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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:35 am

Monday, March 03, 2008
Here’s the “demilitarization” program Cyprus REALLY needs...

Oracle wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:mighty military strength here is not a bad idea if it serves a purpose which goes beyond national borders. There are enemies of us all which needs the battle hardy: they are hunger and disease to name two.

I am intrigued to hear, how mighty military strength can be used to fight the battles of hunger and disease.

ella OP use your imagination...

the one thing that we have as people is the service we can offer others.

geographically we are the strategic launching point for three continents.

human tragedy, mayhem, and natural disaster are all around us.

these factors, along with the socio-economic factors that make being Human an alternative to plunder is at its advent. don't you think that the authority of the UN and like minded States would not find it inviting, this island, as a post?

to say the least, NATO in its European context would be well served by this location for the work they do against terrorists. our military forces, along with Turkey's, and others, like Greece and the US are better serving their interests when they build amongst themselves the lines of communication that working as allies involves. As "peacekeepers" it would be hard to imagine a "safer" place in the world.

certainly, it will be easier to build a supramilitarised capacity here, than to demilitarise the island because of its utmost importance to Turkey's defence, and because to the other interlocutors, leaving it to Cypriots exclusively seems to be entirely out of the question.

Turkey is, and will remain, in my opinion the greatest threat to all the parties that have concern in the region, with this 'floating aircraft carrier'. It has a powerful force by size and equipment, with the ambition to be dominant and to lead internationally, while its position in the geo-political spheres remains obscured by an inability to overcome the forces that oppose it, as it is risking stagnation with and inability to embrace change.

most importantly, only Malta is a smaller player, whatever 'we' can do to defend ourselves, very little can be done proportionally and by force

I think world politics is coming full circle from the denial we came to with the failings of the Great War, and the politics which came with that blind eye, Grivas, a hero to guerrillas everywhere, not unlike Che who revered him, and who followed, we have Bin Laden, and his shame. all in the denial of our will to plunder as though it is valueless, life, unless it is exploited, and that it must belong. you won't get this, i know, but i'm glad to say it, i remember, i will not forget, i made that oath, to those boys who fell in their millions, for this cause, long before there was a State to think about, called Cyprus, for our Freedom, for this horror to end, through Grace. Cyprus is a way.

And it is up to us to demonstrate the Humanity that all Mankind can emulate, in their esteem.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 21, 2020 4:55 pm

Monday, April 27, 2015
Turkey Rebukes Newly-Elected Turkish Cypriot Leader ... r-30611540

...only hours the Leader (Akinci), and Erdogan is already picking a fight; tells you a lot about the situation as it really is. While Turkey denies it has any influence over the lives of Cypriots, Turkish or Greek, exactly the opposite is true. Imagine, the poor man (Akinci) interrupts his own interview on TV for a phone call he dare not let go to his voice mail.

Cyprus exists, Cypriots exist. Although Mr. Erdogan will do his best to deny it, this time I hope he is losing his grip. My hope is that a man has been elected, who has the backbone to appreciate his being, Turkish, and Cypriot, does not mean that he must be a "Turk" (and whatever that means in Erdogan's Turkey). In fact, it is Akinci who holds the power to create better intentions toward Turkey's Constitutional Reforms, by demonstrating that the Flag of Cyprus and the Flag of Turkey are equals, because they do not define "Turkishness", or "Greekness", but Universal Principals which we as Individuals, rather than Nations but as States defend.

What is needed, in my opinion is a Greek Constituency, which does not exist. If it existed, within a set of Cypriot Constituencies, a Turkish Constituency would have an equal. Like in Turkey, no equal can exist in Cyprus for its Republic. Freedom is secured by the representation of all Citizens as equals without any other distinction or discrimination. Liberty on the other hand is best expressed in both countries by recognising that at another level of government, the People as Persons, through self representation are closer to the taxes they pay, and as majorities in sustaining their distinct identities, able in demonstrating Goodwill, and Goodfaith to the minorities that live among them.

