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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Aug 26, 2020 6:26 am

Sunday, December 18, 2016
Embracing the second Cypriot republic ... -republic/

...for Cyprus, "interested parties" can stand with Cyprus, for Cyprus.

While Turkey will seek to isolate Cypriot interests, by identifying them as, "Greek", Erdogan will be seeking more as his tribute, than Cyprus, one way or the other, from the EU; this is what is likely.

Indeed, while there are two significant Constituencies in Cyprus, (and it has been divided as such,) Cyprus is an ethnos, it is something more, it is not "Turkish", and not "not Turkish", it is neither "Greek", and not "Greek". In effect, politically speaking, Cyprus is a template for Turkey's own Constitutional reform, because the Cyprus Problem is Turkey's problem, it is Turkey's National issue; a Cyprus united is a Turkey united, for the same reasons that a Cyprus divided is a Turkey divided.

A BBF in Turkey is not anathema to Erdogan's designs for a "new Turkey", if beyond the State, and the Individuals it counts as Citizens, as Turks, Individuals may decide to nurture one of a set of distinct identities, a set of Turkish Constituencies, by residing in such a Jurisdictional territory, as Persons, (an equal, a voter; a part of, a "majority" and a "minority") within such an electorate.

...but I am expecting something quite different from Erdogan, something more than what the world has witnessed of him as a Statesman already, especially if there is a big audience that will spur him on in Geneva, not just Greece and Britain, if along with the EU, friends, of Cyprus, like Egypt, Israel, Kuwait, Jordan, America, Russia, China, Italy, Germany and France, are there, he will have a choice, that instead of being the "but one", by joining with them for Cyprus, he may have everything he wishes, with this change of intentions. By shaking President Anastasiades' hand, as the President of the Republic of Cyprus, he secures an ally (Turkey's equal as an adversary over fifty years). He secures the esteem of all the "interested parties" there. By recognising Cyprus, he can say, "one Cyprus, one Turkey". He will gain as much esteem domestically, as he will internationally, if this hope can be carried to the ethnos Turkey can no longer deny it is, without itself being torn in two (or three, or more).

Geneva is bigger than Cyprus, as is the Problem. It will be for Akinci to take the crucial step, to be a Cypriot, to stand for the electorate who voted for him, or in tearing it in two, serve the interests of those who voted against him. And it may be that for Peace as such, in Cyprus and in his own country Erdogan may make History accepting such a Modern notion, a BBF, which has made great countries, Canada and the USA for example, with good intentions, and in so doing creating his own Legacy, as a Citizen of the World, that the same notion for his country may also spread through out the Eastern Mediterranean, where countries like Syria, and Iraq, struggle with the same issue of identities, in effect their People being Bicommunal themselves, a life as Individuals, living as Persons as well.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:03 pm

Friday, February 14, 2020
Our View: Crystal clear Turkey wants Akinci out ... 4793742937

...thus, i ask, where is the Communal Chamber?

(...and as you say,)

Isn't it included in the Constitution, along with a Legislature?

Indeed, Turkish Cypriots should be asking for Greek Cypriots to join them in such a Chamber, just as Greeks are asking Turks to join them in the Legislature. How is this not Bicommunal, if as Greeks and Turks, as Persons, we recognise that this Liberty is based on respect and recognition, and accordingly, that such Constituencies demonstrate a willingness to provide for their minorities' special needs; that together they may demonstrate such a willingness to each other, and where numbers warrant the needs of other Cypriot Constituencies as well.

Indeed, it is as Cypriots, in Freedom, as Cypriots that we can realise these aspirations; to be loving, to respect and trust one another. The Individual, not as a "Greek", not as a "Turk", but as a Human being, also exists: a society based on merit without further distinction or discrimination. This voice needs its expression too. The problem in Cyprus, identified as the Problem, in effect is not about "Greeks" and "Turks", or Greeks and Turks, but "Greeks"/"Turks" against Greek/Turks.

But, to get back to the question. I think Anastasiades understands this issue, to "be" an Individual and a Person; it is not clear yet if Akinci represents Turkish Cypriots, as Cypriots, also. More importantly, Akinci, in doing as i've suggested before, stand beside the Flag of Cyprus, will cause a furor; and yet who will be exposed, who then is the traitor: those who treat it like a rag.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:08 am

Saturday, January 21, 2012's the manifesto thingy, again

Dear Mr. Ki-Moon,

My hope is that you will consider the value of my thinking now that a way ahead will be proposed that serves a family far bigger than "Greek" or "Turk". My hope is that you will not forget the rest of us who place Universal Principals first. The world needs a definition for Bicommunal, and now the word Bizonal. At 55, I have spent the greater part of my life remembering (Cyprus), not to forget, and to act accordingly. With the revolution of the Information Age, I beg you to google, or blogspot, repulsewarrior; that's me.

