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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:29 am

Friday, August 18, 2017
Turkish democracy might be dead — and things could soon get a lot worse ... f51f8b323c

...i still have hope.

A Legacy for Turkey and all the Turkish People, or he may make his Legacy for "Turkishness"; these the choices, it seems to me.

Despite the odds, or because of them, Erdogan can change his intentions in a minute.

...think for a moment; what has "Turkishness" brought us: an island divided in two, now Turkey divided more than ever.

This is the Problem, Turkey's problem, it starts in Cyprus because what divides Cyprus divides Turkey.

...recall that the USA is a BBF, so too Canada, and Australia, as other examples. It is the Intentions which count.

Cyprus exists except for the "but one", why? Like in Cyprus, about half the population is "them" (read: "Greek" or "Turk" as one in the same). They hold the Agenda, and while there is much suffering, it is not "them" who suffer, it is those not "them", Greeks and/or Turks (read: anyone of another description). Decades pass, "Turkishness" grows badly tearing at the fabric there is toward more crisis.

But nothing lasts forever, and Erdogan knows this. Recognising the Republic of Cyprus is a choice, if it means that at another level of government there exists self-representation for Turkish Cypriots as Persons, it may mean in Turkey that Turks and not only "Turks" could have Liberty. A Cyprus, an equal to Turkey, an ally, is not anathema to his plans, it may consolidate them. Indeed, it gives hope to Turks who are not "Turkish", a Cyprus reunited, and it may serve as a template for Turkey's own Constitutional Reform.

It is Mr Akinci therefore, who holds the key to Freedom in Turkey, i think. If instead of representing "Turkishness" he represents himself as a Cypriot, a Constituency's Leader, he may suffer Mr. Erdogan's ire, but this may inspire him as well. I hope Mr. Akinci remembers who voted for him, it was not the "Turks" but Cypriots who are Turkish. And in Turkey, (for a BBF,) Turks need this debate as well.

He, Erdogan, may say one day, One Country, One Cyprus, One Turkey.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:24 pm

Saturday, January 18, 2020
Turkish public believes Turkey has no friends - but Turks ... 0poll-says

While he is isolated from his neighbours, and the world for that matter, it is Erdogan who has chosen to isolate himself. There is no credibility in picking and choosing which laws, and agreements, one will respect. What of the paradox; a Libyan Government is recognised by Turkey because it is recognised by the UN, and Cyprus? (Even more Ironic, since Turkey is a Guarantor of the very Government it ignores, in Cyprus)

In affect Turkey is divided, those for "Turkishness", and those who recognise and respect the value of Universal Principals and a Rule, of Law.

The motive as yet does not seem to be entirely clear, although one hopes as a Statesman, by causing all these disruptions he intends to negotiate from a position of strength, this time, a treaty beyond Sevres, or Lausanne. In any case, those "not Turkish" should be preparing quite seriously for War, and for the same reasons.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 13, 2021 3:30 am

Sunday, December 09, 2018
Cyprus rejects Russian claims of US military build-up ... d-59677365

Russia is a friend in as much as Cyprus' roots are non-aligned. Let's not forget, Cyprus works hard at facilitating exchange because it is the cross-road to three Continents.

...Putin's Russia on the other-hand, may not be. What is Russia's beef, to set such a bad example? Here it is, the one spot in all the Mediterranean, perhaps the world, where, one may find, Russians, and, Americans, in Commerce, and Culture, at Trade. A Hope for Peace, united to end the Problem that has torn this island in two, both esteemed members of the UN's Security Council, dedicated to ending among all people, fear; Putin makes threats: why?

...i ask myself why, why is there no Russian involvement in Cyprus' Gas explorations, (and are they the same reasons as Britain's), having a strong connection to this country's past? Or. perhaps it is a bad error on some zealot's part, these threats, as the Kremlin has indicated; i will include that hypothesis as well. But i remember who coined the phrase, "Cyprus solution", now awhile ago, an emulation of Turkey's policy and action in Cyprus, the nasty way that it was used with the same success in Georgia (and in Israel more recently but not successfully, emulated, a "Cyprus solution", the same mean spirit in mind to formalise the displacement of people from their homes).

Indeed, dividing one's opposition serves the interest of anyone who seeks to change the balance of power to favour them. As an opportunist by force, bending "rules", and, Universal Principal, they seek this edge; making the sparks, misery causing more discordance, that leaves chaos where it seems in the end, any solution is better than the state of waste that's left, and where they appear pious in the aftermath having kept, so to speak, their own powder dry...

