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US launches missile strikes on Syria

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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:03 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:yes and the other missiles were Shadow Storm and JASSM, which are pretty much the same as Tomahawks but with less range.

I was referring to the video Get Real posted which supposedly depicts the shooting down of a Tomahawk or Shadow, or JASSM. All of which we can almost touch with our fingertips from a 2 storey building and all of which just hug the terrain to shadow their approach.

Tomahawk is just a Cruise Missile that has a range of up to 3000 kms, whilst Shadow and JASSM are aircraft launched stand off cruise missiles at much closer ranges.

The chances of Syria shooting down 70 out of 103 is zilch. Sorry, but Syria has never even shot down a Coalition or Israeli fighter ever. It isn't going to shoot down 70 out of 103 Cruise Missiles.

Yes and you said that the satanic (go figure) US, UK and France were testing their weapons. What weapons did they test? Are you friggin joking. If the Americans wanted to test their weapons, they would put on a show and have CNN cover it. This despite the fact that Russia is the only country that sends prototypes to Syria so your characterization is incorrect and unfair. If anything, the Russians are testing their capabilities so that they can sell their SU-57. The Americans have already thousands of orders of their F-35 aircraft. They don't need to prove a thing. They have a proven track record of supplying equipment that is fit for purpose.

You also took the Russian bait and believed that the Syrians shot down 70 out of 103. Well then, how can they not even shoot down an Israeli F-16. I want someone to answer that question rather than avoid it. They are capable of knocking out Tomahawk, Shadow or Jassm and yet not 1 single F-16. Are you guys joking or what? :o

You would think that with the phenomenal strike rate of 70 out of 103, they would have at least 1 F-16 kill to their names, but they have fuck all, nada, zip, monon ta archidkia tous!

I have no problem admitting the article was total nonsense as it would have been impossible for the Syrian S-200 air defense system to shoot down 71 out of the 103 missiles. At best they should just hit 1-2. Thanks for your elaborate advertisement regarding the capabilities of the Tomahawks et al Genius ! :wink: :lol:

But that's the whole difference between you and the rest of the forum. We are prepared to discuss, get corrected when we are wrong and learn from it, you are not! You just stick to your beliefs to the point of near paranoia, never accepting to even look at proving evidence or use common sense.

As for the capabilities of the Russian S-xyz series air defense systems considering your statement of " nada, zip, monon ta archidkia tous!" then we must conclude Klerides was a total idiot when he ordered the S-300s and furthermore Erdogan must be total nuts now ordering the S-400.
After all, according to your expertise those systems are only good to titillate the bollocks of the F-xy fighter jets. :P

Now wy would I want to advertise the capabilities of the Tomahawk. Do you think I work for the American Arms industry or there is something in it for me? If anything, I don't like to see these weapons used at all. When they are used, people die. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you're dead.

The only really good thing about these weapons is that the Americans are able to limit the number of casualties. They are precision. They don't take out an entire block, just the actual building or 2 around the target area. Compared to barrel bombs, they are a lot more discriminatory. The Americans were not interested in killing hundreds of people, just target 3 or 4 Chemical sights to make a point.

There was nothing you guys (most of you guys) are prepared to discuss. maybe you are proving to be reasonable right now and willing to discuss right now, but people like Robin Hood and Get Real are certainly not willing to discuss. They are just taking the Russian line as irrefutable truth when those very claims just don't even make sense.

You for instance said once that the Americans were advertising their capabilities. That was not the case, but the Russians have in fact sent 2 out of 10 SU-57 prototypes. It looks like the Russians are advertising not the Americans.

In addition, most people here accepted the Russian claim that 71 out of 103 were shot down. How can we accept this as the truth when they haven't even shot down a single coalition or Israeli aircraft over the last couple of years. If you guys had said that they shot down 1 or 2 or even 10, it may even be believable but 71 isn't believable at all.

It seems that some here will just take the Russian line and express it as fact, when that isn't the case. I'm not saying the Americans are a bastion of truth. No one tells the complete truth in war. Both will muddy the waters.

I never meant that the S400 will have zero success. Let me be very specific. The S400 is known to the Americans and the Americans will not send their planes in harms way if they believed it was too risky and all of a sudden Syria could have American pilots in custody. That would really hurt the Americans or the Coalition if they had our pilots in their custody. In addition to that, the Americans wouldn't keep the Tomahawk in its inventory if they were ineffective. The Americans have so many weapons to choose from. The S400 is a good Air Defence System, but the West has ways to deal with them in a comprehensive manner as well. They are no show stopper and the chances of them scoring a kill against Coalition aircraft is limited. In fact, The S400 are a lot more vulnerable than any Coalition aircraft is. they are very vulnerable because they need a radar.

