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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:40 pm

Sunday, March 01, 2015
Cyprus – Russian Link and IS Extremism ... extremism/

...thank-you Greek Reporter, a well thought out, comprehensive piece.

It may be that President Anastasiades is a person who expresses his feelings more openly than most, much to the discomfort of the more discreet at this level of politics. Yet, if he is seeking to be the facilitator of dialog, it may be that Cyprus gains from this universal appeal, as an ally. We see in Cyprus' efforts to promote good relations within her sphere of influence progressing, with the Cairo accord, that links Egypt, Greece, Israel, and Cyprus to efforts that secure the rational development of the sea's underwater resources. Cyprus demonstrates its skill at facilitating exchange, what with its Maritime Registry, its Rule of Law, Education and Banking sectors. Its relations with Syria, and Lebanon, no doubt can play a role for progress.

In any case, these same agreements, for safe Harbour, exist between Cyprus and other countries, like China, USA, France, etc. I will add, in terms of regional safety, few sites represent a better place from which help can come quickly. This too, is an issue of International importance in which progress is achieved through social-exchange. If it is necessary to have so many warships in the Eastern Mediterranean, then let us hope they practice saving lives, together, what with the Human traffic over this sea. Having them share the benefit of water, and shelter, is a good first step, i say, Cypriots are good hosts this way.

Europe, one hopes will feel strong enough to confront the Problem sooner, than late.

One also hopes that as a Union they will defend the existence of the Republic, without apology, whether within it there exists at another level of government, Constituencies or not. The idea that Cypriots are only, "Turkish" or not "Turkish", must stop. At least it should not be denied that in effect, Cypriots exist, and it does not depend on the colour of their skin or their ethnic origin. Europe must make it clear, the difference between defining People as Individuals, and as Persons. Europe must provide the guidance the rest of the world needs by demonstrating an ability to integrate Citizens, without their assimilation. And in the case of Cyprus, to deny those who think it is a good idea to divide it in two, because like Solomon's baby Cyprus lives, is also a good idea.

Turkey has the same Problem, if you ask me. It too would benefit from Constitutional Reform where there existed a Turkic Constituency, at another level of government, not unlike any other Constituency, an equal, within a set of Turkish Constituencies, where people choose to live freely, with the liberty to sustain each's distinct identity. in Cyprus, one Flag flies over Turkey, neither represents a Nation per se, but a State which defends Universal Principals. Canada comes to mind when one thinks of a successful BBF, Turkey is the Problem in Cyprus, Europe has a very important role to play.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:44 am

Friday, March 30, 2012
Cyprus :: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today? - Page 5#p711686

you see vp, i/I fight for Cyprus. everyday i used to tend my trees, our trees were tended too.

were you here before the "fait accompli"? it is the "Greeks" and the "Turks" who have held their

debate without success, it is about time for the Greeks and Turks to create their own Agenda.

...but what do i know, coming from a "mixed" village.

enosis, better means, to mend. its meaning Historically changed over time. i take it to mean

the future as one. you, if you are a "Turk", take it to mean belonging to Greece, or belonging

to Turkey, as though this is correct thinking. i say as Cypriots we have the great distinction of defining

the words Nation and State more clearly, and demonstrating to the rest of Mankind a meaning for

the word, Bicommunal, (and now Bizonal), in a manner which can be held in high esteem by its emulation;

please read my manifesto, and need i remind you, your observations are important to me,

after all some of it came from your inspiration.

...don't make me your enemy, just because it seems, you can no longer ignore my attention; that's too easy.

dude, those PM's you sent long ago, do you remember sending them? what makes you think anything has changed,

you wanted to be freinds, and we were united with one idea, that Cyprus belongs to Cypriots, not "Greeks" and "Turks",

being Bicommunal, i say all Cypriots are Cypriots first when it comes to defending their State as Individuals, being

Bicommunal means, as well, National Assemblies, and being Bizonal means Territorial Jurisdictions, where Cypriots

by where they reside are Minorities or Majorities within an electorate of Persons (a National Assembly) so that through

their self-representation as Greeks, Turks, Maronites, Armenians, (Jews, British,) and Romes they can sustain a Living

Heritance with their respect and recognition for the "others" amongst them, while they vote as well for a Government

for their Republic, each citizen with one vote for the Betterment of Human Conditions. not dismiss the fact that "Greeks" and "Turks" are a set within larger circles of Greeks and Turks who in a wider sense are no different to the other Communities who can call Cyprus a Home. the debate as it is, is flawed. Mankind, as you say, 'gifted' Cyprus to Cypriots. only "Greeks" and "Turks", over this, express their discontent. "Turks" think they have the demographic stranglehold to leave Cyprus an impotent speck of geography like it was before the Treaty of Lausanne, i say Greeks and Turks, Maronites, etc. are headed toward extinction fast, and that the population of Cyprus is 12.5 million sooner than later.

...vp, things can't stay the same forever, Freedom for Cyprus, one Government one Country; Freedom for Cypriots, many National Assemblies.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:38 am

Wednesday, June 10, 2020
...a reply to MMMMamouth ... volvement/

...indeed, Mustafa Akinci may win, again; how will the "Cypriot Turk'' feel?

