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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Sep 14, 2018 7:53 pm

miltiades wrote: .... the other is the obsession with fucking money. ....

Erm, pot, kettle, black.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:46 pm

Pharmaceuticals are indeed expensive here but what makes this even more annoying is the fact that many are made and packaged right here in CY.

The Cypriot pharma manufacturers of course have to pay a royalty to the inventor of the formula; like the German giant Bayer, but I don’t know what percentage of the final retail price goes to the foreign lab.

I recently read that there are queues of cars every day at the roadblocks in the hope of finding cheaper medicine in the occupied territory so there is definitely a reaction by the public to the high prices of pharmaceuticals.

I mentioned before that towards the end of last year I was ill for the first time in decades and one of my prescribed medicines was an immunosuppressant which retailed for €150 for a dozen pills!

Thanks to my wife’s CS card I think I got it for just €2 from the hospital pharmacy but after a little research I discovered it was too strong and dangerous so I didn’t take it. I returned the unopened box to the doctor at the next appointment and suggested he gives it to someone who wants to commit suicide!

These days it’s easy to check on the Internet all medicine prescribed to you and I suggest you always do that just in case… because doctors sometimes get desperate to find a solution for you and may be tempted by extreme measures as in my case.
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Postby kurupetos » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:13 pm

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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:09 am

For those whose comprehension level is not up to scratch I would like to clarify one or two points.
Firstly, I think that most if not all on this forum , are familiar with my numerously expressed sentiments of love of Cyprus and its people. I have also over the years expressed , at times harsh? Criticisms of certain cultural or otherwise aspects.
Im not living in a fool's paradise, Im a realist and a logical man, hense when certain behaviour occurs which I consider to be unacceptable I shall voice an opinion.
Our friend, who shall remain...anonymous, suggested I ....go back to the UK. !!
Are you that stupid mate, im in Paradise and you are suggesting I go back to hell ??

Back to Prices. It was mid July when a good friend in London, a restaurateur who used our services, rung me, he often does, and asked me to source a good hotel for his daughter and husband along with two children ages 11 and 9, for a two week stay in Limassol commencing August 13th. He was paying, a gift to his daughter and family. Some years back he had stayed at the Apollonia and suggested it.
Rather than search on line I visited the hotel and enquired availability and cost.
Bed and breakfast, sea view room.
€6384 euros !!! For 14 days !!
I rung my friend and relayed the cost.
He, as well as I, thought the price rather high, I know it was the high season but the cost was prohibitively high.

Left it with him and a few days later he rung me and told me he had found a 5 star hotel in Kyrenia for €1100.
I did emphasize the political situation but frankly he , an English man, was not particularly concerned, all his daughter and family wanted was a two week break, sun and the sea.
Is Cyprus becoming the play ground of the super rich? Can the locals afford suvh prices? I most certainly would not pay such a high cost, on my recent visit to Paphos I stayed in Polis, someone suggested the Anasa hotel, yes why not I said to my self, its only for 3 days !! Breakfast included, cost per night €548 !!! Add my wine and meals a 3 night stay would set me back almost 3000 euros. Fuck that I said. Stayed in a lovely hotel at €65 . Thst was a bargain. !!
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Postby boomerang » Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:27 am

For those whose comprehension level is not up to scratch I would like to clarify one or two points.
Firstly, I think that most if not all on this forum , are familiar with my numerously expressed sentiments of love of Cyprus and its people. I have also over the years expressed , at times harsh? Criticisms of certain cultural or otherwise aspects.
Im not living in a fool's paradise, Im a realist and a logical man, hense when certain behaviour occurs which I consider to be unacceptable I shall voice an opinion.
Our friend, who shall remain...anonymous, suggested I ....go back to the UK. !!
Are you that stupid mate, im in Paradise and you are suggesting I go back to hell ??

hey moron, not only you lack comprehension skills but you suck at comedy at the best of times... :lol:

to the senile old tightass old fart, do everyone a favour and shove your opinions sideways up your ass you fucking moronic fool...

