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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Nov 03, 2021 4:03 am

Sunday, June 18, 2017
A Turkish Cypriot president would be in office not in power ... not-power/

...three votes. When voting the elector chooses from three slates, electing a Turkish Cypriot Representative, a Greek Cypriot Representative, and for a Lower House, an Independent Representative (without Party affiliation).

If a leader could win a majority in a Legislature evenly split as seats Turkish and Greek, Parties, to win the leadership would necessarily fill all the slates toward that end. It would be in effect impossible to win such a House, without a majority of Cypriots in any case. Parties would necessarily have to present Platforms that their voters would consider as Individuals, not just as Persons. A Turkish Cypriot, as President, or a Greek Cypriot as President would be just as likely, and based on merit.

...and what of the demographics of the island? Is it believable that any 'number' chosen to represent some 'fair' split now will be as valid in the future? Why should it matter? Who is represented and how will minorities be given their recognition and respect in such as State if "Greekness" and "Turkishness" are fixed to some bloodline? Indeed it is far more complex, (or far simpler, either way) the issue is not one of "Greekness" or "Turkishness" but the Universal Principals we demonstrate, as Cypriots that we are willing to defend. (and allow me to add, there is no shame in "being" Cypriot)

Cypriot Constituencies may exist. They have the potential of being several as a sum. It is clear that a Turkish Constituency is prepared to demonstrate the value of such political representation, as Persons, specifically to nurture this Identity. Embracing this change, for Cyprus, the existence of distinct identities, within a Cyprus where Cypriots express no discrimination or distinction between themselves as Cypriots, is the BBF which offers to Individuals and Persons, their Freedom and Liberty respectively.

Cyprus has a Republic, a State. If it is to have a Turkish Constituency, i ask where are its equals? I ask, Cypriots, as Persons, would they, as Cypriot Constituencies, not have the same needs in sustaining their own diversity, that which makes them vital? Wouldn't they be more effective in sustaining their distinct identities through self-representation if in representing themselves there was a similar debate, as a 'majority' which may have different interests competing for attention, but always aware and mindful that there exists a 'minority' with its own special needs they must nurture as well? Wouldn't a Federal Government in this scheme of things be seen to be free of its present bias in securing a Cypriot their Freedom, and this Liberty, in setting a standard and goals?

...I ask, why not within this Republic, at another level of Government, as well, a Greek Constituency (and others)?

Could Mr. Akinci recognise the existence of the Republic (and work toward its reform), if the representative of a Greek Constituency was duly elected, and not the President of the Republic? Is it possible for the President to remove himself from the discussions, so that when the Constituencies are in unanimity they may discuss the State's Constitutional reform with him? Mr. Akinci must demonstrate in Switzerland in a few days something more than a "Turkish" view to claim he is a Cypriot, imho.

Some may recall the Communal Chamber and why it failed, while the intention remains. One may also recall that while "Greeks" and "Turks" were busy doing their killings, it was not other "Greeks" and "Turks", it was Cypriots for not being "Them", who were murdered and made to disappear. That while the coup succeeded, removing Makarios from office it failed because there were so few "Greeks" on the island supporting it. And, I remind the readership that Cypriots have existed for millennia as Cypriots. In any case, Cypriots cannot be denied the same basic principals any Human being has to being Cypriots. It would be a despicable thing if Cypriots cannot call themselves Cypriots to satisfy these same people who deny the existence of their Flag, the Flag of Cyprus, under which so many have died for at their hands already.

...a Cyprus divided, is a Turkey divided; it is something to think about. A "new" Cyprus, is not the answer, like a "new" Turkey i believe, they are likely to divide these populations further. The Problem is not exclusively a Cyprus Problem; witness how the same "Turkishness" has divided Turkey. Yet Cyprus is small in population; one hopes that this is an advantage in its own Constitutional reform. That while Turkish Cypriots look to Turkey for guidance, I suggest it should be the other way around; that while Turkey is in this state of reform it is all the more valid to think differently. That if, Cyprus is not "Greek", Turkey is not "Turkish" for the same reasons. That as a Constituency what can be gained being Cypriot, offers the same hope to the Kurds, and the Alevi, (not "Turks", but Turks) for example in Turkey. That this same hope, in a Cypriot way, makes it clearer, what is an Individual, what is a Person, what is a Nation, what is a State, what is Freedom, what is Liberty; and from a Unitary State exclusively, to a BBF, Cypriots, by changing themselves in this way may possibly change the political landscape throughout the region, being the "perfect" solution sought after for so long, because it is practical, it promotes respect among all Peoples, it is held in so much high esteem, (it is the solution to Turkey's Problem), and it is something which can be emulated.

It is wrong for Turkish Cypriots to think that they are weak and impotent; but as "Turks" they are.

