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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:29 am

Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Security and guarantees — two thorniest issues in Cyprus talks ... prus-talks

...who needs security and guarantees? The Cypriots do, from the "Greeks" and the "Turks" (who have held their Agenda as the topic for debate far too long), who as History shows, have victimised, those not "Greek", or not "Turkish": those who were murdered and made to disappear mostly, died for being Cypriots; think about it.

Cypriots exist, they still exist. Just look at Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin, the other half, as I like to call them, who are not "Greek", or, "Turkish".

Cyprus remains a template for Turkey's own Constitutional Reform. Erdogan risks tearing Turkey apart, for "Turkishness", by ignoring the difference between a "Turk", and a Turk. The recognition of Cyprus, as a country that is one and indivisible, secures him great International prestige. And if within such a Unitary State at another level of Government their existed self-representation of its Citizens as Persons, such a BBF secures Turkey for Turks (and "Turks", too).
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:01 am

Monday, April 27, 2015
Turkey Rebukes Newly-Elected Turkish Cypriot Leader ... r-30611540

...only hours the Leader (Akinci), and Erdogan is already picking a fight; tells you a lot about the situation as it really is. While Turkey denies it has any influence over the lives of Cypriots, Turkish or Greek, exactly the opposite is true. Imagine, the poor man (Akinci) interrupts his own interview on TV for a phone call he dare not let go to his voice mail.

Cyprus exists, Cypriots exist. Although Mr. Erdogan will do his best to deny it, this time I hope he is losing his grip. My hope is that a man has been elected, who has the backbone to appreciate his being, Turkish, and Cypriot, does not mean that he must be a "Turk" (and whatever that means in Erdogan's Turkey). In fact, it is Akinci who holds the power to create better intentions toward Turkey's Constitutional Reforms, by demonstrating that the Flag of Cyprus and the Flag of Turkey are equals, because they do not define "Turkishness", or "Greekness", but Universal Principals which we as Individuals, rather than Nations but as States defend.

What is needed, in my opinion is a Greek Constituency, which does not exist. If it existed, within a set of Cypriot Constituencies, a Turkish Constituency would have an equal. Like in Turkey, no equal can exist in Cyprus for its Republic. Freedom is secured by the representation of all Citizens as equals without any other distinction or discrimination. Liberty on the other hand is best expressed in both countries by recognising that at another level of government, the People as Persons, through self representation are closer to the taxes they pay, and as majorities in sustaining their distinct identities, able in demonstrating Goodwill, and Goodfaith to the minorities that live among them.

I think Mr. Akinci understands this, and Mr. Erdogan has this as a reason to be such a bully toward him. If as Mr. Eroglu described, that the election was a referendum, Cypriots have demonstrated that for the most part, they choose to be Cypriot, first.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:37 am

Saturday, January 21, 2012's the manifesto thingy, again

Dear Mr. Ki-Moon,

My hope is that you will consider the value of my thinking now that a way ahead will be proposed that serves a family far bigger than "Greek" or "Turk". My hope is that you will not forget the rest of us who place Universal Principals first. The world needs a definition for Bicommunal, and now the word Bizonal. At 55, I have spent the greater part of my life remembering (Cyprus), not to forget, and to act accordingly. With the revolution of the Information Age, I beg you to google, or blogspot, repulsewarrior; that's me.

That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status.

...this much we know so far.

(at least) three governing bodies must exist for this agreement to fructify Identities for each.

In my Cyprus, the Bicommunal Bizonal Federation is defined by one Sovereign State representing me as an Individual, while there exists for these People (like me), as Persons, National Assemblies with Territorial Jurisdictions, to provide for them as Majorities a means to sustain this identity as well.

In my Cyprus, the Green Line becomes a frontier, no longer a border, because (at least for some), the displaced return as they left, as Communities. Enclaves, which pocket the whole island, offers this opportunity to Individuals by having real choices as Persons (, that will include some of the newly displaced,), with the possibility of more than two "zones" (including the needs of the Maronite and Armenian communities, Sovereignty never being a question), without tearing the fabric of the living around them, respectful to the reciprocal nature of their recognition for the special needs of the Minorities amongst them, inclusive because the diversity of each society (Turkish and Greek mostly) will expand island wide.

Cypriots rely on your abilities to remember that they may be the few in a wider complexity of the Problem, they, they need Good Governance based on the Principals of Free Association, Free Expression, Free Movement, and a Rule of Law.

Cyprus is an island. After all, it has never been but one, its Heritance dates back to the beginnings of Mankind, this wealth which is Humanity's cannot be dismissed, either.

