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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:19 am

...indeed, it is the Aegean, as it is divided, which make Greece and Turkey, as adversaries, equal.

Turkey does not have the longest coastline; Greece does: while Turkey as a landmass is much bigger.

...this the Treaty of Lausanne (and Sevres), which in Erdogan's Turkey is relegated to the dustbin.

"Turkishness" questions the values of Universal Principals, and "our" conviction as Human Beings.

...having become the Cyprus Problem, then the problem in Cyprus, to a problem among many: this the Problem. ... story.html

...always becoming clearer, the Problem.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 29, 2020 11:18 pm

"And days away, a kind of referendum existentially, the question of Cyprus' existence or not;
elections "over there".

Who dares to speak as a Cypriot, a Vanguard, in the occupied territories, if not AKEL?

...what was the purpose of having a candidate Turkish Cypriot for Cyprus' MEP?

What Leadership is this, if it is as they say, leadership for, the People?

Which people, since none are being called upon to express a simple fact: that Cypriots exist.

Despite the unnatural, and mostly cruel nature of those who made Cypriots their victims, for "Greekness", and "Turkishness", they, Cypriots, remain a power which whenever awakened as an electorate represent about half of the voting public (or more): any way it is counted, despite decades of subjugation and assimilation.

Where is it that AKEL is exposing this truth in deeds, today?

That such as it is, Cypriots live the breadth and width of this island despite the unnatural divide.

Who rallies crowds, of Greeks and Turks, (in such an important election, for Cyprus) because they are Cypriots, even in those territories where "being" a Cypriot, standing under the Flag of Cyprus, may be dangerous, AKEL?

Who is stirring Cypriots, to action; as Cypriots?

...and in two short years, elections for the President, of the Republic of Cyprus; who will he/she be without the support of all Cypriots? My hope is it is not already too late to move voters toward this state of mind, and choice." ... ry-speech/

...on the 60th anniversary of Cyprus as a country.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:15 am

...Turkey is welcome (read: late) to the East Med. Gas Forum; such a Forum (of countries) already exists.

What else can be said?

Given what "Turkishness" and "Greekness" means to Cypriots, it is not hard for me to imagine that as Cypriots they stand to gain from their solidarity, based on Universal Principals as Individuals, as well as "being" Persons where as Constituencies, respect, trust, and a mutual recognition exists; that as majorities they may provide for the special needs of the minorities amongst them in Good Faith, accordingly.

Turkish Cypriots, like Greek Cypriots, may represent their interest, as Cypriots too.

...and that as Individuals, specifically, they may defend Cyprus in the same way as an equal to Turkey.

Cyprus, Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots have an Identity: it is not "Turkishness" and it is not "Greekness", such dogma is anathema, to "us", and it should be.

Now, it is time to vote for Turkish Cypriots; let's be clear "Cypriot Turks" have no intention of changing anything in relation to their position with Turkey, completely dependent, and corrupt that way. too, with oil and gas. (Who actually profits from Erdogan's "Peace Pipe"?) (Who lost?)

Who has the courage i ask; how many of us are Greek, but not "Greek", and how many of us are Turk, and not "Turk"? Who opposes subjugation, in effect i am asking, who treats the Flag of Cyprus as a rag?

Who is unwilling to believe in a Cypriot way? my opinion it is time to say it again,"Asiktir" because Cypriots, as Cypriots can do much better than bring us to the brink of war with every neighbour in the region; not for a Cyprus at Peace, "equity", and not for the Turkish People as a matter of fact, but for a "new" Turkey.

More most certainly can be done at the Federal level of government in Cyprus, to demonstrate their concern in representing all Cypriots equally without further discrimination or distinction, more can be done as Constituents, by demonstrating Patriotism, not Nationalism alone; to add confidence to Mr. Erdogan's thinking, that such a People do exist called Cypriot. ... all-sides/

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Cap » Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:47 pm

God bless the Republic of Cyprus.

