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Postby DT. » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:31 am

Get Real! wrote:Paphitis tries to paint Cyprus as an incompetent country mired in fraud and corruption but has nothing to say about the country in which he lives… :roll:

How the great Australian banking control fraud was built… ... aud-built/

Banking scandals in Australia since 2009… ... since-2009

:lol: :lol: :lol:

hmm....have you gone through that list? :?
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Postby B25 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:32 am

GR, I don’t care about other countries, i live here and that’s what concerns me. Sadly, it is as he says, it’s no secret, but there’s not a lot we can do about it. We are all being managed.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:34 am

B25 wrote:GR, I don’t care about other countries, i live here and that’s what concerns me. Sadly, it is as he says, it’s no secret, but there’s not a lot we can do about it. We are all being managed.

But Paphitis doesn’t live here so what’s he barking from a distance for?
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:35 am

DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Paphitis tries to paint Cyprus as an incompetent country mired in fraud and corruption but has nothing to say about the country in which he lives… :roll:

How the great Australian banking control fraud was built… ... aud-built/

Banking scandals in Australia since 2009… ... since-2009

:lol: :lol: :lol:

hmm....have you gone through that list? :?

Do they mention Paphitis? :? :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:58 am

Paphitis, pretends that arch-shitstains the likes of the US and Australia, are all hanky dory while Cyprus and Russia are bad in every way! :roll:

You heap of hypocritical autistic shit... if I were to start reporting on US and Australian frauds and scandals we’d be doing nothing else all day on this forum for the next 10 fucking years! :lol:

You pea-brained, autistic, diarrhea ridden, sheep shagging, American cock-sucking, fart breathing, and baloney swallowing brainless nincompoop!
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:10 pm

Get Real! wrote:Paphitis tries to paint Cyprus as an incompetent country mired in fraud and corruption but has nothing to say about the country in which he lives… :roll:

How the great Australian banking control fraud was built… ... aud-built/

Banking scandals in Australia since 2009… ... since-2009

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Firstly, this isn't some kind of competition or to paint Cyprus in a negative light.

It's about putting the spotlight on the Cyprus Financial Crisis which has pretty much decimated Cyprus, as well as the Stock Market Crash.

Yes your links highlight exactly why I am (and not just me) more comfortable with the Australian ASX or the US Dow Jones/NASDAQ, plus the Australian and US Banking systems than I am with the Cypriot equivalents. Your links are great proof of why I have faith in the Australian ASX (which has done well for me), ASIC (regulator), and Australian Banks which are probably among the best in the world. The financial crisis in Cyprus is an example of why I am not inspired by the Banking System in Cyprus, and the fact that there is no accountability at all.

In Australia, Banking officials, Board Directors and CEOs are regularly fined, hauled through the courts or are issued with a "please explain" by a Parliamentary Committee or Royal Commission or even by the regulator which is The Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

You on the other hand are just another Cuckold bitch or a sucker that tries to make a political point because you don't like USA or Australia. I on the other hand do not hate Cyprus by saying things like I do. On the contrary and there is good reason for it. It's because it is unjust.
Last edited by Paphitis on Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:
B25 wrote:GR, I don’t care about other countries, i live here and that’s what concerns me. Sadly, it is as he says, it’s no secret, but there’s not a lot we can do about it. We are all being managed.

But Paphitis doesn’t live here so what’s he barking from a distance for?

Because it is an injustice Get Real.

The Cyprus Banking crisis was a crime that was perpetrated against all the Cypriot People whether they lost money or not.

Whether you lost money or not, just about every family was affected through unemployment, hardship, drops in wages, and even Government services from education and health care. Cyprus will be paying for this for 100 years.

In addition, I heard of one family in particular (I don't know them) that sold a house in Australia and deposited 1 million Euros of their life's worth into a Laiki Account in order to move to Cyprus and were virtually wiped out. No doubt they were not alone.

That is criminal Get Real.

In the USA they have SEC and the FBI, and no one is above the law. In Australia we have ASIC and The Federal Police and no one is above the law. I am not sure you have anything like that in Cyprus. If you do, they got no teeth or are unable to do anything about it.

