Kikapu wrote:Sotos wrote:Kikapu wrote:Get Real! wrote:Kikapu well as nothing was created in it’s evolved status as we know today, which is where evolution comes in.
We don't know that for a fact and I see no reason why God would need to utilize evolution for the creation of species.
Why not just wave one's magic wand and place two chickens there? Why go through some long laborious process?
If you take evolution out of the creation equation, then all human species should all look the same for the males/females, but we are not all the same as we have all evolved differently depending from which part of the world we have stayed, adopting to those surroundings which we all evolved differently genetically, despite we all being created as humans by God and his magic wand!

The same process that leads to differences between the same species is what eventually leads to the creation of new species. It just takes a lot more time. Modern Humans have existed for about 200.000 years. Life on earth has existed for 3.8 billion years. This process is well understood and not disputed by any serious scientist.
So basically what you are saying is Sotos, that ALL living things on earth today has started as just one single cell amoeba 3.8 Billion years ago, and since that time, all species has evolved into different species, and over time and on and on and on until we have millions of species from that just one single cell amoeba. I can accept that as evolution, but there is still has to be a beginning with that single cell amoeba in the form of being created by something. Could that something be what we call, God, or was it just an accident that the amoeba became to be by the elements and minerals of that time 3.8 Billion years ago?
Kikapu, for the exact details you need to ask a biologist

Obviously we don't yet know everything there is to know in biology, but using Gods to explain the unknown is a practice humans used for millennia and has been proven wrong time and again.
Just one more observation. Why is the planet earth is so different than all other planets in our solar system? Why does our earth has all the element needed for life as we know it and not the rest of the planets as far as we know? Surely if life only started as an single cell amoeba on earth, stands the reason to have life on other planets that is different from ours, but life that would be suitable for the elements and minerals found on those planets?
We know very little about other planets. We have done a bit of research on Mars, and looked on other planets of our solar system, but there are 100 billion stars just in our galaxy, and 1 billion trillion stars in the observable universe... so you can imagine how many planets are out there for which we know nothing about.