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Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Dec 07, 2019 12:40 am

Sunday, October 18, 2015
Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...??? ... ml#p827144


Mustiejodu, it is Turkey that is in a squeeze, and it is Erdogan that is doing the squeezing, be realistic. How can you give this man so much confidence? Is there anything in Turkey at the moment that is in order? for Cyprus, and this water, it exemplifies what should be our worst fears, i say "our" as human beings, not just as Cypriots. Not a thought about water management, nothing about conservation, not even its distribution, nothing about it at all as a matter of fact, it just appears, as though it is free, as though nothing has to be learned from the past, as though "new" means new forever; if that is not propaganda, what is?

Turkey is not a leader, or should i say Erdogan's Turkey only tarnishes that potential. The great achievement was only paid for, it is not Turkish, except that a "Turk" in affect had it made in Turkey. Pardon me, but after all this time, i'm still hoping that some good can come from all this effort. I don't see the political reward for one man and a Party as progress, just being happy to see water where there was none should not be enough for the rest of us, Turkish, Greek, "Greek", or the world at large (read: anything not "Turkish").

Water as a weapon, for Peace; sounds to me like a two edge sword. I just don't want to see more cucumbers grown by "Turks", for "Turkey", in Cyprus., Mustiejodu, i can imagine, can see as a Cypriot, the logic in this.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Dec 08, 2019 12:13 am

Saturday, August 04, 2012
Our view: Old-style hero worship has no relevance today - Cyprus Mail#comments ... 1#comments

If Mr. Malas wants to support a Federal Solution, i ask, if there is a Republic, and a Turkish Constituency, where is the Greek Constituency?

Turkey may be the 800 pound guerilla in the room, but the fact remains, Justice in Cyprus is to be seen, and it is Cypriots which must display this toward each other. For the proxy war to end, Turks and Greeks can be equals, with National Assemblies for their self-representation, as Persons. But, in a Bicommunal State, as Individuals without distinction or discrimination, as Citizens, united, they would vote for a Federal Government, to defend and to better Universal Principals, as well.

...Mr. Malas, think 12.5 million, two hundred years from now, can anyone imagine the demographics of this island to remain unchanged even fifty years from now? what is best for this island's dwellers, if

like Makarios you fought for Free Will, not just Liberty? and like Makarios, if you lay the blame on Greece, the Greek elite who to this day corrupt themselves, why then the denial, unlike Makarios, that a Cypriot State is better?

...personally, if i could, i would fly the Cypriot Flag attached to my car's attenna, and drive right round the island, in tribute to the great man (and men/women), who chose Cyprus first. if i was a Politician, I would focus on one Cyprus, and the opportunities that existed if within a Territorial Jurisdiction Greek came first, like in a Turkish, Maronite, Armenian, etc. Constituency, equal for the same reason. if i was a Leader, i would seek closure for the displaced, all Cypriots, not just "Greeks", i would seek to have for them the pleasure of their Properties restored, and for some at least, the Right of Return as they left, as Communities. in my Cyprus, enclaves are not a dirty word, they would be scattered across the whole geography of the island, obliging National Assemblies like those Greek and Turkish to provide service to an electorate island-wide, securing Freedom of Movement, and Association because even if the Green Line remains unchanged it becomes a frontier amongst many, not a border; Bizonal because there is one Sovereignty, and within it an ability to sustain diversity geographically.

...Mr. Malas, like his contemporaries have no vision, if they cannot see the value of a Greek state, within a Cypriot State. they are Statesman, like Makarios if they can provide a way of life where we can define ourselves as Individuals while we sustain our Identities as Persons; they are, in my mind traitors to all Mankind if they resist the changes which take us beyond the 19th Century and passed the Modern Age.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Dec 12, 2019 6:53 am

Friday, February 22, 2019
'Greek Cypriots not contributing to Cyprus issue' ... prus-issue


While there is disagreement over what was said, what is clear is that Cypriots Turkish and Greek understand that the benefits of an end to the Problem, as Cypriots, far outweighs what either "Turkishness" and/or "Greekness" has to offer, (or has offered). Flag, one Country, one State, is easy enough to understand in Turkey, so too in Cyprus.

I believe that if for "Turkishness" Cyprus is divided, Turkey accordingly will divide.

Cyprus united may not be what "Turks" want, but it offers Hope to the rest of Turkey's population who are Turkish, and not "Turkish". Let's not forget that while Cyprus is very small, despite its dysfunction, it is a formidable adversary, which after decades of Turkey's occupation, does not submit, continues to prosper, and exist. Let's not forget that Cyprus on many occasions demonstrated its willingness to support Turkey as an equal, notably in sponsoring Turkey's application for membership when it was originally presented to the EU. Imagine, what it would mean to the Eastern Mediterranean if instead Cyprus and Turkey were allies and friends?

