Ive moved to nicosia from the uk and i really like cyprus... what a fantastic place

however ive got an issue, in the u.k ive got a mrk 1 mr2 T bar ... 1987 .
its in excelent cond and i dont wish to part with it.
after reading the document regarding importing of the car is the mr2 "duty exempt?".. it lists you need to pay tax on saloons, hatchbacks and 4x4s and twin cabs... however sports cars are not listed?
is the car liable to any other taxes?
Im here for a year to maybe two years.
thing is if i regester the car over here i need the car to be in cyprus for 3 years under my ownership.. is this correct?!
if i bring it over and use it on british plates it can only be here for 6 months.
is there any way i can get an extention on this time of 6 months?