is actually the envy of the world. Even the EU, IMF and all Central Banks around the world point to it as a leading example or the way forward to economic viability as the population demographics change into the future. I am pretty sure that Cyprus and Greece would have been brifed by the IMF about the Australian scheme as part of its bailout tranche. In other words, giving you subtle hints to look at it or pay the consequences again later on.
Some countries like Greece and Cyprus choose to do nothing and bury their head in the sand.
That will cost you again, and the people will pay for that. You can only dream of having visionaries like Keating.
Just from the 15 million Super Fund accounts, Australians have about 4.5 Trillion in management. That is almost 3 times the Australian GDP. Can you understand that this places Australia in a very strong position sitting on such a large amount of money in its Futures Fund? A lot of this money is invested in overseas stock markets too, and there are dividends paid into it as well from the profits of all the corporates Australians own shares in. It's passive income as well. You need to read Buffet about passive income. It is the most powerful source of wealth creation. When the Apples and Microsofts announce their yearly profits, some of that money comes to Australia through people's managed share funds. To a large degree, these corporates will be subsidizing Australian retirees living standards in retirement, and there will be less reliance on the poor worker and the tax system to provide welfare, so our economy will remain stronger than yours too, and will grow more than yours because the incentives will be there for the young to work or start a business.
Australia's Futures Funds are about 10 times more than its sovereign debt. Can you comprehend that?
Your way relies on other people paying for you. Australia's way makes people more pro-active, and gives them a way to save tax by contributing more of their income to their fund, which is what I do too. I save about $10000 per year in tax through this system, so just from that I am already ahead without taking into any consideration all the dividends and capital gains that the fund managed to accrue.
BTW, there is a baby boom occurring in Australia. Couples in Australia are having 2.1 kids. In Greece it is 1.1. So Australia isn't as bad as other countries because it has the most generous maternity leave system in the world where Mum's can stay at home at full pay for 6 months. That is another thing everyone is envious about but I think some of the Scandinavian countries are equally good in this area as well. Again, Paul Keating and John Howard providing incentives for Australians to breed, because they know economics. But the population is still aging so yes.
You also get a baby bonus. Basically, each family gets $3000 per baby on birth, but I am not sure if that is still going. Even Billionaires would get it.
You will be eating Cat Food.