I think Mr. Akinci understands this, and Mr. Erdogan has this as a reason to be such a bully toward him. If as Mr. Eroglu described, that the election was a referendum, Cypriots have demonstrated that for the most part, they choose to be Cypriot, first.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:34 pm

Re: Diamond Jubilee and Evagoras Pallikarides
Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:44 am
cyprus38090-70.html I have to ask, who will stand up and defend the memory of the person who kills for the Cypriot flag; who will be the Killed this time (we've seen that in any one of the populations, of the Guarantors, persons that would choose to do such a thing), will it be a Cypriot that denies the Injustice this time, will it be another Cypriot killed this time?

...and if it's Greece, at least its Flag the cause for a murderous shot, wouldn't it be the reasonable among us Greek or not, again for the same reason to say, "this is wrong"; can we imagine all Greeks defending murder blindly because it is a "Greek" who is the killer (or if it was a Turk or a Brit killed), when it is clear that the extremists amongst any one of these groups that are the enemy within, each equally brutal, and each equally to blame: we are Humans or we are not, this is the crux of the issue.

...some of us choose to accept the debate as it has been framed, i suggest that in this regard our grasp of the Problem is flawed. as Individuals we serve Mankind, as Persons we may express our distinction toward this betterment; the solution will not be found with a victor in the Proxy War that the elites of the Interlocutors have waged for so long, because it seems to suit them. Cypriots themselves must move forward beyond an identity that insists a State is the composition of one Nation, and that because it is the majority the State is bound to serve this Nation first. a State, and its Good Government, distinguishes its Citizens without discrimination, National identities can be sustained within this unity apart: this is Bicommunal.

Cyprus, for a few short glory years was the most socialised country in the world, Cypriots were Great Cooperators; where is our leadership toward sustaining an ethnosphere which is not just "Greek"? where is the Greek Cypriot Constituency; it will free the Republic to serve higher goals, becoming the equal to the Turkish Constituency, (and i hope a Maronite, etc., Constituency, as well).

...where are the Cypriots? soon i expect they will be flying their flag to demonstrate their rage, rather than taking down the others; my hope is that it will not be bloody.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:12 pm

Tuesday, May 05, 2015
'The Pain Will Never Go Away': Searching for the Disappeared People of Cyprus ... -of-cyprus

...Kyriakos Constanti Hadjisoteri, was a Cypriot, not a "Greek". He stayed like many others (who stayed and disappeared as well) in the village believing in the Universal Principals on which a country like Cyprus, or Turkey, for that matter, is based upon and dedicated to defend. Men like him are my heroes, like those before him in '63, called "Turks", they were robbed of their identity, and their lives.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:15 am

Saturday, August 15, 2015
GLOBAL FAITHS: Cyprus an imbroglio of politics, religion ... 269b0.html

...the story of Cyprus is far older than the Ottoman Empire, during which, under its rule of over 350 years, it became, and remained a backwater, a barrack with services, until its Independence in 1960, which at least with self-representation brought an infrastructure of asphalt roads, electricity, across the island, as well as drinking water, for everyone, safe and clean from civil works, which had never existed before.

...more accurately the dispute is between "Turks", and those not "Turks" (read: "Greeks"); what of the other Cypriot Constituencies, the Maronites, Armenians, and Latins, they too, as Persons have the same and equal needs. What of the dwellers who choose to identify themselves as Cypriots, first? The Cyprus Problem is a Turkish Problem. More accurately Greeks as a population have been Cyprus' overwhelming majority for thousands of years, and as Individuals they deserve the respect and recognition as Cypriots to vote as Cypriots, to live as Cypriots, in Cyprus, and around the world, to be identified as Cypriot, whether within Cyprus there are more than one, or many, distinct identities or not. (What is missing is a Greek Constituency if we are talking BBF, there exists a Republic, and a Turkish Constituency with no equal(s).)

