Not only is the moon landing real, but the US is testing some really out there type of things. Projects which are so secret, that maybe even the POTUS doesn't know about.
Things like the Aurora SR-91 and the SR-72
People have heard of the SR-71 blackbird. Well this has been mothballed for nearly 2 decades now, probably because of the SR-91 and SR-72
These are the so called UFO sightings everyone is seeing in Nevada and Australia around places like Area 51, Pine Gap, RAAF Learmonth, and RAAF Woomera.
A very good friend of mine is an acclaimed UFO-ologist who makes documentaries about UFO sightings.
I told him about the Aurora and he cannot deny that remote desert locations like Pine Gap, Learmonth, Woomera and Area 51 are hot spots because of the activities of the military establishment and the Arms industries.
All sorts of things are being tested in these locations.
Not just that, but my friend has been stopped many times on the street and at one time they threatened him to stop doing what he is doing (docos) or its curtains. Unmarked Government cars at the front, being followed bu unmarked choppers, and they go through his mail, his bins, and who knows what else they do. He maintains he is following flying saucers from outer space. He wouldn't dare refer to the Aurora.
There is a lot more proof about these black projects than the existence of Jesus Christ let me tell you. And there are so many people in the Aerospace Industries, and academics from Harvard and Oxford who are convinced.
20 years ago, Australia bought 1967 air-frame helicopters that were worth well over 100 million USD each, or about twice more than an F-22. Were they really that much or is that how money is embezzled to so called Black projects which are not scrutinized by Parliament or approve?
The helicopters ended up being clapped out rust buckets.