All Cypriots know that this time of impasse is coming to an end. Silenced in this debate of "Greeks" and "Turks", they have nothing to loose if at that moment of their choosing, they stand together, and united, under the Flag of Cyprus, expose those who treat it as a rag: "them".

Indeed, it is not Akinci that can betray a "Cypriot Turk", if he does not become one, if he wins; he is Turkish Cypriot. Erdogan may betray them though. What are they to him in any case, parasites, servant-slaves, as he said, in the past, and often presently, that they have failed to demonstrate the capacity to be self-sustaining.

The Cyprus Problem is much bigger than Cyprus, it is Turkey's Problem. As such the Problem extends as far as Libya linked to oil and gas exploration, "safe zones" linked to Syria, Island Rights linked to the Aegean Sea, (never mind his ambitions in the Black Sea for the moment). The problem is that the Problem in Cyprus has been reduced to a problem in a bigger problem, no one dares to call, The Problem because it is confusing.

And it is the Treaty of Lausanne, his gripe, not Cyprus per se, but around which all his ambitions, beyond it, revolve. What would he give to be heard, to be listened to, by the rest of the world, but the "Cypriot Turk", who in fact are more illusion anyway.

It is not hard to imagine him giving the water from the "Peace Pipe" to Cyprus, so too, the electricity, if it were to be linked to the infrastructure that Cyprus is building with her neighbours, European, and toward Africa, and the Middle East. (That could pay a lot of reparations). I can see him returning Famagusta, to great International esteem.

It is not hard for me to imagine Erdogan saying, one Cyprus, like Turkey, one Country, because in Turkey itself the country torn as it is over the same dogma, "Turkishness", (what tears Turks and "Turks" apart), also needs the same Hope.

I can imagine a Cyprus, a Republic, and i can imagine Cypriot Constituencies where distinct Cypriot identities are promoted at a second level of Government, of Persons, where they demonstrate as a Majority their conscious recognition and respect as a self representing body, toward their Minorities' special needs, as well; this is a BBF.

Not Akinci, but Cypriots may provide, as Cypriots the way, in Turkey.

...not the other way around.

He has only to demonstrate his conviction to his Flag, if he is a Cypriot, for crowds.

...and if he dares to win.

(i think i have posted this before, in this tread. In any case, something found today by a reader of my blog.)
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:59 pm

Saturday, May 07, 2016
Re: Writing my thesis on the Cyprus Problem

...we are Greek by the very nature of the population. As a representation it is significant. This is a fact.

We are not "Greeks", or "Turks", although some of us are (politically speaking). We are Cypriots, equally important to each other, as Cypriots, whether, as Persons, we can identify ourselves as, Maronite, Armenian, Latin, Greek, or Turkish. Cypriots, (like in the rest of the world) English is the working language, as witnessed here, in the Cyprus Forum; something to think about.

...indeed, if there is one Cyprus, there is no need for it to be "Greek", or "Turkish" (more accurately; not "Turkish"(read:"Greek"), or "Turkish"), because as Individuals, we are Cypriot. (this is Freedom)

...indeed, at another level of government, as Individuals, we may choose to sustain, recognise, and respect, an ethnos which is Cypriot, as Persons, by our own choosing. (this is Liberty)

...and if there existed Cypriot Constituencies, (as territorial Jurisdictions) they could help in sustaining the distinct identities unique to them, while as a People we would all enjoy in it as our Heritance.

While there exists no Greek Constituency, while in effect there is no desire for a Greek Constituency, it does not exclude the possibility, within a set of Cypriot Constituencies, for a Turkish Constituency to demonstrate the benefits (of self-representation as Persons) to other Cypriots having a different National identity, and who have the same struggle in sustaining their respective communities. In the broadest sense, the difficulties in Cyprus, are the difficulties that are faced by all Mankind. Allow me to remind you, that the ethnosphere, is diminishing at a faster rate than our ecosphere. It will not be long, never mind the Arabic our Maronite's speak, Greek itself may face extinction soon. Frankly, i am hoping Cyprus may lead in making this plight, less. And, while we may learn and adapt, to preserve this diversity, i believe that Turkey has a lot to gain from the Cyprus Problem, what with the demands she makes of those not "Turkish", in Cyprus, and at home.

What is the Turkish regime in the occupied north, offers nothing to Cypriots, because it is not Cypriot, as it only demonstrates an interest in "Turkish" affairs. It is nothing more than an extension of the Turkish Army (and as it has proved over all these years, it has no life of its own). The same intransigence which makes the Cyprus Problem so enduring, may soon become the 'Turkish Problem' what with the efforts in Turkey to divide the population very similarly, between those "Turkish", and those Turkish but not "Turkish". Cyprus in effect, affects 90 million people; as a template, what is good, for "Turks", in one country, determines what is good for, not "Turks", in their own.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Cap » Wed Oct 28, 2020 7:38 pm

Cap wrote:God bless the Republic of Cyprus.

