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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:54 am

Monday, September 12, 2022
Cyprus: A very troubled flag ... bled-flag/

...and yet so many did (die for this Flag): unsung Heroes who remained in their homes thinking of values higher than what "Greekness" and "Turkishness" represented and which are embodied in this Flag of Cyprus; indeed, unarmed, civil, and more reasoned, they were disappeared and murdered, Turkish and Greek perhaps, not "Them" clearly but Cypriot. Let's not Forget, them.

Erdogan begs us to show ourselves on the single field of honour that should mean something to us as Cypriots.

...our beaches, and our streets, deserve our attention: the People, who under this Flag may send a powerful message to him and to a leadership who have taken to thinking that they are not Cypriots, but "Greek Cypriots" and "Turkish Cypriots", comfortable as Persons because it is the electorate over which they hold power: leaving 'us' usurped as Individuals (and as Cypriots) of our Basic Human Rights.

Who treats (and who treated) this Flag as a rag?

...ask yourselves, where is a Leader who represents Cypriots? (i remind you that over decades 'we' represent never less than half the vote either side of the "Green Line"); it is what Cypriots need. Who dares to stand under this Flag and speak to 'us'; for Cypriots, to "be", the President of Cyprus: 'their' President not "theirs".

I cannot think that changing the Flag is a good idea because it would be a betrayal to those who stood for higher convictions in Cyprus and died miserably; the Universal Principles which make us all equals and Free. Indeed, dismissing 'us' has been what "they" have always wanted; in my mind that is just plain wrong.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 27, 2022 3:02 am

Monday, September 26, 2022
‘The crossings may be open but Cyprus is still a divided island’ ... JZ_3Olx-_4

...indeed, Koray Basogrultmacı and Cinel Senem Husseyin, have demonstrated that the Flag of Cyprus does not represent a "Greekness", or a "Turkishness", but that in "belonging" it is Cypriot. Thanks to them, flying this flag, the Flag of Cyprus, is no longer "illegal" in the occupied territories; although it still remains a dangerous thing to do.

They bent what seems an impossibly intransigent regime with one truth, that Cyprus and Cypriots exist.

All of us can demonstrate the same courage, through action, for Cyprus and for the possibility that Cypriots can take control of the Agenda, simply by seeking each other out, crossing the Green Line with the very intention to buy in stores, to eat in restaurants, or to rest in hotels that are Cypriot owned, to choose wisely as social and political acts.

Yet, this simple gesture, flying 'our' Flag, may lead to someone being shot, it's been suggested to me, it must be done, by 'us'. And on our beaches no less, making picnics ourselves despite the "Greeks" and the "Turks" against it.

...more of 'it', "being" Cypriot is necessary, to build the trust that Turcophones need, and, the respect that the overwhelming Grecophone majority also needs as well: to overcome their fear; to be willing to defend each other.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:14 pm

Saturday, October 01, 2022
Mutually-agreed solution to Cyprus problem ‘a fading scenario’, UN official says (Updated) ... cial-says/

...the fact remains, even after decades of having been unnaturally torn apart, Cypriots are neither "Greeks" or "Turks". While "They" have presented their candidates to the voting public, not one has won an overwhelming majority. Cypriots may not have the representation they truly want, but such an Identity does not wane.

...what is the Problem? It is not a problem with Cypriots. They seek their Basic Human Rights, and they demonstrate this with lives defending the Universal Principles on which such Freedom for Individuals equally exists. It, is a matter of Persons, and their importance politically in such a hierarchy; who holds power, Greeks and Turks (call them Cypriots), or "Greeks" and "Turks"?

...ask: if there is a Republic and a Turkish Constituency seeking its recognition and respect; (because they do not exist) where are the other Cypriot Constituencies? What of Liberty having defined Freedom clearly enough?

...indeed, without a solution to the Problem, it has spread to become a problem among many Peoples: where "They" usurp the Rights of Individuals simply by ignoring them; defining people as Persons first.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:04 am

Friday, May 04, 2012
Cyprus :: Energy issues are a reason for war -Yildiz - Page 3.

re file, i think i understand what Bananiot is saying, have a heart, be a Cypriot, share by showing that you are great as Greeks, and as Turks, (and i hope as Maronites, and Armenians, (and Romes), etc.), because you are Human Beings first, demonstrating that value above all, unlike "Greeks" and "Turks", by choice an example far more refined and adapted to the future Ages; beyond what was before the Modern Age.

Bicommunal is not a dirty word, although i must say much has been done for it to be sullied, it remains to be defined more precisely by us, to the benefit of Mankind to whom we owe the end of our subjugation of thousands of years, as this island's dwellers not Property, a People.

Bizonal similarly does not mean tearing the island in two, however Territorial Jurisdictions may define land usage, it is clear to all Citizens that the land is an indivisible whole.

a Federation may be a Unitary State, and i believe that this is in Cyprus essential toward defending Individual Rights. without it there is always the threat that in the future the same Imperialistic tools will be there to be exploited by those who gain from our willingness to sustain Identities as Persons.

...all this is way off topic, on the other hand, a solution to the Problem, one that Turkey cannot unreasonably refuse is what's needed to delay the War threats looming.

