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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:20 am

Monday, April 20, 2015
When motherlands go rogue ... -go-rogue/

Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin are heroes, to Cypriots. Plain and ordinary people doing plain and ordinary things. The other half, as I like to call them, those who are not "Greeks" or "Turks"; I like to think of them, when we discuss, the lives (call it "motherland") of "rogues".

They may not hold the Agenda, but they will; it is only a matter of time.

"They" (or one of "them") will go too far, as they are apt to do. The simple act of flying a flag will gain a meaning that so far has effectively been isolated and ignored. And in Cyprus, for Cypriots.

Cypriots may finally take up their cause, rather than the debate as it is framed; "this" must stop.

...I suggest as summertime approaches, while on the beach, and while enjoying what is beautiful about Cyprus, plant the Flag of Cyprus to sit under its shade. It is an easy act which we can emulate. I would suggest we think about the dead and the missing in gratitude, while we are at it, with great joy over our souvla, (i will, if i see others who are doing the same) for their heroism. Cypriots, those who stayed (whether in '63 or '74) were robbed of this identity, murdered and made to disappear (or displaced). That is the truth. Where is the Freedom in that, if in our minds we cannot remember them as who we are? Where is the Liberty if as Persons we cannot show these Citizens, as Individuals, the due respect and recognition they deserve in our pursuits for happiness, as, Human, beings?

While the Flags of Turkey and Greece are powerful political symbols of, "Greekness", or "Turkishness", in Cyprus, I would like to remind the readership that the Flag of Cyprus has its value, because it represents Universal Principals.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:47 am

...if it is not the Leadership that brings confidence, it is/will be the People.

Indeed, we can talk about Cyprus; the lives of Cypriots, and how the anxiety they feel for "being" Persons can be lessened, because despite their distinct identities, (being Cypriots,) they are Individuals too.

"Cypriot" is not a dirty word. (While "Greek" and "Turk" may be tarnished.)

...such as it is it remains a myth, that compared to "Greekness" or "Turkishness", Cypriots are few. They too may demonstrate their will for change, (soon), openly and publicly: if "Cypriotness" becomes an existential question of Cypriots no more.

Except for their denial, (that such a "being" already exists,) those "Greek" and "Turkish" have not been very successful in their efforts at usurping this identity, in establishing their own.

Yet still, as a People (in exposing "them" standing together), as Cypriots, nothing should prevent people from acting as Cypriots, that as a result in a wider sense, in doing so, we may bring hope to those in Turkey who by their nature are taken as "others"; torn apart for the same reasons: let's not forget that Turkey too seeks to modernise with its own Constitutional reform. Is this not the Problem?

...(i ask you to remember that after decades of assimilation, divided as they are, Cypriots as voters continue to represent anyway it is counted at least half the population of this island.)

One hopes that Mr. Tatar sees the advantages of making "Cyprus" the destination of tourists and business people alike. Welcoming to the world on terms which are Universal, which as Human beings, as Cypriots, we demonstrate and defend; a welcoming People in our diversity: tolerant, trusting, honest and reasoned. ... r-on-cbms/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:15 am

worth repeating,

"One Response to What really happened at the Crans Montana conference on Cyprus
repulsewarrior says:
24 December 2020 at 4:37 am

…i ask, if there is a Republic and a Turkish Constituency, where is its equal, as in other Cypriot Constituencies?

What is a Bizonal Bicommunal Federation?

Who represents Cypriots (without further distinction or discrimination)?

…that they can regard each other, as Individuals, and as equals?

…where, as Persons can they nurture their distinct identity(ies), representing themselves, as a Majority that is mindful, toward the Minorities that live among them by providing them with their special needs as well?

Sadly i fear the Leadership in Cyprus is not prepared to answer these questions (as Cypriots), yet. And it seems the Universal Principals the Republic stands for, are impotent with “Turkishness” as an adversary to them, with Turkish Cypriots silenced as they have been by the illegal regime, and, isolated like Greek Cypriots from a Cypriot identity; “Greekness” let’s not forget is no different as a dogma, anathema to a Cypriot way.

Cypriots, the people as the People, may make it much clearer than going to the polls as Cypriots winning never less than about half the votes, (Turkish, or, Greek). And it is the People, that in the end will fight, either peacefully or not, in the street under their Flags if their existence is under threat, if their government is not responsive to their needs; this is normal. They will make it clear that they do not have to wait to be defined; they exist.

…and this under the Flag of Cyprus would also be normal.

Pushed too far, it is the People who will demand change, making the change by standing together in unity.

