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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Mar 13, 2024 2:44 am

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
60-year-old embargoes on Turkish Cypriots spiteful and unfair ... nd-unfair/

...indeed, we did live well together before the "Greeks" and "Turks" took on their cause for "Hellenism" and "Turkishness". I remember, with pride 'we' our village were Great Cooperators, there was trust and respect among us, we worked well together, we were in effect self-sustaining despite the 'taxman', the 'agent', and the 'others' who did not care for our collective tradition, a "mixed" village we were called because "they" found it strange.

...indeed i remember, with Cyprus 'ours' in three short years there was asphalt on roads, a light in the kitchen, and water for drinking just outside my door. (Something the British had not provided.)

...indeed, i remember those who stayed behind when the invasion started, because they were Cypriots, because they believed in greater Principles as Citizens of the World, in a Family of Man. They, are our Heroes. I do not forget that either. And i ask why there is no memorial for these murdered and missing where we the living may mourn together these men women and children for who they are (and who 'we' are) because they did not die as "Greeks" and "Turks" but at their bloody hands.

Who speaks for 'us' the greater half actually, the Cypriots who vote as Cypriots Turkish and Greek even unnaturally divided over decades never once choosing one of ''Their'' candidates overwhelmingly? This is the Problem. It is not a problem of Greeks vs Turks, or "Turks" vs "Greeks", but how Greeks and Turks are ignored by "Greeks" and "Turks" who hold the Agenda.

...indeed i ask, who would be against it if Cypriots took to their beaches to eat souvla together and under the one Flag that is rightfully theirs, the Flag of Cyprus; ask yourselves, ask yourself.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Mar 22, 2024 4:59 am

Thursday, March 21, 2024
Government ire at ‘all Cyprus could be Turkish’ comment ... h-comment/

...unlike Putin's Russia, Turkey did not make the invasion an existential question for "Greeks", and thus it was possible to establish an (illegal) regime for "Turkishness", in Cyprus.

...and now Mr. Erdogan laments what could have been if Turkey had the Armed Forces they have today, he is bragging actually, (with him in control) how much they have grown; seeing Ukraine, as it is today "Russia's" predicament, he knows better but he can't help himself.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Mar 25, 2024 5:06 am

Saturday, August 04, 2012
Our view: Old-style hero worship has no relevance today - Cyprus Mail#comments
Our view: Old-style hero worship has no relevance today - Cyprus Mail#comments


If Mr. Malas wants to support a Federal Solution, i ask, if there is a Republic, and a Turkish Constituency, where is the Greek Constituency?

Turkey may be the 800 pound guerilla in the room, but the fact remains, Justice in Cyprus is to be seen, and it is Cypriots which must display this toward each other. For the proxy war to end, Turks and Greeks can be equals, with National Assemblies for their self-representation, as Persons. But, in a Bicommunal State, as Individuals without distinction or discrimination, as Citizens, united, they would vote for a Federal Government, to defend and to better Universal Principals, as well.

...Mr. Malas, think 12.5 million, two hundred years from now, can anyone imagine the demographics of this island to remain unchanged even fifty years from now? what is best for this island's dwellers, if

like Makarios you fought for Free Will, not just Liberty? and like Makarios, if you lay the blame on Greece, the Greek elite who to this day corrupt themselves, why then the denial, unlike Makarios, that a Cypriot State is better?

...personally, if i could, i would fly the Cypriot Flag attached to my car's attenna, and drive right round the island, in tribute to the great man (and men/women), who chose Cyprus first. if i was a Politician, I would focus on one Cyprus, and the opportunities that existed if within a Territorial Jurisdiction Greek came first, like in a Turkish, Maronite, Armenian, etc. Constituency, equal for the same reason. if i was a Leader, i would seek closure for the displaced, all Cypriots, not just "Greeks", i would seek to have for them the pleasure of their Properties restored, and for some at least, the Right of Return as they left, as Communities. in my Cyprus, enclaves are not a dirty word, they would be scattered across the whole geography of the island, obliging National Assemblies like those Greek and Turkish to provide service to an electorate island-wide, securing Freedom of Movement, and Association because even if the Green Line remains unchanged it becomes a frontier amongst many, not a border; Bizonal because there is one Sovereignty, and within it an ability to sustain diversity geographically.

