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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 04, 2021 11:49 pm

Monday, September 03, 2012
The DOCUMENTARY "MEMORIES" the purest sense Piratis your argument is sound.

in the sense that Bicommunal has no clear meaning, a "Turkish" idea or not, our responsibility is to the rest of Mankind, as Individuals, to demonstrate something we design for ourselves, as Cypriots, which enriches the world because it can be held in high esteem and emulated. futuristically, i am proposing to go beyond what is the Truth, and what vp resists so fondly, something where Cyprus in two hundred years sustains itself, perhaps in a desert of global warming with a population quite different in demographics and size. i repeat myself, there is a Cypriot Republic, and there is a Turkish Constituency, where is the Greek Constituency? (and why not Armenian, Maronite, and Latin Constituencies as well.)

where vp ignores a Federal Government, i say, where is the Greek state? consider that, my suggestion, because it solves both vp and your anxieties.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon May 10, 2021 2:48 am

Monday, March 30, 2015
Gallipoli centenary marks another snub for Turkish minorities ... her-m.html

Erdogan is a "Turk", he is no Turk.

...Istanbul is no longer the cosmopolitan city it was before his ilk. Let's remember what it is compared to what it was, and what it will become if this man has his way, becoming a Caliphate and him its "Protector"; even Turks will not be welcome if they are not "Turkish" enough.

The Flag of Turkey represents a People United toward defending the Universal Principals all Men hold in high esteem. Men like this one see it to their benefit to divide us. Ataturk would not be proud, the rest of us also struggle with this shame. Without the recognition that Turkey's strength is founded on its diversity, this movement toward "Turkishness" tarnishes the reputation of a great People who will still struggle for Freedom despite this Leadership.

If "Turks" want to celebrate their Heroes, perhaps in Turkey, like in Cyprus where they demand the existence of a Greek Constituency, a Turkic Constituency could exist. If in Turkey, a set of Turkish Constituencies existed, this need for People as Persons to express themselves can be secured. Turkey is not "Turkish", exactly in the same way Cyprus is not "Greek". Turkey in affect has the same Problem. Its "Turks" must recognise something bigger, as Turks.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 13, 2021 2:25 am

Sunday, December 27, 2015
Re: Ranking the alternative outcomes of the Cyprus Problem is Canada so successful? Do Canadians vote by the colour of there skin, or the language which is their mother-tongue?

And yet Canada is strong, and there exists many Nations in Canada which have, as Persons, their self-representation too.

...all Canadians identify with the Universal Principals all people can defend together, as Canadian Principals. Minority, Constituency, or Native, there is no difference to them as Individuals.

Something to think about when it comes to intention. Power as in "Greek" power, only invites its equals as opposites. Although Greeks can share the pride of "Greekness" as a diaspora, and even though the overwhelming population is Greek in Cyprus, Cyprus is not "Greek", nor, if you ask me, should it be. Cyprus is not Greece. Cyprus is not Turkey, either. Cyprus is Cyprus. Cypriots are Cypriots.

They are better stewards, they have paid for this Freedom in blood, they are our shame, if we forget they lived as Cypriots those murdered and made to disappear, and if we choose to ignore this truth.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 13, 2021 9:08 pm

Saturday, November 09, 2013

It is important for Cypriots to raise their voices as Cypriots, because without them, the debate will continue to revolve around those among us who place "Turkishness" or "Greekness" above the love Cypriots have for their island. As Persons we can celebrate our distinctiveness, and the richness of each's Heritence, but as Individuals only a Republic can defend the Universal Principals that are our Rights as Human beings.

...the Problem did not start in 1974, it is the symptoms we experienced in 1963, the Intolerance which all Cypriots suffer only continued under the Illegal Occupation of the Turkish Army, and the continued denial that Turkish Foreign Poilcy of the last Century has failed (read: Annan Plan). I ask, if a Bicommunal system of Government is the quest, and if a Republic exists (in need of Constitutional Reform, of course), and a Turkish Constitiency exists, why not a Greek Constituency, as well as others? (Is it because Turkey cannot reform itself to be Bicommunal, that the “Turks” deny their own subjugation of the Kurds, (Armenians), Greeks, Alevi, who are Turkish, but not Turk?). (is it because the Greek elite on the island, by sheer numbers, and by Law, cannot be compelled to divide it?)

