Sotos wrote:Statistics don't show that religious people divorce any less than non-religious, unless you are talking about ultra conservative ones, who are the ones who would stay unhappily together rather than divorce, which is even worst than a divorce.
In Cyprus the public schools are mainly Christian Orthodox children, religion is taught in all 12 years, the Church basically assigns the education minister etc. And guess what. There are drugs in our schools, gratify all over the place and lots of things that aren't "proper". Christian education has absolutely nothing to do with kids staying off the streets, drugs and other vices. I too send my children to a private school and one of my reasons is the opposite of yours: A school where there is no religious brainwashing and which is not controlled by the Church. There are kids from all over the world there, and they are just fine. What is common in all private schools, religious and non-religious, is that you have to pay and therefore the lower classes are excluded and also that they have more money than public schools to improve the education, facilities, security etc.
I don't take any notice of the statistics. Statistics and other secular forces are also painting a very negative picture about ALL religions.
The Catholic Church, the biggest in Australia, is a huge target. That's because, even though Australia is a secular country, it has enormous influence with Australia's Political Elites, the establishment, the unions, and every facet of life and it does interfere in social issues regarding things like abortion, same sex marriage, gender issues and other concerns like this. The next big religion of Australia is The Church of England which also has a huge influence politically. The Orthodox is small in comparison but there are well over 1 million Orthodox.
The Catholic Church is under enormous attack because there were a number of cases of sexual abuse and or harassment in the past. The way these secular liberal forces make it look like is that everyone who has had anything to do with the Catholic Church or Education System, was abused at one point. That includes people such as myself. My father sent me through the Catholic system as an Orthodox Christian because he believed that the kids that went through that system were better quality people, and he was right too. He was also God fearing and because there was no Orthodoxy, the Catholics would have to do. As a result I want the same for my kids and I would have no problem with the Catholic System whatsoever.
In fact, I prefer these religious, whether Catholic, Anglican or Orthodox over the Left Wing and Militant Secular Neo Liberals any day of the week and twice on Sunday. These are the people I want my children to be involved with, and marry into, not some rainbow wearing, Left Wing nut jobs. who want to tell everyone how to live and kayak in front of American Naval Ships and spit on our soldiers.
The other factor is that yes, in private schools you have to pay. It is a lot more expensive. So yes, you get a lot more kids from more well to do families. That is another factor as well. But the very good thing about the catholic, Anglican and Orthodox sectors is that they all allocate a number of seats which are reserved for poorer Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox children. It isn't all about money for them. They do not want to exclude the devout based on their ability to pay. The neo liberals then turn around and accuse them that they are discriminating against non-believers.
I don't have any problem with normal families from poorer backgrounds. In fact I like them too, very much, when they work hard and most of them do the right thing and are great role models for their children too. It's just that generally, the Neo Liberals and Militant Secularists are the ones more likely to be found in the Government Sector and ruin it for everyone.
I guess I am an ultra conservative. Well, I have no problem with that at all. I don't want my kids to be hanging with the wrong crowds. I think that is pretty normal right?
Bottom line Sotos is this. Christian people just generally have more respect, more manners, and seem better balanced people for me. Might not be the case all the time but I think we can all agree that this is generally the case.