…i look forward to this summer; it will be a good time for “picnics”." ... -on-cyprus
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:33 pm

Wednesday, January 08, 2014
Liberman’s land swap proposal shakes up peace talks ... 6-93108473

"...better if like Cyprus, Mr. Liberman may consider the value of a Bicommunal State, such as Canada. It would involve a Greater Israel, and as well there would be its Constituencies, who represent National Assemblies, and by a Territorial Jurisdiction for which they have their Charter from a Federal Government, zones where which an Agenda of Persons may serve their distinct identity first, but able are they to serve minorities amongst them by demonstrating the Goodwill they could expect reciprocally.

Mr. Liberman is wrong if he believes that cutting Cyprus in two is a good idea, what did Solomon do?"

...(in context) there is a "new" Israel, what with Netanyahu, after 12 years, unable to form a new government; Liberman and the Arab list are both involved in this.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:56 am

Sunday, January 31, 2021
Two-states or ‘TRNC’ recognition ... cognition/


"That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status."

...count them, for this agreement to fructify, there are (at least) three Constituencies. That of the People, as Individuals, the State, and those of the National Assemblies, where as Persons a majority with its agenda demonstrate their respect for the minorities that live among them, recognising and providing for their special needs as well.

Bicommunal cannot accurately be defined in Cyprus without recognising that even after decades of being unnaturally torn apart as "Greeks" and "Turks", (and despite the assimilation), that Cypriots also (still) exist, because while "they" have their own candidates, Cypriots about half the voting public no matter how its counted, have always had theirs' as well.

...indeed, if Mr. Tatar dares, while standing by the Flag of Cyprus, he may have what he wants, two states. If it were so, with the President between them, he would have an equal in the leader of such a second Cypriot Constituency, in effect, and a Cypriot way.

...indeed, we see what "Turkishness" is doing to Turkey, and what it has done, in Cyprus, as the Problem.

Mr. Tatar would do well to consider, if he is a "Cypriot Turk", to recall that Turkish Cypriots cannot be ignored. Going too far, deluding himself, that they will remain silent, will only provoke them to action. And if it came to this, through public demonstration, with Cyprus the existential question, not just Turkish Cypriots, but Cypriots in solidarity, as a grand exposition of their Flag, rightfully theirs, the Flag of Cyprus, will also have "picnics" too.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:45 am

Sunday, August 18, 2019
Equal but side by side in a future Cyprus ... re-cyprus/

In Quebec, like in Switzerland's cantons, citizens do not deny they are Canadians or Swiss.

...and America perhaps the most successful of BBFs, Hispanic, English, Black, White, New Yorker, Californian, gay, straight, Muslim, Atheist, or Christian, (all Persons,) who denies (as Individuals) they are American first?

Cyprus, and Cypriots (still) exist. Let's never forget the victims of "Greekness" and "Turkishness" because they were never really busy killing each other (this is the Problem), but, Cypriots; those not "them".
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:55 pm

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Cyprus Now Forum • View topic - Obama's pro gay marriage ... 2123#p2123

...what is marriage but a contract.

if we are committed to Freedom and Human Liberty where as Individuals we have the responsible choice to pursue our happiness, then there is no alternative but to accept gay marriage. irksome is the lessons we are not learning from this so called Modern phenomena, gays (as an example of a small minority) are organised to voice their common opinions in a manner where such demands can be satisfied. Cypriots, within the populaton of a sphere that includes the interlocutors, are a minority as small. perhaps our own parades can express this bend, an odd couple, Turks and Greeks (Cypriot, not "Turk" and "Greek"), joined in a bond that is a Human Contract, because they resisted the stagnation of a standard which excludes these notions.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:56 am

Sunday, February 07, 2021
The Cyprob should end how it began, with the constitution ... stitution/

...who remembers the Communal Chamber?

Why have both sides avoided discussing its value, talking Constitutional reform, for so long? this where a solution lies?

What if the President did not involve himself in their affairs as Persons (Sovereignty not the issue) because he as their Leader represents them as Individuals instead?

Having the same needs in effect, could Constituencies come to an agreement, that if presented to the President, he would consider toward this Constitutional reform?

What if there was a Greek Constituency, filling their chairs in such a Chamber?

What if (accordingly,) Turkish Cypriots took their chairs in the Legislature ?

...intentions count.

I am hopeful Mr. Riza, because the People, despite the poor representation they are getting, remain.

...and i am counting on them, when things seem to be going too far, to represent themselves;

Cypriot Lives Matter.

...i must have posted this before; it's worth repeating, for you Lordo.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:41 am

...i am just as hopeful today,

Monday, December 14, 2015
Pipeline project plagued with problems ... -problems/

Sadly, years and years on a pipe dream, and very little known about the costs of water, that is "free".