Why not a distinction between our Rights as Individuals, as Sovereign, as Citizens, as Equals, by having a State to represent our will as the Stewards of this island (and EEZ), as Cypriots, having a Government where there is no discrimination, where every vote is the same. and where Cyprus comes first.

...and if there exists a Greek Constituency in such a State, why not an equal to the other Cypriot Constituencies, where Cypriots, in their daily lives can be served by National Assemblies (and their Municipal Authorities), in a manner where as Persons, as an electorate, they address their needs as an Identity, as a majority, serving themselves, demonstrating their Goodwill, because they are also able in recognising and providing for the minorities among them, their needs as well.

In my Cyprus, Bizonal does not mean tearing the island in two, even if the Green Line remains little unchanged. If Sovereignty was off the table because as well as a Republic there existed a Greek Constituency, it would be possible to repopulate the island and to think futuristicly. There could exist Constitiuencies, Maronite, Armenian, Latin, English, and in the next two hundred years others, where Language and numbers warrant. I imagine that the Constituencies themselves could settle the Territorial Jurisdictions of their Governance (with a Greek Constituency), and unanimously present their demands as Corporations to their Federal Government for Charter. (and i imagine it satisfies Turkey's insistence on identifying people as "Turkish" and "not Turkish" ("Greek").)

...If (dare I say the dirty word), enclaves were introduced into the Cypriot political geography, it would be possible for Justice to be seen, at least for some of the displaced, both from '63, and '74, Greek, and Turkish, a return as they left, as Communities. And if enclaves spotted the entire island as it is divided today, it ends the significance of the 'border', it is just another frontier in a Country with many. They (enclaves) obliges the Greek and Turkish Constituencies to serve an electorate island-wide not just as "majorities", and they oblige them to serve a population that is Free in Movement, Association, and Expression, as Cypriots, these Rights are Supreme; it would not be hard to imagine, by choice, Greeks and Turks, living as minorities within this range of choices. ... years-old/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 13, 2021 9:24 pm


Monday, February 20, 2012
Cyprus :: CF a real reflection of the Cyprus Dispute? - Page 5#p708425

...sadly, this easy approach has teeth because it is tempting. once again, it will push those for Universal Principals out of the way, ignored because they are defended by a State which has the obligation of defending Greeks as "Greeks". this deceit on the part of those who profit from it, will not take long to become the Proxy War that Cyprus, and Cypriots, suffer, again. Turkey will have the whole island, you see.

...there is one challenge to come, vp (and all those who think that dividing the island in two is a good idea), and that is for the Cypriot Flag, let it this summer be planted everywhere people stop to have their picnics, let's see convoys of cars who circle the island, a day in their cars together. acts, not words.

...a real reflection of the Cyprus Dispute, look no further than Ledras along the Buffer Zone.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri May 14, 2021 6:26 pm

..."picnics", again.

Sunday, January 31, 2021
Two-states or ‘TRNC’ recognition ... cognition/


"That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status."

...count them, for this agreement to fructify, there are (at least) three Constituencies. That of the People, as Individuals, the State, and those of the National Assemblies, where as Persons a majority with its agenda demonstrate their respect for the minorities that live among them, recognising and providing for their special needs as well.

Bicommunal cannot accurately be defined in Cyprus without recognising that even after decades of being unnaturally torn apart as "Greeks" and "Turks", (and despite the assimilation), that Cypriots also (still) exist, because while "they" have their own candidates, Cypriots about half the voting public no matter how its counted, have always had theirs' as well.

...indeed, if Mr. Tatar dares, while standing by the Flag of Cyprus, he may have what he wants, two states. If it were so, with the President between them, he would have an equal in the leader of such a second Cypriot Constituency, in effect, and a Cypriot way.

...indeed, we see what "Turkishness" is doing to Turkey, and what it has done, in Cyprus, as the Problem.

Mr. Tatar would do well to consider, if he is a "Cypriot Turk", to recall that Turkish Cypriots cannot be ignored. Going too far, deluding himself, that they will remain silent, will only provoke them to action. And if it came to this, through public demonstration, with Cyprus the existential question, not just Turkish Cypriots, but Cypriots in solidarity, as a grand exposition of their Flag, rightfully theirs, the Flag of Cyprus, will also have "picnics" too.

