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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:52 pm

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
United States of Cyprus? ... 2161765036

...the good news is that both leaders agree. There will be a united Cyprus.

Let us hope that as Citizens, the people will be identified by merit, if there is to be distinctions and discrimination. Let us hope as Cypriots we will get to vote as Individuals, as Cypriots. And let us hope, being Bicommunal, that as Persons, at another level of Government, Cypriots may choose to identify with one of a set of Cypriot Constituencies, where they can live and sustain a life of happiness, as an elector an equal, whether perceived "a minority", or "a majority", there.

...Frankly, I like RoC, Republic of Cyprus.

It is not the name that is to be changed, but the intention. If anything, for the sake of those missing, murdered, and made to disappear, the name should stay the same. Whether Turkish, or Greek, (or Armenian, Latin, and Maronite for that matter), let us remember that they were robbed of their Cypriot identity, for their Cypriot identity, by "Greeks", and "Turks"; changing the name suits "them".
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:06 am

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Cyprus: a time for fresh thinking? ... mment-1191

Cyprus exists, so too Cypriots, not for hundreds, but for thousands of years. Everyone knows this, as Mr. Biden said, “but one”. Cypriots are neither “Greek”, or “Turkish”, they are Individuals who want the Freedom, the respect and dignity that any other People enjoy while defending Universal Principals. They are the other half of this debate who do not want the island torn in two. They are ignored so long as the Problem remains an issue of “Turkishness”, and the rest, not Turkish.

Because the issue is about Liberty (it should not be about Freedom), and given that the great compromise is a BBF, i suggest that it is the Constituencies that need to find their common ground, with themselves, that the Republic is better served if in unanimity, they present to it, their consideration toward Reform; but there is no Greek Constituency. To be more accurate, there are no Cypriot Constituencies, Maronites, Armenians, and Latins, deserve the same capacity, having the same and equal need.

If dialog is to be promoted, between the Turkish Constituency and the Greek Constituency, it is possible, if Bicommunal (and Bizonal) is defined to mean, a level of government for Cypriots, as Cypriots, Individuals for Cyprus, and a level of government which has a set of Constituencies, where by their choice of residence, Cypriots sustain distinct identities as Persons, then there is Freedom, and Liberty.

…i would like the readership to recall that the Flag of Turkey, and the Flag of Cyprus are equal because of the Universal Principals that they stand for. I ask, if the Flag of Turkey represents something more than a Turkic Constituency, what of the refusal to recognise the Flag of Cyprus as something no more than “Greek”? With Turkey’s need for Constitutional reform, without wanting Turkey divided into its parts, they should be more careful what they ask for from Cypriots.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:12 am

Sunday, November 03, 2013
Re: The only Option for the Turkish Cypriots!

Viewpoint wrote:
We do not need to or nor will we go away where other than our island we are here to stay, so deal with it. Do you accept a BBF with political equality of the 2 states at the federal level?

...its like Cyprus is only a speck of property with no people on it. Individual Rights seem to have no importance to you vp. you talk of two sterile units that are mono-clonal, that is either "Turkish", or not "Turkish", as though Cypriots do not exist, and that Cyprus is of no importance except as an extension of Turkish Foreign Policy. "we", as you describe are Persons, nothing else, but we are Human beings, and it is in this sense, i am compelled to respond, that in effect you deny equality. we are no longer chattel, there is Freedom, there is Equality as Individuals, Universal Principals which we, whether Greek or Turk or Cypriot, defend against the "we" you defend no better than a "Greek", (Lest we Forget) as Ignorant, because the thinking(read: intent) has more to do with Greed, rather than Liberty. you may put your "Turkishness" first, that does not make it right, and whether Cypriot by birth, lineage, or coincidence, in essence you are not Cypriot, you are an accessory to Crime.

the only option for Turkish Cypriots, is the same option for Greek Cypriots, and that is to love each other, as Cypriots to say, i love Cyprus, first.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:53 am

Sunday, December 27, 2015
Re: Ranking the alternative outcomes of the Cyprus Problem is Canada so successful? Do Canadians vote by the colour of there skin, or the language which is their mother-tongue?

And yet Canada is strong, and there exists many Nations in Canada which have, as Persons, their self-representation too.

...all Canadians identify with the Universal Principals all people can defend together, as Canadian Principals. Minority, Constituency, or Native, there is no difference to them as Individuals.

Something to think about when it comes to intention. Power as in "Greek" power, only invites its equals as opposites. Although Greeks can share the pride of "Greekness" as a diaspora, and even though the overwhelming population is Greek in Cyprus, Cyprus is not "Greek", nor, if you ask me, should it be. Cyprus is not Greece. Cyprus is not Turkey, either. Cyprus is Cyprus. Cypriots are Cypriots.

They are better stewards, they have paid for this Freedom in blood, they are our shame, if we forget they lived as Cypriots, those murdered, and made to disappear, and if we choose to ignore this truth.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:11 pm

Saturday, July 19, 2014
We must not allow a permanent division in Cyprus ... in-cyprus/
my dearest Mr. President,

I ask of Mr. Eroglu, even though he represents the Turkish Constituency, to stand in front of the Cypriot Flag. I expect of you to stand in front of the Cypriot Flag, too, and I am offended when Nationalism demands from you to stand under Greek Flags waving higher…

…I ask, if we are Cypriots living in a Unitary State, and being Bicommunal, able to represent Citizens not only as Individuals, but at another (state) level of government, as Persons, then, where is the Greek Constituency, so that Greeks can express themselves as Greeks, an equal (the same Liberty), in that way, to other Cypriot Constituencies, since it is the Republic (and Freedom) which needs no equal?

most respectfully,

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jan 30, 2021 7:53 pm

Saturday, November 09, 2013

''It is important for Cypriots to raise their voices as Cypriots, because without them, the debate will continue to revolve around those among us who place "Turkishness" or "Greekness" above the love Cypriots have for their island. As Persons we can celebrate our distinctiveness, and the richness of each's Heritence, but as Individuals only a Republic can defend the Universal Principals that are our Rights as Human beings.

