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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 10, 2020 6:52 pm

Thursday, May 02, 2013
Cyprus :: 18 Million Crossings...!!! - Page 16 ... ml#p754341

...i am still unsure, after-all he was born (by his/her own terms) English, how vp can speak of a Heritance of 400 yrs. i have said, what do i know, i come from a "mixed" village.

...i think claret, it can be best described this way, when a Greek says, "we", he is usually including Humanity, not unlike a Turk. but when a "Turk" says we, it should be taken to mean Turkey's deep state, not unlike a "Greek".
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 10, 2020 6:55 pm

...too bad vp, the page has turned, with no one else leaving you a reply. But i'm still here waiting for you, hoping to hear from you soon.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 12, 2020 5:28 pm

Sunday, November 24, 2019
Leaders should remember their allegiance to the constitution ... stitution/

...well said, Mr. Riza; thank-you.

Thus, let the Greek Community find themselves seated and waiting in the Communal Chamber, this time, for the Turkish Community, both there to take their places, to represent their needs, as communities. Let the Turkish Cypriots fill their, empty, seats in the Legislature so that as Cypriots they too can demonstrate and defend their respect for Universal Principals and a Cypriot way.

Intentions count: this time for Cyprus.

Constitutional reform, bettering ourselves, is entirely possible to view as a matter of the two Communities, not as an issue of Sovereignty, but as an internal matter within their Chamber. If they presented unanimously to the Legislature, their consideration, as to the social needs of Persons: their powers in representing Cypriots as distinct identities, a recognition respect and accommodation of minorities that live among them, and territorial jurisdictions, this is a strong basis from which Cypriots as Cypriots may sit to reform their State.

Who can deny a Cyprus, made in Cyprus, by Cypriots? is not hard to imagine Cypriots, "being" Cypriots. It is, for me frankly, hard to imagine why not.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed May 13, 2020 5:35 am

Monday, February 03, 2020
A road map to peace in the East Med ... 4781700400

Indeed, if there is a road map, all roads lead to Cyprus.

The Cyprus problem is not the problem, but the Problem is.

While we are divided as "Greeks" and "Turks", it is easy for Cypriots to be forgotten in their midst. "Greekness" against "Turkishness" and/or vice versa is the Agenda. Thus, Cypriots are not the Problem, nor the problem, they are a People which remain, as people, under the subjugation of a mythic reality that "Turkishness", or "Greekness", matters more, than anything else.

Yet, how does this relate to oil and gas exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean, I ask? How is it oil and gas exploration, in Cyprus, has been linked to hostilities in the Aegean with Greece, and most recently, Libya.

Witness the Treaty of Sevres, "cornered" with the installation of a Sovereign base in Cyprus for his drones, so says Mr. Erdogan. Witness the Treaty of Lausanne, "tossed out a window'', his disruptive behaviour toward all his neighours, and now on the seas. His supremacy, militarily speaking, over any one of these adversaries (read: neighbours), is only a few years away, given the military-industrial complex he is growing.

Prepared to War, as such, will put him in a better negotiating position, if instead it comes to that.

But what does Turkey gain, from Cyprus, if it is divided for "Turkishness", the rest for others (read: "Greek")? It is not just Cyprus which is torn apart, but the very fabric that has made the notion of Humanity, above it. This is the Problem. And a Cyprus divided, means Turkey divided, for the same reason; Erdogan must know this.

What of Turkish Constituencies? What of the Kurds and the Alevi, are they not Turks, and Turkish? One Flag in Turkey, like one Flag in Cyprus makes perfect sense to me. Perhaps it is Cyprus that will change Turkey, and not the other way around. Perhaps a BBF in Turkey, with its own Constitutional reform is something to think about.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Cap » Wed May 13, 2020 6:06 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:Monday, February 03, 2020
A road map to peace in the East Med ... 4781700400

Indeed, if there is a road map, all roads lead to Cyprus.

