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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:34 am

Monday, September 18, 2023
John Foreman OBE - Russia's Leaders Lied About Their Intentions: Now Putin's War is Consuming Russia

...the Problem, who remembers the Problem that was originally identified as the Cyprus Problem with the intention to create a perfect political framework which provides for People as Individuals Freedom and as Persons Liberty as well: the opportunity to represent their Goodwill as majorities demonstrating this in Goodfaith providing for the minorities living among them (both as Individuals and as Persons; this is a BBF).

...Cyprus torn as it is, what it does and has done to Cypriots, is not unlike the Ukraine (and in Russia) as it is evolving, having "Ukrainians" and "Russians" who would deny, and who deny with their hateful dogmas such an existence as a Ukrainian or a Russian who are not like "Them". And what about Turkey with its "Turkishness", how it has torn the Turkish People never more divided as they are, this too the problematic symptoms of the same problem which sixty years ago Statesman thought would be easy to solve; the Problem: but intentions count.

...indeed, i do not despair because i believe in Putin's wiley nature who like Erdogan stand at the precipice of their own Legacies knowing what the Problem is: to live in infamy (indeed, Putin is facing War Crimes), or, to live in esteem and emulated because along with Mr Zelenskyy a solution is found; this is their (read: his) problem.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Sep 20, 2023 12:05 am

I suggest that it is up to 'us', everyone of us who is Cypriot; there is no waiting for a Leadership to solve our problem (read: Problem) in Cyprus.

We must ''be'' Cypriot.

Turkish and Greek those of us, not "Greek" and not "Turkish" are not few as "They" would have the world believe. Let's remember even in this dysfunctional state divided as we are, as voters, over decades now 'we' have never once voted overwhelmingly for "Their" candidates.

We must end "Their" hateful enterprise, carefully and lovingly as Cypriots are and should be.

We must seek each other out, we must cross the "Green Line" specifically to trade and exchange socially, and, we must starve the "others" by avoiding such establishments.

We must demonstrate this desire openly and publicly to free ourselves of "This", together as Cypriots unashamed and under the flag that is our Flag, the one "They" treat and have treated as a rag long enough: it too is worth fighting for the Flag of Cyprus because it is 'ours' and rightfully so.

...indeed, i call for ENOSIS, to take back that word from "Them"; giving it a Cypriot meaning. ... 6281196508
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:08 pm

Thursday, January 12, 2023
Princess Anne at the Presidential Palace (Update) ... al-palace/

...i can recount the very day that Grivas decided to fight against the British Army, an organisation he admired very much. If it were not for the superior officer who ignored his plaint of the unruly soldiers who put his life in danger, there would not have been an EOKA. for EOKA B, their failure makes it very clear that there is/was a difference. But three days after their successful coup, without the support they expected from Greek Cypriots, even the Junta in Greece collapsed.

Cypriots in fact are neither "Turkish" or "Greek", while being Greek and Turkish they are the victim of such dogmatists who by their actions have usurped these People's Basic Human Rights by ignoring their identity as Individuals and by defining them strictly as Persons.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:36 am

...a story worth repeating.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:26 pm

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
TC teachers offer Greek lessons५३२११४ a society such as that in Cyprus, one would hope that their government can sustain a multi-cultural ability; english, greek, french, turkish, why not maronite, (and armenian)। with the Information Age, we will have to learn to compete by producing the Bits and Bytes its process demands। thus, Having many (or several) Official Languages allows a Society to increase this quantity by refining their functionality so that their usage, one with the other is transparent, if Cypriots think futuristicly, they must prepare themselves to be functional in as many languages as possible: this is Bicommunal ;a commitment which was made on the Principal that all men are equal, and that our equality is measured by the diversity of our traits। ...with language there is land, and in the end: there will be National Assemblies, and enclaves spotting the entire island; ...think what we can do sustaining ourselves as Persons if instead of tearing the island into two adversarial forces, there exists a diversity of populations within each of the elected bodies to compete for its attentions। as a People, as Cypriots, as this island's dwellers; its Steward. represented by a State; one hopes that it leads in defending our Rights as Individuals, and that we emulate as people, as a People, as equals in a fight, for these Rights and their betterment. ...since we spoke of the Armed Forces, one would hope that there will be "Turks" as well as "Sri Lankens" in its roster, with an ability to react quickly as a global partner, and to contribute the acute actions that would be necessary to mitigate the suffering caused by natural disaster and human turmoil. poh pooh on that guy who calls himselfMuslimand doesn't wantto fight other Muslims in my Cyprus. The enemy is: Ignorance, lawless plunder, natural disaster, ...and any interlocutor who seeks our subjugation; not "greeks" not "turks", but any body of people who dismiss the Sovereignty of Cypriots on Cyprus. guys don't seem to grasp the demographics of this island even in the medium term (90 years); forget the short term (fifty years), as the builders of a new Constitution. ...if this is the "Birth" that Mr. Talat was talking about he was not wrong... op, english is not fine. english is the biggest threat, to the diversity of Humanity's Peoples. Greek, which is so functional as a language hopefully is experiencing a revival because with its population dwindling, relative to the total population of the earth, it will become all the more difficult to sustain. let's not forget that 90% of the world's population speaks English, but let's remember that 90% of this population has a mother tongue which is not english.