...cheers, Mr. Alper.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Nov 06, 2021 4:37 am

Tuesday, May 05, 2015
'The Pain Will Never Go Away': Searching for the Disappeared People of Cyprus ... -of-cyprus

...Kyriakos Constanti Hadjisoteri, was a Cypriot, not a "Greek". He stayed like many others (who stayed and disappeared as well) in the village believing in the Universal Principals on which a country like Cyprus, or Turkey, for that matter, is based upon and dedicated to defend. Men like him are my heroes, like those before him in '63, called "Turks", they were robbed of their identity, and their lives.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:04 am

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Maybe it’s time for a real partition to be negotiated ... egotiated/

...if there is a Republic, and a Turkish Constituency, where is the Greek Constituency?

"That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status."

...count them, three governing bodies.

With a Greek Constituency (and others, i.e. Maronite, Armenian, Latin) it is possible to have equality amongst people as Persons, (and dare i say it, with Cypriot Constituencies, the Cypriot People could elect to create an English Constituency, and in the future others if and when it is warranted).

With a Greek Constituency, regardless of demographics, Greek is sustained and promoted.

With a Greek Constituency, the State, and the Government which represents all Citizens without distinction or discrimination, is Free of this bias, (defending Greekness because the overwhelming majority of the island's population is Greek), more credible, it will be better able to defend our Individual Rights as members of the larger family, of Man.

Bicommunal does not mean tearing the island in two, but, it requires from all of us a willingness to overcome the fears we have within ourselves, to change our thinking, to demonstrate that Cypriots have an intent far more complex than being "Greeks" and "Turks" in a proxy war.

Just like the word Bicommunal, the word Bizonal is only complete if there are (more than) "two" of something which remains a whole. In my Cyprus, enclaves are not a dirty word, and I believe that Justice can be seen if they exist. What of the displaced, the murdered, and the missing, who were/are they that they suffered this fate, in '63, and in '74? What of their return if not for all of them, some of them as they were forced to leave, as Communities? I see enclaves pocketing the whole island, obliging the Greek and Turkish Constituencies to serve an electorate that is island-wide (and that is multi-cultural). I see enclaves as a key to securing: Free Association, Free Expression, Free Movement, because as Cypriots we would have these Rights. And, even if the "Green-Line" remains, it will no longer be a "border", but another frontier.

...dividing the island (as in separation) will not bring Peace, it is this hatred and endless cycle of revenge which must be willfully stopped. If we love Cyprus, it is Cyprus that comes first, it does not belong to "us" (read: "Greek"/"Turk"), we belong to it.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:24 pm

Monday, September 03, 2012
The DOCUMENTARY "MEMORIES" the purest sense Piratis your argument is sound.

in the sense that Bicommunal has no clear meaning, a "Turkish" idea or not, our responsibility is to the rest of Mankind, as Individuals, to demonstrate something we design for ourselves, as Cypriots, which enriches the world because it can be held in high esteem and emulated. futuristically, i am proposing to go beyond what is the Truth, and what vp resists so fondly, something where Cyprus in two hundred years sustains itself, perhaps in a desert of global warming with a population quite different in demographics and size. i repeat myself, there is a Cypriot Republic, and there is a Turkish Constituency, where is the Greek Constituency? (and why not Armenian, Maronite, and Latin Constituencies as well.)

where vp ignores a Federal Government, i say, where is the Greek state? consider that, my suggestion, because it solves both vp and your anxieties.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:40 am

Sunday, October 18, 2015
Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...??? ... ml#p827144

Mustiejodu, it is Turkey that is in a squeeze, and it is Erdogan that is doing the squeezing, be realistic. How can you give this man so much confidence? Is there anything in Turkey at the moment that is in order? for Cyprus, and this water, it exemplifies what should be our worst fears, i say "our" as human beings, not just as Cypriots. Not a thought about water management, nothing about conservation, not even its distribution, nothing about it at all as a matter of fact, it just appears, as though it is free, as though nothing has to be learned from the past, as though "new" means new forever; if that is not propaganda, what is?

Turkey is not a leader, or should i say Erdogan's Turkey only tarnishes that potential. The great achievement was only paid for, it is not Turkish, except that a "Turk" in affect had it made in Turkey. Pardon me, but after all this time, i'm still hoping that some good can come from all this effort. I don't see the political reward for one man and a Party as progress, just being happy to see water where there was none should not be enough for the rest of us, Turkish, Greek, "Greek", or the world at large (read: anything not "Turkish").

Water as a weapon, for Peace; sounds to me like a two edge sword. I just don't want to see more cucumbers grown by "Turks", for "Turkey", in Cyprus., Mustiejodu, i can imagine, can see as a Cypriot, the logic in this.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Nov 21, 2021 5:05 am

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Tell Turkey: End the Occupation of Cyprus Now