The fact that a lot of people thought that a Cruise Missile is easily shot down by anyone is mind boggling. They could be launched from the Mediterranean and approach their target from the East. They can actually circle Damascus and come over the hills. They can hold and actually delay their approach to the target until 100 other Cruise missiles also arrive hence how they all hit at the same time. The Russians have a similar Cruise Missile.

They call them Cruise Missiles because they just fly to their target through a series of waypoints.
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:18 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:yes and the other missiles were Shadow Storm and JASSM, which are pretty much the same as Tomahawks but with less range.

I was referring to the video Get Real posted which supposedly depicts the shooting down of a Tomahawk or Shadow, or JASSM. All of which we can almost touch with our fingertips from a 2 storey building and all of which just hug the terrain to shadow their approach.

Tomahawk is just a Cruise Missile that has a range of up to 3000 kms, whilst Shadow and JASSM are aircraft launched stand off cruise missiles at much closer ranges.

The chances of Syria shooting down 70 out of 103 is zilch. Sorry, but Syria has never even shot down a Coalition or Israeli fighter ever. It isn't going to shoot down 70 out of 103 Cruise Missiles.

Yes and you said that the satanic (go figure) US, UK and France were testing their weapons. What weapons did they test? Are you friggin joking. If the Americans wanted to test their weapons, they would put on a show and have CNN cover it. This despite the fact that Russia is the only country that sends prototypes to Syria so your characterization is incorrect and unfair. If anything, the Russians are testing their capabilities so that they can sell their SU-57. The Americans have already thousands of orders of their F-35 aircraft. They don't need to prove a thing. They have a proven track record of supplying equipment that is fit for purpose.

You also took the Russian bait and believed that the Syrians shot down 70 out of 103. Well then, how can they not even shoot down an Israeli F-16. I want someone to answer that question rather than avoid it. They are capable of knocking out Tomahawk, Shadow or Jassm and yet not 1 single F-16. Are you guys joking or what? :o

You would think that with the phenomenal strike rate of 70 out of 103, they would have at least 1 F-16 kill to their names, but they have fuck all, nada, zip, monon ta archidkia tous!

I have no problem admitting the article was total nonsense as it would have been impossible for the Syrian S-200 air defense system to shoot down 71 out of the 103 missiles. At best they should just hit 1-2. Thanks for your elaborate advertisement regarding the capabilities of the Tomahawks et al Genius ! :wink: :lol:

But that's the whole difference between you and the rest of the forum. We are prepared to discuss, get corrected when we are wrong and learn from it, you are not! You just stick to your beliefs to the point of near paranoia, never accepting to even look at proving evidence or use common sense.

As for the capabilities of the Russian S-xyz series air defense systems considering your statement of " nada, zip, monon ta archidkia tous!" then we must conclude Klerides was a total idiot when he ordered the S-300s and furthermore Erdogan must be total nuts now ordering the S-400.
After all, according to your expertise those systems are only good to titillate the bollocks of the F-xy fighter jets. :P

There is another reason why the Americans hit at the early hours of the morning. That is because they actually presume that there will not be anyone inside the buildings they are targeting or there won't be many and there will not be many children and families on the streets.

It wasn't about killing hundreds of people. If they wanted maximum bloodshed, they would have attacked during the day, like the Syrians and Russians always did in Allepo with barrel Bombs

So we might need a rethink about who deserves this "Satan" title. :wink:

All this stuff is as plane as day to a logical person but a lot of people don't want to see the logic at all, because they support Assad. One of the biggest criminal tyrants in history. he is a war criminal too. There is plenty to put him away forever. Plenty.
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:05 pm


All this stuff is as plane as day to a logical person but a lot of people don't want to see the logic at all, because they support Assad. One of the biggest criminal tyrants in history. he is a war criminal too. There is plenty to put him away forever. Plenty.

You only think it is as '...plain as day' because you think it is and suits you to believe so! You don't need evidence because you are totally biased (even more so than any other contributor).... you know no more than anyone else and prove time-and-time again you are irrational. :roll:

But the one thing you need to do that is evidence and the coalition only has evidence from social media (terrorists) and the White Helmets (terrorists sympathisers US/UK/EU funded). That is not impartial nor verifiable. The US says it has blood and urine samples from victims, but which victims from where and when? Again completely invalid. When they have the opportunity to have the OPCW to visit the site of the incident, to collect samples and ensure custody they bomb instead!