That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status.

...this much we know so far.

(at least) three governing bodies must exist for this agreement to fructify Identities for each.

In my Cyprus, the Bicommunal Bizonal Federation is defined by one Sovereign State representing me as an Individual, while there exists for these People (like me), as Persons, National Assemblies with Territorial Jurisdictions, to provide for them as Majorities a means to sustain this identity as well.

In my Cyprus, the Green Line becomes a frontier, no longer a border, because (at least for some), the displaced return as they left, as Communities. Enclaves, which pocket the whole island, offers this opportunity to Individuals by having real choices as Persons (, that will include some of the newly displaced,), with the possibility of more than two "zones" (including the needs of the Maronite and Armenian communities, Sovereignty never being a question), without tearing the fabric of the living around them, respectful to the reciprocal nature of their recognition for the special needs of the Minorities amongst them, inclusive because the diversity of each society (Turkish and Greek mostly) will expand island wide.

Cypriots rely on your abilities to remember that they may be the few in a wider complexity of the Problem, they, they need Good Governance based on the Principals of Free Association, Free Expression, Free Movement, and a Rule of Law.

Cyprus is an island. After all, it has never been but one, its Heritance dates back to the beginnings of Mankind, this wealth which is Humanity's cannot be dismissed, either.

Deciding as you will this July (now October), consider this: “Would Mr. Eroglu recognise Mr. Christofias as President of the Republic, if, Greeks as Persons were to found an equal form of self-representation as his own, separate from the Federal Government, but as distinctive (“Greek first, Turkish first”) in its leadership.”, lol.

Most Warmly, I Prey you have Good Guidance.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:48 pm

Let's remember, 1960, not so long ago, a Cyprus without a single road in asphalt from one end to the other, no water from pipes, as in Public Works either. This, the Cypriot People, managed, and succeeded in short order to change.

...i ask Mdme. Garber to ask herself, where else do Russians and Americans agree; that: Cyprus should be Free.

...and that Cypriots may live in Liberty.

...and what of "Turkishness"; the Problem, as a problem having grown beyond Cyprus, and as a dogma, (now, tearing Turkey in two,) one which questions, the solidarity of those not "them" who claim their commitment to Universal Principals.

Cyprus, tiny as it is, is the cross-road to three continents, let's remember.

Cypriots, as they are, have been this island's dwellers, millennia; no small feat now torn apart.

Cyprus and Cypriots should not have to choose, the West or the East, it is, (they are) a fulcrum perhaps, or a bridge; having demonstrated, having survived, for so long this (read: their) capacity as facilitators of exchange. ... -the-east/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:45 pm

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Gwynne Dyer: Cyprus is still divided—but maybe not for much longer

I would like to remind Mr. Dyer that Canada is also a Bicommunal Bizonal Federation, so is the USA for that matter. If Cypriots are refused "the right" to be recognised as Cypriots, without any further discrimination or distinction, any solution that is proposed which makes them "Greeks", and "Turks" will be rejected.

I would like to remind Mr. Dyer, that Cypriots exist. Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin fought long and hard for this respect and recognition from the regime which claims to represent them, and who charged them, first with an act that was not illegal (flying the Flag of Cyprus), then for disturbing the peace, then for sedition. The Flag of Cyprus, like Cyprus exists, Cypriots exist, even in the north, now; thanks to them, they had to insist though.

That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status.

...count them Mr. Dyer, (at least three governing bodies make up a BBF). You are suggesting that what is illegal and against the Universal Principals all Humanity respects, is a good idea (by dividing "them" in two). Yes, let's ignore the fact that in Canada, Canadians can vote as Canadians, whether there are Constituencies in Canada or not. In your Cyprus, it is Cypriots, as Cypriots that are being marginalised, for the sake I might add, of the very same "Greeks", and "Turks", the other half as i like to call them, who are the cause of the impasse, as much as the infamy. They, the people of Cyprus, are not "Turks", and the rest of them called "Greeks", they are Cypriots, the victims in this tragedy; picking sides is pure hypocrisy, because it is the "This" which must stop. ... e=#comment
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:01 pm

Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Our View: We created a state designed to serve the ruling elite ... ing-elite/

...and what is Cyprus but a template for elites further afield.