...the Problem did not start in 1974, it is the symptoms we experienced in 1963, the Intolerance which all Cypriots suffer only continued under the Illegal Occupation of the Turkish Army, and the continued denial that Turkish Foreign Poilcy of the last Century has failed (read: Annan Plan). I ask, if a Bicommunal system of Government is the quest, and if a Republic exists (in need of Constitutional Reform, of course), and a Turkish Constitiency exists, why not a Greek Constituency, as well as others? (Is it because Turkey cannot reform itself to be Bicommunal, that the “Turks” deny their own subjugation of the Kurds, (Armenians), Greeks, Alevi, who are Turkish, but not Turk?). (is it because the Greek elite on the island, by sheer numbers, and by Law, cannot be compelled to divide it?)

Why not a distinction between our Rights as Individuals, as Sovereign, as Citizens, as Equals, by having a State to represent our will as the Stewards of this island (and EEZ), as Cypriots, having a Government where there is no discrimination, where every vote is the same. and where Cyprus comes first.

...and if there exists a Greek Constituency in such a State, why not an equal to the other Cypriot Constituencies, where Cypriots, in their daily lives can be served by National Assemblies (and their Municipal Authorities), in a manner where as Persons, as an electorate, they address their needs as an Identity, as a majority, serving themselves, demonstrating their Goodwill, because they are also able in recognising and providing for the minorities among them, their needs as well.

In my Cyprus, Bizonal does not mean tearing the island in two, even if the Green Line remains little unchanged. If Sovereignty was off the table because as well as a Republic there existed a Greek Constituency, it would be possible to repopulate the island and to think futuristicly. There could exist Constitiuencies, Maronite, Armenian, Latin, English, and in the next two hundred years others, where Language and numbers warrant. I imagine that the Constituencies themselves could settle the Territorial Jurisdictions of their Governance (with a Greek Constituency), and unanimously present their demands as Corporations to their Federal Government for Charter. (and i imagine it satisfies Turkey's insistence on identifying people as "Turkish" and "not Turkish" ("Greek").)

...If (dare I say the dirty word), enclaves were introduced into the Cypriot political geography, it would be possible for Justice to be seen, at least for some of the displaced, both from '63, and '74, Greek, and Turkish, a return as they left, as Communities. And if enclaves spotted the entire island as it is divided today, it ends the significance of the 'border', it is just another frontier in a Country with many. They (enclaves) obliges the Greek and Turkish Constituencies to serve an electorate island-wide not just as "majorities", and they oblige them to serve a population that is Free in Movement, Association, and Expression, as Cypriots, these Rights are Supreme; it would not be hard to imagine, by choice, Greeks and Turks, living as minorities within this range of choices.'' ... years-old/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:22 pm

''...who remembers the Communal Chamber?

Why have both sides avoided discussing its value, talking Constitutional reform, for so long? this where a solution lies?

What if the President did not involve himself in their affairs as Persons (Sovereignty not the issue) because he as their Leader represents them as Individuals instead?

Having the same needs in effect, could Constituencies come to an agreement, that if presented to the President, he would consider toward this Constitutional reform?

What if there was a Greek Constituency, filling their chairs in such a Chamber?

What if (accordingly,) Turkish Cypriots took their chairs in the Legislature ?

...intentions count.

I am hopeful Mr. Riza, because the People, despite the poor representation they are getting, remain.

...and i am counting on them, when things seem to be going too far, to represent themselves;

Cypriot Lives Matter.'' ... stitution/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:09 pm

Sunday, July 09, 2017
Differing views across the divide ... ss-divide/

...Sener Levant, a candidate in the next elections; is there a Party with this courage, to field Cypriots without further distinction or discrimination for their campaign?

Let's make it clear. The "Greeks and the "Turks" are no different, they are the other half, not Cypriot.

...who takes the Flag of Cyprus as a rag is a traitor in my mind, not Anastasiades that's clear, but Akinci, beside being the "Turkish" representative, has he the courage to represent those who voted for him, Cypriots who are Turkish, not "Turks"?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:26 pm

"...indeed. I ask, where is the Greek Constituency, among the Cypriot constituencies, an equal in comparison to a Turkish Constituency? Isn't that the question; "two states"?

...indeed. The Republic of Cyprus exists. It's equal are the other States who put Universal Principals first; where, not as Persons, but as Individuals, equal, Citizens are treated without discrimination or distinction.

...isn't that what Cypriots, this island's dwellers, want?

The Person and the Individual, Liberty and Freedom, Nation and State; better defining these words defines the word Bicommunal. Ignoring the notion that Cypriots exist, that only "Greeks" and "Turks", exist is folly; intentions count." ... -at-talks/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:45 am

Such a thing as a Greek Constituency could exist in Cyprus, an equal as a Cypriot constituency, to a Turkish Constituency; two states. Yet Cypriots, such an identity cannot be ignored, nor the Republic and its existence, because people are not only Persons, but as equals, they are (also) Individuals.

…a State based on Universal Principals, and its distinct identities as Nations; what is a BBF?

Indeed, the answer to Turkey’s own Constitutional reform rests in Cyprus; such as it is Turkey too has constituencies which as Persons have the same needs: something to think about. ... in-cyprus/


...wondering if this comment will be published.
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