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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jun 02, 2022 3:19 am

...i imagine it would be nice on a starry night to sit under the only flag in Cyprus rightfully theirs: of all the people. Indeed, if Cypriots came together for this demonstration on their beaches making souvla peacefully together, who but the "Greeks" and the "Turks" that live among them would be against it?

...pushed too far, Turkish Cypriots may not remain silent, this time, one can Hope that all Cypriots may see the menace to them that's existential in this Protocol. One hopes as a vanguard Turkish Cypriots may lead the fight against it, and against the "Turkishness" which is in affect only demonstrating its Ignorance toward all Cypriots.

Despite the decades, "They" let's not forget, do not represent an overwhelming Majority as voters.

Turkish or Greek, Cypriots are not few.

Cypriots may come to realise, that together they are even stronger still.

...pushed too far Greek Cypriots may join with Turkish Cypriots; in ENOSIS no less, as a political act, as Cypriots giving the word a Cypriot meaning, taking back their Basic Human Rights and their Identity from these usurpers who as paternalistic elites on several occasions have brought them, the People, to the brink of despair.

Indeed, Mr. Oktay's provocation will not go unanswered, maybe not like "Siktir Turkiye" but something more. ... nanswered/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 03, 2022 4:16 am

It is a good step to include all Cypriots in the voting process. That is to say, to think of Cypriots, as Cypriots. One hopes that AKEL will have the courage to find a leader who will appeal not just to the (eligible) voters, but to those who he/she will also need as supporters, Turkish and Greek, toward a solution to the Cyprus Problem.

Elections will come soon enough in the occupied territories, and those to follow for the President of Cyprus. Clearly with the success that AKEL achieved recently, in the EU elections, more can be done to drive their adversaries to look at themselves, and to adapt in a similar way, by appealing to Cypriots, rather than “Greeks” alone, or “Turks” alone. How else can representation be demonstrated which in effect Cypriots want? ... s-problem/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:29 am

repulsewarrior (to) MrH • a few seconds ago

...indeed, Greek Cypriots can do more to help Turkish Cypriots by finding them and sharing together in social-exchange. Cypriots may find that in effect, they are not few and insignificant as "They" would have the rest of us believe.

To be loving persons and to love Cyprus should not be strange to us.

Starving the Casinos and the Hotels owned by "Cypriot Turks" and enjoying Cyprus with Cypriots instead, i suggest is a direct action every Cypriot can take, in Trade, and in Leisure. Dare to share the pleasure of the Flag that as the People's is Rightfully theirs, Rightfully yours and Rightfully mine. And i will join you on the beaches and on the streets because i am Cypriot too.

...there is nothing more than a Turkish Cypriot that Erdogan fears, because they still have a choice.

You have that choice Mr. H, to end "Turkishness" in Turkey. You have the choice of providing Hope to people who are Turkish, like you who are not "Turkish", by "being" what you are, a Cypriot. ... 5877526755
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:29 am

Tuesday, June 07, 2022
Reunification or partition? ... partition/

...if there was a Greek Constituency, an equal to the other Cypriot Constituencies, Turkish Cypriots would have the opportunity as a Majority to represent themselves as people of Good Will who recognise and respect the minorities living among them, in Good Faith with their Agenda providing for these special needs as well.

...indeed, as in the Communal Chamber, Constituencies have the opportunity to discuss their needs as equals having the same needs. And in unanimity as a result present to the Legislature their Agreement for its consideration toward Constitutional reform (and Legislative reform). So says the Constitution as it is today: as it was in 1960.

What is lacking are Leaders who see beyond the Constituency they must win to have power; who speak for the change Cypriots want: that is to "be" Cypriot, Greek but not "Greek", Turkish and not "Turkish", they want a Leader, a President of Cyprus who as a Person speaks as a Cypriot defending the Basic Human Rights of all Cypriots as Individuals and without hesitation. They want a State, not just "Nations". is the People who make this change. Why do they wait to eat souvla together on their beaches, why do they not celebrate the flag "They" treat as a rag, the one belonging to all Cypriots? Erdogan begs them, doesn't he?