Thirst is not the issue, neither is capacity it seems, because (at less cost) these could have been solved by now, it's profit; especially since 75% of the water is slated to grow cucumbers in the Karpas by an ever growing population of "Turks" from the mainland.

What of water desalination? What of water conservation? What of the upkeep to existing infrastructure where it's reported that 40% of the clean drinking water is lost from leaking pipes. Indeed, the 'new' pipes will not leak, but for how long (who will build them); and then? When is also a good question, too...

...but it is a little late for all that. In the realpolitik of things, Erdogan needs to score, now. What with the situation as it is, Cypriots are badly served by the efforts Turkey has made. So too, Turkey's reputation. In affect, it reflects badly on the occupation regime with what it has demonstrated as a partner (as "Turks", and as Cypriots). And at this moment, no one is drinking the water yet, thus the water has no real value except political, even the point of transfer is under dispute.

Frankly, I think that he (Erdogan,) will "gift" the water to the Republic, to own and to manage, and in the process, recognise Cypriots as Cypriots, ridding himself of the "Turks" who represent a burden to him by being unable to sustain themselves, promoting a sea-change of world opinion toward Turkey, gaining from the recognition and respect of Cypriots, a new ally, as well the possibility of better relations with Greece, Israel (and Egypt), and the EU.

...Peace water, let's see.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:40 am

Thursday, May 31, 2018
Re: The Guterres framework and our sorry Leaders

...on the 30 June Eide presents a written "statement", which were his notes on what Guterres said.

...on 4 July, a revised "statement" was presented; which was not agreed upon.

...while Mr Akinci may have made his offer, it was by twitter?

...Mr. Anastasiades' reply suggests something more (or different) was agreed to, given that a second ''statement'' was awaited and read.

Clarity is needed. may have read this thread,


...there are very subtle indications of the bigger conflict Akinci has with Turkey; that decisive moments will come soon.

As politicians go, i have more confidence in Anastasiades, than any other potential leader in Cyprus. No sellout, he stands for the Republic of Cyprus, not "Greeks''. He gave everything to the "Turks" that they asked for at Crans Montana, no blame, no restitution, a BBF, and a map which changes very little, but the so called negotiations ''failed'', his "fault", standing alone as the President of Cyprus defending the one thing he would not give away, Sovereignty.

...beyond the Guterres framework, if it is agreed, Mr. Akinci may make clearer his intentions (talk about guts) by standing for a photograph with Mr. Anastasiades shaking hands with the Flag of Cyprus behind them. Would Mr. Anastasiades refuse? Can Erdogan stop them? It will be the "Greeks" and "Turks" who will refute its significance with their outrage, exposing themselves in this unity as the same and no different as adversaries to a Cypriot identity.

It is up to Akinci, is he Cypriot, or not? What is his Legacy as a builder, an architect, a leader, and as a man? He must have the courage to actually stand up and represent the electorate that voted for him. In simple terms if he seeks for his "community'' recognition as a Constituency, the "new" Cyprus that is put to him is not the way, it does not matter which ''statement'', June or July. He must demonstrate that he recognises, that his ideal is possible as Cypriots through constitutional reform; as Cypriots, not as "Turks", and that which is not "Turkish". In short, he can demand that the Communal Chamber is opened, (or perhaps Mr. Anastasiades should offer to do this first, another "dinner" could iron that out), that there are Greek Cypriot representatives there waiting for them (this time) in their seats. He can represent his support for what undeniably exists as a starting point, a Cypriot People. He can prepare his Constituency for the next elections in Cyprus' Legislature (in three years) with Candidates and Platforms that make a better Cyprus, for Cyprus, with this intention returning to the seats that remain empty, there. New thinking is needed indeed; new perspectives too. "Being" Cypriot is not insignificant.

...the Problem, is an International issue, and on many levels. Many would like it to be diminished to a problem among a population of Cypriots as though in any outcome Cyprus will continue to exist as a place to live. But Cyprus is not just an island, it is a People who take very seriously their responsibilities as a member of a wider Family of Man. Cyprus divided, invites Turkey's division. While "Turkishness" is as a result very present in Cyprus, after decades, it has failed. Cypriots in the occupied territories (and in Cyprus itself) continue to vote for a Leadership that is for Cypriots, a unity based on Universal Principals, as Individuals and a State, as opposed to the candidates who do(did) not recognise "Cypriotness", if you will. I would say without a doubt that what happens in Cyprus will have a big affect/effect on Turkish politics. A solution will provide in Turkey, Hope to its Turks, or its "Turks". It will have the same affect/effect throughout the region, as a template, in resolving the conflicts with this same Problem.
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