Get Real! wrote:Paphitis, pretends that arch-shitstains the likes of the US and Australia, are all hanky dory while Cyprus and Russia are bad in every way!
You heap of hypocritical autistic shit... if I were to start reporting on US and Australian frauds and scandals we’d be doing nothing else all day on this forum for the next 10 fucking years!

You pea-brained, autistic, diarrhea ridden, sheep shagging, American cock-sucking, fart breathing, and baloney swallowing brainless nincompoop!
I never said Cyprus was bad in every way. I never said Russia was bad in every way.
I never said all Russians are bad people either.
I said I have a distrust of the wealthy Russians in Cyprus and believe they put you in a real big mess which your great grandchildren will be paying for for 100 years from now.
This has nothing at all to do with Australia or the USA which have never gone through anything remotely close to what Cyprus has, and have a strong Banking sector and a strong Financial Industry which is also a lot cleaner and more regulated than any in the world, including Russia.
Yes, I do feel safer with having money in the US economy. It should be obvious to you why that is the case.
You, got raped man! And you call me a nincompoop!
You got raped because unlike USA and Australia, you don't have Governments that look after your interests. There are law firms and embezzled millions from criminals such as Milosevic and Assad. Then, right at the opportune time, they embezzled their fortunes out of Cyprus so as to avoid the Bank Bail In Levy.
Stop being a wanker!
You are suppose to be an EU Country but you are trying to be another Cayman Islands and you couldn't do that well.
Just stop chasing this money. You don't need to grow fast, just steady and sustainably.