Politicians, all of them, in Cyprus should not be able to look out of their cars and their windows without seeing this flag, the Flag of Cyprus flying highest; something to think about.

...what is a BBF; if it is not Freedom, and Liberty?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:12 pm

Thursday, October 11, 2018
Anastasiades Cavusoglu meeting confirmed, ‘loose’ federation in the limelight (updt 2) ... u-meeting/

Was Akinci elected to unite Cypriots? Who cannot forget?

What is his duty to them, who voted for him, does he remember? At this moment in time In his sweet isolation, he may recall, he may learn something about his position, and power; if as a Cypriot, Cypriots see him.

One gesture, like standing under the Flag of Cyprus, to speak, speaking of issues important to all Cypriots, would be nice. It will propel him to headline news. Cypriots, would not object to that. They may even welcome it by joining with him; thousands who would stand for Cyprus under their Flag of Cyprus.

Thus, the "Greeks" and the "Turks", they will be exposed for who and what they are if they are unable to do the same; Akinci wins, for Cyprus, by daring to win, if, not for "Greekness" (not just for "Turkishness" either), if as a Cypriot he stands for "being" a Cypriot in a true BBF, in a Cyprus where an Individual is an Individual, who, as a Person respects as Persons (and at another level of government, as Constituencies) these distinctions.

Indeed, what is good for Cyprus is good for Turkey, it is something to think about, and so it should be. One Cyprus, One Turkey; what is so hard about that, to understand? It would be nice to hear Mr. Erdogan say these words, it would be nice if the opportunity to do so started in Cyprus, reform in Turkey, where as Cypriots, Cypriots reformed. It is Mr. Akinci's choice.

If as a Cypriot he is willing to reform himself, toward "being" a better Cypriot, recognising as Cypriots Cyprus exists, by saying, "this is my Flag", because it is true, under one Flag, with this Flag, he may leave as his Legacy, a Cypriot Legacy, a unity, an enosis, of Cypriots, something greater than the status quo, changing (at least exposing) "them" too, in effect.

And, beyond the Greek Flag, and, the Turkish Flag, the divide between them, their equal the Flag of Cyprus.

This is Mr. Akinci's choice as i see it, sidelined in this manner for "soft" Federalism, whatever that may mean. Beyond the brown envelopes and shoe boxes "this" may fill, an end to it.

I ask, is he a Cypriot, is he a leader, is he a Statesman?

...has he the courage?

I don't envy men in this position, Akinci's choice(s) as a Cypriot; it is a hard choice to make, the way. I would like to ask men in this position, in such a time of doubt, who it is among them that will see a baby torn in two?
Who is it that they will betray, by acting otherwise?

...i dream of these men as elders leading the march under 'our' Flag to the beaches.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:11 pm

...indeed, when will Cypriots speak?

Mr. Erdogan begs us to break the silence put upon us for "Greekness" and "Turkishness" if 'we" exist.

...such as it is, let us not forget that half of 'us' are neither "Greek" or "Turkish" politically speaking, even torn unnaturally apart now decades.

...such as it is, as a Greek Cypriot, i am hoping that Turkish Cypriots continue their fight against the Protocol and against the "Cypriot Turks" that support such notions. Do not doubt that there are Cypriots like me, who would stand with you under the Flag that is rightfully ours, the People, if (or when) it comes to that; if this time "They" have gone too far and the question has become existential. ... -solution/

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:05 pm

Saturday, June 18, 2022
Makarios’ Men Admit Massacres ... massacres/

...such as it is, we wish that more men like them confess to their murdering ways.

Men as these are cowards, whether Turkish or Greek, those who were their victims were not "Them" (and rarely did "They" actually fight each other). Neither armed or "political", Cypriots were made their victims, those respecting Universal Principles became their target, wanting only their Basic Human Rights they fell easily, their Identity usurped; betrayed by those among them who would place "Greekness" and "Turkishness" above "being" Human.

