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Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:08 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:ITS P U T I N
The entire world knows, not you it seems, it shows your immaturity.

It's basic phonetics 101! :roll:

just sound the word out and you will see kit is like Poo, Moo, Loo, Too, Boo, Goo, Zoo etc etc.

Pootin isn't a Golf Putter ok?

I am sure you know about the ELO rating system.
It was based on maths and originally used in Chess.
The inventor was this University Professor

Well I was in a group where the ELO strength was often a matter of discussion.
I thought it was some initialism - something like E.L.O, hence I always wrote it with capital letters.
One day just out of the blues one Math professor from MIT got totally pissed off with me and asked me
why do I show disrespect to Professor Arpad Elo's surname?
I was totally shocked.
I said I had no idea it was someone's surname. I thought it was an initialism and spelled like E-L-O.
No he said it spells something like e-low, and should always be written as Elo. Everyone else agreed. Imagine my embarrassment.
Eventually I had to apologize LOL.

I often wonder if such a thing happened to me while I had no intention to insult anybody, imagine what could happen to you, who do it intentionally to insult Putin e.g. in newspaper comments, or some other forum, or even in live protests.
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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:23 pm

Nobody can possibly take this idiot's views seriously when we all know he is consumed with hatred for Putin and Russia in general. For one to sound serious one must be objective and have well balanced views. Some years back my signature always carried this " Long live America the greatest nation on earth ( after Cyprus)"
Still holds true today , however it does not in any way infer that I support each and every action that the US takes, or for that matter Cyprus, the island that I have always loved and continually praised, it doesn't however mean that I remain silent on " cultural" ...anomalies such as driving, religion or nepotism that rears its ugly head almost daily, koumbaro syndrome.
One uses one's logic to applaud or to criticise any aspect, this guy has no logic what so ever.
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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby Londonrake » Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:41 pm

miltiades wrote:......... it doesn't however mean that I remain silent on " cultural" ...anomalies such as driving, religion or ...........

...........beards. Don't forget the beards! :lol: :wink:
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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:42 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:ITS P U T I N
The entire world knows, not you it seems, it shows your immaturity.

It's basic phonetics 101! :roll:

just sound the word out and you will see kit is like Poo, Moo, Loo, Too, Boo, Goo, Zoo etc etc.

Pootin isn't a Golf Putter ok?

I am sure you know about the ELO rating system.
It was based on maths and originally used in Chess.
The inventor was this University Professor

Well I was in a group where the ELO strength was often a matter of discussion.
I thought it was some initialism - something like E.L.O, hence I always wrote it with capital letters.
One day just out of the blues one Math professor from MIT got totally pissed off with me and asked me
why do I show disrespect to Professor Arpad Elo's surname?
I was totally shocked.
I said I had no idea it was someone's surname. I thought it was an initialism and spelled like E-L-O.
No he said it spells something like e-low, and should always be written as Elo. Everyone else agreed. Imagine my embarrassment.
Eventually I had to apologize LOL.

I often wonder if such a thing happened to me while I had no intention to insult anybody, imagine what could happen to you, who do it intentionally to insult Putin e.g. in newspaper comments, or some other forum, or even in live protests.

I am not really familiar with the Elo system or how such chess calculations are made. I know there is a Elo ranking system for Football, and it is different to the FIFA Rankings. I am not sure if it is even related.

Well, I have every intention to show disrespect to pootin. I have zero respect for this criminal. Even if I saw him in a public place and he came to shake my hand I will not be shaking his or even exchange the slightest of pleasantries.

I am actually of the opinion that the Australia should now boycott the World Cup in Russia. There really is no reason for the Australian Football Team to go to Russia. I also believe that the Russian Embassy in Canberra should be closed down completely and indefinitely. I also believe that Australia should close all its embassies in Russia and withdraw all diplomats. This is all inevitable so might as well just get on with it.

This is the only language Pootin understands. There is zero respect from Pootin towards other Nations and this is showing through his behavior. there is not even the slightest reconciliation from him over the shooting down of MH17.