...Turkey is Cyprus' clearest adversary. Cyprus, in effect is Turkey's National cause; "Turkishness" it seems will be defined with Cyprus' fate. Who sides with Cyprus, sides clearly as it is from Turkey's point of view, against Turkey. Turkey, for this very reason, drills alone. What will Russia do In the hostilities which may take place over drilling, as happened before? Cyprus will call on her partners, and perhaps receive Naval help against such offensive behaviour this time. While in this case, as in the last, the EU, and NATO may demonstrate their inability politically speaking to act, France, Italy, and Greece, are allies likely to provide immediate Naval force. Egypt, Israel, Qatar, USA, even Korea may become involved directly because of their own interest in this matter, against Turkey's war ships, with war ships..

Does Turkey, who dares, win, if in the end, like before, after hostilities begin these powers withdraw? And if Cyprus thusly becomes a Tribute to Turkey, how can one say Russia betrayed their friendship to Cyprus? Cypriots no more, but "Greeks", and "Turks", how can Russia be blamed if the Western World's intervention ends in failure, and this sea "belongs" to Turkey? Russia, these parties against her, Turkey's ally if it does not involve itself in this imbroglio?

...the Bosporus comes to mind, speaking of Russia, how Turkey has played a big role in this balance of power, and how that could change, in affect against America, that Russia moves freely through the Straights, but America and other Western interests, sanctioned for doing business with Cyprus, do not. While Erdogan does not favour Putin in the Ukraine publicly, he may agree to Russia's supremacy in the Black Sea, especially if it secures his intentions in Cyprus.

Turkey's threats are not idle for the Eastern Mediterranean: the supremacy of this sea. She plans a Naval Base, in Cyprus. She has built new Submarines and Naval ships, as well as, having cultivated a Military-Industrial complex with the capacity to grow quickly in this regard. While these powers, call them the West, are divided, and unwilling to demonstrate their conviction as one when hostilities escalate, Turkey has the opportunity to control not just "oil" on "her Continental Shelf", whether Cyprus is a State or an island, but/and all Marine and Maritime Traffic, west of the Suez Canal all the way to Italy, and north of Egypt's frontier.

...Cyprus is not small.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:58 am

Friday, January 04, 2019
Next US Ambassador to Cyprus confirmed by the Senate ... he-senate/

...welcome Ms. Garber.

While you evaluate Cyprus, and Cypriots, with feet on the ground, i hope that you will always remember, who needs your help. "Greeks" and "Turks", there are a plenty almost identical in their plaint; and the other half, who do not believe in their (or this politic) politics but are the victim of it: this is the Cyprus Problem, far more complex, though it is not framed this way.

...and let's not forget, that while Cyprus is divided decades, "Turkishness", now, divides Turkey. That while Cyprus remains a National issue for Turkey, a unified Cyprus provides an example that in their own Constitutional reform, Turkey may emulate. A divided Cyprus, will only secure, in Turkey, greater division.

Cyprus is small, but not insignificant, it is a cross-road for three Continents,and it is the balance of power, without which Turkey would rule this sea. Russia may have its influence on the island, Cyprus in effect is non-aligned. The influence other world players have, like America, and Britain, Israel, Egypt, and Greece, Qatar, Italy, Korea, and France, offers all of them, at least on this issue, the Problem, the opportunity to demonstrate unity, for Cypriots, and Freedom.

Cypriots over the millennium have survived by being the facilitators of exchange. It should not be any different today. Their betrayal, to tear this island apart, only serves to deprive Humanity of this Heritance, a People who for so long have greeted other people with charity, humility, and grace. As an 'honest broker', Cypriots can feel a certain confidence today, what with the progress they've seen in that regard, despite the recent past ; except with the "but one".

...heady days ahead, what some would call interesting; for Cyprus, for Freedom, the region, good luck.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:32 am

Sunday, November 04, 2018
People prefer loose to decentralised federation ... ederation/

...indeed, let's not forget that those firmly attached to their "motherland", or "fatherland", have their own candidates, on either side of the Green Line. And they lost their Legislatures, in the last elections, respectively; it was not "their" candidate elected as President.

...what does it mean? means that Cypriots exist. Despite decades of assimilation artificially divided, they still represent the other half of the voting public.

While the "Greeks" and "Turks" are kept apart, they are very much the same in their needs, and, as it is, in their Intolerance toward what is, not "them".

A fairer debate, on the Cyprus Problem, may be better framed with Cypriots on one side of the table, and the Constituent States on the other. As such, if there is unanimity on either side of the table, such issues will be hard to dismiss. What is "fair" to both, any way that is taken, is more easily defined.

