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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:48 am

Thursday, September 01, 2022
North seeks to reduce queues at checkpoints ... eckpoints/

...indeed, the question becomes, who is crossing and for what reason.

Cypriots who spend money with each other, who seek each other out, in effect are Patriotic under the circumstances.

Those who go for the Casinos or cheap gas in affect are traitors, no better than the "Turks", but "Greeks".

...this war against "Turkishness" must be won, more Cypriots should come together. "Greekness" too must end.

As Greeks and as Turks we have the responsibility as Cypriots to represent a higher order of values, to defend the Universal Principles which as Individuals ('we') assure our Basic Human Rights. (This is the Problem.)

More Cypriots must act, and act together, given the existential question Cypriots face: are they Greek, or are they "Greek", are they Turkish, or are they "Turkish"; are they Cypriots, (no more)?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:07 am

Saturday, July 22, 2023
President says current status quo cannot be Cyprus’ future, marking Turkish invasion anniversary ... niversary/

...sadly there is no monument to the missing and the murdered, the innocent victims of "Turks" and "Greeks", who not "being" one of them, Cypriots, unarmed, and more reasoned, were made to disappear.

...ask the families of these people; all these years this is what they want. And when they gather, it is together.

...i hope the President reads these comments, (i feel so much pain). It may remind him who he represents, in 'our' dysfunction as a People, not only his electors, but the electors on the ''other side'' who have never wavered as Cypriots either, voting for a Cyprus at Peace and never overwhelmingly for "Their" candidates.

...Enosis is a word Cypriots must take back from ''Them'', with an attitude of mind toward defining it for themselves.

These soldiers died defending Cyprus and for this they should be Honored. They will never rest in peace with Cypriots kept apart, if hateful dogmas like ''Greekness'' and ''Turkishness'' are allowed to divide us with their Ignorance.

'We' can demonstrate our own commitment to the notions of equality, respect, trust, Basic Human Rights, the values which make our Universal Principles as Human beings so important by acting accordingly, not as "Greeks" not as "Turks" but as Cypriots. Let's not forget.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 24, 2023 11:47 pm

Monday, April 12, 2021
Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

"Nationalism", Lordo, is a living thing. It is even fluid in its meaning. It is a part of our existence as social animals, and as Humans. Denial does not defeat "it", as it is seen in its use by murderers, plunderers and thieves. Justice must be seen. That is why such Heroes who fought against such vile thinking, "Greekness" and "Turkishness", in Cyprus should be revered.

...and if we (the living) listen to the families of the disappeared, Turkish and Greek, a monument will be built to list their names together, also as fallen Heroes, and as Cypriots. (such is Nationalism)

Yes Lordo, i agree, it is from the People, that changes are made. Existentially, i ask, have we arrived at that point, where Cypriots will gather, with or without their Leadership, for such a State, where Cypriots defend each other?

..."they", remember Lordo, were never busy killing each other; they were busy killing "us".

And in a world that is dialectic, i suggest in Cyprus, split as it is in terms of its "Nationalism" right now, "Cypriotness" is its opposite.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 24, 2023 11:48 pm

...just worth repeating,

Sunday, November 27, 2022
Noose is tightening around Turkish Cypriots ... -cypriots/

...indeed, the noose gets tighter. Silenced as we are it is not enough to live with "Them" and their caustic notions.

And who is it we fail but ourselves, silent choosing to live with "Greekness" and "Turkishness" instead.

...enosis, i call for it unafraid, as Cypriots to unite and to give it 'our' meaning. take back our beaches, (and our city), simply by having our own picnics, together, peacefully. take back our dignity by making the effort to seek each other out, patronising 'their' businesses, and by starving "Theirs'", to recognise that we are no different defined as Human beings and that it is our Basic Human Rights as such, which are threatened, and for which 'we' fight. This is the Problem, not a "Greek"/"Turk" problem per se, but a "Greek"-"Turk"/ Greek-Turk problem; and this is something to think about if in Turkey (and in the Ukraine) the same Problem is to turn around.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 24, 2023 11:55 pm

Friday, August 18, 2006
the "price" of the future ... 7762#67762

Two points I would like to add:

1) using current events as an example, the few who are hezbollah, are they the representative Lebanese citizen? We have disscussed EOKA. EOKA A, and B, Grey Wolves etc. and it is clear that the State is not in their support, although the Government at that time acted adversarialy toward their citizens by dividing their identity, into a majority and a minority.

This I believe will be corrected when negociations reach a conclusion, which is simple to understand, and clear, allowing for each citizen to be a founder, with their vote, as equals. The Republic of Cyprus, to exist must accept that their are two (or three, if Maronites are included), founding peoples.

Each has a right to their self determination as peoples, and each has a right to their individuality, when these communities look at themselves as a whole.

A bicameral parliament allows for this representation, and as a people, there is the precedent: the unused communal assembly; allowing two seperate governing bodies for the internal affairs as citizens.

Greek Cypriots must create this body of government for themselves, just as the Turkish Cypriots have done. Turkophone citizens will hav to renounce their fielty to the Turkish State. We must choose, to free ourselves from subjugation, with Goodwill, believing that, for this comparitively short period of time in our history, we were divided.