Further to this you say I am being insulting to Pootin. Have you taken notice of how liberals are teasing Trump? If anyone should be offended it should be Trump. Because he cops it from everywhere and unfairly too in my opinion.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:45 pm

miltiades wrote:Nobody can possibly take this idiot's views seriously when we all know he is consumed with hatred for Putin and Russia in general. For one to sound serious one must be objective and have well balanced views. Some years back my signature always carried this " Long live America the greatest nation on earth ( after Cyprus)"
Still holds true today , however it does not in any way infer that I support each and every action that the US takes, or for that matter Cyprus, the island that I have always loved and continually praised, it doesn't however mean that I remain silent on " cultural" ...anomalies such as driving, religion or nepotism that rears its ugly head almost daily, koumbaro syndrome.
One uses one's logic to applaud or to criticise any aspect, this guy has no logic what so ever.

Are you objective. I mean is your love affair with Pootin objective when Pootin is one of the most hated world leaders in the world.

Pootin isn't well liked nd there are many reasons for that.

And once again. It isn't personal. It is his behavior that is hated. His criminal behavior and support for one of the most criminal regimes in the world.

The Coalition's actions have resulted in the defeat of ISIL. Make no mistake about that. It is likely that without Coalition involvement, ISIL will still be going very strong in Syria because Pootin did just about nothing to fight ISIL (except in Palmyra).

If anything, Pootin should be thanking the Coalition but we are not interested in the praises of criminals. Assad created ISIL and it will create the same once again and history will repeat itself. Assad is at fault for ISIL much like the Iraqi Government was at fault too.

And ISIL want their apocalyptic fight with the West in Syria so we will be back as it is written in the Koran.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:01 pm

The koran was written by ignorant, the bible too, medieval men, notice that women did not take part in the writtings of both mythological books.

As for be being in with Putin, don't be so fucking stupid, see if you can possibly energize at least one logical sense cell.
Putin may very well ve a dictator but keeps Russia together, if you compare him to ....lover boy Trump you will see many similarities.
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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:04 pm

miltiades wrote:The koran was written by ignorant, the bible too, medieval men, notice that women did not take part in the writtings of both mythological books.

As for be being in with Putin, don't be so fucking stupid, see if you can possibly energize at least one logical sense cell.
Putin may very well ve a dictator but keeps Russia together, if you compare him to ....lover boy Trump you will see many similarities.

Pootin can't keep anything together unless of course you mean the carpet-bombing of Grozny! I didn't think Russia was so fragile that it was about to fall apart. If I was Pootin, I would be getting rid of places like Chechnya. No amount of resources is worth the trouble. Pootin is playing with fire.

there is only so far he will go before the chickens start coming home. They have already started to come home.

The West is only too happy to fulfill as much of the prophecy as is possible. It's the bit about Satan being defeated we have a problem with.
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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:26 pm

Satan, the koran, the bible, all nothing more than pure mythology.
Putin seems to be a strong leader and far more effective than most of the western leaders.
Trump, the one you called an idiot, on the other hand appears to be a blind captain in charge of a ...submarine.
He , unlike Putin, isnt a statestman, But i give to him, he loves twitter !!!
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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:31 pm

"Boris Johnson issues Russia threat and urges Nato to act
BORIS Johnson will demand “reckless and destabilising" Russia must be dealt with before it is too late during a crunch summit with Nato counterparts.
The CLOWN seems to share views with our very own General Clown !!!
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Re: Evidence suggests that the S400 is a dud!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:47 pm

miltiades wrote:Satan, the koran, the bible, all nothing more than pure mythology.
Putin seems to be a strong leader and far more effective than most of the western leaders.
Trump, the one you called an idiot, on the other hand appears to be a blind captain in charge of a ...submarine.
He , unlike Putin, isnt a statestman, But i give to him, he loves twitter !!!

I wouldn't call him effective.

he is one of the most isolated and hated leaders on the planet, and that does not make him effective.

He should read "How to make friends, and influence people".

And by ineffective West, well that's because we are accountable and can't do what we want without repercussions.
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