...good news the numbers grow. Let's hope so minded, more Cypriots will also take responsibility, before abandoning their garbage senselessly.
http://cyprus-mail.com/2018/04/23/volun ... top-40000/
CrookedRiverGuy wrote:Still I hope the common Cypriot will change his attitude pretty soon. What really annoys me is how much litter you will find alongside roads, even in remote, otherwise nice surroundings. It's like every wayfarer reasons "now that i have finished this tin of coke, let me just throw it out of the car window - what the heck there is no one here to see it".
Leave nothing but footprints!
Get Real! wrote:CrookedRiverGuy wrote:Still I hope the common Cypriot will change his attitude pretty soon. What really annoys me is how much litter you will find alongside roads, even in remote, otherwise nice surroundings. It's like every wayfarer reasons "now that i have finished this tin of coke, let me just throw it out of the car window - what the heck there is no one here to see it".
Leave nothing but footprints!
It’s mostly the peasants from villages that dump their stuff wherever they think they can’t be noticed, but the government is also at fault for charging visits to landfills.
Abolish such stupid charges and far more people will opt to do the right thing.
CrookedRiverGuy wrote:Get Real! wrote:CrookedRiverGuy wrote:Still I hope the common Cypriot will change his attitude pretty soon. What really annoys me is how much litter you will find alongside roads, even in remote, otherwise nice surroundings. It's like every wayfarer reasons "now that i have finished this tin of coke, let me just throw it out of the car window - what the heck there is no one here to see it".
Leave nothing but footprints!
It’s mostly the peasants from villages that dump their stuff wherever they think they can’t be noticed, but the government is also at fault for charging visits to landfills.
Abolish such stupid charges and far more people will opt to do the right thing.
By the way; what is this huge sign you can see at the high-ways threatening with fines of €854 (if I remember the amount correctly ... who came up with that figure?) for littering. Did anyone ever got punished? Probably not
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