...Mr. Malas, like his contemporaries have no vision, if they cannot see the value of a Greek state, within a Cypriot State. they are Statesman, like Makarios if they can provide a way of life where we can define ourselves as Individuals while we sustain our Identities as Persons; they are, in my mind traitors to all Mankind if they resist the changes which take us beyond the 19th Century and passed the Modern Age.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:08 am

Monday, April 01, 2024
There is ‘room for hope’ on Cyprus problem ... s-problem/

...if Mdme. Kassianidou can sit at a meeting celebrating the TMT, it would be normal for her to be sitting at a function celebrating the same event for EOKA; that would make sense as a rule, and this is a sad absurdity, given our circumstances hypocrisy in short, representing Cypriots as their Deputy Minister of Culture.

...with what EOKA and the TMT became they leave 'us' very little to celebrate; "Greekness" and "Turkishness" are the Cypriots bane.

And it is an insult to Cypriots who gather together in mourning, who do not forget what lessons that should have been learned.

Along with these families, of those who were murdered or made to disappear at "their" bloody hands for "being" Cypriot, i/I choose to stand. How can a Cypriot choose differently? my mind it is this we must not forget in overcoming our own Ignorance. "This" cannot stand. Indeed the Hopefulness comes from the People, not from the Leadership it seems.

...shame on the Republic and on the "other" republic who do not serve the rest of us: the larger half so to speak, the voters who for decades that have never voted overwhelmingly for "These" ideals.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Apr 14, 2024 1:09 am

Monday, April 27, 2015
Turkey Rebukes Newly-Elected Turkish Cypriot Leader ... r-30611540

...only hours the Leader (Akinci), and Erdogan is already picking a fight; tells you a lot about the situation as it really is. While Turkey denies it has any influence over the lives of Cypriots, Turkish or Greek, exactly the opposite is true. Imagine, the poor man (Akinci) interrupts his own interview on TV for a phone call he dare not let go to his voice mail.

Cyprus exists, Cypriots exist. Although Mr. Erdogan will do his best to deny it, this time I hope he is losing his grip. My hope is that a man has been elected, who has the backbone to appreciate his being, Turkish, and Cypriot, does not mean that he must be a "Turk" (and whatever that means in Erdogan's Turkey). In fact, it is Akinci who holds the power to create better intentions toward Turkey's Constitutional Reforms, by demonstrating that the Flag of Cyprus and the Flag of Turkey are equals, because they do not define "Turkishness", or "Greekness", but Universal Principals which we as Individuals, rather than Nations but as States defend.

What is needed, in my opinion is a Greek Constituency, which does not exist. If it existed, within a set of Cypriot Constituencies, a Turkish Constituency would have an equal. Like in Turkey, no equal can exist in Cyprus for its Republic. Freedom is secured by the representation of all Citizens as equals without any other distinction or discrimination. Liberty on the other hand is best expressed in both countries by recognising that at another level of government, the People as Persons, through self representation are closer to the taxes they pay, and as majorities in sustaining their distinct identities, able in demonstrating Goodwill, and Goodfaith to the minorities that live among them.

I think Mr. Akinci understands this, and Mr. Erdogan has this as a reason to be such a bully toward him. If as Mr. Eroglu described, that the election was a referendum, Cypriots have demonstrated that for the most part, they choose to be Cypriot, first.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 12, 2024 11:35 pm

Thursday, June 08, 2023
Tatar calls Christodoulides to start Atlılar excavation ... xcavation/

According to media reports in the north, the Akansoy family lost 30 members.

During the burial, Akansoy, who was 17 at the time, said the events his family had experienced were the result of “the nationalist movement, mass fanaticism and rotten minds.”

“Therefore, what we must all remember that this mentality must be completely eliminated from our schools, religious places and all forms of power,” Akansoy said. He added that this was important so that such pain is not experienced again. (Cyprus Mail)

...let us remember who was murdered and made to disappear; not "Greeks", not "Turks", but those unarmed, civil, and more reasoned.

Ask the survivors, Turkish or Greek what they want: a single Memorial so that they may all grieve as one.

...linking this issue to the negotiations makes me wonder what Mr. Tatar hopes to gain, if it is the suffering of such families he is concerned with. He surely knows the CMP has this work as their responsibility; they call for more help from all of us, especially those who witnessed such acts, and most particularly the Turkish Army, their information would be instrumental.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed May 15, 2024 1:03 am

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
‘We obviously disagree on Cyprus, but only dialogue can be the antidote’ ... -antidote/

“it is important to reach a fair and permanent solution to the Cyprus problem on the basis of the facts on the island.”; so says Mr. Erdogan.

indeed. But i have to ask, does his reality of this problem, in Cyprus, include Justice; a solution which can be emulated, a solution which makes 'us' better people as a Human race?