2) As for compensation, I suggest that "enclaves" is not a dirty word, and with their existence, Turkish Cypriots will become even more vital, and diversified, in their distinctions, with their introduction in "the south", as communities. "Greek" enclaves reciprocally, will help to resolve the important issue for hundreds of thousands, who remain with hope for justice, and of them, many who wish to feel free, and return to their homes.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:16 pm

'' the Modern world, 'we' are Individuals. As equals our commitment is to defend our Basic Human Rights: the values, and the Universal Principles which define the Freedom everyone should be enjoying.

...and of Liberty, is it not as Persons that the same Goodwill in Goodfaith is extended to the minorities that live among "us", the same trust and respect, by recognising and providing for "their" special needs, as well?

Mr. Tatar does not see things this way i think, representing ''Turkishness''.

...what is the Problem?

As a Cypriot, i acknowledge as a State the Republic's existence (and its need for reform). I also acknowledge that Turkish Cypriots as a Constituency seek an equality as equals among the Cypriot Constituencies; i ask therefore: where is the Greek Constituency, (and others)?

...what is a BBF?

The EU is an example; so too Canada, or the USA (the very first).

Indeed the Problem in Ukraine, and in Turkey as well could be solved with such better intentions.'' ... -sessions/

...sadly, once again i doubt my comment will be published.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Aug 16, 2023 11:02 pm

...he speaks to the Leadership and not to the People with this advice; the same anxious frustration 'we' all feel.

Nothing can be done alone if the Church has taught us something, and its strength comes from this Unity: the way, service to God. He would be blessed by our Hope Turkish and Greek if he remembers us the Faithful, true Patriots serving Lovingly, unlike those "Greek" and "Turkish" who from "this" Ignorance murdered those more reasoned. all the decades that have passed, who has kept us from becoming "Them" but 'us'?

Neither a question of Religion or Ethnic Origin; the Problem in Cyprus: it is about "Greeks"/"Turks" against Cypriots Greek and Turkish who (as well) see the 'oneness' of Man. effect, 'we' must ''be'' Cypriot.

Indeed the allure of "Their" dogmas are inviting; such corruption is everywhere. As such, each of us has a choice to make in our acts and association: with Cypriots, and with those who call 'us' ''others''. too the Archbishop, with the other shepherds to gather their flocks together, against the wolves. ... s-problem/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:02 pm

Saturday, August 19, 2023
Pyla: Assault on UN soldiers ‘violation of international law’ (Update 6, video) ... near-pyla/

You gotta feel for Mr. Colin, i do not envy his position at this moment, but i remain hopeful.

...not the "Greeks" not the "Turks" but the Cypriots he's here for; those silenced and silent except at the poles who have never betrayed each other or themselves Turkish and Greek even after all these years of being unnaturally divided by voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates even once.

...and what is the Problem that is the same problem in Turkey and as it is evolving in the Ukraine? It is an issue of Identity; what is an Individual, what is a Person. It is not about Greeks versus Turks in Cyprus, it is not about "Turks" versus "Greeks": it is about "Turks" and "Greeks" against Cypriots (Turkish and Greek).

...and what is a BBF?

Ask, if there exists a Republic, the State, 'us' defending Universal Principles, our Freedom as Individuals, in need of Constitutional reform, and if there exists Cypriot Constituencies, given a Turkish Constituency seeking equality with equal(s), Liberty, as Persons having the same needs, where is a Greek Constituency?

Mr. Tatar (for his own Legacy) being a better Statesman may consider such a notion quite profound, given the world's need for a solution, given Turkey's need for Constitutional reform, "Turkishness" having left her never more isolated and divided as well.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Mustiejodu » Wed Aug 23, 2023 11:56 pm

Cypriotism no longer exists in Cyprus but those that left Cyprus seeking a better life in countries like UK or Australia. Now all I see is GREEK flags in the south and Turkish flags in the north. That tells you exactly the mentality of the majority of the people in Cyprus. Enosis has been achieved in a different way by joining EU and Taksim is slowly but surely happening. 1974 was not a invasion what is slowly happening now is invasion. Has anyone ever thought if Turkey did not take action in 1974 what would have happened?????? I invite honest transparent and factually based answers on what was occurring leading to 1974 and what would have continued had no Turkish intervention occurred?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:56 pm

Mustiejodu wrote:Cypriotism no longer exists in Cyprus but those that left Cyprus seeking a better life in countries like UK or Australia. Now all I see is GREEK flags in the south and Turkish flags in the north. That tells you exactly the mentality of the majority of the people in Cyprus. Enosis has been achieved in a different way by joining EU and Taksim is slowly but surely happening. 1974 was not a invasion what is slowly happening now is invasion. Has anyone ever thought if Turkey did not take action in 1974 what would have happened?????? I invite honest transparent and factually based answers on what was occurring leading to 1974 and what would have continued had no Turkish intervention occurred?

...not so Mustie. Cypriots are silent or silenced, but in the secrecy of the polls their voting tells a different story; not once in all the decades of having been torn apart unnaturally have they voted for one of "Their" candidates overwhelmingly.

Cypriots live everywhere across the island, Turkish or Greek they have not betrayed the values and the Universal Principles that "Greeks" and "Turks" either question or ignore.

...indeed, had the "Greeks" won, think about that; 'we' would be "Greeks" and "Turks" already, but Greek Cypriots did not support the coup, it fell in three days.
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