Deciding as you will this July (now October), consider this: “Would Mr. Eroglu recognise Mr. Christofias as President of the Republic, if, Greeks as Persons were to found an equal form of self-representation as his own, separate from the Federal Government, but as distinctive (“Greek first, Turkish first”) in its leadership.”, lol.

Most Warmly, I Prey you have Good Guidance.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:34 am

Saturday, February 02, 2008
The trouble is, "Greek" Cypriots aren't Greek ... 0f8#253133

ufqnhd...however, there is such a thing as margins of scale; think in the long run, and in terms of living, after all, Cyprus is an island. maybe we are better off having English our Official Language, having Greek and Turkish as the 'primary' languages that this State can provide, allowing in the future for it's fluency in other languges as well. we are better off without adversarial regimes as they exist today, who occupy our thoughts with fear, and who usurp our Basic Human Rights by serving interlocutory appeals rather than the interest of the island and Humanity. This is the big difference I see with Makarios and Denktash, as leaders, and what followed; I am convinced in the two hundred years to follow, they will be revered as heros, by all Cypriots, whatever ethnicity, because in the end, their acts were for this island and its dwellers, not the Nationalism which drove them to be divided like counterweights on a scale. but both kept their eye on the single fulcrum and they were in the end united to be in its service, commited to a single cause.

It was TPap who said, as a young man, that it was impossible to imagine the island of Cyprus without a Turkish Cypriot population, that they were scattered over the whole island like grains of sand scattered over a map. Nothing more beautiful, or poetic, can be said to deduce the truth. The island requires its repopulation. Justice requires that we start with a fact like this.

i say some bad things happened, i say we got engineered, so that the sand gets blown away and the map gets torn.

I say forget about sand, scatter jewels (the enclaves), build on the value it will provide to both Societies, they (the"Greeks" and the "Turks") will provide for themselves first, of course, but they will be providing toward a population that is mobile and who's demographic can be expected to change dramatically over time as well. Although mutually exclusive, neither can ignore the other, neither can act in a manner having malice, and both are subjct to a Sovereign State, being, a reformed, Republic of Cyprus. nothing is wrong for there to exist, a Cyprus which is "Greek", or a Cyprus which is "Turkish", but for these choices to exist all Cypriots must have an identity as one, equal in their love, and equal in their commitment toward defending its Sovereignty, as an island, and as the island's dwellers, self sustaining their respect, as Turkish Cypriots and as Greek Cypriots, together, and as Cypriots, mutually; three governments, bi-communal, for their Rights as Individuals, as well as their Rights as Persons.


Cyprus: three governments; One Capital, Free
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 27, 2020 7:39 pm

Saturday, June 27, 2020
Militarisation as a response to Turkey ‘not the solution’ ... -solution/

...a Professional Army in Cyprus, can succeed in developing the skills the Government requires of it, beyond its own defense, if it can appreciate the History it has at Commando Warfare.

Cyprus is small. Despite its size, it in effect brought Britain's military might to its knees; to Che, and to Castro, this was inspiring, Grivas a Hero against Imperialism, against cruel subjugation: as such where Modern Guerrilla Warfare began.

Discipline would be key, developing small highly effective groups which have the capacity to work independently, each specialised to deliver, or to defend from many forms of hostile intrusion. Indeed, it is possible for Cyprus to train its soldiers to be among the best in the world; and given its geographic position as a crossroad to three continents, it should. Frankly, nothing assures Peace, more; if Cyprus is to become a 'Diplomatic Tiger', with teeth.

Of course, Cyprus cannot expect to win in any expansionist war it may have as an intention, and such an intention is hardly believable in any case, from Cyprus. (Cyprus is an island after-all.) But, with the threat of war there are many cases in the past where small forces, win; like the famous "300", the Greeks in WWII, and yes, Grivas, who fought against what he saw as an undisciplined British Army, (ask the Irish), in Cyprus.

One hopes that Cyprus may demonstrate a capacity toward humanitarian affairs; that if their Foreign Affairs expand as such that they may be the first to enter hostilities anywhere in the world toward that end, against hunger, thirst, disease, and ignorance: real enemies.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:47 pm

Thursday, October 11, 2018
Anastasiades Cavusoglu meeting confirmed, ‘loose’ federation in the limelight (updt 2) ... u-meeting/

Was Akinci elected to unite Cypriots? Who cannot forget?

What is his duty to them, who voted for him, does he remember? At this moment in time In his sweet isolation, he may recall, he may learn something about his position, and power; if as a Cypriot, Cypriots see him.

