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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Mar 21, 2023 2:47 am

Monday, March 20, 2023
Our View: Talking about your good intentions on Cyprus talks is not enough ... 6142378689

...the EU is a BBF, the US too, and Canada, and Australia, for example.

For Cyprus, reform as in a BBF is a Turkish idea, Mr. Ecevit to be exact. such, given that Turkey is not just "Turkish", (like Cyprus is not "Greek"), a BBF should be appealing, here too, for their own Constitutional reform.

...and in the State that you propose, the same as a Greek one, the island no longer one People, what does that say about all of us, as Cypriots? Ask yourself how welcoming can we be when we will be teaching our children to fear the "others" and to hate their neighbours.

Decades we have lived unnaturally torn apart. What has either of our Leadership's done but to secure their power representing a political dogma which in effect excludes any representation of Cypriots as Cypriots, treating each other as adversaries. This must change.

...don't forget that as a population of voters, neither side after all these years have ever voted overwhelmingly for a "Greek'' or a "Turk". Cypriots live across the whole island still: it's their votes that have kept their country united even in this most dysfunctional state.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 30, 2023 3:42 am

Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Far Right Is Winning the Global Battle for Hearts and Minds ... and-minds/

Interesting article; enjoyed how so many different levels of social-exchange were introduced into the argument.

...Cyprus comes to mind; where the Problem seems at an impasse, where the "Right" (read: "Greek") confronts the "Right" (read: Turkish"). "Being" Cypriot is very difficult therefore, because as an Identity, it is dismissed as non existent, or met with open hostility by those who see themselves as, not "Turkish", or not "Greek", if you will.

...indeed it is a complex issue, let's call it imperialistic tribalism; Lest we Forget: especially where it is now imperative that real enemies like disease and famine are defeated, (we should not be fighting each other), failing which no one will survive.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:45 pm

...this comment was cut from the Cyprus Mail,

Thursday, April 13, 2023
In search of common ground in Cyprus ... in-cyprus/

...all the elections we have had are referenda enough.

Over all these decades even torn unnaturally apart, the voters have spoken most clearly.

Ask yourselves, why has Cyprus remained a country (read: a People) whole (while having a portion of it illegally occupied) despite the "Turkishness" and "Greekness" which have dominated Cypriot politics since its advent? It is because the Cypriot People, as voters, Greek or/and Turkish have never given to one of "Their" candidates an overwhelming majority. In fact, all these years, it is Cypriots by their sheer numbers, voting, who have kept the Cypriot identity alive; 'we' would be "them" otherwise: as Persons choosing to serve what is the higher order of their identity, that what the "Greeks" and the "Turks" would like to usurp from them, that of an Individual.

There is no question that the People of Cyprus want to "be" Cypriot; it is their leaders, failing them that are blind to the message, who see the greater advantage, (they have) gaining their power as representatives of a "Turkish" side and a side representing its voters as "Greeks", in a competition; to keep things the way they are, this fait-accompli (where Cypriots have no effective representation) is to "their" benefit let's remember. reminds me of the coup that succeeded and just three days later failed: what the ''Greeks'' did not count on were Cypriots, Greeks, choosing overwhelmingly not to support it and it failed. Again a referendum was not needed to decide if Cypriots exist; it is the meaning of their actions, again and again, which are being ignored.

Who says Cypriots are unwilling to consider a BBF? The facts bear out a different story, unlike the narrative that "They" would have you believe. Cypriots exist, despite "Their" efforts and, they are not few.

(No need for more referendums but more public demonstration is needed, under the Flag of Cyprus, their flag, a Cypriot's, the one "They" treat (and have treated) as a rag for so long.)

Enosis is needed. Cypriots united (without the need for further discrimination or distinction), giving this strong word a Cypriot meaning just as strong; who would be against it if 'we' joined together to make souvla on our beaches?