In any case, a "loose" federation, should not mean a weak Federal Government. Who as a Cypriot cannot accept the Universal Principals that make us Human, or a Rule of Law which as Individuals makes no distinction or discrimination among us? And, as a BBF, who as a Cypriot, does not expect as a Person, (at another level of Government as Constituent States) to be welcoming; reciprocally (or not), respecting, recognising, and providing for those among them, minorities, with their own special needs?

Thousands of Flags is the immediate remedy. The ruling elite, wherever they may be, as they glance out their window, the Flag of Cyprus; to some, not a rag, for them something to think about.

...fantasy, it seems, i know; what is just out of grasp, so easy, something simple to understand.

...good read, Mr. Alper; thanks.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:47 am

Monday, August 26, 2013
Re: Deal Over Occupied Famagusta...??? ... ml#p767973

indeed, like the formation of the IPO, blame was accepted. it is the same, Turkey can correct her own wrongs, it has nothing to do with the negotiations, or the Cyprus Problem, it is the recognition of fact from which an intention can be established, Cyprus a whole, Cypriots respected for what they are, not just "Turks", and "others", a People as proud.

you may demonstrate with all the examples you want, true, half-true, and out and out fabrications or lies, to make your point, vp, that your hatred has a reason to grow (and that this enmity will last forever). but, we are Humans, and as Cypriots, as a majority (80%) which is Greek, the compromise was made, it is not up to you ("you") to ask for more than that (a BBF). it is up to you to act accordingly; i ask, are you Cypriot? would you be glad to live as in any country, an Individual, whether the part of a majority or minority, equal. and as well, being a Person having a means to self-representation that equals other Persons? as a Citizen of the World (because you were not born in Cyprus, although here you want to stay), can you not see that your responsibility is toward the rest of Mankind (before your own distinctive preferences)? you vp, seek recognition of a State, so that there is a Greek State and a Turkish State, essentially to leave things the way they are.

...what is wrong with one Republic, where if we are no different to Greece and Turkey, it is because Universal Principals are demonstrated by these States. and i suggest to you that we can as Cypriots choose to live in any one of many states as Cypriot Constituencies (bicommunally), this to you, it would seem to me, should be far more important than an airport, outside of the Republic's control impossible to "give".

...and anyway, you are doing just fine, if i am to believe what you say, (you need nothing from the Republic (if i am correct in my understanding of what you say)), it is a fine way to show goodwill, to just give back what you are not using (and that does not belong to "you").
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:43 pm

This explains exactly where Cypriot Nationalism is today and where it has been since 1955 when they started the struggle to Enosis Cyprus with Greece instead of Independence.

" Savvas Kalenteridis, political-military analyst, now in Sigma:

If I were the commander of the Turkish military occupation forces in Cyprus, I would not be able to sleep at night.

Why? Dimitropoulos asked him.

Because all Turkish camps are in the range of Cypriot artillery, Kalenderidis responded.
Exactly like that.

Dimitropoulos agreed.

And the patriotic channel made sure to inform the enemy about his vulnerable point."

So now you see why they have waited since 1974 to begin the preperations for preparing to attack and take the north. Hopefully they will inform us also that the prepreations for preparing the plan to attack. Particularly we are interested which camps they will hit first so they can hide under the beds like the Australians did in 1974 and to some extend the GC Militry too. But their beds were on the otherside of Trodos so they had to run at super speeds to get to them.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:59 pm

And at the same time we have individual like this in Cyprus. Yes there is hope.

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:45 am

...thanks Lordo, worth watching.

Indeed, if you want to fuck "Them", "be'' Cypriot.

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:48 am

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Embargo: Brussels protest
Cyprus bicommunal discussion and chat forum : Brussels protest: ... 5997#55997

"Rude Gal, please don't forget, Cypriots have been isolated from each other, but half this population is old enough to remember a way of life far dearer. We call ourselves Cypriot, we are all people, even though we are identified, or forced to indentify ourselves as Turcophone or Grecophone.

There is nothing wrong with having great pride in your heritage, but for both of us this has grown over several hundred years, successfully. As a community we are the repository for Mankind, with roots dating back to Neolithic times. Our future, and our duty to this planet are far greater, than the adversarial competition which has been promoted for our consumption all these years.

Basic Human Rights can not be ignored. Even if it causes more suffering, it is the cost of our freedom. Turcophones and Grecophones deserve to call each other, founders of our Nation. Each has a right from this State to expect that their Individual Rights are defended without hesitation.

Where communities of people are concerned, self-determination is essential. Minority rights in either case are also essential. If this commitment is done through one or three govenments, is not that important. Most important, is that the normalacy of living without troops do divide us, can be realised.

Rude Gal, I cannot tell you how much I wish to return to my village (which is 'mixed'). I cannot tell you how much will be lost, if I cannot say once again, I am Cypriot.
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