...any agreement which denies Cypriots the Right to vote and to live Freely in Cyprus, as Cypriots will not pass. In Politics, as in Religion, there is no Muslim God, or Jewish God, or any array of Christian God. Cyprus like God exists, Cypriots deserve better, a bit of Solomon's wisdom rather than tearing the baby in two.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:47 am

Wednesday, September 06, 2017
Turkish Cypriots will never accept servitude: Ozgurgun ... -ozgurgun/

...not a drop of water, not a watt of power is left; for what, why? If this government was not so corrupt and incompetant they would realise Cypriots are not fooled by them.

Indeed, i remember "Greeks" and "Turks" as murderers, if you think about it, "they" were never busy killing each other. But, for "being" Cypriot, not them, many died.

...what men like these have done for "Turkishness" in Cyprus, suggests why Turkey today has never been more divided. Cypriots exist, so do Turks. There is a big difference between a "Turk" and a Turk. I suppose Mr. Özgürgün would deny that.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby Mustiejodu » Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:33 am

There is only one enemy CORONAVIRUS. This epidemic should bring you all together and get your priority’s right
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Mar 29, 2020 5:22 pm

Mustiejodu, do you think "you" have your act together?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:43 pm

Saturday, November 24, 2018
Re: is this plan b

...while the discussion is focused on "Greeks" and "Turks", i will focus on the Cypriots who were (and are) their victims.

...indeed, for the "Turks" plan 'a', is (and always has been,) the island impotent, that no Cypriots exist, only "Greeks".

...indeed, if Akinci is a Cypriot, he will remind us who listen, on this fact. "Greeks" and "Turks", for the most part, never busied themselves killing each other.

...if he said that, standing under the Flag of Cyprus, a Turkish Constituency could exist.

As a Cypriot Constituency, as Persons, they may represent a tolerant society, (closer to their taxes with such representation effecting their daily lives), and, (being bicommunal,) representing themselves as Individuals under the Republic of Cyprus as Cypriots united toward defending not just this Liberty, but their Freedom, the Rule of Law and the Universal Principals on which it is based; as such, such an existence, Cypriot and Turkish speaking, is secured.

Nothing would prevent Cypriots as Cypriots to agree...

...that "being" Cypriot is possible, that while as Cypriots they are overwhelmingly Greek speaking, as Cypriots they are an ethnos.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:23 am

Tuesday, January 10, 2017
1 home, 2 owners: Cyprus deal to decide future of displaced ... a#comments

...a Cyprus divided, is a Turkey divided. One Flag in Turkey, One Flag in Cyprus; it is not hard to understand.

Cypriots should look to Canada when they want to look at a successful BBF (Bicommunal Bizonal Federation), its politics are interesting because it represents the kind of Mosaic as Persons, Cypriots, as Individuals, are looking for. Of course, Cypriots may look south, to the Melting Pot, for another, that is the USA, perhaps the greatest representation of a successful BBF there is, although the EU is at its advent.

...imagine, in the USA, it divided as is suggested by the wants of its minorities, so that they gain an exclusivity to Democracy in a territory defined by force and occupation. Imagine a USA where, forces like the USA, other countries, may act without prejudice, in the USA. Imagine that Cypriots do not want to live this way.

It is not a question of "Greeks" vs "Turks", though, the Problem, is framed that way. It is an issue of Sovereignty. Cyprus exists, its People, Cypriots, exist, despite much effort over decades to deny them this Justice. Let us not forget them, those who, for the most part, were murdered, or who were made to disappear; although they were killed by "Greeks" and "Turks", they were, not "Greeks", or, not "Turks", they died for "being" Cypriot.

Let us remember, "deals" aren't made on Universal Principals, although we can seek to better them, anything else is a betrayal.

One hopes, that on the twelfth, Mr. Erdogan, on such an historic day, with the world's eyes, and his electorate, upon him, does not shirk, again, an opportunity to join the rest of the world, to recognise, beyond a personage, colour or ethnicity, joy in a loving nature.
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