One gesture, like standing under the Flag of Cyprus, to speak, speaking of issues important to all Cypriots, would be nice. It will propel him to headline news. Cypriots, would not object to that. They may even welcome it by joining with him; thousands who would stand for Cyprus under their Flag of Cyprus.

Thus, the "Greeks" and the "Turks", they will be exposed for who and what they are if they are unable to do the same; Akinci wins, for Cyprus, by daring to win, if, not for "Greekness" (not just for "Turkishness" either), if as a Cypriot he stands for "being" a Cypriot in a true BBF, in a Cyprus where an Individual is an Individual, who, as a Person respects as Persons (and at another level of government, as Constituencies) these distinctions.

Indeed, what is good for Cyprus is good for Turkey, it is something to think about, and so it should be. One Cyprus, One Turkey; what is so hard about that, to understand? It would be nice to hear Mr. Erdogan say these words, it would be nice if the opportunity to do so started in Cyprus, reform in Turkey, where as Cypriots, Cypriots reformed. It is Mr. Akinci's choice.

If as a Cypriot he is willing to reform himself, toward "being" a better Cypriot, recognising as Cypriots Cyprus exists, by saying, "this is my Flag", because it is true, under one Flag, with this Flag, he may leave as his Legacy, a Cypriot Legacy, a unity, an enosis, of Cypriots, something greater than the status quo, changing (at least exposing) "them" too, in effect.

And, beyond the Greek Flag, and, the Turkish Flag, the divide between them, their equal the Flag of Cyprus.

This is Mr. Akinci's choice as i see it, sidelined in this manner for "soft" Federalism, whatever that may mean. Beyond the brown envelopes and shoe boxes "this" may fill, an end to it.

I ask, is he a Cypriot, is he a leader, is he a Statesman?

...has he the courage?

I don't envy men in this position, Akinci's choice(s) as a Cypriot; it is a hard choice to make, the way. I would like to ask men in this position, in such a time of doubt, who it is among them that will see a baby torn in two?
Who is it that they will betray, by acting otherwise?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:17 pm

...chirping on about the Cyprus Problem, as though it is about "Greeks" and "Turks", is a false debate. The Problem has grown to be much bigger than that.

While the EU and the UN have good reasons to feel some sense of frustration, it goes beyond finding a solution for the displaced, and the land that is being illegally occupied, in Cyprus.

It is Turkey's acts, which from the advent, that have spiraled this problem into an expansionist policy designed to create a "new" Turkey, out of the demise of the Treaty of Lausanne, (and Cyprus). What else can one conclude from the disruptions, and hostilities she(he) actively takes with all her neighbours, or from the rhetoric Erdogan has made to define his claims?

Cyprus is not the Problem, but in Cyprus the Problem may be solved.

...the Problem is "Turkishness", and the Problem is "Greekness", because in Cyprus they have been demonstrated to be the same. While "Greekness" became a spent force with the coup's success ending in failure just two days later because "Cypriot Greeks" do not exist (in any significant number), in fact, Turkish Cypriots, have been silenced, by the "Cypriot Turks" since being divided.

No need to be impatient with Cypriots, those not "them"; they too have demonstrated their commitment to the Universal Principals, august institutions such as the UN and the EU are founded upon. They are not the Problem.

Elections are coming, soon. Again, it will be a referendum between Turks and "Turks", (like it is on the other side of the Green Line, "Greeks" and Greeks). And again like Greeks, Turks, will show themselves to be in significant numbers, that they do exist, as Cypriots. This, after decades of their assimilation and being unnaturally separated is something to think about.

...indeed, patience is running thin, for some let's not forget a whole lifetime, thus in these elections i would expect the worst will happen to those who treat the Flag of Cyprus as a rag. Cypriots may take the words back from "them" (Enosis and Taksim) with the simple gesture of standing in unity for Cyprus, under its Flag; exposing those who cannot do the same. Who but the "Greeks" and the "Turks" would be offended?

Turkish Cypriots can choose to lead the way for the end of the divisions in Turkey herself, in this election campaign, what with how "Turkishness" is now tearing even Turkey apart. But it will take Greek Cypriots in great numbers to join them in this fight to demonstrate this political notion: as in Turkey, there is one Cyprus. ... -patience/
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:58 pm

Monday, June 26, 2017
Turkey's Identity Crisis ... e-comments

...the answer is in Cyprus. A divided Cyprus will mean a divided Turkey.