Mr B., please, read (and comment) on my manifesto thingy, or the letter to Ban Ki-Moon, feeling dreamy and all, i could use the help.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 25, 2022 12:31 am

Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Greek Cypriots suspend peace talks after Ankara's gas research ... 60909.html

...I recall the Turkish Flag, "seen from space", that scars a mountainside in Cyprus; says it all about "Turkishness". Why would it have been built to face the "Greeks" (of Cyprus), and not the "motherland" in gratitude?
Cyprus exists, whether Turkey wants to recognise it or not. Cypriots exist too, they are not, just "Turks", and not "Turks", they are Individuals, not just Persons. If there is to be any Justice, Turkey must act accordingly and recognise that the Flag of Cyprus flies higher, as in Turkey, it is not a "Turkish" Flag, or a "Kurdish" Flag, it represents a State where people are united in defending the Universal Principals that makes them equals (not just as Persons, but as Human beings). is a good time for cooler heads to prevail, new thinking is needed; if Mr. Eroglu would be prepared to stand in front of the Flag of Cyprus, as his flag, it would not seem so unreasonable, this demand, for "his" share.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:15 pm

Monday, November 07, 2022
Start talking to Russia again ... sia-again/

Yes, it is Putin who can save himself from a War Crimes Tribunal: by solving the Problem; for himself, Russia, and the rest of the world. Indeed he will share in History, Hero status doing so, with Erdogan and Zelenskyy, instead of the infamy which at the moment he suffers alone.

Such as it is, it is not hard to deliver such a template for the Constitutional reform so many countries need if not in Cyprus, in the Ukraine, in Turkey, and in Russia, to start. It is a matter of intentions.

...what is a BBF? (...does anyone know that the USA is a BBF, and the very first?)

We are Individuals when it concerns our Basic Human Rights, defining them by the word Freedom. And, by our respect and trust in others, we may nurture our distinct identities as Persons, defining Liberty.

...nor is it really hard to understand.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:51 pm

Thursday, November 17, 2022
Şentop: “ UN member states should recognize the TRNC now” ... -trnc-now/

...i am sorry nothing has changed. Cypriots, both Turkish and Greek, see through such lies, even having been divided unnaturally as they are for so many decades as though only "Greekness" and "Turkishness" are important, more important, as Individuals, they seek their Basic Human Rights.

Cyprus is for Cypriots. This is the Problem.

Mr. Tatar would do well to remember that at least half of his so called constituency are not the "Cypriot Turks" he would like them to be. He would do well also to consider what a BBF could do for Turkey too, in its Constitutional reform if it had a solution to emulate from Cyprus. (And in the Ukraine too, as things are developing.) It is his choice, to be a greater Statesman.

(i doubt it will be published)
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Nov 26, 2022 7:35 am

Thursday, August 03, 2017
The dock ships came with troops and went back with refrigerators Πηγή: ... -me-psigia ... -me-psigia is not Akinci who speaks this truth, more is the pity this man is the leader of Cypriots whether Greek or Turkish. More depends on him than any other as a Cypriot to act; it takes a change of his intentions.

His silence is deafening since the very day he won his election, and as the President of something he was not good enough to get his invitation to the wedding; i remember does he?

A parasite, a servant-slave, is he such a man? I ask, as such a man, a traitor, a coward, a fool, to who if not the us he should be defending?

...he, that man can save us, those of us, not "Greek" or "Turk", the other half who remain despite the odds against us, as Cypriots close to the land.

Let him remember what that Flag stands for, that it is his electors who wish him to express that it is not a rag, the Flag of Cyprus; let him challenge the rest of us to stand likewise beside it, like him willing to defend each other and the Universal Principals as Human beings, we as Cypriots represent. Let the Elams and the Grey Wolves stand alone, then. If he took that challenge for those not "them", for the rest of us, wouldn't Anastasiades follow? Only a year ago, didn't he? is not the roots of a very old tree that stood in the middle of my Great Aunt's garden, because it too in the end was taken, that I despair, but that there is a shoebox somewhere.

thank-you Mr. Sener.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:50 am

Sunday, November 27, 2022
Noose is tightening around Turkish Cypriots ... -cypriots/

...indeed, the noose gets tighter. Silenced as we are it is not enough to live with "Them" and their caustic notions.

And who is it we fail but ourselves, silent choosing to live with "Greekness" and "Turkishness" instead.

...enosis, i call for it unafraid, as Cypriots to unite and to give it 'our' meaning. take back our beaches, (and our city), simply by having our own picnics, together, peacefully. take back our dignity by making the effort to seek each other out, patronising 'their' businesses, and by starving "Theirs'", to recognise that we are no different defined as Human beings and that it is our Basic Human Rights as such, which are threatened, and for which 'we' fight. This is the Problem, not a "Greek"/"Turk" problem per se, but a "Greek"-"Turk"/ Greek-Turk problem; and this is something to think about if in Turkey (and in the Ukraine) the same Problem is to turn around.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Dec 05, 2022 3:19 am

Mr. Tatar should recall that the Problem is not limited to Cyprus alone. "Turkishness" like "Greekness" is a bane to Cypriots who have seen their Individual Rights usurped by such notions; so too as it is evolving in the Ukraine, where Individuals are divided as Persons, and as such without this representation, without their Basic Human Rights.

Mr. Tatar should also remember that Cypriots are neither "Greek" or "Turkish". Even unnaturally torn apart, now decades, the voting population has never voted for such extremists overwhelmingly; they are not few and insignificant as "they" would have us believe.

Indeed, if Mr. Tatar was a better Statesman he would have come to realise that a united Cyprus, as such a BBF, is what Turkey needs in its own Constitutional reform; providing hope to Turks as well (who are not "Turkish").

...the Problem, in Cyprus, is not an issue of "Greeks" vs "Turks", nor is it an issue of "Turks" vs "Greeks", it is an issue of "Turks"/ "Greeks" vs Turks/Greeks. This is something to think about. ... in-cyprus/
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