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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:21 am

Monday, March 26, 2012
Cyprus :: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today? - Page 2#p711361

Viewpoint wrote:

Viva la Enosis with Turkey.

...indeed, Cyprus and Turkey need to be allied, joined in a common cause. if the EU is a great experiment toward lasting peace, it is Turkey where a frontier is best established, so too Cyprus. enosis, as OP said, is not a bad word.

...your point is not well taken, perhaps, although it is ironically food for thought. "Greekness" (looking West) is taken as the Democratic Value where as Citizens we are equally involved in bettering our lives as a whole. "Turkishness" (looking East), i take to mean the Ottomans, who sucked the life out of the glorious Arabic civilization, and all its Peoples, not unlike their work ies stin poli, and Cyprus which became a backwater. certainly modern Turkey is not the ideal of Ataturk, it is the Kemalists who see people as Turkish from their "Turkishness", that fails this great State to benefit their Nation. i've said many times before vp, and i hope you think about it, this is not a Greek/Turkish issue, it is a not a "Greek"/"Turkish" issue either, it is a "Greek", "Turkish"/ Greek, Turkish issue.

we, being the vanguard vp, that is to say as a Citizen of the World, should act accordingly.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jul 17, 2021 7:06 am

Sunday, November 12, 2006
...What do Greek Cypriots really want?... ... 3452#73452

I think both communities must take a closer look at themselves because neither gives a minority any rights, or recognition. Anyone can see that neither has the Constitutional where with all to be inclusive.

The reform, being comprehensive must be unlike the plans which have failed, and reasoned to be bi-zonal, not divided in two, and bi-communal, not two communities. With goodwill, the compassion to know what this means denies the will of each Nation as adversaries and compels them to act as people.

I say we need three governments, and one capital. Bi-zonal; having many parts, and bi-communal; together as equals, and apart.

Call me a Greek Cypriot, and this is what I want.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Lordo » Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:27 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:Sunday, November 12, 2006
...What do Greek Cypriots really want?... ... 3452#73452

I think both communities must take a closer look at themselves because neither gives a minority any rights, or recognition. Anyone can see that neither has the Constitutional where with all to be inclusive.

The reform, being comprehensive must be unlike the plans which have failed, and reasoned to be bi-zonal, not divided in two, and bi-communal, not two communities. With goodwill, the compassion to know what this means denies the will of each Nation as adversaries and compels them to act as people.

I say we need three governments, and one capital. Bi-zonal; having many parts, and bi-communal; together as equals, and apart.

Call me a Greek Cypriot, and this is what I want.

And I though you said you were GC. Bi does not meanmany it means two.

BBF is the only solution. Bi-Zonal Bi communal Federation. But that boat has sailed twice. Once in 2004 and again in 2017. You do not get unlimited chances. We had two in the last 2 decades and GCs killed both.

There is no getting away from it.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 28, 2021 10:25 pm

You are a Person, and you are an Individual. You do not have to be "Greek" or "Turkish" to meet the criteria of Bicommunal. Similarly, geographically speaking, there is a Republic and Cypriot Constituencies, Bizonally speaking.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:05 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:You are a Person, and you are an Individual. You do not have to be "Greek" or "Turkish" to meet the criteria of Bicommunal. Similarly, geographically speaking, there is a Republic and Cypriot Constituencies, Bizonally speaking.

That may be so in language terms but there is no doubt what is being discussed here under the UN. Everybody knows what it means,
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:11 pm what does "it" mean?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:27 pm

...and "bi" does imply many; that when paired as identities they are one.

Two identities in Cyprus are easily identifiable, among the Constituencies that as Persons have the same needs, but there are more Cypriot Constituencies than that. it so hard for you to imagine that those of us that do not want to live with each other have as their dogmas nothing very different because they exclude (all) "others"?

Indeed, "Greeks" and "Turks" are no different, but the same. Their hatred for such a notion that Cypriots live seems clear to me, "being" Cypriot in Cyprus because of them is not easy.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:28 pm

repulsewarrior what does "it" mean?

...really, what does "it" mean?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:39 pm

Monday, August 02, 2021
Why patience remains key to a federal solution ... 5478480745

...indeed, we need cooler heads to prevail.

And yet i can't help but hope that for the changes the People want, they will speak for themselves.

"Picnics", what better way for Cypriots to express their joy; under the Flag that "they" treat as a rag. What better way to express what is the case, like Eide said, left alone they would solve the Problem themselves. Indeed, we can blame COVID for the lack of public demonstration, but what better way to take back our beaches peacefully, than by making souvla on them, together in solidarity Turkish and Greek, as Cypriots?

...who could be against such a notion, that Cypriots exist?