We're still here and fighting. 1960-2020

Rhodesia tried and failed. (Zimbabwe)

We're still here RW.
Every second that passes is a testimony.
Rhodesia tried and failed.
Tell me what you think.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:29 am

Zimbabwe is not a pretty picture, and there are members of the Rhodes family that i know now living in Canada; humble to say the least.

...vast tracks of unused land were not given to the People, (everything was taken instead,) as was the promise, by going against the landowners; and what was taken was taken most brutally, i remember.

I was hopeful, Cap, that Blacks could rule their own lives, that in a world of integration, even more growth; equitably by being more providing.

...but that didn't happen, and the bastard that assassinated his opposition ruled for the rest of his life having died only recently; what of his wife i ask, she is apparently one of the richest women in the world?

This much, i know of Rhodesia, and my opinion.

How does it compare to the Problem, in Cyprus?

...good people suffered. Such a world of "Blacks" and "Whites", like those in Cyprus i call "Greeks" and "Turks", have one intention, to make victims of Blacks and Whites, Greeks and Turks, unlike "them".

Indeed, Cypriot Lives Matter.

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:40 am

Erdogan’s inflammatory statements in favour of a two-state solution and his announcements on Varosha a gross provocation against Cyprus and its people ... its-people

"…indeed, i ask again, who but AKEL can lead the vanguard from silenced to silent no more, in the occupied territories, as Cypriots Turkish and Greek under the Flag of Cyprus demonstrating this truth, that Cypriots are not few as those “Greek” and “Turkish” in their delusions deny.

Who dares to better define, what it is to be a Cypriot? Who dares to demonstrate as Cypriots, this fact with acts?

…indeed, without the People, what is AKEL but leaderless, if it is the People AKEL represents.

Also something to think about."

...existentially Cap, we are at a moment in History where things cannot remain as they are, Cypriots silent.

It is not hard to imagine that the Party capable of, having elected a Turkish Cypriot MEP for the first time, only recently, will not move forward as i am suggesting to them in the near or very near future, so i am hopeful.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:29 pm

''Indeed, "Turkishness" has nothing to do with DNA, nor does it have anything to do with religion. It is a state of mind, and political. It is a way for "Turks" to define "others" who they have excluded, as the antithesis of their dogma, (and their adversaries). Cyprus, at the root of the Problem, at least where its symptoms became apparent first, Turkish Cypriots have this choice, to be Turkish, or "Turks", and in affect they represent what is the biggest threat to a regime (the regimes) that has made every attempt for decades to assure that they remained silent in the face of their subjugation.

Cypriots will come to realise who they are and what they must do against "this", because "Greekness" is no better and the same. They too, Greek Cypriots, will realise the need to stand in solidarity as a People, under the Flag of Cyprus, their Flag and rightfully, the people as one against the "they" that treat it with such contempt as temporary, and a rag.

A Cypriot identity exists. Provoked far enough, it is not (the usual) International condemnation that Turkey and Mr. Tatar can expect, but the People themselves.'' ... 5137692735
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:38 pm

"Indeed, such hypocrisy.

I ask, where is the Greek Constituency? (Who should dare to ask this question?)

Where is there self-representation, as Persons, for Greeks; (or, Maronite, Armenians, Latins)?

What of Cypriot Constituencies?

Such as it is, and such as it will be, the Republic represents its Citizens, without further distinction, or discrimination, as Cypriots, as Individuals and all equal. These the same Principals all Humanity accepts, recognises, and respects. And; at another level of Government closer to home, closer to Taxes paid in effect.

(What is a BBF?)

Indeed, Greek Cypriots, like Turkish Cypriots, have no representation as Persons, yet.

Notions like "Greekness" and "Turkishness" have proven to be over decades costly to the interlocutors. (And most costly to Cypriots, let's not forget.) Cypriots, despite much denial, remain, not few, but about half the voting population; this, despite the unnatural divide: the assimilation that has gone with it toward keeping them divided.

Who represents Cypriots, as Cypriots?

(What is a Nationalist? What is a Patriot?)

...DIKO, like the "Greens", may want to look at, who, they want to serve.

DISY and AKEL, should do the same." ... ver-talks/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:05 pm

"...indeed, Erdogan's visit is a message to all Cypriots.

Cypriots, the People, can be expected to demonstrate their own reply: that they are not "Greeks", nor are they "Turkish". Both Mr. Tatar, and Mr. Anastasiades should remember that while Cypriots are represented by them as being few, it has been decades, and their will has not waned. Silenced as they are by a Leadership which only sees each other as adversaries, their electorate on the other hand will say and act differently. Cypriots represent about half the population; despite the attempts at usurping this Identity from them: voting as Cypriots unfailingly.

...let us say Akinci was punished, through the middle Tatar won. But he represents "Cypriot Turks", not Turkish Cypriots. Yet that is not the end of it, Cyprus, to be precise. It will begin, i guess with the warmer weather, "picnics" by Cypriots in the occupied territories, as Cypriots, under the shade of their Flag, the one "they" treat as a rag. Cypriots will show "them" what Enosis really means to Cypriots, taking back the word which has divided them for so long.

Never mind the popcorn, for this one i'm getting my souvla ready." ... -cypriots/
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