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Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:25 am

It's about time someone really give it to this clown.

Comparing Cyprus to the UK or some other big country is like comparing an orange to an apple. The UK through the NHS has far greater subsidies for a bigger proportion of the population, whereas in Cyprus there are only subsidies for the bottom 10 or 20% only.

Plus, the tax levies are all different because Cyprus has a tiny tax base, whereas the UK has a very large tax base. Cyprus has to maintain the same services as the UK does with a population that is barely 1 million Vs 65 million people.

UK is a much larger market, so pharmaceutical companies sell at a lower price too. It's friggin common sense. The chemists in the UK are also probably large chains as well and also have a far greater purchasing power as the big chain that they are whereas most pharmacies in Cyprus are probably small family run businesses.

This chav has been whining all his life. I remember when he was whingeing about 50 odd Euros between Cyprus Airways and other Chav airliners like Thompson, again comparing a full service airline to a larger company budget low service airline. Again comparing an Orange with an Apple.

And I suppose now that 2000 people are unemployed, he thinks Cyprus is better off now and stronger and a better paradise. Well, pilots and engineers have moved their families to UAE, and QATAR and work for foreign companies. Just like now there are many Greeks working for Turkish Airlines.

Why am I not surprised that there are people who think its a good idea to buy their Pharmaceuticals in the occupied sector. What a disrespect that is to the country, all because their blue sex pills cost 3 Euros rather than 7 Euros.

Cyprus isn't for you Milti. I suggest you get the hell out and move back to the UK where you belong. Come to think of it, people buying Pharmaceuticals in the occupied should be arrested for illegal importation and tax evasion. I am no hardliner as I visited the occupied myself. I can even excuse people buying a bit of fuel their if they have been traveling and are caught short. Yeh no problem at all. But people who drive across to shop, or buy Pharmaceuticals, or petrol is exactly what Cyprus doesn't need.

You are the anti thesis of being a real Greek or Cypriot. Not even a Turk will look at the bill Milti! We do not look at the bill Milti or split the bill with a calculator after a meal with friends. Nothing can be more insulting and rude. We carry a wad of cash with a rubber band around it and we pay like gentlemen and the next time, its the other guys turn but we don't look at the Euros and cents for a real split.

I think your paradise island is Ibiza mate. Off you go!
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:31 am

What a blithering idiot!!
" we carry a ...wad of notes, we dont look at the bill !!!
General no wonder you fucked up in Syria !!
Flown any ...jets recently Stewart ??
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:36 am

Just another example of how this moron has lost the plot. All of a sudden he is giving praise to Assad, never mind the 8 million Sunni refugees that have left for Western Europe and old London Town.

And then he complains about seeing some Muslim Women in a Burkha in England.

You deserve it Milti. They fled Syria for a better life. No one can blame the poor souls for that.

You are all over the place Milti and bloody too old and you already sound drunk!

Yes, last jet I flew was yesterday as a matter of fact. 2 Sectors for 3.1 hours at night. All instrument too. I fly about 15 to 18 hours a week. About 800 to 900 hours a year.

And our flight attendants are a lot more balanced and smarter than you are. They are there not because that is the only job they can get, but because they love flying and the lifestyle.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:28 am

" All of a sudden I ....praise Assad". Hey stupid boy, who mentioned Assad ???
I just said that you General fucked up in Syria.
Now back to your ...wad of notes!!
Can you spare some, I need to get my teeth seen to, don't want to go to the UK but have it here in Cyprus. I will pm you my bank data, a couple of ...wads will do !!
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:53 am

miltiades wrote:I will start with chemists, I wondered why there are so many !!
The reason is now crystal clear!!
They are ripping off Cypriots right left and centre! All chemists charge exactly the same price, obviously they must have a powerful union.