...indeed, there is not a family in Cyprus untouched by such men; how many families must be divided by them having to live in silence and against Truth. It takes courage to say, "I was there", "I failed myself most of all by keeping this treachery secret for so long." man should be forgiven for such crimes; no man who confesses to such crimes should be treated without respect: something to think about.

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 27, 2022 5:15 am

Sunday, June 26, 2022
Kissinger’s Stance On Concessions Over Ukraine Comes As No Surprise ... nt-1032615

''…i am watching nervously the Ukraine as it is evolving. The problem which Mr.Kissinger knows only too well, is the Problem. And beyond Cyprus there are many People torn as the Cypriots were; the Problem (of “National” extremism, i.e.) was now diluted as (read: to) a problem he chose (and chooses) to exploit for his own “National” interest being the result: (it is easier to ‘make it about two sides’ and pick one, never mind who is being victimised).

i ask, what is a Cypriot today, are Cypriots Free? Unheard this half of the voting public it seems, those whose values include Universal Principals and respect toward each other as Human beings, unnaturally divided, usurped of such an Identity in affect by the “Greeks” and “Turks” living among them being dismissed as too few, it is decades now they vote for the candidates not “theirs”; that’s clear.

…indeed, what is happening in the Ukraine? For “Russianness” (like “Turkishness” i note) it may be how Putin has justified his intervention, as there are surely “Ukrainians” (who are no different).

What would be the justification for this “solution” (again), that “they” win (again)?

They, these people, and people generally need a State; a BBF, not unlike the one created in the United States only 246 years ago: where in Freedom an Individual may travel speak and associate without fear, and, as Persons demonstrate as Majorities (as Constituencies) in Liberty their respect toward minorities living among them in Goodwill and in Good Faith having an Agenda which includes their special needs as well.

Ukrainians, like Cypriots, (or Americans) may have identities as Persons, but, there is no escaping one fact, that as Individuals they are equals, they need (and want) their Basic Human Rights (back), without further distinction or discrimination.

(…and Ukrainians in that regard, neither are they “Russians” or “Ukrainians”).

…this is the Problem.''
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 27, 2022 7:24 pm

(''...he is fighting a criminal gang'')

...indeed, assuming your premise is true, Putin is a wannabe, having as his own ambitions nothing any different to "them".

...indeed, Putin with his "Cyprus solution", as in Georgia for example, represents the worst of "Russianness" which like "Turkishness" has as an intention to exclude all "others".

(And what of values, except for China he is the biggest cheat at the Olympics.)

"Winning" for example takes on a whole different meaning when Universal Principles are dismissed, or compromised. Putin is no better than his so called adversaries knowing full well that Cypriots like Ukrainians exist; we are not the "Greeks" or the "Turks", the "Ukrainians" or the "Russians" "they" claim us to be, we, the rest of us, are their victims: Greek, Turk, Russian, Ukrainian, our Identities usurped. Putin, choosing "this" is worse.

'Us', the People, need an end to the Problem, where men like these divide and conquer; Lest we Forget. There are bigger enemies to fight.

...Disease, Hunger, Climate Change and our own Ignorance come to mind.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jun 30, 2022 5:51 am

...indeed, this is hopeful (in a counter-intuitive kind of way); when will there exist an equal to the Turkish Constituency i ask as well because a BBF cannot exist without it:

...where, as Persons Cypriots may express themselves as Majorities who demonstrate their Goodwill, and in Good Faith by sustaining the minorities living among them providing in their Agendas these special needs as well.

...and as Individuals; without further distinction or discrimination, representation as such: at a higher level of government, Citizens of a State, where as equals 'we' are all defending the values and Universal Principles which define us as Human beings. it appears in the occupied territories, as in the Republic (dysfunctional as it is), half the population is Cypriot and, half are "Greek" or "Turkish", this over decades remains the fact.

Cypriots, having both is not anathema to being Free, as Individuals, who as Persons demonstrate the same respect in Liberty. It is natural. (It is to Turkey the example that it needs for its Constitutional reform so that as a People, their diversity becomes their strength.)

In any case we are not only "Cypriot Turks" and "Greeks"; this too is something to think about. ... ciliation/
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