the talks have collapsed and do not look like starting again and you boys are pissing in the dam. who cares whether the water is flowing or not. have the tcs complained.
no news is always good news.
MR-from-NG wrote:My curiosity got the better of me so I just called Iceman to ask about the water.
Me. Hi Iceman, how are you mate?
I. I'm OK, on my moped on my way to town, just pulled up to talk to you
M. Have you been looking into the Cyprus Forum?
I. No, fuck them
M. I wanted to ask about the water pipe from Turkey
I What about it?
M. The guys on the forum reckon it's been a waste of money and time and no water is running through it
I. So how the fuck is a dam that size full of water then?
M. Remember Kikapu?
I. Yeah, fucking arsehole, what about him?
M He, more then the GC'c (that ones for you Pyrp) is convinced the project was a failure and all the hype and celebrations are just a hoax.
I. I wouldn't expect nothing less from that Greek cock sucking motherfucker.
M. As you know I was out there last month and not once did I have a water cut and not once did I hear of anyone complaining about water shortage. So I wanted to have your opinion.
I. The arseholes gave us hope we would have water in abundance and we would pay a lot less then what we are paying. Bullshit, we are paying twice as much. All fucking liars.
M. So you are confident the water is consistently running and no tankers are filling it up.
I. are you fucking kidding me? If there was any problem you think the TC press are asleep and would not make headline news about it. Tell the cunts on the forum, especially that fucking Kikapu, if they are so curious or if the project bothers them so much all they have to do is queue up at the border, show their passport and come across and visit the dam themselves.
M. Thanks Iceman, regards, to the family and speak soon. Btw, do you ever visit CF?
I No, I now go on Frozen Cypriots, it's on Facebook, real nice people real interesting discussions. Take care M. Bye
There you have it. Straight from the horses mouth.
Lordo wrote:come now mr you must not mock the special needs people here. they cant help themselves. you have to break it to them gently like.
MR-from-NG wrote:Lordo wrote:come now mr you must not mock the special needs people here. they cant help themselves. you have to break it to them gently like.
Lordo, honestly man, I don't care much for Turkey or what it gets up to. I'm just pissed off that something that clearly works and is doing as intended can be criticised as a total failure. The fucking thing works for fucks sake. And to add insult injury that wannabe Greek Kikapu jumping on the bandwagon to butter his Greek buddies bread boils my fucking blood.
I mean, really, even the likes of Sotos, GR, Pyrpolizer isn't as anti Turk as this wanna be Greek is. And all because he wants to be popular amongst them. Honestly he behaves like an attention seeking kid but he doesn't realise it. I have written dozens of posts pointing this out on this forum, not one Greek has ever written back defending him. Shouldn't he have the common sense to understand that the Greeks also know what he's playing at?
Get Real! wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:Lordo wrote:come now mr you must not mock the special needs people here. they cant help themselves. you have to break it to them gently like.
Lordo, honestly man, I don't care much for Turkey or what it gets up to. I'm just pissed off that something that clearly works and is doing as intended can be criticised as a total failure. The fucking thing works for fucks sake. And to add insult injury that wannabe Greek Kikapu jumping on the bandwagon to butter his Greek buddies bread boils my fucking blood.
I mean, really, even the likes of Sotos, GR, Pyrpolizer isn't as anti Turk as this wanna be Greek is. And all because he wants to be popular amongst them. Honestly he behaves like an attention seeking kid but he doesn't realise it. I have written dozens of posts pointing this out on this forum, not one Greek has ever written back defending him. Shouldn't he have the common sense to understand that the Greeks also know what he's playing at?
The same could be said about Bananiot, or that other character Fanos who even moved to live in the occupied territory… but you never complained about them MR-from-NG so why pick on Kikakopoulos?
Turncoats have always existed and each have their personal reasons which make perfect sense to them... and that’s how it is.
ie: Fanos, I recall was being persecuted by the RoC police for family/divorce issues and he had enough... or something like that.
RichardB wrote:I remember Fanos. ..bloody pleading for money for treatment for his 'sick' daughter if I remember right. Turned out she wasn't sick at all I seem to recollect......bloody bugger!!!
Get Real! wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:Lordo wrote:come now mr you must not mock the special needs people here. they cant help themselves. you have to break it to them gently like.
Lordo, honestly man, I don't care much for Turkey or what it gets up to. I'm just pissed off that something that clearly works and is doing as intended can be criticised as a total failure. The fucking thing works for fucks sake. And to add insult injury that wannabe Greek Kikapu jumping on the bandwagon to butter his Greek buddies bread boils my fucking blood.
I mean, really, even the likes of Sotos, GR, Pyrpolizer isn't as anti Turk as this wanna be Greek is. And all because he wants to be popular amongst them. Honestly he behaves like an attention seeking kid but he doesn't realise it. I have written dozens of posts pointing this out on this forum, not one Greek has ever written back defending him. Shouldn't he have the common sense to understand that the Greeks also know what he's playing at?
The same could be said about Bananiot, or that other character Fanos who even moved to live in the occupied territory… but you never complained about them MR-from-NG so why pick on Kikakopoulos?
Turncoats have always existed and each have their personal reasons which make perfect sense to them... and that’s how it is.
ie: Fanos, I recall was being persecuted by the RoC police for family/divorce issues and he had enough... or something like that.
MR-from-NG wrote:I'm sure we all know the motive behind that post
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