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is this plan b

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Re: is this plan b

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:45 am


...a Communal Chamber opened with its Greek Representatives waiting is a real step to demonstrate such Goodwill, fantasy perhaps, a return to what has not in effect changed. And with the empty seats in the Legislature filled, a return to the Constitution of 1960, as Cypriots; to reform themselves.

...but how? (my opening joke, lol)

Indeed, Mr. Alper, i thank-you for saying it like it is. One God.

One Flag, One Country, One Turkey, One Cyprus, not hard to understand.

Yet, it is in Cyprus where Turkey may find a solution to its own Problem.

Bicommunal or Bizonal do not mean tearing Cyprus (or Turkey) in two. And Turkish or "Turk", as they are divided now, in Cyprus and Turkey; it is not possible to be both, is it? Cypriots may lead united, that Turkey may follow.

Why not a Cypriot identity? Greek, Turkish, Armenian, Maronite, Latin?

Why not Cypriot Constituencies? At least that possibility, like the Turkish Constituency, a representation of Individuals as Persons, an electorate closer to their tax payments, respectfully as a majority with an agenda, providing for, and recognising the special needs of minorities among them.

Given the 'overwhelmingness' of English in this world, given the benefits of diversity, and in defending the ethnosphere's demise, i suggest other Constituencies will follow, it is natural, in Cyprus (and in Turkey), beyond the Good Government of a strong State which must exist, based not on Geneology or (a single) Nation as such, but on Universal Principals, (and merit), Cypriots, as Cypriots, for Cyprus and Cypriots.

I remind Mr. Erdogan (and Mr. Akinci), that while he works so hard to make a Legacy out of "Turkishness", Turkey is not "Turkish", as it is in Cyprus, not "Greek". That while there is a brotherhood among Muslims which he may applaud, there is a Family much larger where by, the way, his loving nature is serving more greatly.

Why would a citizen of the world, a Cypriot, care about Turkish brutallity?

There is a lot to be said as a Cypriot about "Greeks" (read: not "Turk") and "Turks". Indeed, this brutality in Turkey, now that it is tearing it apart, who better than a Cypriot, to understand this suffering? Thus, it is not so hard to say, who better as an ally in ending it?

...i am sad to see that your remedy to brutality, Lordo, is to give up.
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Re: is this plan b

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am

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Re: is this plan b

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:59 pm

...another plan b,

Thursday, May 11, 2017
Our View: Could a Cyprus candidate replicate Macron’s success? ... s-success/


...there are men and women in all walks of life who would stand, or vote for Cypriots, rather than the other half i call "Greeks" and "Turks". But it has boiled down to that before, hasn't it, witness Akinci's election win; for what? And our President, his first few days, who can forget?

We are "Greeks", we are "Turks", by those who have taken so much time to define those terms.

What rag is the Flag of Cyprus, to who?

Telling at this juncture that the President stands alone despite his efforts for Cyprus, against "Greeks", and as a Cypriot. Why should it matter, if for Cyprus they, these two men, even on this one issue stood together as Cypriots, the Flag of Cyprus behind them? Who does it offend, not his or their electors, only those who as an opposition have their own candidates to run. Therefore, i ask, is Mr. Akinci "Turkish"? What else, but for "Turkishness" does he speak of, has he spoken of (since elected)? And what of Universal Principals, what of the Cypriot way, a Cypriot way, taking the "Greek" and the "Turk" out of it, when his help is needed most, defending these ideals, i ask, where is Mr. Akinci?

...there is the challenge, if the "Turks" remain in control of the Agenda rendering "Greekness" its equal, if Akinci proves himself to be impotent against "them", (willingly or not), if he will not signal his commitment to Cyprus with the only other ally he has at this moment, indeed candidates who are "Cypriot" must be found, now. Without his support for Mr. Anastasiades over such a notion, Cypriots will express themselves for Cyprus just the same (and against him, for this/his next election too).

Turkish Cypriots who live in Cyprus exist, they must be found to run as Cypriots, for the Republic's Legislature. This election Cypriots will vote for them on merit, if as Cypriots they represent the qualities Cypriots support; call them "Greeks", no doubt the "Turks" and their opposition will taunt them. Their presence on the ballot, however small sends the strong signal win or not, where in the Republic, Cypriots representing Cypriots as Cypriots is possible, without the need for further distinctions and discriminations, whether there will exist Constituencies or not, especially if the same Parties breach the divide, presenting candidates the next election (in Cyprus), where being Cypriot has and will have the same meaning it always had to about half the population, despite all these years under occupation.

Indeed, there is a Flag of Cyprus. And there is no shame in standing under its shade. It is the only Flag that finds support island-wide; that is something to think about, Cypriots, as Cypriots, who dare to take back the word ENOSIS, for Cypriots, not "Greeks", not "Turks", seems a natural opposition to "it". rag to me; i ask, you?
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Re: is this plan b

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:55 pm

the problem is that brutality is not in just terggy, it is all over the world. millions of people starving. concentrating on terggy even if you could solve it will be pointless.
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Re: is this plan b

Postby kurupetos » Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:38 pm

Lordo wrote:the problem is that brutality is not in just terggy, it is all over the world. millions of people starving. concentrating on terggy even if you could solve it will be pointless.

You are not starving, fatso! :mrgreen:
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Re: is this plan b

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:16 pm

...and if you were, starving, i should let you die, Lordo? Just too many starving as it is?
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Re: is this plan b

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:22 pm

Ozersay, i wonder, given that Constitutional Rights are so important to him, would he dare to fill the seats left empty so many years ago, in the Cypriot Legislature. And after all these years is he willing to hit the nail on the head and to demand that the Greek Community fill their chairs in the Communal Chamber. Could it be that the Problem can be resolved as Cypriots?

