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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 12, 2020 11:42 am

Sunday, January 12, 2020
The 10 critical issues for resolving the Cyprus problem ... s-problem/.

..whatever it is, the solution needs to be something Turkey herself may emulate.

Just as there are Cypriot Constituencies, so too in Turkey, Turkish Constituencies.

...let us consider what "Turkishness" has done to Cyprus over the decades, let us consider what it is doing in Turkey, now. One Cyprus like one Turkey, should not be hard to understand. All Turks, like all Cypriots seek Equality, Justice seen; Freedom, their equality as Individuals, and Liberty, their equality as Persons.

"Turkishness" is tearing them apart.

...therefore, it is not what Turkey does to change Cyprus; the issue is the other way around: what can Cypriots do to change Turkey?

A divided Cyprus only means a Turkey even more divided. Unity in Cyprus will certainly help to define the differences in Turkey between Turks as a People, or, an ethnic group; an inclusive common language with other ethnic groups, or, opposed to it a dogma of "Turkishness", (which excludes all those not "Turkish").

It is Turkey's National cause, Cyprus. Though Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots specifically, may offer Hope to Turks (not "Turkish") in Turkey by "being" Cypriot. Small as they may be as a population, they, are the biggest threat to "Turkishness" itself, in Turkey. Their intentions will define for "minorities" what they may ask from a State; in that regard, a BBF, and for the same reasons, actually suits both of them well.

Unity in Cyprus is not hard to imagine, despite the dysfunctions of '63, or '74; let's not forget the economic facts, let's not forget that however voters are counted, despite the decades, something like half are (read: remain) Cypriot, the other half being "Greeks" and "Turks" who have their own candidates in any case.

The issue is for Cypriots to decide (and to demonstrate) that they are: Cypriot first, not "Greek", not "Turk", at another level of Government as constituencies sustaining their distinct identities, respecting and recognising the special needs of minorities living among them accordingly by providing as well for their needs.

...i do not despair, frankly. Not unlike the fact that a Turkish Cypriot represents Cyprus as its MEP in the EU, there will be Leadership candidates in the next elections who will seek the support of all Cypriots, to win.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:00 am

Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Stand up for federalism


...a well written opinion, worthy of thought, worth reading.

I stress the commitment made by Koray Basogrultmacı and Cinel Senem Husseyin, to fly the Flag of Cyprus outside their shop in Famagusta. More of us should demonstrate the same commitment, in the same way. It is "legal" now to fly this flag anywhere on the island, because of them.

What of our Leadership, when they glance out their window, what is the message we the people send to them, without this pride? If we love this island, if we are its steward, we must be willing to defend each other for this cause. We are not "Greeks" or "Turks" in that regard, we are Cypriots.

Time has come, after more than fifty years of Turkish Foreign Policy, and its failure with the Annan Plan, Cypriots still have the hope that their voice will be heard, like anywhere else in the world, they seek to measure themselves as Individuals, based on merit. Whether a set of Cypriot Constituencies exist or not, at another level of Government, this Liberty, for Persons, does not compare to Freedom, or the Universal Principals, the identity "Cypriot" represents, without further distinction or discrimination.

It is up to us, to fly that flag, the Flag of Cyprus, higher, now. It is what our leaders need to see beyond themselves as federal citizens too. It is up to us to fly that flag, the Flag of Cyprus, so that we can see beyond ourselves, doing so, we do not stand alone.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 24, 2020 6:21 am

Friday, February 22, 2019
'Greek Cypriots not contributing to Cyprus issue' ... prus-issue


While there is disagreement over what was said, what is clear is that Cypriots Turkish and Greek understand that the benefits of an end to the Problem, as Cypriots, far outweighs what either "Turkishness" and/or "Greekness" has to offer, (or has offered). Flag, one Country, one State, is easy enough to understand in Turkey, so too in Cyprus.

I believe that if for "Turkishness" Cyprus is divided, Turkey accordingly will divide.

Cyprus united may not be what "Turks" want, but it offers Hope to the rest of Turkey's population who are Turkish, and not "Turkish". Let's not forget that while Cyprus is very small, despite its dysfunction, it is a formidable adversary, which after decades of Turkey's occupation, does not submit, continues to prosper, and exist. Let's not forget that Cyprus on many occasions demonstrated its willingness to support Turkey as an equal, notably in sponsoring Turkey's application for membership when it was originally presented to the EU. Imagine, what it would mean to the Eastern Mediterranean if instead Cyprus and Turkey were allies and friends?