In all your history in this forum, it has been one of, whining bullshit dripping out of your mouth at every turn of the clock hand...

your comprehension skills towards what has been written, will leave even the most intellectual midget fuck off...

you can't seemed to grasp purchasing power at it's best, even having to explain it to you numerous times...

here it is once again moron..supermarkets in the uk, Australia, US etc, when it comes to their turnover they all dwarf the little Cyprus GDP...meaning their costs are so small comparing to anything Cyprus is able to purchase...

here it is again with a pots and pans scenario something up your alley...a customer A purchases from you 2 pots and 2 pans and you give him a price lets say x...another customer B wants to purchase 100 pots and pans, are both customers going to pay the same price from you?..according to your analogy you just fucking ripped off customer B if customer A with a lower purchasing power gets the same how stupid are you...but in reality you and I know customer B will get a much better price because of a higher volume purchasing...and guess what you just ripped of customer A according to your analogy...

surely you cannot be this fucking thick...but then again you are nothing but a professional fucking low life moronic fucking whiner...

you are so fucking blind that yobbos like you are no longer suited or welcomed in Cyprus...Cyprus needs a high class of tourists which this leaves you and others like you in limbo as you are dragging the whole of Cyprus down with your constant whining tightass attitude...a higher class of tourists will lift the local people to a higher class, money in the local economy is needed for this not tight ass yobbos such as your self...

yes Cyprus is fast becoming the monte carlo of east med...and good luck to them...the ilks of you wouldn't be allowed in monte everyone a favour and piss off to the uk where you are most fucking suited with the rest of the fucking whining yobbos...

next time you visit paphos stay in a fucking tent right on the beach, it's cheaper, you fucking tight ass idiot...people like you need to be urgently deported and never come are drag to the going forward system.

fucking pseudo intellectual dick brain, if the old dog cannot learn a new trick time to put the old dog down is my motto...

PS...moron I can give it you old day till the cows come not make any mistake about it and your low tolerance means shit to me...
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Postby boomerang » Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:22 am

miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:
miltiades wrote:
B25 wrote:
miltiades wrote:A few days ago I popped into a large store, quite large, that does NOT display prices. Wanted a pair of summery shoes.
450 euros she said. Fuck that I said, you taking the piss. If you can't afford it she said don't buy it. She was a stuck up village peasant !! Im not a rich man I said, only have a couple of million !!!

If you were stupid enough to walk into a store that had no pricing (which is illegal anyway ) you deserve all you get.

I avoid anything that is for sale with no price shown, especially cars.

Mate I don't know which part of Cyprus you are in but in Limassol you will be hard pressed to find a shop displaying prices.
As for it being illegal, well its also illegal to go through red lights and break the speed limit.

Frankly, I have reached the conclusion that in Cyprus prices for general goods, especially chemist products are a daylight robbery. Anything from sun tan cream, vitamins, health essentials, as well as ....viagra, are at exorbitant prices. By the way I get my ...viagra free. The NHS offers all diabetics 4 tablets a month, that is once a week !!!!
I can just about manage once a ...year !!

picking on the chemists and health services again...see my post above...

as far as your "how many times a month", please to much graphic, no need for that... :lol:

but hey nothing stopping you to going back to the good Ol' days living in the uk milti, where everything is

Don't be such a fucking idiot, My tolerance level for morons is exceedingly low. To critisize an aspect regarding high prices does not infer that I want to go back. I will critisize those aspects that I consider a bloody disgrace for Cyprus. One of course is none other than the driving, the other is the obsession with fucking money. Screw them as much as you can get away with.
By the way, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my " comprehension " that is a problem that you appear to have.
Let me reiterate. I dont give a shit as to the stupid excuses why a cream I buy in the UK for £2.59 is sold here for €6.95.
Im afraid Cyprus is pricing it self out of the tourist market also. Its plain bloody greed.
Must have a Mercedes, a BMW, a Range Rover even a Masserati and a bloody pair of torn jeans for 200 euros. Wake up, you are being fleeced.

no one is putting a fucking gun to your head to buy it you fucking moron...who the fuck are you to dictate what should or shouldn't anyone need to immediately with out further delay be deported...

you can't even understand a government subsidy to a non government subsidy and here you are comparing the much of a fucking malakas are you?...i think you reached an age where you need to hire an assassin to put an end to your fucking worthless miserable are nothing but a drag to the going forward system...

why can't people grow a beard if they wish or why can't they purchase and wear ripped jeans... who the fuck died and put you in fucking charge?...I got news for you, it's none of your fucking it?

as to this little gem to the malakas that should renamed anonymous
I dont give a shit as to the stupid excuses why a cream I buy in the UK for £2.59 is sold here for €6.95

i guess the cost from you 1 set of pots and pans is the same price as 100 pots and your tiny little brain you are being you are not being fair because you are ripping off you 100 pots and pans you fucking run a business is beyond comprehension...but then again a bigger country more fools...

oh here is another little gem by the malakas who should rename anonymous...
Must have a Mercedes, a BMW, a Range Rover even a Masserati OR even a JAGUAR

why did you bring your jag to cyprus rather than buying a little cheap car in cyprus and support the local economy?...idiot
better still why not start riding a donkey...this way you can save a lot of money to be buried with...
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Postby boomerang » Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:35 am

Get Real! wrote:Pharmaceuticals are indeed expensive here but what makes this even more annoying is the fact that many are made and packaged right here in CY.