...this is the Problem.

Enosis: Erdogan begs us and 'we' remain divided. "Greek", "Turk'', they still hold the Agenda; "They" are the bane to the other half of us Greek and Turkish, but, Cypriot first.

And why not on 'our' streets and on 'our' beaches public demonstrations of our love for this island, "Picnics" together united under the one flag "They" treat (and have treated) as a rag, the Flag of Cyprus.

An end to "Enosis" (and to "Taksim") because 'we' choose to take back the word(s) giving it (read: them) its Cypriot meaning.

Think carefully about what this man is saying, because "They" should not be able to look out their windows or from their cars without seeing 'our' Flag (despite "Theirs''') proudly flown.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:34 am

Friday, June 03, 2022
Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)
repulsewarrior (to) MrH • a few seconds ago

...indeed, Greek Cypriots can do more to help Turkish Cypriots by finding them and sharing together in social-exchange. Cypriots may find that in effect, they are not few and insignificant as "They" would have the rest of us believe.

To be loving persons and to love Cyprus should not be strange to us.

Starving the Casinos and the Hotels owned by "Cypriot Turks" and enjoying Cyprus with Cypriots instead, i suggest is a direct action every Cypriot can take, in Trade, and in Leisure. Dare to share the pleasure of the Flag that as the People's is Rightfully theirs, Rightfully yours and Rightfully mine. And i will join you on the beaches and on the streets because i am Cypriot too.

...there is nothing more than a Turkish Cypriot that Erdogan fears, because they still have a choice.

You have that choice Mr. H, to end "Turkishness" in Turkey. You have the choice of providing Hope to people who are Turkish, like you who are not "Turkish", by "being" what you are, a Cypriot. ... 5877526755
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:46 pm

Sunday, July 17, 2022
Cyprus honours today all those who sacrificed their life to defend democracy during the coup d’etat ... oup-detat/

...a man who has dedicated his life to "Turkishness" awaits us to show ourselves (if 'we' exist as Cypriots); are Cypriots, as the "Greeks" and "Turks" living among us say, too few and insignificant?

There is one Flag that belongs to the People. (There is a National Anthem too, hidden in a drawer somewhere.)

...who would prevent Cypriots from gathering under this flag if they so choose?

And why not on the beaches, in front of our shops and our houses, on our cars, across the whole island where Cypriots live; such a demonstration I would like to see: so many Flags that "They" cannot ignore them.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:57 pm

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Maybe it’s time for a real partition to be negotiated ... egotiated/

...if there is a Republic, and a Turkish Constituency, where is the Greek Constituency?

"That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status."

...count them, three governing bodies.

With a Greek Constituency (and others, i.e. Maronite, Armenian, Latin) it is possible to have equality amongst people as Persons, (and dare i say it, with Cypriot Constituencies, the Cypriot People could elect to create an English Constituency, and in the future others if and when it is warranted).

With a Greek Constituency, regardless of demographics, Greek is sustained and promoted.

With a Greek Constituency, the State, and the Government which represents all Citizens without distinction or discrimination, is Free of this bias, (defending Greekness because the overwhelming majority of the island's population is Greek), more credible, it will be better able to defend our Individual Rights as members of the larger family, of Man.

Bicommunal does not mean tearing the island in two, but, it requires from all of us a willingness to overcome the fears we have within ourselves, to change our thinking, to demonstrate that Cypriots have an intent far more complex than being "Greeks" and "Turks" in a proxy war.

Just like the word Bicommunal, the word Bizonal is only complete if there are (more than) "two" of something which remains a whole. In my Cyprus, enclaves are not a dirty word, and I believe that Justice can be seen if they exist. What of the displaced, the murdered, and the missing, who were/are they that they suffered this fate, in '63, and in '74? What of their return if not for all of them, some of them as they were forced to leave, as Communities? I see enclaves pocketing the whole island, obliging the Greek and Turkish Constituencies to serve an electorate that is island-wide (and that is multi-cultural). I see enclaves as a key to securing: Free Association, Free Expression, Free Movement, because as Cypriots we would have these Rights. And, even if the "Green-Line" remains, it will no longer be a "border", but another frontier.

...dividing the island (as in separation) will not bring Peace, it is this hatred and endless cycle of revenge which must be willfully stopped. If we love Cyprus, it is Cyprus that comes first, it does not belong to "us" (read: "Greek"/"Turk"), we belong to it.
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