Simply put, the Problem is not "Greeks" vs. "Turks", nor is it Turkish Cypriots against Greek Cypriots; it is "Greeks"/"Turks" vs Cypriots: Turkish and Greek.

And, those of us Greek Cypriot, i hope you remember that Turkish Cypriots represent the greatest threat to the "Turkishness" Erdogan seeks to define for all of us who value the Universal Principals on which Humanity is based. They are the vanguard which needs our help. United as Cypriots "we" are a force equal to "it"; something which brings Hope (perhaps a new meaning for the word enosis) not just to ourselves but to the greater world, and to Turkey (also divided as a People by its "Turks").
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Aug 03, 2021 4:48 am

Friday, September 15, 2006
Cyprus-Turkey Treaty of Defense...? ... =6307#6307

The debate has been interesting, and most informative, but the discussion should be focused on the military defense of Turkey, and ending the threat that this State senses from the island of Cyprus. The proposal is a Treaty, necessarily requirng the recognition of the Republic of Cyprus, and its sovereignty over all the island.

The reform of its Constitution is desired by the government of the day. However its resolve to maintain for the vast majority, a Grecophonic nature, must be balanced with the desire of Turkish Cypriots for self determination. Divided and isolated from each other, now for almost fifty years, their lives lack free movement, association, and expression. Much of this is unnatural, and there is the great hope that human behaviour is for social-exchange, and that Denktash will be marked as a hero, maybe two hundred years from now, because he took the first step and opened the border.

Turkey has nothing to fear from these people, united and free from subjugation, to direct their own lives toward prosperity. Cypriots are the people who lead in socialisation, for millenia. They are a people who are inclusive, they are peace loving, and they are welcoming. Cyprus, its vital culture, to survive in this Modern world, must be self governing, because strategically it cannot belong to anyone. This gift the world has promised to them. Turkey's foreign affairs, has this issue, and others to resolve.

A Treaty today provides the most powerful regional economy, exchange, with the largest maritime service, their neighbour, both profiting, gaining long term security, stability, and mutual defense. Part of the comprehensive package, toward ending the Cyprus problem, it is a premise that provides a venue, for an international relation, with Turkey as the benefactor from this esteem.

Cypriots can identify themselves as Greek Cypriot or Turkish Cypriot if and only if the Republic of Cyprus, and its government are free from linquistic (ethnic) bias. As an identity, this reformation must reflect their proportional representation and their equality as founding partners, these peoples. A bi-cameral legislature will provide for this need. As individuals, and as Europeans they can expect a government which allows for their individuality and equality.

Greek Cypriots can look back without despair, if they themselves control a government as their Turkish counterpart, requiring three governments, so that their relations as Cypriots, externally are satisfied by one Government, meeting the norms of a higher authority, and internally, having two Governments to represent these people as communities, providing the service these communities desire, sovereign in their territory, as they please.

I think the greatest fear for Turkish Cypriots, is the possibility of being overwhelmed by the "Greekness" of the vast majority of people living on the island. This will soon be replaced by the fear of so many other peoples who find this little island of value to them personally. Ironically both societies will suffer the same fear unless there are suitable provisions made to accomadate having minorities with seperate needs, by their respective National Assemblies.

In 1974, I remember a map, in the newspaper, the island, the line which divides it in two, and little circles scattered here and there, over all its territory, Makarios and Denktash in one of their meetings, during those heady days. Recently, I read a quote from Mr. Papoudopoulos, (sorry for the spelling) the current President of the Republic, from his youth, describing the population of Turkish Cypriots warmly, as a people whose population was scattered like sand, tossed over a map so that the grains would cover its whole surface. Demographic maps, I have seen, prove this sentiment and the reasoning of their proposals.

I do not propose to replicate the past. However, these notions, indeed resolve much of the anxiety, which comes from the Right of Return, and resettlement, for so many, because it has its historical basis. "Cantons", satelite territories, would add to the balance which would be required so that each of the counterparts, Greek and Turkish, has a majority of people who see themselves this way, within their territory for their self-determination. They provide a setting in which all people can demonstrate their commitment toward Basic Human Rights. New communities will be founded, and in others people will return to their homes, as communities. None will lack service as they prefer, nearby; none will lack a choice for their representation, as they desire. Each gain in the diversity this will add to their respective cultures. Most importantly, the reciprocation of respect by these two adversaries, sustains a benefit, which allows for the inclusiveness our Age requires from each one of us as human beings.

Finally, I would like to add, that Turkey must resolve this political issue, to end the prejudice it causes to its own people, and to be in harmony with the rest of the world's States; a Republic of Cyprus, and all its people Cypriots, must exist, without which there is no peace.
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