The Cyprus problem is not the problem, but the Problem is.

While we are divided as "Greeks" and "Turks", it is easy for Cypriots to be forgotten in their midst. "Greekness" against "Turkishness" and/or vice versa is the Agenda. Thus, Cypriots are not the Problem, nor the problem, they are a People which remain, as people, under the subjugation of a mythic reality that "Turkishness", or "Greekness", matters more, than anything else.

Yet, how does this relate to oil and gas exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean, I ask? How is it oil and gas exploration, in Cyprus, has been linked to hostilities in the Aegean with Greece, and most recently, Libya.

Witness the Treaty of Sevres, "cornered" with the installation of a Sovereign base in Cyprus for his drones, so says Mr. Erdogan. Witness the Treaty of Lausanne, "tossed out a window'', his disruptive behaviour toward all his neighours, and now on the seas. His supremacy, militarily speaking, over any one of these adversaries (read: neighbours), is only a few years away, given the military-industrial complex he is growing.

Prepared to War, as such, will put him in a better negotiating position, if instead it comes to that.

But what does Turkey gain, from Cyprus, if it is divided for "Turkishness", the rest for others (read: "Greek")? It is not just Cyprus which is torn apart, but the very fabric that has made the notion of Humanity, above it. This is the Problem. And a Cyprus divided, means Turkey divided, for the same reason; Erdogan must know this.

What of Turkish Constituencies? What of the Kurds and the Alevi, are they not Turks, and Turkish? One Flag in Turkey, like one Flag in Cyprus makes perfect sense to me. Perhaps it is Cyprus that will change Turkey, and not the other way around. Perhaps a BBF in Turkey, with its own Constitutional reform is something to think about.

How long have I been saying this?
There is no 'Cyprus' problem.
There is however a greek and turk problem in Cyprus.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri May 15, 2020 3:05 am

Monday, February 24, 2020
Re: I'm fucking angry...... (2)

...very interesting and educational thoughts from the both of you; harder to read than my stuff but that's another story.

in a nutshell; Cyprus, its constitution needs reform.

Cypriots exist. The "Greeks" and "Turks" that live among them exist too. The future for Cypriots, one hopes is neither their assimilation or subjugation by either. And yet, it seems that in the negotiation of the Problem, it is as though such a notion as Cypriot will be created; with no chair for a Cypriot between "them", and no chance for a Cypriot (but at an election box) to even have their say.

...indeed, it is an issue of identity, and as "Greeks" and "Turks" agitate for their Agenda with more finality, i surmise, under the circumstances, so too those Cypriot (about half the population) will be compelled no longer to remain silent. In acts and demonstrations, they will signal their unity against "them" with a simple choice, under the Flag of Cyprus, because it is a powerful symbol which as yet has not been used specifically to expose those not Cypriot. (i shutter thinking, in Cyprus, how that could turn out; talking about Flags, and extremists' feelings about their own: but violence is not the only outcome.)

...what do Cypriots want, i ask; never mind the "Greeks"and the "Turks".

And if in a BBF Cypriots, as Individuals, (also an identity) represent themselves as Cypriots, what is wrong with Cypriot Constituencies representing them as Persons?

...intentions count; what as persons they do to demonstrate in a majority their Goodwill toward the minorities among them.

(how lucky i feel living in a BBF like Canada, how much i enjoy the same hope for Cypriots)
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat May 16, 2020 4:52 am

Thursday, December 26, 2019
Oh, Woe Is Poor Turkey… ... or-turkey/

…if i may add to a most interesting opinion piece, that, Cyprus, is the key to all these issues; i ask:

why must Cypriots be denied their identity as Cypriots, how is it that Turkey as a “National cause” denies their existence; are the Alevi not Turkish, or the Kurds? (never mind the Greeks and the Armenians they hardy exist in Turkey anymore)
…i ask, if Cyprus cannot be “Greek”, how is Turkey “Turkish”?

why has “Turkishness” taken the view that Turks, not “Turkish”, are their adversary, for decades in Cyprus, and now in Turkey, “it” tearing it apart? Is the world, that which is not “Turkish”, what willfully they are hostile toward, what “Turks” are against?

with the Aegean, and now Libya, linked to oil and gas, having been linked to Cyprus, will he negotiate a settlement of equals that is as comprehensive as UNCLOS, and a suitable improvement to the Treaty of Lausanne, having disrupted the balance of power, thus having brought the protagonists together?