...please read, reread my manifesto, enclaves is not a dirty word, the population of Cyprus is 12 million।
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Dec 24, 2023 12:17 am

Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Re: TRNC FM: "Autonomy or Recognition"

...indeed the best chance for anything Turkish surviving "Turkishness" in Turkey is in Cyprus. really is up to you MrH, if you are Cypriot, and Turkish; you may choose between being Turkish, or being a "Turk". You may choose to set an example Turkey can emulate, united with its own constituencies, or you may leave no choice to Turks but to fight what seeks to usurp the Freedom they have, those "Turkish".

Cyprus is the key, united as Cypriots, or not at Peace, divided; hope in Turkey (and in the Eastern Mediterranean) or not. are fooling yourself if you generalise to make all Greeks, "Greeks". You are foolish to think Greeks are the enemy, or that Cypriots do not exist. You are not mistaken, on the other hand, to think that "Greeks", and "Turks" are alike, and that for those of us Turkish or Greek, or Cypriot, a bane to our existence.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 24, 2024 1:46 am

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Cyprus hits back at ‘skyscrapers on stolen lands’ ... len-lands/

...if Greeks were "Greeks" and Turks were "Turks", this island's dwellers would have split long time ago.

But, they are not.

...let's remember who has kept us united. Not our Leadership having taken "sides" but the voters who despite the decades of being unnaturally torn apart (and without proper representation) still vote as Cypriots, never having overwhelmingly voted for one of "Their" candidates even once.

...and, let's not forget that while the "Greeks'' succeeded in their coup it took three days to fail because Cypriots, more precisely Greek Cypriots, overwhelmingly, did not support it.

Do not delude yourself Cemal with "Their" dogmas so hateful and unjust; Cypriots exist and they matter too.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:47 pm

Sunday, July 17, 2022
Calls for unity as Cyprus marks anniversary of 1974 coup ... 1974-coup/

...sadly, politicians speak to their electors. "Greeks" they speak to Greeks, and that disgusts me frankly; who dares to speak to Cypriots as Cypriots i ask?

They, Cypriots, have no representation it seems. (Yet even when votes are counted divided as 'we' are, Cypriots are never less than half of the total vote after all these decades.) And they are not few as those "Greek" and "Turkish" will have you believe. What can be expected but more platitudes if on such a day these elite(s) "Turkish" and "Greek") do not dedicate themselves to "be" neither one of these; against "Them", as Cypriots (taking back the word) in enosis.

...the day is coming when Cypriots, as the People, will have no choice but to act despite their leadership.

It is the People who must speak for themselves, if these so called leaders cannot think beyond their own success.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:10 pm

Sunday, October 08, 2006
What we learn from the Amish ... 0519#70519

In church today, the sermon was about the Amish tragedy of last week. Five of their children were murdered most brutally, and yet their first acts as individuals, and as a community was, first, to forgive. The priest told us of the account he read, the mother of the murderer, welcomed to grieve with them, the harmony that comes from the respect of all living things, and the grace to remain, as giving individuals, faithful to their way of life, and the God that they believe in.

Acts of hatred and intolerance are woeful things. We are unable to understand them. We become these things, as weaker individuals, because reason and charity are the choice we have, we were 'given', unique in the system of living things.The Amish may appear fanatical, in this trust, but they are not. They are the example, to which we aspire, in our loftier moments.

In Cyprus, isolated as it is, being an island, we share in the effect of small communities. Thus the denial, which affects us is all the more hurtful. Let us say that this is God's plan, to begin again, but to hold to the blessing of love. You know that my family has suffered greatly with many disappeared. I know that this is true for all of us. I accept, my responsibility, and I respect this loss by the hope to which I apply myself for life's betterment.

The resolution of our impasse will not come from the blame which may never find closure. In our hearts this black void cannot be filled by revenge. Asking yourself what you deserve to get, offers no relief. Asking ourselves what we have to give may lead to the peace and prosperity that is the best state, as well as our desire.

You see, fanaticism, is not necessarily a bad thing. As individuals, it is what we do with it.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:14 pm

Sunday, March 10, 2024
Tatar: No one can stop the Turkish Cypriots from achieving their own state ... own-state/

If anything, Mr. Tatar is misrepresenting Turkish Cypriots who in effect do not support the efforts he makes for "Turkishness".

...indeed, "Cypriot Turks" like to think that only "Greeks" are Cypriots, "Greeks" in fact would like the rest of us believe that too. But it is not the case, as we have seen over the decades because not once have Cypriots swayed on either side of the "Line" by voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates.

And where is the Greek Constituency, like a Turkish Constituency, to nurture their distinctions and to demonstrate as Persons their respect for the minorities that live among them?

...indeed, as Individuals, with a State without distinction or discrimination, we can defend each other under a Rule of Law. Being a BBF, even more, we can demonstrate the same trust and respect toward each other at a second level of Government, as Persons, as well. (The EU, for example is a BBF, so is the USA.)

Mr. Tatar is mistaken, he deludes himself if he believes that his Ignorance will be accepted because the World is as Ignorant as he is. He asks the wrong questions because he is not a Cypriot; if he did he would have all that he is asking for.
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