CrookedRiverGuy wrote:Paphitis wrote:So bye bye and fuck off to this criminal tyrant. It's about friggin time and may Erdogan go fuck himself
Isn't it interesting how Erdogan and Trump match up? Both
* pursue more authority regardless of how much they already have
* see themself surrounded by conspiracies
* demonise their enemies
* are nationalists
* are populists
This must be fake news to you, as one of them is a devil whilst the other is godlike, eh?
Well, Trump is no Saint and I am a firm believer that there has been some collusion between Trump Campaigners and Russia and that there was Russian Interference in US Elections. I do not like it one little bit and chickens need to come and roost over the matter. I am no fan of Pootin at all. In fact, I consider Pootin and Erdogan to be on par in their criminality.
I was speaking to my American friend from Texas only just 5 days ago. A US Army Cobra Pilot Vietnam Vet now author/writer. If you want to read about some real stories about some of the sorties he flew in Vietnam then I recommend his book (if you are interested I can PM you). Anyway, he is no fan of Trump which is unusual for a Texan.
He believes that USA and Russia are going to form an unholy alliance of convenience as both are united through a common interest of containing China. USA to contain China in the South China Sea, and Russia to contain them with their soft underbelly with Americas help. He also believes (as did Tim Drayton) that the Russians and Americans colluded and made deals over Syria. He believes that Pootin and Trump are a necessary evil to contain China.
He is married to a Russian as well.
Now as for your comparison between Trump and Erdogan. Trump has proven to have some great ideas much to the woe of the neo liberals. His economic policies are paying off, his rustling of EU feathers over NATO Defence expenditures is paying off because the Europeans will step up their game now. Only Greece met NATO targets. No other NATO country went over the 2%.
Trump is doing very well for himself. But as I said, I do smell a rat between US and Russian collusion. It is not something I can stomach but my friend believes that the alternative is far more ghastly than the Russians can ever be (CHINA is the big elephant in the room) and neither the Americans or Russians like it. Russia would much prefer America than China any day according to him. Russia and China do not make good bedfellows. Russia can live with NATO but it can't live with China. that's because deep down the Russians know that NATO will not attack Russia for the sake of it for expansionist reasons but they are not so confident of the Chinese who are expansionist in the South China Sea and basically ripping or stealing the EEZ of every neighboring country because they have the might.
As to American and Turkish relations. They have been in decline for a while now. You can sense Erdogan's anti Americanism coming through. You can sense his hatred and the Americans can sense it too. But the Americans are far too smart to act compulsively like Erdogan does. The incarceration of a popular pastor, is something that does not go down well in America's religious and conservative evangelical South and this is Republican Heartland which got trump elected in the first place. Trump is just the kind of president they will bring Turkey to heel as well. Gone are the days of the spineless Obama. And Turkey is heeling.