...with a small change in intentions, Mr. Erdogan may prove to be a great man, leaving a Legacy that makes Turkey worthy of emulation and esteem. Cyprus remains a key to this success. Let's not forget that what has divided Cyprus, for decades, now divides Turkey, because "Turkishness" rather than Turkey comes first.

(i am probably repeating myself, but this was read today from my blog, and i feel it is worth repeating.)
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:06 am

Monday, September 09, 2019
Letter to the Editor: On Erdogan and Cyprus Unity Talks ... ity-talks/ is really up to Mr. Akinci to decide who and what he represents, his voters as Cypriots for Cyprus, or for "Turkishness".

He may have the support of all Cypriots, exposing those "Greek", and those "Turkish", isolating them as one in the same, simply by standing under the Flag of Cyprus.

Let us not forget that Turkey too is torn, now, between its "Turks", and those who are Turkish. The problem may be described as the Cyprus Problem, but it is not isolated to Cyprus alone. Thus, it falls upon Mr. Akinci, the Hope to those he may betray, to demonstrate the qualities of a Statesmen, defending Universal Principals, and the Rule of Law. Let him remember that a Cyprus divided, leads to no Peace, and a Turkey divided just as dysfunctional.

...what is wrong with a Greek Constituency, if there is a Republic as well; most certainly a Turkish Constituency (and others) could exist if it was the case. What of enclaves, are they a dirty word if they were scattered across the whole island, even if the Green Line were to remain little unchanged? Indeed, Cyprus as an ethnos makes far more sense than it torn in two. It is the intentions which count, as a Cypriot People. thinking is needed. And respect and recognition, to the Cypriots who had their lives stolen, one way or another, for "being", not "Greek" and not "Turkish". One hopes that Greece and Turkey, (Great Britain as well), can see the value in Justice seen, that honors those who were murdered and made to disappear.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:15 pm

Indeed, if there is a road map, all roads lead to Cyprus.

The Cyprus problem is not the problem, but the Problem is.

While we are divided as "Greeks" and "Turks", it is easy for Cypriots to be forgotten in their midst. "Greekness" against "Turkishness" and/or vice versa is the Agenda. Thus, Cypriots are not the Problem, nor the problem, they are a People which remain, as people, under the subjugation of a mythic reality that "Turkishness", or "Greekness", matters more, than anything else.

Yet, how does this relate to oil and gas exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean, I ask? How is it oil and gas exploration, in Cyprus, has been linked to hostilities in the Aegean with Greece, and most recently, Libya.

Witness the Treaty of Sevres, "cornered" with the installation of a Sovereign base in Cyprus for his drones, so says Mr. Erdogan. Witness the Treaty of Lausanne, "tossed out a window'', his disruptive behaviour toward all his neighours, and now on the seas. His supremacy, militarily speaking, over any one of these adversaries (read: neighbours), is only a few years away, given the military-industrial complex he is growing.

Prepared to War, as such, will put him in a better negotiating position, if instead it comes to that.

But what does Turkey gain, from Cyprus, if it is divided for "Turkishness", the rest for others (read: "Greek")? It is not just Cyprus which is torn apart, but the very fabric that has made the notion of Humanity, above it. This is the Problem. And a Cyprus divided, means Turkey divided, for the same reason; Erdogan must know this.

What of Turkish Constituencies? What of the Kurds and the Alevi, are they not Turks, and Turkish? One Flag in Turkey, like one Flag in Cyprus makes perfect sense to me. Perhaps it is Cyprus that will change Turkey, and not the other way around. Perhaps a BBF in Turkey, with its own Constitutional reform is something to think about. ... 4781700400
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:49 pm

Monday, March 12, 2018
Our View: Anastasiades is taking the cowardly path to partition ... partition/

...if Mr. Akinci is a Cypriot, and not "Turkish", if he has the courage to expose Mr. Anastasiades as a "Greek", let him stand under the Flag of Cyprus, let him give Hope to the other half, voters like those who elected him.

...i expect more from Mr. Akinci, i expect no less from the President of Cyprus.

Let their wives' prepare the souvla, let them sit and eat in Peace. Let them recall who they are when they toast each other's good health.

Cypriots are Cypriots. They may be Turkish, they are not "Greeks", the question remains if they are "Turks". Or if as Turks, they can represent themselves as equals under Universal Principals, not as a Nation alone, but within a State.

...if i may suggest to the Labour movement, it is the Flag that counts. Pride is a worker's greatest asset, nothing adds more to a work's finish. Nothing like this Pride in a Flag, to spread its message. Let's see some pride in the Flag of Cyprus, across Cyprus. Dare, be Cypriot. Dare "them" to look out their windows, this Flag crowding out what others may fly. Who lacks courage?

