USS Donald Cook
The truth? ......
As you see it! No supportive evidence required of course, as you know that your views always reflect an unquestionable truth. i.e. You may be wrong but no one is allowed to question it.On April 12, 2014 A Russian SU24 (1960s vintage –
I am surprised they didn’t us an AN-2 ... now that really would have been embarrassing!) "Buzzed" The USS Donald Cook for 90
(40-45 actually) minutes, within international waters
(Just!) it was cowboy. It flew at high speed within 30 feet of the ship.
(OMG) Just imagine what would have happened if it had collided. Although, I’m sure the subsequent carnage would have been spun by the Kremlin as the ship's fault. Echoed by the ever faithful.
Just as you, as a representative of your exceptional nation’s ‘ever faithful’, but of course we have to take into account that as THE Exceptional Nation such insignificant considerations as rules, conventions, laws and charters only apply to other nations! It wasn't in any sense training. Aircraft/ship engagements nowadays will
mostly take place tens, if not hundreds of miles from each other.
It was simple a demonstration of their capability .... just like the 103 missile attack on Douma. The first incident ignored convention ......... the second ignored International Law and the UN charter.The fantasy?
Is it? Who says? You? The SU24 carried a secret new weapon (which us keyboard tappers in nowhere-ville now know all about ) that totally neutralised the ship. Completely demoralising the crew and proving that this "secret" device would amount to the total neutralisation of all western fleets.
Khibiny..... remember that name! It exists and has been demonstrated. Your denial does not make it a fantasy!Reality?
The reality is that it won’t be the first time that Russia has proved to be far more technically advanced than the US and has caught them by surprise. The unreachable U2 that Russia shot down, the first satellite (Sputnik), the first living thing into orbit (Laika) and returned safely to earth, the first human launched into orbit around the earth (Gargarin) and the first woman into space (Tereshkova). The first satellite to crash land onto the Moon, the first soft landing satellite on the Moon, the first satellite to pass over the dark side of the Moon.
Plus of course the Mig 15 the US decided was a load of junk, it was all hype .... and then the F-86 met them in the skies above Korea and found out differently; the designers/constructors of the Worlds largest heavy lift aircraft. Their acquisition of firstly the A-bomb, then the H-bomb, then the largest nuclear device ever detonated. They produced ‘Concordski’ .... but the US failed. The list of Russian firsts and technical achievements is quite extensive. As someone with common sense and a reasonable knowledge of history, I think that going on past records, maybe you are counting your chickens before they hatch? Never underestimate the capability of your opponent! It's a load of absolute bullshite, as anyone with an ounce of common sense would appreciate and acknowledge. Otherwise, of course, we are all doomed!!
In your opinion of course, but you are not alone, there are other ‘useful idiots’ who believe everything the US says is the reality!