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Re: Fuego!

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue May 15, 2018 4:54 pm

I liked the fat chick, she was charasmatic,entertaining, and I was mesmerized by the colors the movements the song and its lyrics, Im glad she won I would have voted for her over the Cypriot chick who was too mainstream and boring and basically a clone of Anna Vissi, who I also dislike, because i suggested to her not to sing songs in English because her accent was too heavy. She called me an asshole.
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Re: Fuego!

Postby yialousa1971 » Tue May 15, 2018 5:27 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Me: Hey, Cap, would you like to tell us who gave Cyprus 12 points? :D


GreekIslandGirl wrote:I truly thought Greece would struggle to justify giving it 12 points and dignifying it. But their brotherliness shone through and they rose above bad taste to support us. If Cap cannot understand who in this world are truly going to stand by us, then we are lost forever.


All I see is you denigrating Cyprus' entry and effort and praising Greece using dubious and unconvincing 'evidence' (Greece was one of 6 countries that gave max 12 jury votes to Cyprus). With Cypriots (or 'Cypriots' as RW would say) like you, what need is there for enemies ?

I have no complaints with other countries giving Cyprus maximum points. But your attempt to score some cheap point for supposedly supporting a song because it takes the name of Cyprus (regardless of personal taste) has a number of undertones which have been pointed out in the past.

I happen to believe each country should sing in their native language. (It might give the UK that much-needed advantage. :P )

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Re: Fuego!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue May 15, 2018 6:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Cap wrote:
Greece HAD a goldmine that was waiting to be discovered and exploited, but their blatant racism blinded them from capitalizing from it.

Yes, that's usually the case.
Albanians don't go down well with Greeks.
Neither do Cypriots.

Yeh Albanians don’t go down well in Greece. They are associated with crime, and cheap labour so they don’t go down too well in Greece. That is true.

But Cypriots not going down too well in Greece is totally nonsense! Where did you get that from? Cypriots do just fine in Greece with hardly any differentiation from Greeks.

There are striking differences in our mentality and ethics that quite often lead to tension. These differences are more with those living around Athens. less with those in Thessaloniki, and much less with the Islanders.
Those who settle there simply adapt. Like the mainland Greeks adapt when the settle in Cyprus. But the differences never disappear...
Doesn't mean we or them are better though.
Cypriots like you who were born abroad and basically raised/got educated among the mixed greek+ greek cypriot diaspora may not notice any difference but we the locally born do....
I guess this is the case of GIG as well

I find Greeks more down to earth generally.

Anyway, you can't generalise because Greeks in Australia and America are different than Greeks who have stayed in Greece because the Greeks in the Diaspora have been exposed to other cultures and ways of thinking.

I never have any issues with people living in Athens. What I dislike about Athens are the Foreigners. The Greeks in Athens are mostly villagers from the country trying to get by in a big city. When you are in a big city, you can not behave like if you are in a small village. First of all, there are lots of people, and a lot of crime. You got to watch your back. When you are in a small village or in the country, you are carefree and more trusting, probably happier and more trusting. In a big city, you are less carefree. Also, the cost of living is about 10 times more, so you need to establish your lifestyle and way of life. In big cities like Hong Kong, New York, or Sydney and even Athens, that isn't as easy as it is in Limassol or in Cyprus in general.

It's the same in every city. 99% of people are ok, but you just got to watch out for the 1 percenters that will knife you. The bigger the city, the worse it is.

I do not buy that Athenians are bad. They are not bad. they are just in a big city and Cyprus is small in comparison and that is the difference. You can't compare life in Cyprus to life in Athens, or even worse, life in Sydney, Melbourne, New York, or Chicago.

You give me the impression you know absolutely nothing about the differences between locally born and raised Greek Cypriots and Mainland Greeks.
There's no other way for me to explain the content of your post that tries to explain the issue by the fact that people living in big towns like Athens/Sydney etc are different anyway.
No that's not the reason. The are inherited differences between locally born and raised Greek Cypriots and mainland Greeks. These differences exist EVERYWHERE not only in big towns like Athens but also, in towns of any size, in villages and the most remote areas.
And it's not only that. Our dialect is mocked and laughed at to the point nobody dares to speak Cypriot Greek.
The mere fact that every GC tries to mimic their accent and way of speaking is enough to make every GC feel uncomfortable/confused/ and unable to express himself. Then come all the other differences on top of everything.
I ve seen many GCs bursting to fights while on vocation there, for not much of a reason, making us look ridiculous and stupid.