. . ...if you give up Turkey as your sole benefactor you gain the support of the rest of the world. Freedom for Cyprus is Mankind's gift, to the People with a Cypriot Identity, it is not the "Greeks" who are offering you this Liberty to be Turkic, but Greeks who as this island's dwellers represent the vast majority of this body Politic. it would be nice in the least as a Cypriot, if you recognised that the island is not Turkish nor Greek, although as Persons we strive to sustain these identities. ...what better Guarantee is there but to define Bizonal Bicommunal Federation in a manner where as Individuals, this body of People represent themselves United in defending Universal Principals (as Humans), and that being Bicommunal they represent themselves as electors in National Assemblies (within Jurisdictional Territories being Bizonal) so that as a Majority they can sustain within their daily lives this distinct identity, even closer to their taxdollars. you cannot prevent Greeks, just because they are Greeks from choosing to reside in Cyprus as Turcophones (a "Turk" would think that, (rather than a Turk)), nor can we prevent the mobility that the Modern Age has offered. Cyprus is not Property, beyond the feelings Turkey displays about the Treaty of Lausanne, or its Continental Shelf, it is about defining this distinction: that a People, Cypriots have as their Heritance a land far more rooted than what has been a proxy war between subjugators. ...question of ethnic origin, no; question of attitude. ...dude, you behave
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Nov 29, 2021 6:35 am

...we wait for a Leadership decades now to speak for us, those who do not vote for "Greeks" and "Turks", but candidates who make their claims as Cypriots. They win, and we stay silent.

Why blame them when the People themselves do not speak? Erdogan begs us, it seems, to take to the beaches as one against his notion, the "Turkishness" he is insisting upon no different to the "Greekness" that in affect is the same, with every effort to keep us apart. Why doesn't our silence cease? is so simple for us, the People, to demonstrate our will. Not only from voting, for half the population at least it does not appear to be working. But with our feet and with our hearts, to seek out those not "us", but like us, in crossing that thin Green line as Cypriots, to buy from Cypriots, to be loving toward each other, and more importantly as Human beings (who will not compromise their integrity for a mythic reality,) join in acts that defend the Universal Principles that make us, as Cypriots whole.

,,,we should be in our streets dancing, (against "Them") we should be making souvla, and under the only Flag rightfully ours; who would refuse us, who could refuse us? ... -villains/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:23 am

...when we thought we were together, we were happy; it is a good thing to recall Mr. Sener.

Silent (or silenced) as beings, again; Cypriots, wait for a Leadership to make them as happy.

Yet, We the People, (again), may take to the streets, and our beaches, to make this change ourselves.

... let's not forget, the word, enosis, to join what has been torn apart, does not yet have a Cypriot meaning.

Swords, our swords; we can take them out to fight the hatred that comes from "Greekness" and "Turkishness"; meat lovingly cooked on them and an open fire, to eat well with what was nurtured from the precious earth: a good souvla, this is the Cypriot way. Indeed if we gathered as Cypriots under the only Flag rightfully ours, who would be against it? ... 5627254440
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:33 am

Thursday, December 06, 2018
Erdogan makes new threats against Cyprus (2) ... 4228415927

Anon, we are all Cypriots. Whether you are Turkish or Greek, this is the fact that "Greeks" and "Turks" deny, leaving the rest of us to suffer from their dysfunction.

What has divided us for so long in Cyprus, now is dividing Turkey itself. Your choice, Anon, think about it, "Turkishness", or "being" Turkish, there is a difference.

One Turkey, one Cyprus, should not be hard to understand. And the choices we make, as Cypriots, may give Hope to the People of Turkey who are not "Turkish". there a family in Cyprus that did not suffer from the hands of "Greeks" or "Turks"? Likely, I would say, "Greeks" or "Turks". Also something to think about. more thing, talking about the coup. Indeed it was a success having overthrown the Government existing; let's not forget that two days later it failed, indeed without support from Greeks not "Greeks", it could not sustain itself.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Dec 06, 2021 7:22 pm

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Re: Turkish atrocities in Cyprus ... ml#p721515 . vp, i don't know where you lived before the issues of '63 and '74, but if my village is an example of a "mixed" village, the residents have a relationship which was nurtured, far older than that. frankly i am grateful to live across from a Turkish Cypriot unscarred until the Turkish Army chose to make the land they occupy (and all its living creatures) subject to them. we remain an example of the community which was there before this "Turkification", my friends still respect hard work and have a loving nature, close to their land and this history; our history. now, after all these years, having met many Greeks from across the world, i feel a sorrow and a shame to meet a "Greek" who cannot understand that this is possible in Cyprus, i hope that i might convince you that as a Cypriot, you may consider that not all Turks are "Turks" . 350 years, wot? just a backwater, only surviving, ignored as a possession. it was the Modern Age, the British, and the Rule of Law, which gave impetus to Mankind's recognition of Cypriots as a People amongst a Family of Man. whether there is a majority of persons Greeks or not, the World defines us, as all Citizens, the stewards of this island so old (and so wealthy) as one, recognised, Sovereign and as Individuals, represented by a State governing in a manner where all electors are equal without distinction or discrimination. Cypriots, their Leaders, chose to take the challenge of defining Bicommunal, and now Bizonal, for Humanity's greater good. you see two states. i tell you that you cannot dismiss the Federal Government as a body because you don't trust "Greeks", things cannot remain as they are today. to be equals as Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots (, as well as Maronites, etc.) there must exist a Greek Constituency (and other Cypriot Constituencies). if you want a Turkish Constituency demand this; liberate the Republic from its bonds to the "Greeks", and once again it will be the "minority" who values civil behaviour and Universal Principals, most. such, read your Constitution, the Republic of Cyprus' i mean, and tell me, what is wrong with National Assemblies?
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