(worth repeating)
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat May 15, 2021 7:33 pm

Monday, September 28, 2020
Amid Mediterranean tensions, retired Turkish admiral grabs the spotlight touting supremacy at sea ... story.html

...indeed, it is the Aegean, as it is divided, which make Greece and Turkey, as adversaries, equal.

Turkey does not have the longest coastline; Greece does: while Turkey as a landmass is much bigger.

...this the Treaty of Lausanne (and Sevres), which in Erdogan's Turkey is relegated to the dustbin.

"Turkishness" questions the values of Universal Principals, and "our" conviction as Human Beings.

...having become the Cyprus Problem, then the problem in Cyprus, to a problem among many: this the Problem.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon May 17, 2021 1:01 am

Sunday, May 16, 2021
‘Satisfied’ with Geneva, so now what? ... -now-what/

Enosis. It is about time for Cypriots to identify themselves as Cypriots. A way of life that is natural to them. Such a word, today may be taken back by Cypriots, to mean the union of Cypriots, and for the Universal Principals that define us as Human beings, united, equals with the same responsibilities and benefits.

Whether Turkish or Greek, Cypriots represent about half the population, let's not forget. "Greeks" and "Turks" have dismissed this fact for decades in their attempt to usurp this Identity, claiming they are few, so few they don't exist politically speaking. I ask, how many are they, who treat this Flag, the People's, Cypriots', as a rag?

...and who would resist a movement or a demonstration of "Cypriotness"; who would they expose?

Such as it is, soon i imagine, Cypriots will have to stand up for who they are, because the question is an existential one, not a question of values. "Being" a Person is important (Liberty); but, would you give up your Individual Identity (Freedom), for "it"? And what is wrong with a BBF? Canada is a BBF, so too the USA; intentions count.

We can reflect on "Greekness"; defeated as it was then, by Greek Cypriots who overwhelmingly denied their support for the coup. Cypriots may see in "Turkishness" a way of life which is actually no different. Certainly, both have demonstrated that as dogmas, "they" have no respect (or trust) in "others"; that they are the Problem.

...let's not forget what "Turkishness" is doing to the Turkish People in Turkey, now; what a powerful message "Enosis" in Cyprus of Cypriots could mean, to those it oppresses there.

...i imagine "picnics" soon, i imagine we will see a lot more of the Flag of Cyprus, this summer.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 23, 2021 12:37 am

Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Re: Over 20 Million Cross Cease-fire Visits

"the UN, EU, USA, UK, Turkey, Greece - basically everyone", are for a solution. given the plan (i assume you to mean the Annan Plan) was unread at the time of the referendum, at least that version of it, i think that is reason enough to consider a "no" vote credible, coming from voters who have the rest of their lives to live with it. what is off the table, as Mr. Kofi put it, in my mind, is fifty years of failed Foreign Policy by Turkey to realise some satisfaction from the Lease to Britain gone bad. what is left, is a solution where Turkish Cypriots are recognised as such because the vast majority of the population is willing to surrender this power (somehow). a Constituency (rather than an entity demanding equality to the State) demanding Cypriot Constituencies i could support the existence of a Greek Constituency as well (Bizonally, no less), however Cyprus, the State should have no equal, and it should remain a superior to any other governance we may have within it, Sovereign having a Federal Government to represent the will of its Citizens as a body of people, United as Individuals, toward defending the Universal Principals they seek to better.

...again i ask, and why not a Greek Constituency?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 23, 2021 6:01 pm

Saturday, January 04, 2020
Why do Turkish people call Cyprus as "Greek Cyprus" when the whole world calls them as just "Cyprus"? ... opic_bio=1

However “Greeks” and “Turks” define themselves in Cyprus, the rest of us not “Greek” and not “Turkish” should never forget that of the thousands disappeared and those murdered outright, for the most part while Greek or Turkish, they were (and continue to be,) “their” victims, for “being” Cypriot.

Let’s also not forget that a Bicommunal Bizonal Federation (BBF) may be best defined by countries like Canada, and the USA where this notion: Freedom, is expressed as Individual Rights without further distinction or discrimination under a Rule of Law; and Liberty, as Persons, having as such, self-representation at another level of government, as constituencies.

In Cyprus, despite the decades of having been physically torn apart, as voters, whether Turkish or Greek, about half are not “Greek” or “Turkish” (having their own candidates), voting as Cypriots instead, for Cypriots representing this identity.
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