Sotos wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Sotos wrote:Dogs are unnecessary in cities...
But they're such good company!
OK... I can understand the need for say people who live alone and want a "friend" so they will not feel lonely. But in that case a tiny dog will do... no need for those big ones... unless of course you want the dog to be your "friend with benefits"

Some of the better dogs are breeds such as Labrador, German Shepherd, Husky, Blue Heeler etc.
These dogs are quite smart as well and I can understand people liking them as pets. But with pet ownership comes responsibility - vaccinations, vet, obedience training, walks, etc etc.
If people are responsible for their pets then no problem. It's the irresponsible owners that ruin it, especially with cats on the loose killing wildlife etc.
Cats in particular, are astute hunter killers, and it's not just the vermin that cop it. It's beautiful birds and other wonderful native animals.