One Cyprus, One Turkey

If Cyprus is not "Greek", Turkey may be Turkish, but for the same reasons not "Turkish". Indeed, there are Turkish Constituencies in Turkey, as there are Cypriot Constituencies. A country like America, or Canada, or Australia, are BBF's (Bicommunal, Bizonal Federations), let's not forget. While one may detest their sensibilities, such a political system demonstrates its own success as a system.

Who can imagine Turkey torn into parts? It is unnatural in Cyprus, as well.

Erdogan has a Legacy to build. With a small change of intention, he may recognise Cyprus for what it is, a State, not unlike his own, because it is in need of reform. He may recognise that neither a "new" Cyprus, or a "new" Turkey are the key to this Legacy he has worked so hard for, if it means dividing Turks. He may recognise that Freedom is a question of Individual Rights, based on Universal Principals, that all Citizens, by their own choosing, defend without distinction or discrimination.

And what of the Alevi, what of the Kurds, what of the Greek Orthodox Church, what of the other Muslim Faiths, the Latins and the Jews, what of the Atheists? He may realise that Liberty, is a tolerance, a recognition, and a respect, for Persons as Persons, these people can live with as well. What is for Turkey, if it is for all Turks, not just its "Turks", is far more complex and very simple. I will remain Hopeful.

...many great observations, enjoyed the article; thanks.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Cap » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:48 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:Monday, June 26, 2017
Turkey's Identity Crisis ... e-comments

...the answer is in Cyprus. A divided Cyprus will mean a divided Turkey.

One Cyprus, One Turkey

If Cyprus is not "Greek", Turkey may be Turkish, but for the same reasons not "Turkish". Indeed, there are Turkish Constituencies in Turkey, as there are Cypriot Constituencies. A country like America, or Canada, or Australia, are BBF's (Bicommunal, Bizonal Federations), let's not forget. While one may detest their sensibilities, such a political system demonstrates its own success as a system.

Who can imagine Turkey torn into parts? It is unnatural in Cyprus, as well.

Erdogan has a Legacy to build. With a small change of intention, he may recognise Cyprus for what it is, a State, not unlike his own, because it is in need of reform. He may recognise that neither a "new" Cyprus, or a "new" Turkey are the key to this Legacy he has worked so hard for, if it means dividing Turks. He may recognise that Freedom is a question of Individual Rights, based on Universal Principals, that all Citizens, by their own choosing, defend without distinction or discrimination.

And what of the Alevi, what of the Kurds, what of the Greek Orthodox Church, what of the other Muslim Faiths, the Latins and the Jews, what of the Atheists? He may realise that Liberty, is a tolerance, a recognition, and a respect, for Persons as Persons, these people can live with as well. What is for Turkey, if it is for all Turks, not just its "Turks", is far more complex and very simple. I will remain Hopeful.

...many great observations, enjoyed the article; thanks.

Dunno mate, a Kypraio is a Kypraio.
Common mentality, common land mass, common identity.

There's a crucial difference....
If the Kurds want a piece of the Anatolian pie. Not our problem.
In this day and age.... (think about it)
The Turks massacre Kurds, we Cypriots don't massacre Cypriots.
We don't buy foreign nationalism like we used in the 70's.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:06 am

Friday, February 20, 2015
From Know-Who to Know-How: Turkey and the “middle-income trap” ... rap-raiser

...when I think of Turkey, I see how Erdogan's Turkey struggles to define "Turkishness". The picture for me is not a pleasant one to say the least.

As a Cypriot, hoping to make this change from a society of "Who" you know, but on merit, to "What" you know, I suggest that a Bicommunal Bizonal Federation is a good model for Turkey to take with its own Constitutional Reform.

Given that the Flag of Cyprus, and the Flag of Turkey, are equal, in that they both represent a State which defends Universal Principals, it is not hard to imagine a Turkic Constituency among Turkish Constituencies, at another level of Government, in Turkey, like in Cyprus, the recognition that all people are equal, a representation of the people as Individuals, a People as such who defend each other and the Freedom this represents, because they can sustain as Liberty their distinct identities as Persons. Canada comes to mind when i think of a successful BBF.

This big change can be represented in Cyprus, the Problem ended by its recognition, a template worthy of the World's esteem and emulation, a shift in the intentions of the Kemalists, if you will, while respecting the fundamental principals which drove Ataturk to his revolution for reform; something Cypriots cannot unreasonably refuse, a "New Turkey" as a result.

I fear Erdogan's longing for a Caliphate in Istanbul is stronger than his dislike for numbers when they are turning against him, and from my perspective, he is a dangerous bully, who, if he does not recognise the existence of Cypriots, as Cypriots, will surely bring Turkey to the same demise: those "Turkish", and those not "Turkish" (enough).
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