As I have pointed out to you before ........ CUI BONO ...... the basic start point of any legal investigation has never been considered. The ex-SAS CO in the Daily Mail came to the same conclusion as me ..... Assad had absolutely no motive to use gas to poison the rebels and even less so, civilians? He was at the time loading them and their families on buses and sending them to Idlib with their light weapons. The terrorists had surrendered the City of Douma to Syrian forces. As someone who believes he is a good strategist ..... tell me why would he resort to gassing anybody when he had virtually won ? IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE he has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose. :roll:

So far there is no evidence to even say there was a chemical attack ..... and we will not know until soil and other samples are taken and analysed by at least two different independent labs. The US were offered this at the UNSC but turned it down because THEY want to have 'their' team under their control to do it, not an independent lab and decided on the 'punishment' for the criminal before they knew who the criminal(s) were! They did it on a hunch and no evidence! :x

Now consider the benefits of a false flag gassing to the Terrorist's? They would know full well that the US would react and act as their Air Force! I don't even think you would consider they had much regard for human life irrespective of age or gender. They are 'religious' savages and would not think twice about murdering civilians for a propaganda exercise?

So just being sensible .... Assad had no motive, but the US backed terrorists clearly did and you could not even accuse them until you had some evidence !

If you come up with a sound source, with evidence to fit the crime, which shows Assad was responsible then he should be treated like any other war criminal and that goes for any crime committed, not just using chemical weapons. The evidence so far does not support your profuse allegations ..... but common sense says it is far more likely the terrorists were responsible ..... and not for the first time and that HAS been proved to a high degree of probability with past allegations.
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:10 pm

For Paphitis in particular :

Here is some evidence to support my argument that the terrorists have used chemical weapons in the past in Syria and it is proven to a high degree of probability. Peter Ford former UK Ambassador to Syria ….. like many .…. also doubts there even was a chemical weapons incident in Douma. This article is the main fact based and verifiable.

Who Is the Real Culprit Behind the Chemical Attacks in Syria? A Brief History - By Prof. Muhammad Sahimi

Last Friday night, the United States launched a series of missile strikes on Syria in retaliation for the alleged chemical attacks by the Syrian army in Douma, a town in northeast suburb of Damascus. Douma, which is part of the Ghouta district where a ferocious war has been raging between the Syrian government forces and three major terrorist groups, has been completely encircled by the Syrian army. These strikes were, of course, totally illegal.

Russia and the Syrian government have denied that there has even been a chemical attack in Douma, while in an interview with BBC Radio Scotland, Peter Ford, Britain’s former Ambassador to Syria said that he believes the chemical attack in Douma is staged. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has announced that, on the invitation of the Syrian government, it will send a team to Douma to investigate the possible use of chemical weapons against civilians. But, President Trump and his national security team were not willing to wait until the results of OPCW investigations are reported.

Continues in some detail ……….. ... y/5636254/

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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:16 pm

Robin Hood wrote:If you come up with a sound source, with evidence to fit the crime, which shows Assad was responsible then he should be treated like any other war criminal and that goes for any crime committed, not just using chemical weapons. The evidence so far does not support your profuse allegations ..... but common sense says it is far more likely the terrorists were responsible ..... and not for the first time and that HAS been proved to a high degree of probability with past allegations.

i don't think there was a chemical attack on the first place. The whole thing seems to have been planned and staged a long time ago for unknown reasons so far.
I am more inclined to beleive it was a demonstration of the capabilities of the Western weapons Vs the Russian defense systems.
Hence the aftermath concentrated on the absolute success of the Western strike while the other side saying half the Tomahawks missed their target.
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby B25 » Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:41 pm

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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:28 am

OK, to sum the grim situation up…

We have a small group of scumbag nations; predominantly the US, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Turkey, that are basically causing 99% of the world’s problems with the most heinous atrocities against humanity all over the globe but mostly in Africa and the ME.

We and other websites can post evidence of this till the cows come home but the real question is… what can the citizens of this planet do about this serious problem that has the potential to blow the planet to smithereens?

It doesn’t look like the problem is going away, and there’s not enough evidence we can post of the culprits either here or elsewhere it seems, to make it go away!

So can we act on this? Any ideas?
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Apr 16, 2018 6:06 am

Get Real! wrote:OK, to sum the grim situation up…

We have a small group of scumbag nations; predominantly the US, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Turkey, that are basically causing 99% of the world’s problems with the most heinous atrocities against humanity all over the globe but mostly in Africa and the ME.

We and other websites can post evidence of this till the cows come home but the real question is… what can the citizens of this planet do about this serious problem that has the potential to blow the planet to smithereens?

It doesn’t look like the problem is going away, and there’s not enough evidence we can post of the culprits either here or elsewhere it seems, to make it go away!

So can we act on this? Any ideas?

Obliterate Israel if you really want peace on earth. (imho) 8)
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:44 am

The History Of Syrian False Flags Exposed ... gs-exposed
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby B25 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:29 am

More stuff coming through, just what evidence does the west have?? ... al-attack/
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