Reform is what we need, to better ourselves, to evolve.

Can Mr. Ozersay, above all, say he is a Cypriot? Beside the "Turkishness" he has chosen to support, can he say so much of his leadership where something as Cypriots, all Cypriots may choose to support him? Has he the courage one day a year, to stand under the Flag of Cyprus toward recognising he is Cypriot? Bold moves are needed, if as Cypriots we wish to overcome the ignorance of "Greekness" and "Turkishness" as Turks and Greeks. But, the question remains...

I ask the same of Mr. Akinci, and to Mr. Anastasiades who i might add, is he better than most, as a Cypriot? Because, these are their voters if they remember. The other half, as i like to call them, those "Greek" and those "Turkish" have their own candidates, who lost, in those elections. is something to think about. ... s-ozersay/
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Re: is this plan b

Postby Lordo » Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:13 pm

indeed. did you know that in 1965 3 tc mps wanted to discus this matter with clerides. they got un protection to gwt to parliment and met clredies.

clerdies set two conditions for their return.

1. that un will not be allowed in the parliament to protect them
2. they have to accept the laws passed by the gcs since tcs did not attend the parliament.

are uou aware that by then the gc removed seperate voting rights of the constitution so in effect it reduced the tc mps to a minority.

have you any idea whats been going on in cyprus since 1963.
have you any idea how many articles of the constitution has been changed.
did you know that by 20th of july 1974 the full constitution had not been implemented yet
and finally did you know that on the 20th of july 1974 after the terggish landings, makarios telephoned clerides and instructed him to phone dengtash and offer him the idea that he would implement the constitution of 1960 fully if terggy withdrew her forces.
and finally were you also aware that makarios ignored the vote of 1960 and gave the eoka 86% of the gc seats and akel 14% of the seats and were you also aware that up till 1974 all the gc mps would visit makarios before any debate and take instructions on not only what they should say in the debate but also how they should vote.

how anybody should want to return to such a democracy is beyond beleif. it is overr mate. there is no unification as we understand it. the choice is either confederation or two states. there is a lot od discussions going on in the background which your leader seems to think it is too complext to bother you with, but you will find out soon enough.

more to the point have you read the contents of thelatest un report.
i do like this sentence.
<<<For the UN, maintaining peace and stability is the number one priority; it is not to issue verdicts on who is in the right in international or regional disputes. This priority has been always been evident as it was in the latest report by UNSG Antonio Guterres, who said: “New rounds of exploratory drilling scheduled for the last quarter of 2018 could however result in renewed tensions and significantly complicate prospects for dialogue between the parties.”

He did not say that the Cyprus Republic should be left to carry out exploratory drilling unhindered in its EEZ. Instead, he acknowledged the Turkish Cypriot claim on the island’s hydrocarbons. “The natural resources found in and around Cyprus should benefit both communities and should provide a strong incentive for all concerned parties to work in earnest towards a mutually acceptable and durable solution,” he said urging the sides “to avoid unnecessary escalation in the coming months and to pursue dialogue on this issue.” The stance drew criticism from the one newspaper on Saturday which claimed the UN was “covering” the Turkish side while having a dig at the Cyprus government>>>

and enjoy the fireworks.
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Re: is this plan b

Postby B25 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:08 pm

Sounds like you Turkish cunts still want to masters in the occupied and partners in the free areas. Assirktir posit touch.
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Re: is this plan b

Postby Maximus » Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:06 am

Lordo wrote: UNSG Antonio Guterres, who said: “New rounds of exploratory drilling scheduled for the last quarter of 2018 could however result in renewed tensions and significantly complicate prospects for dialogue between the parties.”

He did not say that the Cyprus Republic should be left to carry out exploratory drilling unhindered in its EEZ. Instead, he acknowledged the Turkish Cypriot claim on the island’s hydrocarbons. “The natural resources found in and around Cyprus should benefit both communities and should provide a strong incentive for all concerned parties to work in earnest towards a mutually acceptable and durable solution,” he said urging the sides “to avoid unnecessary escalation in the coming months and to pursue dialogue on this issue.” The stance drew criticism from the one newspaper on Saturday which claimed the UN was “covering” the Turkish side while having a dig at the Cyprus government>>>

and enjoy the fireworks.

He simply said what I have highlighted in bold.

I dont know where you copied and pasted all the fluff from, was it from the CM? :lol: :lol:

What he is basically saying, in diplomatic speak, is that dialogue is being complicated. (As we have heard from the Turkish side because they are now moving the goal posts) and Cyprus's natural resources should provide an incentive to work towards a solution. He also said that the sides should avoid unnecessary escalations in the coming months.

It is clear who is in the wrong here. There is no legal, moral or ethical position on the matter of Cyprus's hydrocarbons from the Turkish side and everyone knows it!

Where did he say that Cyprus should stop exploiting its natural resources?

Where did he say that Turkey and the TC's are entitled to anything?

He didn't.

He simply said that Cyprus's hydrocarbons should benefit both communities but in the context of a durable solution.

But what is clear to all that can see and comprehend clearly is that the Turks and the TC's are pariahs and hypocrites.

No one with a decent IQ recognizes what the ...... you people are ever on about.

Providing peace and stability is the UN's number one priority, so they would have us believe but the only people that are making threats and destabilizing things are the Turks and their puppets illegally occupying the north of Cyprus.
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