We're still here and fighting. 1960-2020

Rhodesia tried and failed. (Zimbabwe)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:13 am

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Eide to visit Ankara – Athens – Nicosia in November ... -november/

...i will say it again. It would be nice to see Mr. Eroglu stand beside the Flag of Cyprus when he makes demands, or when he speaks about the representation of Cypriots, Turcophone or not. The bigger pictures demands this kind of Statesmanship. As for Mr. Anastasiades, I would hope that he concurs, there is no representation of Greeks, as a Constituency, and that perhaps there should be one (these are confidence building measures); he cannot wear two hats, so to speak, the Leader of all Cypriots should have no equal (in Cyprus), and some representation as an equal to the Turkish Constituency (the Maronite, Armenian, Latin, (even the British), Constituencies) is needed. I suggest the debate as it is framed is flawed.


That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status.


...count them, for a BBF as is agreed to there are (at least) three governing bodies involved. Mr. Eroglu should be willing to sit down with his equal, they should expect a President to consider, in unanimity, what they say. I don't find this complicated, one Flag higher than the rest, like in Turkey, or in the UK for that matter, the difference between being a Person and being an Individual, the difference between a State, and Nations, the difference between Freedom and Liberty.

...welcome Mr. Eide.

Another blast from the past, just as true today. is Eide who said, Cypriots, left alone, could solve the Problem.

...dare i say it, where are the (other) Cypriot Constituencies that they may speak of the same need to promote and protect their distinct identities as an ethnos? And in so doing, what President of the Republic would not listen to them, or act?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:54 pm

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Cyprus: a time for fresh thinking? ... mment-1191.

Cyprus exists, so too Cypriots, not for hundreds, but for thousands of years. Everyone knows this, as Mr. Biden said, “but one”. Cypriots are neither “Greek”, or “Turkish”, they are Individuals who want the Freedom, the respect and dignity that any other People enjoy while defending Universal Principals. They are the other half of this debate who do not want the island torn in two. They are ignored so long as the Problem remains an issue of “Turkishness”, and the rest, not Turkish.

Because the issue is about Liberty (it should not be about Freedom), and given that the great compromise is a BBF, i suggest that it is the Constituencies that need to find their common ground, with themselves, that the Republic is better served if in unanimity, they present to it, their consideration toward Reform; but there is no Greek Constituency. To be more accurate, there are no Cypriot Constituencies, Maronites, Armenians, and Latins, deserve the same capacity, having the same and equal need.

If dialog is to be promoted, between the Turkish Constituency and the Greek Constituency, it is possible, if Bicommunal (and Bizonal) is defined to mean, a level of government for Cypriots, as Cypriots, Individuals for Cyprus, and a level of government which has a set of Constituencies, where by their choice of residence, Cypriots sustain distinct identities as Persons, then there is Freedom, and Liberty.

…i would like the readership to recall that the Flag of Turkey, and the Flag of Cyprus are equal because of the Universal Principals that they stand for. I ask, if the Flag of Turkey represents something more than a Turkic Constituency, what of the refusal to recognise the Flag of Cyprus as something no more than “Greek”? With Turkey’s need for Constitutional reform, without wanting Turkey divided into its parts, they should be more careful what they ask for from Cypriots.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Oct 09, 2020 5:31 am

Monday, September 19, 2011
Cyprus :: Cypriot versus Turkish - Page 5#p688733

...i am amazed at how well you spelled in this post, alemoro.

...go back a step further though, remember Denktash has been sited pretty well by every secretary geneal of the UN before Annan for having most caused delays in finding a solution; and that is over 35 years, how do you dismiss that?

...i remember the Annan Plan, and I read it, the last one, the one I've been allowed to see, after the referendum; I think that, this, rings true, and given the efforts by Turkey, 65% of the electorate voting yes, you'd know this is a poor showing.

Bravery, is not plunder, alemoro. These wicked acts to stop takes greater Courage, and if you are a believer in God by any definition, you should consider that it is the murder and mayhem that you propose which is the Ignorance Cypriots, now labelled "Greeks" and "Turks", must resist.

...alemoro, if you were Cypriot could you live in a Unitary State?

...and if you are Turcophone or Grecophone as a Person could you accept electing as well as a Federal Government, one of many (two at least) National Assemblies so that in your neighbourhood where you reside as an elector, your tax dollars effect your daily life.

...this is Bicommunal, it does not mean tearing the island in two.

