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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Dec 09, 2021 4:03 am

...i may have posted this before; if such is the case it bears repeating.

Monday, September 03, 2012
The DOCUMENTARY "MEMORIES" the purest sense Piratis your argument is sound.

in the sense that Bicommunal has no clear meaning, a "Turkish" idea or not, our responsibility is to the rest of Mankind, as Individuals, to demonstrate something we design for ourselves, as Cypriots, which enriches the world because it can be held in high esteem and emulated. futuristically, i am proposing to go beyond what is the Truth, and what vp resists so fondly, something where Cyprus in two hundred years sustains itself, perhaps in a desert of global warming with a population quite different in demographics and size. i repeat myself, there is a Cypriot Republic, and there is a Turkish Constituency, where is the Greek Constituency? (and why not Armenian, Maronite, and Latin Constituencies as well.)

where vp ignores a Federal Government, i say, where is the Greek state? consider that, my suggestion, because it solves both vp and your anxieties.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:04 pm

Monday, September 19, 2016
In defence of the Federal Republic of Cyprus ... ic-cyprus/

...warm winds are blowing in the hearts of Cypriots it seems, what with these comments from Mr. Alper, and those just recently of another contemporary, Michalis Attalides in another paper.

At this juncture i will add that a Turkish Constituency does not preclude the existence at a future date of other Cypriot Constituencies. As a set of Cypriot Constituencies, "Turk"/ not "Turk", does not well define the Cypriot ethnos. My hope at this point, is that the framers of the Constitutional reforms we need have considered that with the success of this Constituency, a Turkish Constituency, the others may find in having self-representation as Persons, the same benefit.

While there exists a Cypriot Government, which can reform itself, and a Turkish Constituency, let us be clear, they are only equally committed to the Universal Principals all Humans hold dear, they are not equals. An equal to the Turkish Constituency would be (an) other Cypriot Constituencies as active toward sustaining as Persons a distinct identity. Until the Greek community in Cyprus, or the Arab speaking, Latins, (or English), as Persons, express the same commitment to their National identities through Assembly, as Turkish Cypriots, there will be no equal to the Turkish Constituency; much depends on their success, if from their success, it is emulated.

Grecophones may represent an overwhelming majority, but the point is mute. Unitary or Federal, this Government, of the Republic, can have no equal, in any case, just as Freedom has no equal. Although futuristically, a set of Cypriot Constituencies, in unanimity perhaps, could represent an equally powerful voice, toward driving, then, Constitutional change, at present Grecophones do not have the same needs, better ways to execute their needs, is and should still be a concern to them. Canada, for example, Canadians find strength in their diversity, one Canada exists to and for all Canadians, and while many National elements compose the Canadian mosaic, (not just French/English, not just Native/White, not just North/South) it is a melting pot within these contexts as well; something to think about. While Cypriots, as Greeks, may see themselves as a part of a vast majority, or, as Turks, a part of a minority, a minority within its own confines, is a majority where they, likewise, can demonstrate a recognition and respect for their own minority's special needs. In Cyprus, needless to say minority rights, will take on a greater importance; it will have to work both ways. And, like in Canada, this open-mindedness, a welcoming presence, that you do not have to be "Greek" to be Greek, or "Turkish" to be Turkish, offers to Citizens of Cyprus what should be, a limitless potential to become facilitators for social-exchange at the cross-road to three continents, and in many languages: they have only to choose.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:37 pm

Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Turkish Aggression Scares Investors, Cyprus Finance Chief Says ... mment-2112

…indeed, Cypriots can do a lot for themselves toward consolidating a Cypriot identity.

Dialog is most important, informed people making reasoned choices will naturally demonstrate that such a People exist committed to Universal Principles, and in effect, neither “Greek” or “Turkish”, the dogmas of exclusion, but Cypriot. that 8,000 Turkish Cypriots will be welcomed to work in Cyprus itself is welcome.

…a certificate that any Cypriot may hang in their establishment warranting this fact, they are Cypriots, sends the same message to visitors who frequent these businesses, who they are.

…similarly in Hotels, it would be nice to know that not all the Hotels in the illegally occupied territories were “Turkish”. That the Government in Cyprus treats all Cypriot hoteliers equally. Needless to say that this allows any traveler Cypriot or not to sleep well at night with a clear conscience.

…and what of Universities? Which are credible, and based on a standard accepted internationally, which can be noted for their contributions to learning (if they are going to compete)? Who better than the Government to identify these institutions. There may be some Greek and some Turkish, the point is the students, the quality of education offered to them, as Cypriots, because in any case, they, are the future, and we, like them, make us a People as Citizens of the World.

If Leadership would take it as a given, that they represent Cypriots, despite the dysfunction, island-wide, that would be Leadership i could admire as a vanguard overcoming the Problem.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Dec 18, 2021 5:56 am

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
TV presenter in the dock over rant ... over-rant/

...indeed, if Cypriots go to the occupied areas with the intention of enriching themselves, without conscience, it is a selfish act, without a doubt something that curs do.

...i suggest that Cypriots can do good for themselves, spending money, with Cypriots, in the north, who are as much the victims or worse in these conditions. Cypriots should make the effort with their choices and this distinction, to do these Citizens a kindness, not just as an act of good commerce, but political.