We may consider ourselves lucky, because having survived the attention of interlocutors for thousands of years in isolation, the Cypriot now has the means to express themselves as a Sovereign People who are no different and an equal within a larger family of man. Perhaps this crisis will make it clear to us, the value of our Heritance, to be Cypriots, rather than "Greeks", or "Turks".

Freedom has a heavy price, and part of that is overcoming the fears we have within ourselves.

Have we learned the lessons of the First World War (as Human Beings) with so much energy placed on the adversarial nature of our Politics? Have we discovered that this hatred can serve the fight against bigger enemies (like Disease, and Hunger)?

What of the elites, indeed, who do they represent?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:17 am

Saturday, August 15, 2015
GLOBAL FAITHS: Cyprus an imbroglio of politics, religion ... 269b0.html

...the story of Cyprus is far older than the Ottoman Empire, during which, under its rule of over 350 years, it became, and remained a backwater, a barrack with services, until its Independence in 1960, which at least with self-representation brought an infrastructure of asphalt roads, electricity, across the island, as well as drinking water, for everyone, safe and clean from civil works, which had never existed before.

...more accurately the dispute is between "Turks", and those not "Turks" (read: "Greeks"); what of the other Cypriot Constituencies, the Maronites, Armenians, and Latins, they too, as Persons have the same and equal needs. What of the dwellers who choose to identify themselves as Cypriots, first? The Cyprus Problem is a Turkish Problem. More accurately Greeks as a population have been Cyprus' overwhelming majority for thousands of years, and as Individuals they deserve the respect and recognition as Cypriots to vote as Cypriots, to live as Cypriots, in Cyprus, and around the world, to be identified as Cypriot, whether within Cyprus there are more than one, or many, distinct identities or not. (What is missing is a Greek Constituency if we are talking BBF, there exists a Republic, and a Turkish Constituency with no equal(s).)

...any agreement which denies Cypriots the Right to vote and to live Freely in Cyprus, as Cypriots will not pass. In Politics, as in Religion, there is no Muslim God, or Jewish God, or any array of Christian God. Cyprus like God exists, Cypriots deserve better, a bit of Solomon's wisdom rather than tearing the baby in two.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:55 am

Wednesday, April 01, 2015
President sets worrying new condition ... condition/

...and why should the Republic of Cyprus negotiate with any one of the Cypriot Constituencies? If it negotiates with Constituencies, shouldn't it negotiate with all Constituencies?

Bicommunal does not mean dividing Cyprus between those called "Turks", and those called "Greeks". It is defined by our Rights as Individuals, and our Liberty as Persons (all of yet to be more clearly refined). Like Bizonal, which is a geographic term, it should define a Cyprus which is a whole, and where within, its Constituencies are made up of components, it does not mean tearing the island in two.

Turkey needs to recognise that Cyprus exists, and that like the Turkish Flag, the Flag of Cyprus is its equal.

"Greeks" like "Turks", need to learn that although those Flags represent them, those Flags represent all Citizens who are willing to defend the Universal Principals they represent, together, Individuals, without any further distinction or discrimination. Like the Flag of Turkey, it is Turks who are represented, not "Turks", the Flag of Cyprus represents Cypriots, not just "Greeks".

...whether by arrogance or by it being a simple fact, Mr Anastasiades is right, the Republic, in representing its Citizens, like in any other country, and its President, should have no equal.

What is missing in this debate, in effect, is a Greek Constituency, without which, there is no equal to a Turkish Constituency. Frankly, it would not surprise me that as Constituencies, having the same needs, (since there are actually more than two) that they could present themselves before the President unanimously. That, as such, to the President sworn to defend the State (and the Freedom it represents), their consideration toward Constitutional Reform would be of value. And I suggest that this Liberty they would suggest, (another level of Government,) self-representation as Persons, would be possible.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:56 am

...the subject is "Cypriotism", to be clear.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Cap » Wed Sep 23, 2020 6:16 pm

Correct Repulse.

The so called 'Turkey' or 'Occupied Kurdistan', or 'Kurdish Turkey' or whatever Anatolian anathema they call it, needs to recognize what 99% of the planet recognizes.
The Republic of Cyprus.
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