…by recognising Cyprus, as Cypriot, he may have all these things; Fame, the esteem of all Humankind, Peace among all his neighbours, even Peace at home. He may find in such a notion, recognising Cypriots as a People whether Turkish or Greek, one country, that Cyprus may be made up of Cypriot constituencies, as Persons quite diverse as well, but that they support equally the Universal Principals on which, as Individuals they are prepared to defend each other.

…by tearing Cyprus in half, isn’t infamy his Legacy?

…is it in Cyprus that he is looking for the “perfect” BBF, something he can emulate?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat May 16, 2020 11:18 pm

Saturday, September 21, 2019
Erdogan: Turkey to stand firm against monopolisation of Cyprus’ wealth ... us-wealth/

..what of the Treaty of Lausanne? While Erdogan has "tossed it out a window", as he has said, what are his motives? Indeed, looking at the maps he considers, it is total supremacy of this sea, (and a share of the Aegean, as well).

...monopolisation of Cyprus' wealth? Look to the greed and the ignorance which has made "Turkishness" something quite different to the Turkey found in that treaty. What with so much of Turkey's desires having been linked to Cyprus, the Problem as such may result in Turkey's recognition of a Cypriot People (among other things). Likewise in Turkey, Constitutional reform, where, the Alevi and the Kurds suffering the same anxiety as those in Cyprus not "Turkish", find relief, and, as a Turkish People. After all, the maximalist approach (for "Turkishness") he is taking, is certainly beginning to focus minds, throughout the region (and indeed, the world).

Indeed a comprehensive solution to this region's problems would be welcome. Witness the East Med. Gas Forum. Who would imagine Egypt, and Israel sitting with Palestinians, Greeks, Cypriots, and Jordanians, (among others), in unity, so quickly from its advent, and successfully, (despite Turkish meddling)? In a region which is sorely lacking of it, this is Hope.

Indeed, let's be clear, Erdogan intends to stand firm, for the monopolisation of Cyprus' wealth.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 21, 2020 12:38 am

Wednesday, January 08, 2014
Liberman’s land swap proposal shakes up peace talks ... 6-93108473

...better if like Cyprus, Mr. Liberman may consider the value of a Bicommunal State, such as Canada. It would involve a Greater Israel, and as well there would be its Constituencies, who represent National Assemblies, and by a Territorial Jurisdiction for which they have their Charter from a Federal Government, zones where which an Agenda of Persons may serve their distinct identity first, but able are they to serve minorities amongst them by demonstrating the Goodwill they could expect reciprocally.

Mr. Liberman is wrong if he believes that cutting Cyprus in two is a good idea, what did Solomon do?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri May 22, 2020 9:16 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:Wednesday, January 08, 2014
Liberman’s land swap proposal shakes up peace talks ... 6-93108473

...better if like Cyprus, Mr. Liberman may consider the value of a Bicommunal State, such as Canada. It would involve a Greater Israel, and as well there would be its Constituencies, who represent National Assemblies, and by a Territorial Jurisdiction for which they have their Charter from a Federal Government, zones where which an Agenda of Persons may serve their distinct identity first, but able are they to serve minorities amongst them by demonstrating the Goodwill they could expect reciprocally.

Mr. Liberman is wrong if he believes that cutting Cyprus in two is a good idea, what did Solomon do?

How about all refugees go back to their villages and let’s end this nonsense... stealing someone’s land and justifying it by claiming there was a genocide against you is farcical
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