You should discuss the issue with local GCs to understand, honestly you expats give me the impression you live on another planet.
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Re: Fuego!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue May 15, 2018 6:28 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:I liked the fat chick, she was charasmatic,entertaining, and I was mesmerized by the colors the movements the song and its lyrics, Im glad she won I would have voted for her over the Cypriot chick who was too mainstream and boring and basically a clone of Anna Vissi, who I also dislike, because i suggested to her not to sing songs in English because her accent was too heavy. She called me an asshole.

Did you really understand the lyrics?
I didn't get a single word. Not that I understood much of the other "English" songs anyway :lol: :lol:
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Re: Fuego!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 15, 2018 7:11 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I guess this is the case of GIG as well

No, it's not. I was born in Cyprus. However, like all of us Cyprus-associated individuals, we have a different perspective.

My Cypriot peasant-village accent was picked up on not only in Greece but also by people from Nicosia. Our dialects vary according to what part of Cyprus we come from and so are not recognizable only to mainland Greeks as some seem to think. Equally, Athenians readily identify the Cretan accent too (which is not far off from the Cypriot one anyway).

Unfortunately, we have a (minor) class system in operation which is education-based (related to wealth levels), and like most other countries it has the speakers closest to the Standard Form at the top. If I had to meet professional people or those in authority in Cyprus, I tried to speak more like my mother (mid-Greece accent) so that they (Cypriot educated classes) wouldn't immediately identify me as an 'uneducated peasant'. :)
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Re: Fuego!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 15, 2018 7:14 pm

Anyway, like I said at the start, before erolz jumped in, I think second position is the best place. Under the circumstances, the belligerent Turkey would not miss an opportunity to cause us some further trouble.
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Re: Fuego!

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 15, 2018 7:19 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:I liked the fat chick, she was charasmatic,entertaining, and I was mesmerized by the colors the movements the song and its lyrics, Im glad she won I would have voted for her over the Cypriot chick who was too mainstream and boring and basically a clone of Anna Vissi, who I also dislike, because i suggested to her not to sing songs in English because her accent was too heavy. She called me an asshole.

:shock: It’s official… you do drugs. :?
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Re: Fuego!

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 15, 2018 7:24 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I happen to believe each country should sing in their native language.

That was abandoned decades ago so there's no point in using that excuse today to undermine the Cypriot entry which mopped the floor with the competition.

As for the Greek song (since you like Greek cultural things) it was as interesting as Milti's fishing adventures... :lol:
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Re: Fuego!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue May 15, 2018 8:18 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I guess this is the case of GIG as well

No, it's not. I was born in Cyprus. However, like all of us Cyprus-associated individuals, we have a different perspective.

My Cypriot peasant-village accent was picked up on not only in Greece but also by people from Nicosia. Our dialects vary according to what part of Cyprus we come from and so are not recognizable only to mainland Greeks as some seem to think. Equally, Athenians readily identify the Cretan accent too (which is not far off from the Cypriot one anyway).

Unfortunately, we have a (minor) class system in operation which is education-based (related to wealth levels), and like most other countries it has the speakers closest to the Standard Form at the top. If I had to meet professional people or those in authority in Cyprus, I tried to speak more like my mother (mid-Greece accent) so that they (Cypriot educated classes) wouldn't immediately identify me as an 'uneducated peasant'. :)

OK thanks. Did I understand correctly that your mother is actually a mainland Greek?
Also could you please clarify at what age you left Cyprus?

About the issue of exchanging 12 points that's very common in Eurovision among neighboring countries, The Scandinavians exchange 12 points between each other, Turkey with Azerbaijan just to name a few. That's one more reason it's a stupid competition.
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Re: Fuego!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue May 15, 2018 8:24 pm

Get Real! wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:I happen to believe each country should sing in their native language.

That was abandoned decades ago so there's no point in using that excuse today to undermine the Cypriot entry which mopped the floor with the competition.

As for the Greek song (since you like Greek cultural things) it was as interesting as Milti's fishing adventures... :lol:

It looks to me you fell for Fureira. :lol:
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