...with a small change in intentions, Mr. Erdogan may prove to be a great man, leaving a Legacy that makes Turkey worthy of emulation and esteem. Cyprus remains a key to this success. Let's not forget that what has divided Cyprus, for decades, now divides Turkey, because "Turkishness" rather than Turkey comes first.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Dec 21, 2019 10:23 pm

Saturday, December 21, 2019
Turkey Racks Up Tension In The Eastern Mediterranean ... ent-815869


...except for the first paragraph, "an area largely inhabited by ethnic Turks", the article is factually correct. The late President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Papadopoulos, as a young man, once said that Turkish Cypriots are a part of the Cypriot fabric, that by taking a map of the island and scattering sand over it, one can accurately describe where you would find them.

...indeed, "Turkishness" has divided the island, as it is dividing Turkey now. And yet, lets not forget that those "Turkish" and "Greek" in Cyprus were never busy for the most part killing each other. Those Cypriot, not "Greek" or not "Turkish", those who stayed in their homes and on their farms, those believing that a notion such as Humankind, a Rule of Law, and Universal Principals exists, were their victims, now disappeared, or murdered, (and the displaced). This is the Cyprus, "Problem".

...consider, how gas exploration, the Aegean, and now Libya have been linked to the Cyprus Problem.
Consider Erdogan's declared ambitions for a "Blue Turkey", (is the "Russian pond" next?), and that he has declared the Treaty of Lausanne, "tossed out a window"; most recently, "the Treaty of Serves (placed) into the corner", describing as this important, the drones being deployed to the illegally occupied territories in Cyprus. Consider, after the Americans, and the Chinese, what deal did he strike for the Russian S-400s? It is not "equity" Erdogan seeks through his actions, but total supremacy.

Yet, it would not be hard for Erdogan to change his intentions, with the recognition that Cypriots exist. It requires a comprehensive solution involving all of Turkey's neighbours.

One hopes that Erdogan's vision is greater than defining Turkey exclusively as a religious empire centered around a Caliphate in Istanbul, the "protector" of such a State/state; that to the rest of us not "Turkish" he lives, not in infamy, but as a Statesman who deserves much esteem, who by bringing the protagonists together, bettering the world for all.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Dec 27, 2019 5:48 am

Thursday, December 26, 2019
Oh, Woe Is Poor Turkey… ... or-turkey/


…if i may add to a most interesting opinion piece, that, Cyprus, is the key to all these issues; i ask:

why must Cypriots be denied their identity as Cypriots, how is it that Turkey as a “National cause” denies their existence; are the Alevi not Turkish, or the Kurds? (never mind the Greeks and the Armenians they hardy exist in Turkey anymore)
…i ask, if Cyprus cannot be “Greek”, how is Turkey “Turkish”?

why has “Turkishness” taken the view that Turks, not “Turkish”, are their adversary, for decades in Cyprus, and now in Turkey, “it” tearing it apart? Is the world, that which is not “Turkish”, what willfully they are hostile toward, what “Turks” are against?

with the Aegean, and now Libya, linked to oil and gas, having been linked to Cyprus, will he negotiate a settlement of equals that is as comprehensive as UNCLOS, and a suitable improvement to the Treaty of Lausanne, having disrupted the balance of power, thus having brought the protagonists together?

…by recognising Cyprus, as Cypriot, he may have all these things; Fame, the esteem of all Humankind, Peace among all his neighbours, even Peace at home. He may find in such a notion, recognising Cypriots as a People whether Turkish or Greek, one country, that Cyprus may be made up of Cypriot constituencies, as Persons quite diverse as well, but that they support equally the Universal Principals on which, as Individuals they are prepared to defend each other.

…by tearing Cyprus in half, isn’t infamy his Legacy?

…is it in Cyprus that he is looking for the “perfect” BBF, something he can emulate?
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 02, 2020 12:13 am

Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The flag, the right wing, and partition (2) ... partition/

...there is no apology that can be made to excuse the extremists among us. A Flag, sometimes, is not just a flag.

Indeed sports, youth, are being exploited for "National" causes.

Pride in ethnicity, a willingness to promote it, is not anathema to respect for "others" with the same feelings; yes, it is complicated.

Those who place their ''Greekness'', or their ''Turkishness'' before the responsibility we have toward each other as Cypriots, (and as Human beings,) only serve to assure there is neither the Liberty 'they' seek, and the Freedom 'we' seek. This is the Problem.

Cypriots, Greek and Turkish, my hope will fly their Flag, the Flag of Cyprus, with as much Pride, as do the "Greeks" and "Turks" who live among us. This too, is the Problem.