I might be someone who contemplates moving to Cyprus. Who knows...but things are not exactly right and that is a real shame.
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:26 pm

Get Real! wrote:Paphitis, pretends that arch-shitstains the likes of the US and Australia, are all hanky dory while Cyprus and Russia are bad in every way! :roll:

You heap of hypocritical autistic shit... if I were to start reporting on US and Australian frauds and scandals we’d be doing nothing else all day on this forum for the next 10 fucking years! :lol:

You pea-brained, autistic, diarrhea ridden, sheep shagging, American cock-sucking, fart breathing, and baloney swallowing brainless nincompoop!

I never said Cyprus was bad in every way. I never said Russia was bad in every way.

I never said all Russians are bad people either.

I said I have a distrust of the wealthy Russians in Cyprus and believe they put you in a real big mess which your great grandchildren will be paying for for 100 years from now.

This has nothing at all to do with Australia or the USA which have never gone through anything remotely close to what Cyprus has, and have a strong Banking sector and a strong Financial Industry which is also a lot cleaner and more regulated than any in the world, including Russia.

Yes, I do feel safer with having money in the US economy. It should be obvious to you why that is the case.

You, got raped man! And you call me a nincompoop!

You got raped because unlike USA and Australia, you don't have Governments that look after your interests. There are law firms and embezzled millions from criminals such as Milosevic and Assad. Then, right at the opportune time, they embezzled their fortunes out of Cyprus so as to avoid the Bank Bail In Levy.

Stop being a wanker!

You are suppose to be an EU Country but you are trying to be another Cayman Islands and you couldn't do that well.

Just stop chasing this money. You don't need to grow fast, just steady and sustainably.
Last edited by Paphitis on Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:38 pm

It's not as if crooked Australian or American Billionaires don't do crooked things. They do exactly the same things as the Russians use Cyprus for.

But they put their money in The Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Bahamas, Virgin Islands, and Channel Islands and so on.

But for some reason, these tax havens don't fail.

Why did Cyprus fail? Why did the Cyprus Banks Fail?

And I am just as critical of an Australian or American Billionaire putting money or laundering money through these tax havens. I am sure it happens. I don't like them because they are probably ripping off the US and Australian Tax Payer. They are probably tax evaders or trying to hide their true Net Worth.

They difference in Cyprus is that they would be helped by high ranking law firms which will remain nameless.

And the other significant difference is that the US IRS and Australian Taxation Office is always on their tail auditing their books and they get them too from time to time. No free lunches.

And the US IRS and Australian Taxation Office are not very nice or the kind of people you want over for dinner. Sometimes, you see them confiscating computers from firms with the Feds in toe. When you are on the hit-list, you better watch it, because they can be ruthless.
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Postby Lordo » Thu Nov 08, 2018 8:46 pm

miltiades wrote:Since arriving in Cyprus April last year, I have been having the best time of my life. No work !! No driving in heavy traffic to and from work, no pressures from the daily routine, just gorgeous weather and fishing every day. The grandchildren keep me on my toes, reminding me that Im not so young now, not allowing me to ride their bicycles telling me Im too old to do ....wheelies.

Had a few offers for investments with on going companies, rejected them all since I do not wish to commit my self to any venture that would inevitably require my presence, albeit sporadic, but never the less time consuming. Enough of that, did 56 years.

I begun studying , in my own time and rather leasurably, the stock markets, shares, around the world. Had extensive experience whilst in the UK made some lost some.
I started a few months ago studying and researching a number of stocks and gingerly invested, only what I could afford to lose, and made a few euros, above all it keeps the brain away from stagnation.
I ought to stress at this time that the markets are extremely volatile and highly risky, one should NEVER invest what one can not afford to lose. Patience is really a virtue here as well as " nerves" of steel.

Yesterday on another thread I " recommend " Tom tom which had closed the day before at 7.22 euros having reached at one stage 7.64. It closed yesterday at 7.40, around 3% up. My feeling is, based on my own research is that this company is currently eyed by a number of " predators" since the company is valued at 1.6 billion euros where as it's true value is 4.5 billion euros.
Should a bid be made I can see the share price moving up higher than 10 euros might even reach 15.
Today it will open at 7.40, keep an eye out .

listen you old fool if you have a few quid saved keep them safe or else you will lose them to some other swine. do not say you were not warned.
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