...dare, Mr. Akinci, to return to Cypriots the Legislature they have to represent themselves as Cypriots by filling its empty seats. Dare, Mr. Anastasiades, to have Greek representatives waiting in the Communal Chamber, where, as Constituencies they meet. has always been up to Mr. Akinci, in affect, and in effect. .

For Cypriots, dare. For Cyprus, win. I would say to them at that dinner table.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:41 pm

Thursday, April 19, 2018
Why so many Turks are losing faith in Islam ... islam.html

...ilker, i nearly pushed the "like" button on one of your posts the other day, i thought to myself, can i agree with someone "Turkish"? are mistaken though, i am no "Greek", while being Greek; you "Turk"?

...what Greek is to Cyprus, is what Turkish is to Turkey. For Turks and Greeks alike, their "Turks", and "Greeks", as a bane are no different in many ways.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:43 pm

repulsewarrior says:
12 February 2020 at 6:36 pm
The threats from Turkey will continue, they may even escalate.

…indeed Cyprus needs Freedom, and Liberty too. But beside the “Greeks” and “Turks”, let us not forget that there are Cypriots, those for the most part, who were their victims for “being” Cypriot, Greek and Turkish.

It is not that Turkey is defending Cyprus, for Cypriots, that the world holds Turkey in such low esteem at the moment, although one can assume that as a Guarantor, it’s her aim. It is that “Turkishness” has divided Turkey itself, and for the same reasons.

It seems to me that Turkey needs Cyprus united, politically speaking; that a Cyprus divided only means a Turkey divided. Turkey is more than its “Turks”, just as Cyprus is more than its “Greeks”: something to think about. ... the-people
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:06 pm

Friday, February 14, 2020
Our View: Crystal clear Turkey wants Akinci out ... 4793742937

...thus, i ask, where is the Communal Chamber?

(...and as you say,)

Isn't it included in the Constitution, along with a Legislature?

Indeed, Turkish Cypriots should be asking for Greek Cypriots to join them in such a Chamber, just as Greeks are asking Turks to join them in the Legislature. How is this not Bicommunal, if as Greeks and Turks, as Persons, we recognise that this Liberty is based on respect and recognition, and accordingly, that such Constituencies demonstrate a willingness to provide for their minorities' special needs; that together they may demonstrate such a willingness to each other, and where numbers warrant the needs of other Cypriot Constituencies as well.

Indeed, it is as Cypriots, in Freedom, as Cypriots that we can realise these aspirations; to be loving, to respect and trust one another. The Individual, not as a "Greek", not as a "Turk", but as a Human being, also exists: a society based on merit without further distinction or discrimination. This voice needs its expression too. The problem in Cyprus, identified as the Problem, in effect is not about "Greeks" and "Turks", or Greeks and Turks, but "Greeks"/"Turks" against Greeks/Turks.

But, to get back to the question. I think Anastasiades understands this issue, to "be" an Individual and a Person; it is not clear yet if Akinci represents Turkish Cypriots, as Cypriots, also. More importantly, Akinci, in doing as i've suggested before, stand beside the Flag of Cyprus, will cause a furor; and yet who will be exposed, who then is the traitor: those who treat it like a rag.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 15, 2020 9:56 pm

...i just keep pounding at it,


...indeed there is no solution to the Problem, if Cyprus "belongs" to "Greeks" and "Turks"; this is the problem.

First, let us make it clear; Cypriots, as Individuals, need no further distinction or discrimination as Cypriots: This is Freedom. Then, as Persons we may find as Constituencies a way to promote these distinct identities, in such a State: This is Liberty. A Bicommunal Bizonal Federation: the People; as Individuals, as Persons.

Where is the Flag of Cyprus, behind Mr. Akinci's back, i ask. (easy for him so far, not "being" Cypriot.)

...oh what a furor that would cause. And who would support him? What would make clearer to Cypriots that he is no "Turk", but a Cypriot who has the same desire to see "them" no longer holding the Agenda? Who would listen to what he had to say, then? Unfettered, the question remains, what would he say? As a "man of Peace" does he have the conviction to "be" Cypriot? Clearly, those "Greek" and "Turkish" would have a lot to say about it. But most importantly, looking into ourselves, would we change ourselves, overcoming the fear within us, to support one another, Turkish and Greek, for Cyprus, as Cypriots, with those "Turkish" and "Greek" so exposed? ... ederation/
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