...who would be against it if Cypriots joined together, against the "Turks" and their protocol, against the "Turkishness" such "Cypriot Turks" support, where in public demonstration Turkish Cypriots find themselves fighting alone, now? Who should you blame if they fail, ask yourself if you are a Cypriot, before it is too late.

Action, direct actions not words are needed, i think. Carefully wording questions so that the (likely) answer is known will not help 'us'; such a notion scares me given the "who" who will most certainly have a hand in its asking.

...too what?; i ask. (i am saddened that such a newspaper feels it necessary to censor opinions like this.)
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Apr 17, 2023 6:30 pm

...and so it is, (two days later), it was published.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 02, 2023 9:42 pm

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Biden needs a Middle East strategy to avoid new crises ... 5489640509 opinion, it starts in Cyprus, root of the Problem as it is: defining what is a Person, while, they have identities as Individuals as well. (what is a BBF?)

...think about it. Where can a solution provide more Hope to more people (and Peoples)? Indeed, "this" (a People, divided) in so many countries is a serious problem. Such as it is in Cyprus, now in Turkey herself, Syria, Iraq and Israel, to name a few. Nations divided amongst themselves and each other; and the State?

Indeed what of "Greekness", and what it did to Cyprus? What of "Turkishness" now (in Cyprus, (and in Turkey))? Aren't they the same? The harm they bring to those not "them" is no different. (Who were their victims counted in the thousands, not each other in affect, but Cypriots?)

...Erdogan, what with the Treaty of Lausanne tossed out the window has made every effort to disrupt all his neighbours. In effect they are united against the world he is proposing, one that questions Universal Principals and Humanity's commitment to them, placing his notions above them. Witness the East Med. Gas Forum, how it was formed and for what purpose, where all the neighbours sit but Turkey.

Mr. Biden is a friend to Cypriots, silenced as they are by the "Greeks" and "Turks" living among them, they need his understanding. Recognising this other half indeed exposes those whose dogmas exclude "others". Such conflicts do not require him to choose one "side" over the other; in this case as in others it is the wrong thing to do: such extremes may represent themselves, but not the People.

...I am hoping he remembers, what America must make right.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 02, 2023 9:53 pm

Friday, June 25, 2021
Our View: For how long will the UN engage in pointless talks? ... 5431876420


When did the Problem become a problem, now "pointless"?

What is the Problem, which as a symptom appears in Cyprus so boldly?

...i ask, what is "Turkishness" in all of this, no better than the "Greekness" that is its contemporary.

...let us recall that despite "their" mythic reality now over decades, Cypriots remain; and they represent about half of the voting population. Pointless? Universal Principals and this notion of a Humanity, are they pointless too?

This is the Problem. And if our leadership in Cyprus ignore this problem, it is the People, Cypriots, who will defend and represent themselves, against this/their existential threat.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 18, 2023 4:49 am

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
“A very important period is beginning” on Cyprus issue, Stewart says ... wart-says/

...indeed, it is the beginning of a very important period, for the Problem, not only in Cyprus, but in Turkey and in the Ukraine; a solution for "it": such a notion of a new beginning through Constitutional Reform.

...i dare to suggest that Cypriot unity against the "Greekness" and "Turkishness" which are the bane to their existence is possible. Mr. Stewart may consider the fact that even after all these years of being unnaturally torn apart, Cypriots all across the island have never once given "These" candidates an overwhelming majority. While the myth is that they are few, the truth is they choose to be silent (or silenced by fear) except at the ballot box where as Cypriots they have not failed themselves. Simply put, they would already be "Them" if they wanted to be. Representation for Cypriots is important; i do not despair having the UN's attention and the EU's because it is an issue of Basic Human Rights, and a complex one with big consequences, for which as yet they persevere.

...indeed, an equal to a Turkish Constituency, among Cypriot Constituencies would include a Greek Constituency.

...and in deed, a State, such as the Republic of Cyprus would represent its Citizens as Individuals and without further discrimination or distinction.

