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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Sep 04, 2021 5:36 pm

Saturday, September 04, 2021
Maraş, a just Solution? (2) ... -solution/

...the courage to look around you and see that things are not black and white, that there are lots of colours is important.

...i don't like "Greeks", i don't like "Turks"; along with the rest of us who are neither. Ask yourself, who votes for "them", and who despite the decades of being unnaturally torn part vote otherwise.

Talking about "Greeks" and "Turks" excludes the rest of us who are loving individuals. Are there only "them" on this island? I think not. I am a Cypriot if you want to define me, and i am not alone.

"They" will always be a threat; it is all the more reason for "us" to join together.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:59 pm

Sunday, September 05, 2021
Cyprus needs an honest leader with a vision and lots of courage ... f-courage/

...and in the Cypriot context, Grivas comes to mind, the good intentions in his original thoughts; talking about power, corruption,and crime.

Cypriots, those of us not "Greek" or "Turkish" must decide silenced as we are by their agendas, whether the time is right for us to speak for ourselves. Despite the decades of having been unnaturally torn apart, Cypriots whether Turkish or Greek Cypriot, remain ignored as a constituency in essence without political representation, being about half the voters in any election on either side of the divide, dismissed as few or non-existent.

Erdogan has given us this opportunity, to speak as one. It seems to me that he is begging for it; what with his own Problem in Turkey with its constituencies (and a need for a BBF)...

..."Picnics", seem appropriate in Cyprus. Cypriots, and under their Flag, the only one that is rightfully theirs, the one that "They" treat as a rag, making souvla peacefully on their beaches (in enosis). Hope for Turks not "Turkish", hope for the rest of us who are not ''Greek'', hope for Cyprus, (Turkey, and beyond).

If this notion of "Turkishness" is to be motivated, it is now, what with Erdogan's need to create a Legacy for himself, what with Turkey's Centennial in two short years, what with his re-election campaign coming soon; Cypriots as Cypriots must speak for themselves, demonstrating their existence, since it appears that their Leadership do not demonstrate this capacity. Let's also remember that this leadership in Cyprus needs the same motivation to change themselves. They should not be able to look out their windows, or while driving in their cars, without seeing the Flag of Cyprus flying highest. our Leadership corrupted, ask yourselves'. Are we the People corrupted, ask yourselves' again.

There is a President out there that will speak to, and for, all Cypriots.

...who dares to say it clearly; the Problem is not an issue of "Greeks" vs. "Turks", nor is it a Cypriot dispute: it is between "Greeks"/ "Turks" against the Greek and Turkish Cypriots opposing them.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:22 am

"...there is the Communal Chamber which was never opened because the Greek Constituency did not take their seats. And there is a State which is dysfunctional without a Legislature representing all Cypriots. Indeed, contained in the original Constitution there lies the possibility of change. It is a matter of intentions.

...Mr. Lillie may be suggesting what has been obvious for so many years too; "Greeks" and "Turks" are the same, no different in their opposition to the Greek and Turkish Cypriots that are their adversaries. Mr. Anastasiades has already demonstrated his openness with all the 'ideas' he has presented already but one; he will not give up the Sovereignty of Cypriots to their island, he will not allow this Identity to be usurped by "others".

...let's not forget that Turkey herself suffers from the Problem; having a State, now torn by "Turkishness". Cyprus, and Cypriots represents Hope against the oppressive details of such dogma by overcoming their own fears, by rising above them to defend the Universal Principles all of us value, as Human beings.

Cypriots, by uniting against "Them", may change the course of Turkey's direction and not the other way around." ... n-remarks/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:41 pm

Sunday, December 11, 2016
Religious leaders unite in missing call ... sing-call/ some point Cypriots will realise that those who were murdered, and made to disappear, died as Cypriots, for their Cyprus, for being Cypriots,
not "Greeks", not "Turks", by "Greeks", and "Turks".

In all this misery, over all this time, on a tiny island where there are few; Cypriots exist, (still).

...something to think about, the way, and a Cypriot way.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Sep 22, 2021 3:47 am

...i ask Mr.Tatar to recall that he may be a representative of "Cypriot Turks" but in doing so, about half of his electorate is ignored. Turkish Cypriots remain hopeful that their representation as a People who are reasoned and inclusive can be demonstrated as a Majority with Goodwill, providing for the special needs of the Minorities that live among them as well.

What more can be asked from a Greek Constituency (if one existed)? What more can be asked of the Cypriot State (if it actually represented Cypriots)? What more can be asked of ourselves, whatever 'we' may be as a Person? We are Individuals too, there are Universal Principals which, as Humans, we value, and respect.

My hope is that you may agree with me on these notions. Such as it is, I do not expect you to stand under the Flag of Cyprus with me, yet i ask, who has used it as a rag? Not Cypriots, (in my mind, who are not few or non-existent,) their votes say otherwise, but those whose dogma is "Greekness" and "Turkishness" who have, as Cypriots, divided us. Somehow, "this" must stop.

...and what has "Turkishness" done to Turkey but divide the Turkish People, with (its maximalist tones, and) the exclusion of people not "them" from their own representation. Cyprus torn decades is no different to the State of Turkey now: needing Constitutional reform, and needing at another level of Government, Constituencies (which represent Persons, rather than the Citizen as an Individual); as such like Canada or the USA, a BBF.