Pharmaceutical prices are set by the government... :roll:
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:17 pm

miltiades wrote:" All of a sudden I ....praise Assad". Hey stupid boy, who mentioned Assad ???
I just said that you General fucked up in Syria.
Now back to your ...wad of notes!!
Can you spare some, I need to get my teeth seen to, don't want to go to the UK but have it here in Cyprus. I will pm you my bank data, a couple of ...wads will do !!

I fucked up did I?

Let me make it abundantly very clear to you. Firstly, you don't even know what you are talking about. You have zero knowledge about world politics and have the IQ of an infant when it comes to these things.

Today, I had lunch with a very good friend of mine who works for the Zionist Federation of Australia. How I met them is a long story, but she is a nice lady. Jewish, and proud but totally non religious and served the IDF too (in Intelligence). She is a very educated woman. They raise money to send Jewish Families from Australia back to Israel.

I also, this evening met up with a new arrival Orthodox Christian Syrian who has left Syria permanently. Another educated boy (engineer graduate) starting out in life.

The Syrian told me abundantly very clearly, Assad is an Iranian puppet and that the Sunnis have been suppressed, hence why there is civil war and an Islamic State plus 50 odd other rebel factions which oppose the regime. He fled for his life.

My Jewish Friend told me that Iran is now on Israel's border. And that they are waiting for the next war. Israel is getting along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the peace deal is holding with those countries. But with Iran, and their Syrian, and Lebanese puppets its another matter. Where will Russia be when the Israeli Army crosses into Syria? Are the Russians going to fight them?

War is an inevitably.

But let's look at the toll so far. 450,000 Syrians are dead and there are 8 million refugees.

It sounds to me that the whole world has stuffed up old boy. Don't blame me because all I ever supported is a fair go for all Syrians not just the Shiite Muslims.

Smarten up old boy because you have no idea what the world is in for. The Israelis will not tolerate Iran in Syria and will take the matter into their own hands. For them it is about survival, for the Iranians its about Death to Israel. And all over one religious site everyone is fighting over in Jerusalem.

And yet the Israelis still allow the Muslims to pray on their holy mount, where their temple once stood. You work it out for yourself.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:18 pm

I doubt very much that the government sets the prices for....preparation H
Or anusol ointment. The government sets prices for medical items in order to protect those in need of paying though the nose.
It does not, the government, set the price for vitamins such as Bcomplex B12.
If you do a search you will that Cyprus has far more chemists per head of tbe population than most EU countries except the ...masters of them all the Greeks, after all we have learned much from the Greeks on how to con people !!
Tourists in Paphos are fleeced on a daily basis, be it short trips by taxi, a boat ride or even a packet of parasidamol.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:22 pm

General, this thread is about prices in Cyprus, not the fucking Syrian war. Clear off, start your own thread, you always get 2000 views in an hour !! How do you that ?
Lack of confidence?
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:23 pm

miltiades wrote:I doubt very much that the government sets the prices for....preparation H
Or anusol ointment. The government sets prices for medical items in order to protect those in need of paying though the nose.
It does not, the government, set the price for vitamins such as Bcomplex B12.
If you do a search you will that Cyprus has far more chemists per head of tbe population than most EU countries except the ...masters of them all the Greeks, after all we have learned much from the Greeks on how to con people !!
Tourists in Paphos are fleeced on a daily basis, be it short trips by taxi, a boat ride or even a packet of parasidamol.

You saw it for yourself with a link.

But of course you would know better as far as you are concerned but actually know fuck all.
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:26 pm

miltiades wrote:General, this thread is about prices in Cyprus, not the fucking Syrian war. Clear off, start your own thread, you always get 2000 views in an hour !! How do you that ?
Lack of confidence?

You diverted the thread!

I am a political animal. I love meeting people who are knowledgeable from from different parts of the world. It makes no difference to me whether they are Israeli, Zionist, Iraqi, Iranian or Syrian. In fact, these are the kinds of people I learn from. From the very people that have lived the terror and who have endured it.

You are a light weight! :roll:
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