What is wrong with a BBF i ask: represented as an Individual and as a Person, represented as a State and represented as Nations demonstrating Goodwill in Goodfaith toward their own minorities, Freedom and Liberty.

...indeed, what of Turkish Constituencies in Turkey, and of the Ukrainian Constituencies?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 23, 2023 7:02 pm

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
The Trendy European Summer Hotspot Very Few Americans Know About ... now-about/

…it’s true, the illegally occupied territories of Cyprus are beautiful and worth visiting. Doing it responsibly is worth the effort. Helping Cypriots by giving them your business means avoiding the casinos and luxury hotels that profit only the elite closely associated to Turkey’s most corrupt.

While you may meet many “Turks” and “Greeks” who will tell you differently, Cypriots exist. Having had their identity usurped from them is the Problem Ukrainians are suffering today, divided by those “Russian” and “Ukrainian”.

Enjoy your visit to Cyprus. It is not hard to do the right thing, especially in the northern part of Cyprus if you make the conscious choice of knowing to who you are giving your money and support.

Cypriot lives matter.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 05, 2023 5:44 am

Sunday, December 27, 2015
Re: Ranking the alternative outcomes of the Cyprus Problem is Canada so successful? Do Canadians vote by the colour of there skin, or the language which is their mother-tongue?

And yet Canada is strong, and there exists many Nations in Canada which have, as Persons, their self-representation too.

...all Canadians identify with the Universal Principals all people can defend together, as Canadian Principals. Minority, Constituency, or Native, there is no difference to them as Individuals.

Something to think about when it comes to intention. Power as in "Greek" power, only invites its equals as opposites. Although Greeks can share the pride of "Greekness" as a diaspora, and even though the overwhelming population is Greek in Cyprus, Cyprus is not "Greek", nor, if you ask me, should it be. Cyprus is not Greece. Cyprus is not Turkey, either. Cyprus is Cyprus. Cypriots are Cypriots.

They are better stewards, they have paid for this Freedom in blood, they are our shame, if we forget they lived as Cypriots, those murdered, and made to disappear, and if we choose to ignore this truth.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jul 18, 2023 7:13 pm

Sunday, June 26, 2022
Kissinger’s Stance On Concessions Over Ukraine Comes As No Surprise ... nt-1032615

…i am watching nervously the Ukraine as it is evolving. The problem which Mr.Kissinger knows only too well, is the Problem. And beyond Cyprus there are many People torn as the Cypriots were; the Problem (of “National” extremism, i.e.) was now diluted as (read: to) a problem he chose (and chooses) to exploit for his own “National” interest being the result: (it is easier to ‘make it about two sides’ and pick one, never mind who is being victimised).

i ask, what is a Cypriot today, are Cypriots Free? Unheard this half of the voting public it seems, those whose values include Universal Principals and respect toward each other as Human beings, unnaturally divided, usurped of such an Identity in affect by the “Greeks” and “Turks” living among them being dismissed as too few, it is decades now they vote for the candidates not “theirs”; that’s clear.

…indeed, what is happening in the Ukraine? For “Russianness” (like “Turkishness” i note) it may be how Putin has justified his intervention, as there are surely “Ukrainians” (who are no different).

What would be the justification for this “solution” (again), that “they” win (again)?

They, these people, and people generally need a State; a BBF, not unlike the one created in the United States only 246 years ago: where in Freedom an Individual may travel speak and associate without fear, and, as Persons demonstrate as Majorities (as Constituencies) in Liberty their respect toward minorities living among them in Goodwill and in Good Faith having an Agenda which includes their special needs as well.

Ukrainians, like Cypriots, (or Americans) may have identities as Persons, but, there is no escaping one fact, that as Individuals they are equals, they need (and want) their Basic Human Rights (back), without further distinction or discrimination.

(…and Ukrainians in that regard, neither are they “Russians” or “Ukrainians”).

…this is the Problem.
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