It speaks volumes if the Flag of Cyprus was flown more often, there; now that it is "legal". Brave people like these should be encouraged to speak louder; money talks, so does solidarity.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:35 am

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

If there is a United Republic of Cyprus, which identifies it citizens as equals, Sovereign, in its defence of their Individual Rights and the land, Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots through two National Assemblies can find the expression of their indentity as Persons to effect their behaviour as Societies. United all the dwellers stand for
Human Betterment, and apart, they will demonstrate this resolve, as their own distinct majority, in effecting these changes with their own abilities, in providing for the special needs of all minorities amongst them.

...a "northern" economy can exist, just as a "southern", however, with a better redistribution of the land, by adding enclaves to the geography, we will add to the diversity of each economy as constituent bodies. rather than tearing the island in two, we allow ourselves a chance to have no "border", although many frontiers, greater Freedom of Association, more Movement and Expression, restitution for Turkish Cypriots and for Greek Cypriots reciprocally with the return of all displaced a right, while for some return as communities, and homes for Settlers not houses, to those who will be displaced, and who have this claim by being Cypriot.

scary, huh?

Cyprus is an island. We are merely its dwellers, its Steward, whether we identify our selves as something else as well, we are Cypriots. There is dignity in that, by our Grace. This island's trees, rocks and relics, are far more important, than the pleasure we can get from it in a lifetime. It may be that our influence remains, one way or the other there is a price to pay in any act we choose, but our intention is far more important.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:13 am

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Biden needs a Middle East strategy to avoid new crises ... 5489640509 opinion, it starts in Cyprus, root of the Problem as it is: defining what is a Person, while, they have identities as Individuals as well. (what is a BBF?)

...think about it. Where can a solution provide more Hope to more people (and Peoples)? Indeed, "this" (a People, divided) in so many countries is a serious problem. Such as it is in Cyprus, now in Turkey herself, Syria, Iraq and Israel, to name a few. Nations divided amongst themselves and each other; and the State?

Indeed what of "Greekness", and what it did to Cyprus? What of "Turkishness" now (in Cyprus, (and in Turkey))? Aren't they the same? The harm they bring to those not "them" is no different. (Who were their victims counted in the thousands, not each other in affect, but Cypriots?)

...Erdogan, what with the Treaty of Lausanne tossed out the window has made every effort to disrupt all his neighbours. In effect they are united against the world he is proposing, one that questions Universal Principals and Humanity's commitment to them, placing his notions above them. Witness the East Med. Gas Forum, how it was formed and for what purpose, where all the neighbours sit but Turkey.

Mr. Biden is a friend to Cypriots, silenced as they are by the "Greeks" and "Turks" living among them, they need his understanding. Recognising this other half indeed exposes those whose dogmas exclude "others". Such conflicts do not require him to choose one "side" over the other; in this case as in others it is the wrong thing to do: such extremes may represent themselves, but not the People.

...I am hoping he remembers, what America must make right.

: unquote.

...worth repeating.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Mustiejodu » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 am

Having your own sovereignty and identity gives you the confidence and pride in making your country better. Self determination is the way forward hence why we voted Brexit to exit this communist ideological EU where the head is not chosen by the people. How undemocratic is that.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:11 am

Mustiejodu wrote:Having your own sovereignty and identity gives you the confidence and pride in making your country better. Self determination is the way forward hence why we voted Brexit to exit this communist ideological EU where the head is not chosen by the people. How undemocratic is that. to Cyprus, with the same struggle: an ethnosphere, to "them" a disruptive notion, that such a condition can exist as the will of the people is their greatest threat.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:46 am

Who now denies the existence of Turkish Cypriots, as opposed to "Cypriot Turks"?

...who now denies that that they are a threat to the regime in Turkey?

Indeed, "Turkishness" is not the monolithic representation of the Turkish People it would like itself to believe that it is. There it is, in black and white, a list, Cypriots that are Turkish, and a threat to "their" National security.

...looking around you, while visiting the so called "TRNC", know this: half the people you meet are not "Turkish". ... published/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 05, 2022 12:42 am

Friday, February 04, 2022
Niazi goes to court: "Nationalists can not stand a single Turkish Cypriot professor at the University of Cyprus, nor a Turkish Cypriot MEP" ... 5719090710

...the question has become more obvious. Is there Cypriot representation for Cypriots as Cypriots?

Sadly the answer is no. (not yet, at least)

As Persons, of course there is an elite which leads, but they have made themselves impotent it seems toward acting against the mythological dogmas of "Greekness" and "Turkishness". Indeed, as Individuals, as Citizens in effect of one world, this sense of having a nature above such notions is lacking; for which we all suffer as Human beings, in defending these values and Principles.

...and what makes this man, "not Greek" (suddenly)? Must one be "Greek" to be Greek? And had he been Greek (and not Turkish) would he have been treated differently by the University? Was he "Greek" enough until it came to be that he too, represents Cypriots; now, not "Greek" or Greek? Absurd as they are, these questions warrant answers.

The Problem in Cyprus has never been the "Greeks" against the "Turks", in affect they are no different. To the Greeks and Turks who are Cypriot this should be abundantly clear by now. Thus, i am hopeful because the People, the other half as i like to call them have not spoken yet. Silenced or silent, they have the final word; Cypriots, may unite, (they may take back their beaches and their streets,) to speak aloud, that they want change, beyond "Them". such, these elites should tread carefully lest they believe their own rhetoric. This man represents the Cypriots that they dismiss and ignore, who have for decades as Cypriots voted for men like this, and against those candidates "Greek" and/or "Turkish"; winning, even separated as they are so unnaturally: Cypriots are not few, or an insignificant population.
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