The Cypriot pharma manufacturers of course have to pay a royalty to the inventor of the formula; like the German giant Bayer, but I don’t know what percentage of the final retail price goes to the foreign lab.

I recently read that there are queues of cars every day at the roadblocks in the hope of finding cheaper medicine in the occupied territory so there is definitely a reaction by the public to the high prices of pharmaceuticals.

I mentioned before that towards the end of last year I was ill for the first time in decades and one of my prescribed medicines was an immunosuppressant which retailed for €150 for a dozen pills!

Thanks to my wife’s CS card I think I got it for just €2 from the hospital pharmacy but after a little research I discovered it was too strong and dangerous so I didn’t take it. I returned the unopened box to the doctor at the next appointment and suggested he gives it to someone who wants to commit suicide!

These days it’s easy to check on the Internet all medicine prescribed to you and I suggest you always do that just in case… because doctors sometimes get desperate to find a solution for you and may be tempted by extreme measures as in my case.

Pharmaceuticals are indeed expensive here but what makes this even more annoying is the fact that many are made and packaged right here in CY.

The Cypriot pharma manufacturers of course have to pay a royalty to the inventor of the formula; like the German giant Bayer, but I don’t know what percentage of the final retail price goes to the foreign lab.

Yes GR pricing is dictated by volume...if Cyprus makes/packages locally and volume is small the royalties will be higher for the same product produced elsewhere that has a higher output...hence there is a huge market for parallel importing on most products...I am sure a lot of people shop on the internet for better pricing and in most case you can always find a better price offshore...

but the anonymous clown forum malakas can't seem to understand government subsidized pricing to a non government subsidized pricing and compares the two saying one is a ripoff...and the gem here is he can't get it through his fucking head even as he is typing it and he claims he has no comprehension problems... :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:58 am

Boomercunt, little shits like you I have brushed aside many a times. You sound a complete arsehole a little man with 10 cents in his pocket endeavouring to be a succesful con artist. Im a qualified accountant uou fucking ignoramus, run a business for years, now retired in Cyprus but will not take shit from anyone especialy con artists. The Cypriot banks robbed me and thousands of others of hundreds of thousands of pounds. Let me give you a tip.
Once bitten twice shy
I also DO NOT trust the legal system or any large business as they are all on the take.

Money is what rules the lives of Cypriots in general, none more so than that of the establishment. Now, boy, you can go and fuck your self, in the process con a few clients since you are an ardent follower of crooks. I bet you can also justify the Sinergatiko fiasco. What a bunch of fucking crooks. Shame on them , a stigma on Cyprus.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:12 am

Another fucking idiot joins in.
Hey smart arses. Justify this "
"Cyprus’ dairy products the most expensive in EU"
Cyprus mail.
Check it out you ignorant little shits!!
A pseudo general and a pseudo business man, combined logic that of a mouse. ... ensive-eu/
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:21 am

Gosh! Just when you thought you couldn't get any more moronic.

Bank Deposits are only guaranteed up to 100,000 in most OECD countries.

What, people honestly think that just because they deposit money into a Bank that it is safe? It isn't if you deposit more than 100,000.

There was an Australian Family that was moving to Cyprus to retire and this is a true story. They sold their house in Australia, and deposited their super funds and all the money they had into The Laiki Bank before it went down. A whole 1.2 million Euros at Laiki became 100,000 Euros in BoC. A family wiped out.

Now I feel sorry for them, but who in their right mind puts money into a Bank that is barely profitable? A Cypriot Bank relying on illegal Russian mafia money and barely profiting 20 million when they could have done it with a British Bank or an American Bank that showed billions in profit the previous year and which has more resistance to downturns due to their cash reserves?

This moron thinks that this can only happen in Cyprus. It can happen in the UK or the USA or Australia too, it is just less likely to occur with one of the Banking giants of those countries is about the onloy difference whereas small Greek and Cypriot Banks can get wiped out very quickly.
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