(from my blog, someone in Japan read this today; Xrovia Pola!)
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 03, 2020 9:12 pm

Saturday, September 06, 2014
No, Vladimir Putin isn’t another Adolf Hitler ... lf-hitler/

...yes, one can "hope" that Putin can do better, for the lives of the dwellers on the land he grabs, than Turkey in Cyprus.
...Putin to me represents the biggest Capitalist supporter there is, I find it strange that he did not outright buy the Crimea, and whatever else he wants. It seems to me Russia has the money, and in the end, perhaps, in his new thinking something that can be emulated, rather than as it is perceived, plunder, having created so much enmity, no different to what occurred in the past elsewhere. is Humanity which is at war with its worst parts, Russia is not placing itself toward that service. Putin may still represent its good parts, or even its best qualities, because he has the power to do so. But, like all of us he must change himself in confronting his own fears. Let's face it, he is part of the 1%, (or wants to be), where the rest of us are the 99%. What of his legacy in Russia, or the "new" Capitalism he spawned, it is moments like these that are so filled with irony, where the revolution Marx predicted as inevitable could happen, when "we" realise who the "them" are, quite clearly, and act accordingly.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 05, 2020 8:58 pm

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
United States of Cyprus? ... 2161765036


...the good news is that both leaders agree. There will be a united Cyprus.

Let us hope that as Citizens, the people will be identified by merit, if there is to be distinctions and discrimination. Let us hope as Cypriots we will get to vote as Individuals, as Cypriots. And let us hope, being Bicommunal, that as Persons, at another level of Government, Cypriots may choose to identify with one of a set of Cypriot Constituencies, where they can live and sustain a life of happiness, as an elector an equal, whether perceived "a minority", or "a majority", there.

...Frankly, I like RoC, Republic of Cyprus.

It is not the name that is to be changed, but the intention. If anything, for the sake of those missing, murdered, and made to disappear, the name should stay the same. Whether Turkish, or Greek, (or Armenian, Latin, and Maronite for that matter), let us remember that they were robbed of their Cypriot identity, for their Cypriot identity, by "Greeks", and "Turks"; changing the name suits "them".
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 09, 2020 6:43 pm

Friday, December 07, 2018
Re: In Praise of the Dead

...for the missing, the dead, and the families which survive them, this is a big step.

If we do not recognise these, our fallen, as Cypriots: we fail them, they die in vain; we fail ourselves, as Cypriots never Free. forget Maximus, on the subject of the missing: who was murdered and made to disappear were Cypriot; for "being" Cypriot, victims.

...that's the point; there is no "Greek" or "Turkish" in being Cypriot while we may be Greek and Turkish: there is this difference.
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Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 10, 2020 9:46 pm

Thursday, June 22, 2017
If Turkey loses Cyprus, it loses everything in the E. Med. ... the-e-med/

...I do not agree. If anything a Cyprus re-united, is a beginning for Turkey, not an end.

Mr. Erdogan has only to make a small change in intention to recognise Cypriots exist.

What is "Turkishness" may end. That is to say it may change itself, and its intentions. A Cyprus divided, is a Turkey divided. Witness what has been done to Cyprus, having its "Turks", and those, not "Turk". Witness what is happening today, in Turkey, where it is more divided than ever for the same political dogma. There is a big difference between Turks, and "Turks"; this is clear. The Turks are a diverse People. Turkey, as in Cyprus, is not "Turkish", (nor "Greek",) it is and has always been more than that.

And what of the "Greeks" and "Turks" in Cyprus? Think about it, were they ever busy at killing each other? The answer is no. Although at their hands many Cypriots died for not "being" them. "Greeks" and "Turks" are the same, "Greeks" and "Turks" are not Cypriots. It is the Cypriot people who need protection against "them"; this is worth thinking about, in Cyprus, and for Turkey and its Citizens, to be Free, to have Liberty. I have said before, i will say it again, it is not the Turkish Cypriots that should be looking to Turkey for help. It is the other way around. In Cyprus, Turks, as Cypriots have the opportunity to represent themselves as Persons, as a Constituency, and as Individuals to represent themselves as Cypriots. This is the same hope Turks who are not "Turkish" in Turkey have: that they may have in Turkey's own Constitutional reform a form of self-representation as Persons, as Constituencies, as well.

Mr. Akinci is well placed to serve Cypriots, and those who are Turkish; he needs to express his disdain for, "Greeks" and "Turks", being Cypriot, being not "Greek" nor "Turkish". It is time for him to say it well, one Turkey, one Cyprus, so that Turks and "Turks" may find their Peace as Human beings, those who believe in God, and even those who do not, to serve lovingly each other.
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