Mr. Tatar may ask himself what with Turkey's Centennial so near, what gift Cyprus may offer Turkey, what he may do for Unity here, after-all Cyprus is an island, as a Cypriot, and emulated in high esteem celebrating this Unity there, that Turkey finds from Cypriots an end to their own Problem (not the other way around); better Statesmanship providing Hope to those, like (read: not just) in Turkey, who as Persons have distinct identities (like his electorate in Cyprus,) that they nurture, and who as Individuals expect no further distinction or discrimination being equals from their State, as well.

...let's not forget the elections that are coming just as soon, too. ... egistered/

...another one which i expect will not get published.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Sep 23, 2021 7:06 pm

''....well said Mdme. Spehar.

Indeed we (the rest of us not "Greek" or "Turkish") are expecting great things from the Leadership in these negotiations on the Problem, in Cyprus. too, we should be expecting great things from the People themselves.

Picnics come to mind, and enosis, two words in Cyprus which have their own special and unique meanings...

...we, (those of us for unity, as Cypriots) can take back these words, on the beaches making souvla together peacefully, under the one Flag, the Flag of Cyprus, "They" treat as a rag. That would be helpful, don't you think? Indeed, our Leadership should not be able to look out their windows, or while driving in their cars, without seeing this flag; that would be helpful too.

Eide also said the same thing, not coincidentally; never mind the rest: it is Cypriots who can/will solve this mess.'' ... ehar-says/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:06 am

Sunday, September 26, 2021
Turkey must allow access to Turkish army archives for missing persons, Presidential Commissioner says ... tdiscovery

'' family members (six of them) were found only recently (a few years ago); i thank the CMP and Mdme. Sevgul Uludag, for their tireless efforts to that end.

...indeed, i do not forget what the families of these "missing" want, Turkish or Greek. I like them would like to see them memorialized as Cypriots, with their names recorded together on one stone. Somewhere where we may gather to remember them; wickedly betrayed by the "Greeks" and "Turks" that live(d) among us.

Turkey will not atone, unless Cypriots join as one against these dogmas; what chance is there in that with Cypriots silent. He begs us on our own beaches to come; yet who dares to make souvla peacefully under the one Flag "they" treat as a rag? Ask yourselves; what frees us from "Greekness" and "Turkishness"?

...Enosis, such a revolution is needed; i do not despair: the People will speak.''
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Sep 29, 2021 2:17 am

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

it is why i stress the need for three governing bodies: one which is Sovereign over the representation of the people united without consideration, equal, where this State defends their Individual Rights, without compromise, and two National Assemblies, who have Jurisdiction over the infrastructure which it will provide in its territory to its citizens equally in a manner where persons, as a majority can demonstrate their respect and recognition of minorities amongst them, while they act in a manner that will sustain themselves.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 07, 2021 1:51 am

Sunday, April 24, 2016
Editorial: A bottom-up solution

''...i would like to find Cypriots who fly the Flag of Cyprus, north, to do my shopping, some of it, at least, with them. (I know there are some, as brave, there must be more as willing.) Buying local is making a statement. It is an act that sustains our economy, and a way of life. If we make the effort to seek each other out, this too will make a big difference in how we will be treated, as Cypriots, rather than as "Greeks", and "Turks"; there is a difference.

...i have said it before, i will say it again, for our Leaders to be inspired, let them look out their windows, and their limousines, and see, the Flag of Cyprus, proudly flown, where we work, our homes, on our cars, and among the crowds at civic holidays; it is up to us, as Cypriots: not as Jews, or Christians, or Muslims, not as Romans, Arabs, Turks, or Greeks, not as English or Sri Lankan, not as Russian, not as Persons, not as Gays, not as Atheists, but as Individuals, without any further distinction or discrimination.

...Cypriots exist. The best way to demonstrate this fact, if you ask me, is to fly the Flag of Cyprus.''
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:00 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
...i ask Mr.Tatar to recall that he may be a representative of "Cypriot Turks" but in doing so, about half of his electorate is ignored. Turkish Cypriots remain hopeful that their representation as a People who are reasoned and inclusive can be demonstrated as a Majority with Goodwill, providing for the special needs of the Minorities that live among them as well.

What more can be asked from a Greek Constituency (if one existed)? What more can be asked of the Cypriot State (if it actually represented Cypriots)? What more can be asked of ourselves, whatever 'we' may be as a Person? We are Individuals too, there are Universal Principals which, as Humans, we value, and respect.

My hope is that you may agree with me on these notions. Such as it is, I do not expect you to stand under the Flag of Cyprus with me, yet i ask, who has used it as a rag? Not Cypriots, (in my mind, who are not few or non-existent,) their votes say otherwise, but those whose dogma is "Greekness" and "Turkishness" who have, as Cypriots, divided us. Somehow, "this" must stop.

...and what has "Turkishness" done to Turkey but divide the Turkish People, with (its maximalist tones, and) the exclusion of people not "them" from their own representation. Cyprus torn decades is no different to the State of Turkey now: needing Constitutional reform, and needing at another level of Government, Constituencies (which represent Persons, rather than the Citizen as an Individual); as such like Canada or the USA, a BBF.

Mr. Tatar may ask himself what with Turkey's Centennial so near, what gift Cyprus may offer Turkey, what he may do for Unity here, after-all Cyprus is an island, as a Cypriot, and emulated in high esteem celebrating this Unity there, that Turkey finds from Cypriots an end to their own Problem (not the other way around); better Statesmanship providing Hope to those, like (read: not just) in Turkey, who as Persons have distinct identities (like his electorate in Cyprus,) that they nurture, and who as Individuals expect no further distinction or discrimination being equals from their State, as well.

...let's not forget the elections that are coming just as soon, too. ... egistered/

...another one which i expect will not get published.

...indeed, it did get published.
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