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:06 am

Sunday, February 14, 2016
Leaders meet, discuss disparities (Update 1) ... -property/

...i am waiting as patiently as i can. It is entirely possible that the Leadership knows the pitfalls we fear, from what little said there is this glimmer of hope, they realise that when it comes down to a vote, it must be reasoned, principled, clear, and easy to understand.

While the idea of flying the Flag of Cyprus remains foreign to some, in Cyprus, I suggest it is the medicine that is needed. Only if we are willing to defend each other as such will we truly send the message that as Cypriots, Freedom is our goal. I will give these men credit, who negotiate the Problem, having to work in what is essentially a vacuum, without the support one would expect in such a brave endeavour; from "us" what have they to hear?

...make the effort, wherever you are, on your car, at work on your desk, in front of your home, travelling around the island, at the beach sitting under its shade, show you care, and what you care for with the hope that more will share the same joy, that Cyprus has a Flag, and that you, you as in all of you, love Cyprus.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:30 pm

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
President: “Does Turkey mean what it says?” ... ment-24095

It is clear in Cyprus what “Turkishness” has done, and what in affect “Turkishness” is doing to Turkey. A Cyprus divided, only leads to Turkey more divided; this is natural: as is a united Cyprus, and a united Turkey. What is the Cypriot way, is the way, the “perfect” solution, one that can be emulated, and by the rest of the world held in high esteem, it remains elusive, this reform to a BBF, like the USA, or Canada.

…it is time for Mr. Akinci to remember who voted for him, who he is representing. Mr. Anastasiades, like his electors stand alone, for Cyprus, without him. Without Mr. Akinci, Mr. Anastasiades’ choices are even fewer. He, Mr. Akinci may think there is no choice, that he is ending this drama for Turkish Cypriots by his own betrayal of the rest of us not “Turkish”, feeling perhaps the pressure of such a dogma, and, in any case since those “Turkish” he faces have their own candidates to choose from. Turkish Cypriots risk “being” no-more.

Either Mr. Akinci is a Cypriot, or, not. He makes demands for “Turks”, and he ignores that in the Cypriot context, that “Turks” and “Greeks” are no different and not Cypriot. While he ridicules Mr. Anastasiades for wearing two hats, he should think again, what hat he wears that he wears one. And that, putting Cyprus, before “Greekness”, or “Turkishness”, in Cyprus, to Cypriots, for Cyprus, should have no shame

It is up to Turkey, to act, since Mr. Akinci is not up to the task of uniting a country. What better venue than Geneva with the world watching for Erdogan to demonstrate what could be in effect a “new Turkey”, by recognising the Republic of Cyprus in its capacity to reform itself, and in effect agreeing to a solution agreeable to Cypriots, the other half as i like to call them, those not “Greek” and not “Turkish”.

One Turkey, like one Cyprus is not so hard to understand, if you think about it. Turkey cannot afford a divided Cyprus, and the Republic has demonstrated itself to be a resilient adversary to such a notion. Better as an ally perhaps, a better Turkey perhaps, as a BBF; like in Cyprus not “Greek” while mostly Greek speaking, in Turkey, not “Turkish”, but Turk. A united Cyprus gives hope, a united Turkey is possible, so too Peace in the region.

I say thank goodness for Anastasiades, Greek as he is. If Akinci cannot say he is Cypriot shame on him.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:31 pm

Monday, May 02, 2016
Good vibes in Cyprus: Solving the Greek-Turk conflict would bode well ... 1604300077

...i would like the same in America, where, no one is allowed to identify themselves as Americans, where there are rules which limit an Individual's Freedom because they were born a New Yorker, or a Californian, as Persons, refused the same respect in other states. Why not? The USA is a Bicommunal Bizonal Federation. This is what the "Turks" expect from those not "Turks" (read: "Greeks"), in Cyprus.

Cyprus exists, to everyone "but one", as VP Biden has said. Cypriots exist too. Ask, Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin. While as Persons, distinctions like Custom, are different, yes it's true, (while for the most part they are Grecophones), they are Cypriot.

...and to the authors of this article, i suggest that they reconsider "who" and what they are endorsing, because while "Greeks" and "Turks" exist, "they" should not be rewarded, Greeks and Turks exist, the other half as i like to call them, and they continue to be ignored or dismissed.
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